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   A little over two months after he started, I finally messaged Rawrden and told him to not worry about the last expression and pink hair variations and to send what he had finished. Again, I do love his art style and I'm a fan of his work, but... considering this order first got put into his commissions queue in the end of April and it's the end of August now—I just don't ever see this working out as the art asset completion rate would be three per year rather than three per month.

( Kelly design NSFW | AnimeCon Harem Eroge | Convention Lobby background )



Yeah that's a bit rough. Really nice pics, but not appropriate for the timetable you want.


Honestly, I don't like this style at all.


I kind of sympathize. I personally love soft color paintings like this, but on reflection the style has very little fit with the rest of the art assets accumulated already. I’m glad Forty called it off so soon, so we wouldn’t have to agonize ten years down the line when we finally complete the harem.