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/// Mild NSFW warning.

It was hard for Brian not to squirm back into the sofa cushions as Emily went to town on his nuts. The action was something they’d joked about it in past, but actually seeing her on her knees in front of him, pressing her face into his lap so that she could give his ballsack and the base of his dick sloppy kisses seemed unbelievable. This was really happening, and Emily’s eager willingness to lavish his junk down there with attention still startled him.

This seemed way beyond that suggestive game of truth or dare a few years ago, when Emily had eaten a cookie off of his pants without using her hands. Back then he’d thought fantasizing about a blowjob from her after the dare was already stretching a bit past reasonable possibility. But now, his balls were covered in saliva, and his best friend Emily was still nuzzled in down there just below his erection. Nibbling and leaving wet smooches that made him jerk and twist in his seat—while she was also letting out drunken giggles and cute little growly noises.

That’s even just so much more EMILY then I could have imagined back then. Kinky, kind of—but in such an EMILY way?

The cutie at his knees pulled back for a moment as if to admire her handiwork, and beneath the now wild, messy blue hair her eyes were bright and she had on that exuberant grin he loved so much. Out of reflex, Brian reached down to cup her cheek, and Emily’s glance flicked up from his dick to his face, smacked her lips at him, and she pushed past his grasping hand and dove back in to make out with his balls. The sudden sensation reappearing upon his intimates caught him off guard, and for a moment his fingers instead gripped her neck.

“HmmMmmmhh!” Emily hummed in ardent approval, and her heart-shaped bottom wriggled back and forth in front of him.


But it was too late, and Emily fumbled her reach upwards until she found Brian’s other hand; she then tugged it downwards and until she was able to close it around the other side of her neck. And then give it a pat. As if to say here you go! Right here, choke me Brian babe~! He could almost hear her using her that lewd teasing voice she used when she was playing around, except the thing was—she very clearly wasn’t playing around anymore.

I mean… I guess squeezing A BIT is kind of hot in a power or dominance kind of way, Brian struggled to think. Don’t think I can actually get into, like. STRANGLING her, though?

Beside them, Stephanie had been alternating between resituating Kelly’s long legs so that she could peel down the yoga pants Kelly wore, and spectating Emily’s fun with a giddy smile and a certain hunger in her eyes. Kelly herself was floundering a bit, stretching out and pedaling one leg through the air as she fought to regain her bearings on the situation—with tender but unceasing tugging motions her athleticwear bottoms were peeled away by Stephanie’s insistent fingers, revealing perfect pale naked thighs.

Brian gave Emily’s throat a very gentle experimental squeeze, and the petite Latina made another encouraging noise, wagging her butt back and forth for him. Those tiny shorts she was wearing were incredibly distracting, Emily’s neck was soft and the vulnerability of that felt incredibly intimate when he actually held it in his grip like this. Her delicate hands were now clapped overtop his, unwilling to allow him to let go of her, all the while Emily seemed to discover new spots on the underside of his sack she hadn’t showered with affection yet, and Brian tensed and untensed, rocking forward and back.

The faint scent of arousal in the air suddenly became potent pussy as the crotch of Kelly’s pants was pulled back, and a furiously blushing Stephanie exchanged glances with Brian for a second before continuing to pull the garment the rest of the way off and free Kelly’s legs. A distracting loud slurp snapped his attention back to what Emily was doing between his legs, because it felt like she’d just tried to suck one of his balls into her mouth.

“Whoa, hey, hey—easy,” Brian tried to free his hands, but Emily pressed them even harder around her throat. “Emily, c’mon. I don’t want to actually choke you.”

“Just a little,” Emily pleaded, lashing out with her tongue up his length and begging him with her eyes. “Just like—like as hard as you can, but just for a little bit?”

“Emily I’d kill you,” Brian laughed. “I’m not gonna—”

“Hnnnghahaha that’s so hot, though,” Emily groaned in frustration, bucking her hips. “Hah. Just a little?!”

“Yeah, okay. Just kill you a little bit,” Brian snorted, leaning the whole way forward on the sofa and all but pushing Emily out of his lap.

Now able to put his weight on his feet, Brian then stood, pulling Emily up off of her knees. Her eyes went wide as her feet flailed for a moment before gaining purchase on the carpet beneath them. Brian’s grip upon her neck was firm, but her own hands clamped around his there prevented her from actually suffocating. It was still a feat of strength though, and though his muscles felt the strain Brian impressed himself by being able to lift her up onto her tip-toes pretty easily.

“There,” Brian said after holding her there for a couple moments.

“Kkwh—hwuah—hah, hahh,” Emily gasped for breath the moment she was dropped back down, her nipples visibly denting the fabric of her flimsy top.

Before Brian could say anything else she leapt, tackling him the whole way back onto the sofa.

*     *     *

The little couch almost tipped backwards with the force of Brian and Emily crashing back into the cushions, and on reflex Kelly drew her knees up so as not to accidentally kick Stephanie in her adorable chin. Emily had fully climbed on top of Brian and was going at it like a fighter, two fistfuls of his shirt in her hands as she kissed him as though they might not see each other again. In return, Brian was now clutching at the girl’s tush and all but mauling those supple little buttocks with his hands—Kelly feared those cute little shorts they’d convinced Emily to wear might not survive the night.

A dainty little kiss upon her big toe, and then one upon the ball of her foot stole her attention back towards Stephanie, and Kelly watched on in surprise as the pink-haired young woman drew Kelly’s feet back out away from her body with care. Stephanie stopped to press her lips against first a foot, then an ankle, the opposite shin, the inside of her knee—Kelly squirmed at that one, discovering an unexpected sensitive spot there as if catching a glimpse of shooting stars in the distance. Then, Stephanie moved in closer, slowly going back and forth to plant kiss after slightly wet kiss on the pale perfection of Kelly’s inner thighs.

She seems so—I don’t know, Kelly gazed in fascination as her lover moved in even closer, arranging Kelly’s legs to go over each of her shoulders. Gentle? Shy? I thought for sure she’d be uh, she’d uhhh, with Brian and Emily like, uhhh GOING AT IT, that uh—?!!!

Stephanie bit Kelly, taking a bit of plush skin between her teeth and holding it there for a moment. It felt downright erotic, as if some unspoken boundary was broken, there—the difference between feeling out the forbidden fruit out of curiosity, and actually taking a bite. The distant shooting stars upon the horizon were joined by more streaks of red, and then more, a full meteor shower, now. Kelly all but writhed beneath Stephanie’s apology—because the girl followed up the sinful nibble with her tongue in recompense, luxuriant laps and then maddening kisses where the soft pads of her lips seemed to stick for a moment. Then teeth again, scoring delicious feathery scrapes that were in turn soothed over with administration of tongue, and then kiss after kiss after kiss as Stephanie worked her way towards Kelly’s flushed labia.

Has she—? She hasn’t done this before, for a girl, Kelly was worried, excited, and too turned on by Stephanie’s boldness to do anything but unconsciously grip and flex her fingers across Stephanie’s shoulders in breathless anticipation. I’m not going to stop her, I don’t think myself even CAPABLE, right now, but—I uhh, I OOOH, I don’t want her to, to DISLIKE it—

The abrupt sound of ripping fabric interrupted, and Kelly accidentally caught an elbow to the boob from Brian beside her; one of the ragged scraps of what had once been Emily’s teeny tiny shorts curled through the air and landed atop Stephanie’s head. Between her legs, Kelly could feel Stephanie’s cheeks morph into a quick smile at that, and then—Stephanie plunged in.

Oh my god—!!

The scintillating red of each falling star burst into coronas of bright pink now as they rocketed through the atmosphere, Kelly’s ears were ringing with a soundless rush of incomprehensible noise, and though her brandy-brown eyes opened wide she wasn’t seeing a single thing around her. She had already been sopping before, but when Stephanie actually parted her folds it felt as though her cup overfloweth, and immediately they were both a mess of fragrant arousal.

Fuck-k-kk—!! Kelly jolted, embarrassed at being able to smell her heady excitement like this in the close quarters of the small apartment.

It smelled like sex in here, and the room spun until it was a reeling kaleidoscope of red and pink and now blue flickers that could be felt but not quite seen. In the far off distant reaches of right fucking beside her, Kelly observed Emily dropping her hips down onto Brian with a particular wet sound, and she groped her hand that was on that side for one of them in a daze until she was holding someone’s hand.

She had no fucking clue whose it was.

Because Stephanie was eager, no, not just eager—Stephanie was devouring pussy like she had something to prove, and jolts of pleasure danced across her in little explosions. Red stars shrieked down like artillery fire and cacophonous plumes of fiery pink rose up upon each impact, obliterating all of her other thoughts and worries. Unable to hold it in, Kelly finally let out a low, guttural moan, twisting and bucking beneath Stephanie’s sapphic assault. The sound of her own voice surprised her, because it was a horrifically lewd, animalistic moan, one that escaped without her having any means to contain it.

As if in response to the cataclysmic rain of searing red stars and blast clouds of violent pink the entire sofa shook—because straddled right beside them Emily was riding Brian in furious slaps of flesh upon flesh, her slamming her petite body down into him and he thrusting up into her. Those tiny titties bounced up and down against the confines of the tank top that was now Emily’s only garment, and the frenzied motion of the couple copulating there while practically pressed up against her sent splashes of glimmering blue across the firescape inferno of pink and red in imagined hisses of steam.

“Ah, ahh—ahh, AHH, AHHH—!! Emily panted out as she crashed down against Brian. “Br-Briannn—!!”

“Emilyyy—!” Brian groaned.

The magic of this moment grew in intensity, Kelly clutched at pink tufts of hair with one hand, all but grinding her pussy up against the delirious movements of Stephanie’s lips and tongue, and when Kelly tugged at her other hand she discovered that it was clasped with Emily’s. Blue spilled across her thoughts in runny streaks, Kelly discovered that her legs which were draped over Stephanie’s shoulders were weakly kicking at the air, and the sofa tipped partway back again, its front legs lifting off of the floor with the force of one of Brian’s pistoning.

Someone let out a yelp—Kelly was increasingly unclear as to who was who as colors and raw love swirled in bursts of cloud and fire—and she came. Orgasm rolled over her like an incomprehensible storm, thundering red light, flashes of pink flame, and spinning cyclones of blue.

*     *     *

Cum! It’s—I’m—she’s—it’s making her cum, cumming cumming CUMMING—!! Stephanie rode out Kelly’s climax with a small one of her own, emotion and sensation ebbing and coursing with such power that it was difficult to stay locked into the exact moment.

Or, perhaps it would have been just as difficult to not tumble down that endless confusing corridor of feeling? It was hard for her to tell, because the connection during sex was a beast all its own and understanding it might always be an impossibility. Her entire face was smeared with Kelly’s juices, Stephanie saw Kelly’s lovely petals still quivering open and closed in tingling intimate aftershocks, and her own body was aching with need.

She felt proud of herself! Stephanie was bursting with happiness and shaking with desire for more, she knew she was blushing furiously, and the mixture between what she felt personally and the discordant harmony of what everyone else was feeling made the air almost too thick to breathe. There was even a certain sly feeling, as if she’d found a way to cheat through a tricky conundrum; she’d never performed cunnilingus here like this, but inexperience and hesitation and figuring out what worked were not problems at all. The Kelly feedback from her charm sense made that part easy at least, because each and every distinct motion that pleased her the most was laid bare.

The difficult part was simply maintaining her sanity at all, because earthquakes swallowed rivers as meteors fell, swells of blue burst free in turn and red splashed down and that ever present incredible pink heat enveloped everything. The actual physical act of going down on Kelly was surprisingly fun, but maintaining focus was so hard that Stephanie felt she might never truly master it—the shift and flow of who was feeling what meant that she chased the dragon that was physical pleasure and also that dragon pursued her. Both occurred simultaneously, and it was a strange battle of conflict and congruence that was very easy to get lost in.

However—Stephanie didn’t want to think about any of that right now.

Because, Brian had not cum yet—and because Stephanie needed fucked. Her loins wept with yearning for deep penetration, trembling and tottering legs itched to spread themselves wide in invitation, and her entire being cried out for the beatific brutalization that only ardent and repeating bodily collisions might satisfy. The stifling pink heat steeping her mind demanded violent and pornographic fornication beyond anything she had fantasized about before.

I need to be fucked. I need fucked, need fucked. Fucked, fucked, fuck, fuck, FUCK.

As she sat back on her heels and watched, Brian was still humping up into Emily, but Emily was already done; barely even able to maintain herself upright in his lap, because she’d reached her own release and now was a ragdoll struggling to cling to Brian’s chest. Maybe he hadn’t been able to tell Emily had come—with Kelly’s peak and Stephanie’s own tiny followup one like a rippling conflagration of fire, the sensation of Emily’s orgasm in the charm sense had been like fire suppression sprinklers erupting directly afterwards in response.

Except… NOTHING is being suppressed, Stephanie struggled to shaky feet as she set Kelly’s twitching legs to the side. Not for me, not by just WATER. Not this crazy chemical fire of LUST. It’s, I think it’s even WORSE now, I need… I need more. I still need MORE. Can I—can I be a little selfish? Can it be… can it be time for me, now?

“Br-Brian,” Stephanie called softly, still feeling a little timid. I—I shouldn’t interrupt him. He’s SO CLOSE… I should just let him cum in Emily.

When she wet her lips she could taste Kelly though, and the flavor there only deepened her need, stoked the pink fire within her to frightening new temperatures. Stephanie watched herself approach as though seeing a stranger, and only when she reached up to pull Emily off of him did she even realize what she was doing. She didn’t stop though, and when the insensate Emily was maneuvered over to sprawl across Kelly, and Brian’s enormous erection was revealed—Stephanie’s mind blanked out in pink.

Though his shirt from earlier was still on, it was pulled askew and the incomparable musculature of his abdominals was on display as he heaved for breath—the rise and fall of his chest made his dick bob hypnotically. His gorgeous green eyes were locking onto her in a way that made parts of her she’d thought couldn’t possibly light up any more than they already were fill with blinding pink. Everyone but Stephanie was panting with exertion, with Kelly and Emily already a sweet pile of huffing and puffing but well-fucked tangle of colorful hair, sweaty shirts, spread out limbs and naked ass.

“Brian—” Stephanie fumbled to unclasp the button of her pants. Why in the heck are THESE still on?! She needed release, and frantic tongues of flame licked at the corners of her vision. “—It’s my turn, now—Brian, Brian please please I need to be fucked.”

*     *     *

Brian rose up off of the little apartment couch at her words.

When vulgar language came out of his shy, saccharine-sweet Stephanie with her innocent expression—it did things to him, it flipped the primate switches within his brain. A surge of endorphins swept away any hint of fatigue from activities with Emily and his blood sung with renewed vigor, greedy to tackle this new challenge. Brian closed the distance with a step and all but crashed into her, and with her pants halfway down it almost brought them both several unsteady steps into where the coffee table had been shoved. Neither of them cared—Brian felt himself groping and pawing across her body as his hard-on pressed up between them with urgency, and Stephanie in turn pulled at his shirt with impatience and her hungry kisses were suddenly upon his neck, then his chin, and finally she strained up on her tiptoes to capture his lips, and her tongue slipped inside.


An immolating flash of sexual heat came with that, and together they groaned as something somewhere deep inside them ignited. Stephanie’s pink flame was still tinged with red from earlier and it burned deeper somehow, its appetite colored by star metal screaming through the atmosphere. Brian himself felt saturated through with blue residue, but instead of stifling the fire when those opposite hues met, it reacted, erupting in explosive violence as though it was water meeting sodium metal.

Their two bodies shook for a second, stunned by the strange sensation, and a tiny bit of cum ejaculated out to splurt across Stephanie’s tummy before Brian was able to clamp down on the sudden orgasm. She likewise experienced a small, rippling shudder he could feel against him, and their tongues parted with a wet click as they disengaged for a moment to gaze into each other’s eyes.

Stephanie’s glasses had slipped down her face and were on the verge of falling off her nose, and her beautiful blue eyes regarded him with a sense of wonder and mutual understanding as she let out a small giggle.

“Br-Brian, did we, we just—?!”

“Yeah, a little bit—w-with, with all of the colors, I, I guess there was—?”

“Yeah! It, wh-when they came together, it, it—!”

Her words were cut off as he resumed the onslaught, and both of them french-kissed with breathless abandon for a long, languid moment as that impossible temperature within them continued to build. One of Stephanie’s hands dropped down from where it had been latched onto his shirt and swiped across and then tried to scoop up the globs of warm cum splattered across her midsection. They both discovered that while it had seemed like a tiny spurt, the resultant gooey deposit just from that moment was enough to almost fill her hand.

Weird… Brian thought. Shouldn’t have been THAT much, right?

It felt as though he was nowhere near spent, as though he could carelessly release sixteen times that amount—his balls felt like they were so swollen with the stuff that they were honestly beginning to ache. Between Emily’s perverse foreplay with them, and then him holding himself back when he pulled her into his lap and fucked her silly, Brian needed to release. The only reason he hadn’t let himself loose load after load into Emily with cream filling until she was an overstuffed eclair was that he wasn’t wearing a condom. He had no clue what the birth control situation was with them over the past weeks while he’d been out of action.

Fuck—yeah, I should, should take a second and uhh, and stop and ask what’s going on with that.

When they next broke apart, however, the question he’d meant to ask disappeared from his mind, because Stephanie was examining the mess cupped in her hand with a guilty grin. The consistency of cloudy ejaculate was thick and it was also watery, it had begun to leak between her fingers and drip, and then also she was holding out her hand to prevent a rivulet of baby batter from inching down the inside of her wrist.

That’s—damn, I want to say that there is already way more than normal, but—

“I-I want to taste it,” Stephanie blurted, licking her lips already. “Is that, is that weird? Or, ah, gross of me? I love the way it smells, the um, the flavor, it’s so—!”

“We should, uh,” Brian searched for the scattered words. “Was there a, do we have condoms? Or something? If that’s—”

“Kelly said it makes us crazy,” Stephanie confided, unable to help herself from moving back in to give Brian three more quick kisses, as if rewarding him for producing such an amazing elixir. “O-or, well not crazy, but she said, she said it’s like a… a hyperactive? Like a drug? A horny drug.”

“Psychoactive,” Kelly corrected from behind them from where she was stirring on the sofa. “It uh… we explained before. Emily has it written on the whiteboard.”

“That’s… bad, right,” Brian’s arousal was wrestling with his morality, and right now that did not seem like a fair fight. “Should we, uh, stop here?”

“But—no, but I don’t want to,” Stephanie gave him a playful smile and brought the cum in her hand up as if to take a taste. “It’s—it’s yours, I love it. I love you. It’s not bad, it’s never bad, it’s magic and it’s Brian, and it’s—I want it. Can I? Please?!”

“Uhhhh—” Brian fought for the power to make the right decision, but already Stephanie’s earnest expression was joining hands with his desire to pin down and mercilessly kick the sense out of his reservations.

“Emily wanted to try and save it,” Kelly clambered up to her feet as if testing her balance. “Or uh, collect it? She had a—Emily where did you put that jar you had for this? Emily?”

“But… I want it right now,” Stephanie put on her most imploring look.

The best Brian could manage was not saying anything at all, because he wasn’t sure a refusal would come out if he dared to let words out right now. They were standing together half-naked, his erection was still nuzzled up against Stephanie’s soft abdomen like an excited puppy, one of her hands was holding an improbable amount of seed up to her face, and the other was wrapped around his waist in a possessive way—Brian discovered his own hands were planted on Stephanie’s rear, where the swell of her naked butt cheeks filling his hands felt positively luxuriant.

Holy fucking shit am I in deep trouble, here.

“We’re supposed to save as much of it as we can, sunshine,” Kelly said. “For Chloe—in case the, uh. In case just kissing her isn’t enough.”

“R-right, but,” Stephanie put on a pout that made Brian’s heart melt. “That’s all the way to tomorrow—it um, it—it might not be fresh enough, then. And! And by then he’ll have more. I want it right now.”

“Wait, what if—what if this stuff is addictive, or something?” Brian said, his brows furrowing. “We—”

“Oh, it definitely is,” Kelly confirmed, stepping in behind him.

The plush pressure of her large breasts against his back made his next argument difficult to find, and then Kelly’s breath was tickling across his neck and her dulcet voice right in his ear.

“—And we’ve already got it bad,” Kelly’s tongue flicked out against his earlobe, and then she caught it with a little nibble, her voice dropping to a seductive murmur. “It’s been an entire month, Brian… and we’ve been such good girls. We’ve been sooo patient and careful. But, right now we need you. We need you.”

“St-stop it, stop it, that’s not fair!” Stephanie protested with a shiver and a low whine. “I-I, I feel all of this too when you do that! I feel it twice! Can I, can I please just—”

“I think,” Brian decided to start strong and put his foot down, despite the fact that thinking was just about the last thing he was capable of right now, “I think we save that for uh, for later. When we can talk about… all that. Or, save it for Chloe, like she said—you know, whatever. I, I honestly didn’t even let that much out, I do feel like I could fill a whole fucking jar or two. This is, it’s, uh…”

“Hmmph,” Stephanie put on her cutest pout. “If—”

“You can have it now, or you can have Brian fuck you stupid,” Kelly proposed, slipping her fingertips beneath the bottom of Brian’s shirt and starting to slide it upwards and off of him. “Which do you want tonight?”

Stephanie’s teasing look gave way to a beaming smile at that, and she held her handful of dangerously potent magic aphrodisiac out and away from her body, as if that was an easy call to make. Brian’s dick flexed involuntarily at her choice, its ignorant head smooshing up against her smooth skin as if to solve all their problems by offering more. Between this sexy situation, the magic in the air, being sandwiched between these two girls he loved—as stupid as it sounded to him, he thought maybe he could fill several jars, all three of the girls, and leave a slopping disaster throughout the entire living room, right now.

His balls stung, it felt like he had nineteen and a half bullets crammed into a six shooter and everyone here in this target rich environment was tickling the trigger. More than that even, he just needed to fuck. Brian was purposefully holding his body still, because any and every little touch and movement felt like it was spurring him to thrust, to line up his dick into something and slam, to pound pound pound someone. The lines of scorching pink-red and the heady blue steam permeating his mind were really starting to get to him—

“T-take it away quick,” Stephanie pleaded, gnawing on her lip as she stared at Brian with a pink glow in her eyes. “Kelly hurry, I need to—he needs to—we, we need to bang, right fucking now. To, to bang. Bonk. Fuck.”

Stephanie testing out the different inappropriate words made Brian’s erection throb again in absolute agreement. He couldn’t even manage out words of his own, his throat felt dry and with Stephanie articulating everything on his mind anyways what else was there to even say?

“Alright, alright!” Kelly said, finally managing to wrench Brian’s hold on Stephanie’s pert bottom away so she could lift his arms and pull his shirt the rest of the way off. “Just, just gimme a second, here.”

The last thing Brian saw before Stephanie’s needy lips found his again was Kelly hurrying to take Stephanie’s hand in between both of her own and transfer the mess. Cum oozed around Kelly’s thumbs as she attempted to swipe it all over, goopy strings of the stuff drooped down towards the floor, and Brian noticed quite a bit was still painted across Stephanie’s stomach from earlier. Stephanie’s tongue slid against his and coiled inside his mouth in another transfer of mind-melting pink heat, and before Brian could warn Kelly, another tremor rippled through both of them—another tiny splurt shot out from him in a dangly rope, part of which clung across Stephanie’s side and the rest of which sailed on past her.

Likewise, fluid lubricant speckled across Brian’s own naked thighs—Stephanie shivering up against him had squirted.

“Oh, f-for fuck’s sake—come onnn,” Kelly squealed out in surprise. “Emily—Emily, wake your ass up and help me, here! Find the—get the rubbers, fast. And the jar! Emily!”

“B-br-BriaANnn—” Stephanie let out a giddy giggle. “I, I came again! A little bit…a little bit. I um, when I connect us, with the uhh—the, uhhh what’s the word, empathy? It makes us go colors! BIG colors!!

“Steph,” Brian managed out, scarcely even able to breathe because his heart was now pounding so fast. “Steph can you—can you turn around and uh, and can you brace yourself against something? Right fucking now.”


( Previous: Lost in the Sauce | Renfaire Fantasy | Next: Essence Jar )

/// Listen, don't look at me. I didn't write this; I was across the room reciting Buddhist chants of detachment from worldly desires while my horny-brains was over at the keyboard, and I'm not sure what it wrote. I haven't read any of it yet, but I imagine it's pretty bad.



Look at you being all coy while writing sexy stuff. Great job Boss, you can relax and have a wonderful day.