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Okay so, I have a basic plan to go forward into the new year to keep this patreon on task and running smoothly. 

Firstly each month's survey will go out mid month, whatever works that's closest to the 15th. That gives new members a chance to join at the start of the month, leave at the end of the month if they want/need to, and gives me time to get organised.
I have allocated 3 days a month in my schedule on the second week of every month to patreon. I should have had that anyway but I was convinced I could fit your stickers in around other commissions. Fortune has it that we've grown so much that I can't anymore.
These 3 days will be dedicated to completing the previous month's stickers (giving everyone time to get their surveys in) and designing new products.

Secondly, I've put limits on how many patrons I can have, for now. The situation is that at the moment I am completing up to and over 60 telegram stickers a month. That's awesome and exhausting all rolled into one. Even with a good third of my patrons opting for physical rewards instead. Later on, I may dedicate a full week to patreon and open up more slots, but for now I've left it so that there's a little room left at each tier for new patrons but not too much.

As for shipping tangible rewards, it's going to remain that international patrons will get theirs every 3 months due to Covid related shipping costs. This will likely work alongside manufacturing times anyway as I tend to order pins and charms 3 months at a time. Stickers I can send monthly IF that's all you've chosen.

Hopefully that's all relatively straight forward. Hello to my newest patrons, I hope you get something out of this and thank you so much for supporting me. And remember, those who do get telegram stickers, that if anyone asks you where they came from, direct them to my patreon as opposed to me. Saves me explaining I only take them on here :D

Cheers everyone and Happy Holidays!!


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