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Hey guys... so how was March eh? What a... I wanna say shitstorm!

Anyway that's no excuse for how behind I am so lemme make some promises I have to keep or... I dunno... I have to run two laps of the driveway or something (one lap is 2km and I can't run).

This weekend I WILL~
- Have March surveys out.
- Have Feb & March stickers finished and ordered (I'm going with 5 x 3inch stickers each month instead of sticker sheets because that's working better for me design-wise.)
- Have April stickers sketched.
- Sketch ALL of Feb telegram stickers.
- Design and order 3 pin designs (March, April and May).

March surveys (once they're out, and I won't release them until you know what your options are) will be available until mid April and then I'll release the April survey.

Anyway, those are my promises, you can hold me to them.
Cheers for your patience everyone and for sticking around. With the Aussie dollar soooo dead at the moment it's great to have guaranteed USD income so I can still buy new merchandise.



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