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the new chapter is here! this chapter is a new version of the original story. I did some change in their look so I hope you enjoy this version. 

Thank you all for your support it mean a lot to me and it truly help a lot. welcome to the new people who subscribe lately. i hope you will enjoy all of my content! :)

P.S. I will work on the next chapter when Evil rise will be done. it's hard to work on 2 different story at the same time when some render took 1h to make. 






saying link is incorrect, hang on, no it's not. downloading now.


Great update, really like the twist in the premise. Fantastic work as always dude, images are crisp and hot as hell. Roll on chapter 3


Great work! I really like this series and it was worth it to watch the right episode on youtube ;-) One question: Why are the witches' hands darker green than the rest of their skin? The first time with Wicked Zatanna I thought they were black gloves. Only with different lighting of the scene or an unusual angle watching the screen I realized they were dark green.


The skin I use is like this. Not my call but I think it's cool anyway.


Is the ex blonde saying "Excellent!" on page 4-44 ?


If you want why not. I think about telling the story like I did before. I just don't know if people care about that


Yeah I know it's from him lol


i would absolutely care to hear you tell the story. to be honest, its really hard to get a grip on what is happening without any text, and it loses a lot of the impact if you have only a vague idea whats going on


In response to Dyamonde's post: Maybe you (Clomi31) could put some extra "images" between the renders that are screenshots from Word/Notepad etc. with dialogues or "here enters the headmistress" notifications - like in OLD films.


Will this be continued?