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Well, another month is behind us.

Not everything went as I thought (like usual).

The big think is I don't know. I don't know on 100% what day exactly will I post next time and sometimes what will come up next.

I can asure I will have something for here in a week, but I'm not sure what will it be.

I can also assure you in the second half of the month (in the middle or third week) there will be next video.



Pleased do remember we stand by you, when you can make and what you can make! Art is hard. Body magic is very hard : ) . I hopping you have many more ideas to share, that is most important! Do you sketch maybe ideas to post?

Bastienne Lucikio

I just wrote that to let you all know I'm still active and didn't abandon this account. Now I'm working at some new photomanips with in my free time, but til yesterday I wasn't sure about form or themes I'll follow.