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Time warps here on the mountain.  

So I've made it up to 1640 frames. That's about a little over a minute if my math is right (1640 / 24), mostly rough with some fine adjustments as I go along so I can get an idea of how I want it to turn out.  At long last I feel like progress has been achieved in this dream.

I go for walks and ideas pop in my head on how I can improve this, and what directions I want to take it. These first 1640 frames have essentially become the "middle section" I'm seeing. I worked on a still shot the other night which I think will be a great beginning sequence.

This first project is really ambitious for my skill level and I'm enjoying every minute of it. It's like I'm taking a dull piece of metal and working it against a whetstone? Or maybe hammering a hot piece of steel fresh from the fire and causing it to take form.  Good times. 

 There's a few sections I'm really satisfied with and as I play around with different camera angles I see areas pop out that need some attention.  As I watch through it I make fine adjustments and I can see it coming to life but there's still much work to be done before it's ready for the public.

So I'm not sure how long this whole project will actually take and I certainly don't want to rush out something I'm not satisfied with for the sake of just vomiting something out there but I'm beginning to appreciate the effort I can see it takes for this field and can see why things take as long as they do. Going through this process has really raised my appreciation of those fine works of art. I'd love to be able to dedicate full time to this.  Ultimately I have the goal to be able to do a long form scene at least once a month with WIP teasers as I get the sections done then a finished product that brings them all together.

The next month will of course be dedicated to getting this to a state of release while learning on the fly about the things that come up as I'm working through it to have it turn out how I am envisioning in my head. Namely layered sound, fluid simulation, and figuring out exactly how I want my watermark to look. Never thought such a simple thing wasn't so simple, or maybe it is and I'm over complicating it?

I should probably end this status report before I ramble too much more especially because at the moment this is more a journal of progress for future readers since it's just me, some good tunes and the void.

In other words practice toward developing a routine.


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