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Here's new amazing picture and short story based on it. No, it doesn't matter it have no beginning, and probably I will not write an ending in this session, so it will be incomplete some time. And no, it doesn't matter there can be missing names because it's very late.

"Here nobody gonna interrupt us." - I said to them when we went to this abandoned room. After headless dance and loosing head of one of us in a previous turn it's better to continue in more secluded place. - "Let's continue. It's my turn." - I pointed a colorful big box in a middle of this almost empty room. It was not a mystery, that I like performing any magics on my body since laws of physics and biology are not a problem, and it was not mystery, that mismade lady is one of my very favorites, so anyone could think out it will be my magic box.

I jumped into a box and told girls to lock me in. When they locked the doors I felt excited, but after they my body has sliced it turned into being suspended and insecure. The biggest advantage of this trick and also biggest disadvantage of taking part in this trick is the helplessness of the assistant. If they hadn't opened this boxes I could be completely out of playing, but anyway I was eliminated. It was too late when I figured out, that I had forgotten what is this game about and I just trapped myself, but there was no way back. I gently felt movement of the box where my head was and placing it down on the wooden floor.

Surprisingly they did mismade in a pretty classic way, just put the boxes in the wrong order and opened the doors. After they opened boxes I saw three pairs of feet and heard laughing. "Heh, I thought I became helpless..." - half naked girl laughed still holding her head in arms. "Because you are!" - said dark haired girl, who was more lucky with loosing her head and could keep it loosely attached. She took the other's head and place it in a room corner. "Hey, besides it's funny how easy you trapped yourself would you mind if I take something out? I afraid I could have no more chances to do it." - blonde one stopped laughing.

Tiny blonde in leggins, who wasn't touched by this weird spooky game yet unsticked my legs from the box one by one by pulling them when dark haired girl was busy with one headless half naked girl and other headless half naked girl wasn't able to do anything by herself. "Hmmm, they're moving." - she rubbed my pink socks and tickled my feet watching confused look at my face. Then she put my legs on a floor and came to my head saying "When I will get those two loosely heads I'm gonna love the magic shows for this presents."

In that moment dark haired monochrome dressed girl sat her in the old wooden chair right behind her, fortunately in my sight. "Magic? You have seen nothing yet." - said dark looking one looking just into surprise blonde's eyes. "She used what she had. Now it's my turn." - she took a little piece of paper with "magic frames" written on it from under her grey shirt.

"Frames, let me see..." - she shrugged her shoulders as the paper in her hands burned immediately. Then I saw a set of small golden flat things in her hands, that turned out to be gold colored round frames, similar to hand mirrors without reflection.

"Now kiss a picture." - she put one of the frames to the blonde's face and as I heard "What are you doing?" the moving lips appeared on a white area inside frame. "Gimme a little kiss!" - she jumped closer to my head with second frame pressed to my mouth. As I said "No!" the pressure has stopped and I felt as my mouth pass through the pasteboard-like surface. "Thanks!" - she replied and jumped to the corner with "And you? Why don't you give little kiss?"

I tried to touch what's under my torso box and then I realized they've put the boxes in almost good order. "And what? Do you feel it girls?" I felt touching of soft mild skin on my lips when I looked at my left and saw the mindless headless half-naked girl moving one of mouth-holding frames along leg of monochrome dressed girl, who was holding other mouth-holding frame and squeezing blonde's tongue. "How are you gonna say a word you've got now?"

The blonde had knewn it's her turn if the previous one already used her stuff to trap or eliminate someone, but unfortunately others also new it. Word she just took from behind the collar was basically useless if she couldn't say it.


OK, this will be enough. I spent really too many time for writing a story to this photo. I've got interesting idea because of that, but maybe someday I will continue.



Cloth King

Hopefully so!