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Soft morning light was filtering past the edges of the living room blinds when Brian blinked awake, discovering himself laid out across the living room floor with Kelly’s nude back pressed up against his chest. Rising up onto one elbow, he surveyed the dimly-lit room and found Emily snuggled up on the other side of Kelly, while Stephanie was curled up on the sofa above them. The furniture had all been shoved outwards across the room and out of the way of their activities last night, and it took him a moment to get his bearings.

Stephanie’s glasses were hooked upon the rim of one of the drinking glasses scattered across the coffee table with everyone’s plates and silverware, and various pants and shirts were strewn everywhere. What appeared to be a large cream-colored jelly-jar candle with no label was tucked in beside Steph’s travel bag on the chair, and with a sigh of dismay Brian realized that the last sixth of lasagna in its tray hadn’t been covered or put in the fridge last night.

Guess we were… a little bit preoccupied, Brian felt a lopsided smile forming.

After taking a brief moment to admire the sight of his girls sleeping, he carefully extracted his limbs from Kelly, and rose to his feet. To his surprise, he didn’t feel gross from sweat. Running a hand through his hair revealed it felt downy soft as though he’d just showered earlier, and checking his privates they were likewise clean. Brian frowned, carefully checking his junk again—no swamp crotch was going on. The room likewise didn’t smell like anything but the lasagna they’d baked last night, and that seemed… strange.

Definitely SOMETHING going on there, Brian thought to himself as he carefully stepped past Kelly’s legs to start gathering up plates. Magic? Like, it has to be magic, but is this just an automatic thing, or is it somebody’s power? Emily’s thing was supposed to be water—does it turn out her skill magically refreshes us all with a… wash cycle overnight, or something?

From the passionate haze of colors and sensations and raw, unbridled fucking he remembered last night, he felt like there should be evidence of it everywhere. Brian must have ejaculated almost a dozen times, but not a drop of any of that was to be seen.

Because, man, while that’s certainly CONVENIENT, it’d be a bit of a let down for her, if that turned out to be her charm thing, Brian thought. Like, should I bring it up or mention it? Thinking way back, were we all magically clean after that first night of fooling around at AnimeCon, before Emily was there with us? I… just flat out don’t recall all those details. Too much other stuff was going on, back then.

Cups and plates were ferried over to the sink, Stephanie’s glasses were placed on the edge of the counter that her sofa was now pressed up against. Brian stared at the remaining slice of lasagna for a long moment in debate, but finally decided to simply use one of the forks from last night and scoop it into the trash. He would have maybe leaned towards sparing it for leftovers if it had been amazing lasagna, but the dish had only been so-so, and he didn’t want to assume whatever magic refresh they experienced extended to their lasagna. As he returned to the living room and started collecting up clothing, he felt another pang of guilt, because the evidence here reminded him that he’d ripped apart Emily’s shorts.

Damn, and that was right after I asked her to wear them, Brian cursed to himself. Not cool. Those were my favorite to see on her, she looked so super fucking cute in them. DAMNIT. We’ll have to go shopping and I’ll make it up to her. Was a dick move—in the truest sense of the term. I wasn’t even thinking straight last night.

“Brian?” Emily sat up, rubbing her eyes.

“Hey, kitten,” Brian whispered, trying not to feel self conscious about them all still being naked. “Morning.”

“Morning,” She said back, looking up at him with big eyes and then breaking into a big grin. “How you feel?”

“Good, good,” Brian set aside the clothes and crouched down beside her. “You alright?”

“Mm-hmm,” Emily looked him up and down one more time and then rose up to give him a tiny kiss. “I’m surprised you can walk.”

“Yeah,” Brian let out a small laugh. “Feel pretty great, actually. It’s weird.”

“Yeah,” Emily agreed, checking between her legs and then looking around. “Like, there should be a giant mess, right? Wonder if—oh!”

Emily grabbed at his arm to help herself up to a standing position, and then tiptoed across the living room to inspect the jelly-jar candle that had been placed upon the chair. Except, when she lifted it up, he saw that the contents were definitely not solid wax; it was actually goopy fluid of some kind. It almost looked like—

“Emily… what is that?” Brian asked, although he suspected he already knew the answer.

“Magic milk!” Emily turned the jar this way and that, seeming pleased that it hadn’t disappeared overnight. “Like… bro do you not fuckin’ remember?! I like, milked all this outta you, it was awesome. This isn’t even all of it, that shit was flyin’ everywhere.”

“There’s no way all that’s from me,” Brian winced. “Right? That’s like… that’s a lot.”

“I think it’s fifteen ounces,” Emily tried to hold it level and gauge how much of the jar the semen was taking up. “Fifteen ounces, or so. It’s definitely nowhere near your limit, either. Like—c’mon, damn.”

“Can one of you make coffee,” Kelly groaned from the floor without opening her eyes. “Please?”

“We should give her some o’ this stuff, that’ll wake her right the fuck up,” Emily teased, mirth dancing in her eyes. “Actually. Kelly, how do you feel? You all groggy and shit? Because I feel fucking amazing. Like awake, alert. Energized.”

“Yeah, no, I feel great,” Kelly grumbled. “Just, not real fucking down with mornings, okay? Coffee?”

“I’m on it, babe,” Brian leaned in. “Hey. Gimme a kiss, though.”

That earned a mighty scowl from her, but she rose up in his direction, eyes still closed, and gave him a kiss. He expected it to just a brief dab of her lips upon hers before she dropped back down—but instead Kelly lingered there, working her mouth alongside his in a real kiss. Her beautiful brown eyes opened and watched him for a long moment before closing again, and finally Kelly dropped back down to the floor, resting her head on her arm as if she intended only to sleep.

“Kell, you want a blanket?” Emily whispered. “I’m gettin’ one for Steph.”

“Nooo,” Stephanie slowly stretched out from the sofa. “No! I’m up. I’m awake! I’m awake.”

“Blanket,” Kelly demanded in a sleepy grunt.

“Orrr—hey, you realize we have an actual bed in the other room, right?” Emily reminded her.

“Don’t wanna move,” Kelly murmured.

Brian was making his way to the kitchen, but since that passed by where Stephanie was starting to sit up on the sofa he darted in to collect his last good morning kiss. The half-naked pink-haired girl had still been groggy and trying to orient herself when he stole her lips, and he was awarded with a sweet giggle that was like a jolt of energy from her.

“Mmh!” Stephanie hopped up straighter. “Oh—thank you!”

“G’morning, sunshine,” Brian said.

“Good morning!” Stephanie beamed. “I love you…”

“I love you,” Brian shot back, kissing her again.

That felt good—just the simple words from her made the grim prospects for today seem a little brighter. He wasn’t looking forward to seeing Chloe again, but feeling this bright pink flame of unconditional love and support helped, a lot. Brian was sure he would need her today, that he would need all of the girls.

“Steph. Snuggle,” Kelly called from the floor.

“Good morning, babe!” Stephanie said. “Are you feeling—”


“Okay! Okay, I’m snuggling.”

“Here guys, gotcha the big blanket, and pillows.”

“Th-thank you?”

“Emily. Snuggle.”

“Babe—I’m up already. I want breakfast.”


“I’ll snuggle once I’ve—oi! Let go, you’re gonna—oi, oi!”

Brian watched on past the counter in bemusement as Emily was pulled into the soft embrace of the comforter heaped over the other two girls in the middle of the living room. A filter full of forgotten old coffee grounds was taken and pitched, he grabbed another liner, scooped grounds into it, and fit it into his battered old coffee maker. When turning and checking through the fridge he discovered enough eggs to scramble and slices remaining of their loaf of bread for toast for everyone, but sadly there was no bacon to be found.

Simple breakfast, then.

A skillet went on the stove and he flicked on the heat, mugs for coffee were pulled down from the cupboard, and Brian made room in the sink for last night’s stuff. Bacon or not, Brian didn’t like standing at the stove in the buff, so he grabbed his boxers and pants from the top of the pile he’d collected and then fished through garments for his shirt to put on.

“Briiian. Snuggle.”

“Come snuggle!”

“Oi, don’t listen to these harlots, it’s a trap!” Emily warned him. “It’s a trap! They’re—mMmph?! Mmphh!!”

“Come snugglllle!” Stephanie tried to entice him again. “Brian!”

“Hey, I’m makin’ everyone breakfast!” Brian chuckled. “Then we’ve gotta all get dressed and head out. Tionetta—or well, further on past Tionetta, that’s… a bit of a drive. You guys want to see Rebecca while it’s still light out, right?”

That reminder finally gave the squirming succubus nest piled upon his living room floor pause, and aside from the sound of hushed whispers and the occasional thrashing covers as Emily tried to escape they let him continue to cook. It took Brian another moment of reflexive searching before he remembered his phone was long gone, and he settled for making sure he had his keys and wallet as he went back and forth between the kitchen and the bedroom.

He saw that Kelly had been diligent yesterday and prepared a change of clothes and some additional toiletries for herself in a shopping bag next to her purse, while Emily had neglected to pack anything. Her hamper was right there though, so Brian picked out an outfit for her, folded it neatly and managed to squeeze it in with Kelly’s stuff. His own bag was ready, clean clothes neatly fit into one of the same bags he’d taken to AnimeCon.

Today, we head out and decide what to do with Chloe, Brian thought, turning pensive as he returned to the kitchen to start cracking eggs. I—I REALLY don’t even want to see her. But, Rebecca’s been putting up with her for all of this time, and… we’ve gotta do SOMETHING. Not KILL her, obviously, but… fuck. Is trying to charm her into compliance even any better? Do we even have a choice, really, if she means to make good on those threats? I just wish… I just wish…

“Brian?” Stephanie called over, concern evident in her voice.

“I’m okay,” Brian assured her. “Or—yeah, I’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out, right?”

Pulling clean plates out for everyone’s breakfast emptied the cabinet, and Brian stared in surprise for a moment at the unexpected bare cupboard before closing it. He had eight plates in his apartment, and it wasn’t just him and Chloe living here anymore—the logistics of his new relationship meant that if everyone had two meals, all of his dishes would be used. If Rebecca joined them, or god forbid Chloe did as well, that would necessitate more dishes and tableware than he had space for right now.

It’s not even just that, it’s… everything, Brian thought, idly cracking more eggs to feed to the skillet. This apartment can’t accommodate that many girlfriends—not with just the one bathroom. Don’t have enough space for more than half of us to sleep over here, and we’re only allotted the one parking space out front, too.

Doing the math in his head as he scrambled eggs, he wasn’t even sure he could keep the fridge full for his girls on just his pay from working at the packing plant. Living with just one girlfriend had acclimatized him to covering expenditures for two, and instead taking care of a family of six would be a drastically different undertaking. A gallon of milk might be gone in a single day now, rather than lasting roughly a week like usual. Cereal, bread, eggs, cheese—whatever staple foods or things like toiletries they picked up would be vanishing fast, unless they either bought in bulk or went shopping several times a week.

So, a new place for sure once this lease is up, Brian couldn’t help but cast a wistful glance around the place at the thought. That, and I need to get back to shifts at the packing plant ASAP. I know Rebecca has a steady job, I think Kell is working part-time, now. Steph can’t even move in with us yet, but the moment she can transfer, I think she will. Definitely want her to. The five, or uh, potentially six of us will need to sit down and have a serious talk about how we all actually make this work.

He didn’t imagine that talk would happen today, but it did need to happen in their immediate future, sometime soon. For now, Brian didn’t want to spoil the already somewhat tense mood with serious stuff or weigh anyone else down with his worries. Instead he slid four slices of bread into the toaster oven, and continued to slowly stir the eggs as they cooked, the coffee maker burbling away and beginning to drip.

“Emmie, can you pull the coffee table back out for everyone?” He called over.

“On it, chief—soon as I can move Kelly,” Emily responded.

“Coffee?” Kelly asked.

“In a bit! Almost there.”


“Emily… is that what I think it is?”

“Yep yep! Look at it, hehehe!”

“We’re keeping it for Chloe?”

“Yah, just in case, right? Cum conversion therapy.”

“Emily… I dunno if that’s ethical,” Brian called over his shoulder as he started scooping out scrambled eggs onto plates. “We can’t just—”

“Well, you didn’t want to kill her, so,” Emily huffed. “What other choice do we have?”

“We can just talk it out with her?” Brian suggested.

“Pffttt—yeah, right.”

“Yeah, that’s kinda…”

“Real funny, Brian.”

“Who the fuck would trust anything she says?”

“Alright, someone help me grab plates,” Brian sighed. “Coffee’s just about done.”

“I’ll help!” Stephanie volunteered.

“Oi, move over fatass,” Emily snorted. “We gotta pull the table out.”

“Did you just call me a fatass?” Kelly asked. “Seriously?”

“Well, you’ve got a whole lotta ass, and that ass is fat,” Emily reasoned, and Brian heard a meaty smacking noise. “Big ol’ fat ass. So—move it.”

“Just these?” Stephanie hopped up to the counter and looked over the plates.

“Yeah, if you can pull the toast out, and uh, I think we have the butter over there, just bring the butter thing over and then a knife for whoever wants what.”

“Okay!” Stephanie darted in to give him a peck on the cheek before gathering up everything.

She was wearing a shirt now but still going around without any bottoms on, and Brian wasn’t able to resist patting her butt as she went by. Stephanie flushed, unused to sudden attention and seeming like she had forgotten her state of undress. Because her hands were full she hurried off around the counter towards the living room with plates and butter dish. When she returned, she grabbed Brian’s butt with both hands.

“Whoa—hey,” Brian chuckled. “Guess I deserved that.”

“You did!” Stephanie relented with a giggle, instead wrapping her arms around him. “Good morning again.”

“Good morning, sunshine.”

Sitting down to breakfast with everyone was a quiet affair.

Emily turned out to be the only one who actually spread butter on her toast, and Stephanie was the only one who added a bit of milk to her coffee. All of them added generous shakes of salt from the shaker overtop the rather simple scrambled eggs, and then everyone but Kelly tucked into their meals with their forks, taking occasional bites of toast. Kelly was there with them but not really fully cognizant yet, simply sipping at her coffee with vacant eyes in an attempt to wake up for the day.

Stephanie showed herself to be a rather reserved, dainty eater, something Brian had started to notice last night, while Emily had crumbs all over her shirt within moments of taking an enormous chomp out of her toast. Towards the end she sat back and couldn’t even finish her portion, and with a sigh Brian swapped around their plates, with Stephanie helping him polish off the rest while Kelly caught up.

“That was good, Brian, thanks,” Stephanie beamed at him.

“Yeah, thanks Bri,” Emily chipped in.

“Thank you,” Kelly nodded.

“Figure we can worry about dishes when we get back,” Brian said, placing their stack of plates in the stuff already piled up in the sink. “Want to get going soon as we can, so. We’ll all get dressed, whoever needs to use the bathroom, use it, and we’ll hit the road. Sound good?”

“You got it, boss,” Emily saluted.

“My bag’s already packed up—I’ll just brush my teeth,” Stephanie said.

“Let’s fuckin’ gooo!” Kelly sung out, caffeine now surging through her veins. “Listen, if I’m driving—we’re listening to metal, the whole way there.”

( Previous: Essence Jar | Renfaire Fantasy | Next: Tionetta Trip )



Also need "to BE just a brief dab of HER lips upon HIS..."


You do you man. We are here for when you post.

Marcus Cassin

Thanks for the post, please don't burn yourself out. Also, I know a few months ago somebody told me how I can artificially pay more per month, but I tried to follow the instructions and whatever buttons they were telling me to press could not be found. Silly website/app. Or maybe silly me, but I'm inclined to blame the site.