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Patreon News:

   Just made a patron-only post informing everyone that I'll be redoing pledge tiers at the start of 2023, but wanted to let everyone else know too. Subject to change, but right now it looks like I'll go with something real simple and straightforward with just three tiers like this:

$3 Returner Tier: Two or more advance RE: Trailer Trash chapters.

$3 Harem Tier: All advance AnimeCon Harem / RenFaire Fantasy chapters.

$5 VIP Tier: Advance RE:TT chaps, Advance AnimeCon / RenFaire chaps, AnimeCon Visual Novel progress updates & releases.

Publishing News:

   I'm publishing both of my book series, but will be opting out of Kindle Unlimited because their exclusivity clause would require me to remove the free chapters that get posted to fiction sites. RE: Trailer Trash I signed with Aethon Publishing, and has released a first book. I'm still shopping around for a publisher willing to give good terms to AnimeCon—if I'm not able to find one, I'll go to my friends who have self-pubbed for assistance figuring that out.

   RE: Trailer Trash has done pretty well on Amazon. Aethon tells me the sales are okay, and our rating hovers around the same 4.6 out of 5 area that the fiction has on Royal Road. I'll receive first royalties from this in January since payouts are quarterly, so really hoping 2023 becomes the turning point where I'm able to get a new place to live.

   Continuing to work with Deryl Arrazaq for cover art for both series. All but the hardback copies of RE: Trailer Trash should feature the new art from him:

   I was able to get in a batch of author copies finally that feature the new art:

   Deryl has also been working on covers for our AnimeCon releases:

   Actually going to have him redo the Stephanie in this one. His Kellys are all pretty spot-on, though:

AnimeCon Harem Eroge News:

   There's sadly not much to say here except that progress on the visual novel adaptation inches along. Basem_S1 and YeMcBear continue to create miracles every month, and we're way ahead on background illustrations. We're still way behind on character art due to the treachery of Zaphryon abandoning us however, and I don't want to even attempt setting up a new first release date until I've given YeMcBear more time to catch up on things. Shigeru Miyamoto said it best—"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."

AnimeCon Harem Fiction News:

   Although there's a work left to do yet on the sidestory arcs that are supposed to culminate in a Foxy/Brian showdown in Afterparty, the main story AnimeCon is reaching conclusion.

   This gets a bit complicated, as there's going to be a lot of blurring between what's considered the AnimeCon Harem epilogue and the RenFaire Fantasy prologue that picks up with the same characters.

   I've basically given up on trying to write the start of RenFaire as if it could make sense to people who haven't read AnimeCon. There's just too much going on in too many ways with too many characters to leave any readers that might attempt to start this story at RenFaire anything else but baffled at what the hell is going on. Sorry! Just going to move forward assuming AnimeCon has been read.

RE: Trailer Trash Fiction News:

   We are 29% into book two now, which will be titled RE: Small Town Girl. Though Tabitha is returning to high school, there will be much less in the way of angst, because here in round two she has grown quite a bit as a person and also has a lot more friendships supporting her. Like the first book did between summer and start of school, I will be doing a time skip, possibly more than one, that glosses over periods of several months. 

Other New Fictions:

   I'm beginning to dabble in other, more Royal Road-centric fiction projects. Will be using a pen name, and will only merge those projects into this Patreon if they're sustainable or successful or both. Lot of this is just writing exercises like Writathon to help get me in the practice of writing consistent wordcount every day, so I don't expect the quality to be quite up to par with my projects personal to me like RE:TT and AnimeCon. Which I tend to sort of agonize over endlessly.

Personal Life:

   My mobile home just is 40+ years old and has had little to no maintenance in that entire time aside from jury rigged fixes. I'm down to just a few windows that aren't boarded up, it leaks prodigiously everywhere in rain, I've shut off all the electrical outlets that started sparking. Most of the ceiling and wall panels are gone right now, you can't really remove them without damaging them and between flooding from pipes bursting and trying to access electrical or insulation... yeah.

    I'm not going to put money into it; I'd need to replace the frame, the floors, windows, walls, get a new roof, start over from scratch on electrical and plumbing, etc. It doesn't get inspected (maybe never has?) because of grandfather laws in the park, and to be blunt is and always has just been a temporary solution so that I'm able to live off my writing, as the job I had at the plant was killing me. My current goal is to save up the $5kish I need to get the mobile home scrapped and hauled away so that I'm not on the hook for lot rent, and move into a small apartment here in town. Probably will never be able to afford an actual property in my life, that's just pretty out of reach.

   None of that's cute to look at though, so here's some of my cats. Buster there on my porch and Immortal Fairy Sister trying to sneak in are two of the three "porch strays," I put kibble out for them every morning and night. Strawberry in the foreground there I recently lost (kidney failure).

   Ruffian pictured below here recently graduated from porch stray to inside cat. She was one of the mothers I took in and got fixed with that whole kitten fiasco last year, her sons Rogue, Scout, and Roger all were adopted by my ex's friend. The toy is new, the absolutely based Rose and Servek stopped over to visit here on their way to Tekko, and bought her a space kitty doll.

   Her favorite activity is electric blanket, and she also enjoys staring up at me and making clicking noises. For a cat that was previously feral and absolutely terrified of people, she's made great progress.

   That's all I've got news-wise with everything, and it helps stave off the crippling depression and loneliness a bit. I'm caffeinated now and launching back into RE:TT chapter 46, then we'll be good and ahead on that project and I can turn to AnimeCon for a while.



I'm very happy that you signed and released your first book, and it's also great that RE: Trailer Trash is doing well on Amazon. I love all these covers.


I very much appreciate that you've made two $3 tiers depending on personal taste. Looking forward to more of the story.