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So when I was taking a break I checked to see what was new on Openlab and someone posted a Limo they made.. got an image in my head with Max and voilà, a new short piece will be made.  

This limo is kinda hard to get a good angle in because of the tight quarters. I think when it's not almost 4am I'll play around with some modifiers and mask some of it to get some better camera angles but these were some WIP test shots as I was working over the past couple hours.  

This is Quils version of Max and it's a really nice model in some ways but in other Isj's is superior, specifically for some of the facial expression shape keys. Quils has facial bones but you need to pose them manually.. which can lead to some really funny stuff. Oh the cursed faces I made while i was trying to come up with a nice facial expression.



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