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   With Zaphryon leaving the project in late April and our mid-July poll to choose a replacement character artist resulting in "Keep Looking" as a win, I began hiring for test work again in August. Many answered our recruitment ad on F95 after they saw we were serious about paying for asset orders up front, and artists Dsconocido and Epos sent test work to me (with Epos asking that I pay only upon completion and that I don't show patrons any of the unfinished art).

   Thus far, I've sent $270 to Dscono for an Emily design, and everyone seeing her test stuff on Discord was thrilled with her work:

   She's a bit eccentric and difficult to communicate with, some of which is because of a language barrier, but then on the other hand she's the first of our artists to take the initiative to actually read AnimeCon Harem.

   Unfortunately, the more I told her how much I loved this Emily design and the more I related what great feedback everyone had for it, the more she hated it, and eventually she asked for a half payment and to try out some of the other characters.

   She sent the following to test cosplay designs for Stephanie, Kelly, and Brian, and got mostly negative feedback as patrons on the discord didn't like a lot of the big deviations from the design work we went through with Zaph (Hair, outfits, even body type in Brian's case).

    Now she pops in my messages without warning, posts a half dozen designs, and asks if I want to make any changes. I took the liberty of collecting a lot of the designs into a few images so you can see how they're shaping up without having to scroll for days.

   One of her absolute favorite characters as she read on further into the fiction was Chloe, whose design has gotten a lot of attention from her:

   For October at least I'd like to start encouraging her to finish specific designs to completion so that there's periodically work to show you guys rather than... uhh, every single design slowly inching along. This is what we have from her so far though, and her work seems promising.



Interesting process


As an artist myself I am kinda interested in the process but I am probably in the minority here.