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Something I should probably start opening up questions for sooner rather than later as we head into AnimeCon Harem's finale. The premise is: ask the AnimeCon Harem characters anything, and they'll answer in-character as if they were running an AMA panel at a convention. Comment your questions below (and indicate which character you're asking, of course), will probably leave this open for new questions for quite some time as I have no idea how well this will work.



Brian, Catepiller or John Deere? Mara, favorite bow/arrow style and weight for targets and meat?


Emily: if Chloe were zapped into the Harem, would you be willing to stay in the relationship - particularly with your submissiveness and Chloe's dominance? Would you have been willing to be with Brian/Chloe pre-charm, if Brian had invited you?


Emily: you were really excited to see Rebecca zapped, but she wants to think it over...are you going to influence that choice over the next weeks, and how so?


Stephanie: When will you be ready to move near/in with the others?


For the zombie universe characters: What gas happened since last we heard from you and how many of your are still ok?


Steph: how will you adapt from being around people a small portion of your day to all the time? Brian: can you allow the other person in a relationship to be the giver? Chloe: what adversity have you had to deal with in life and how did you overcome it?

Dang Fool

Kelly, you'll soon find yourself wanting to cook a meal for whoever is living in the house. What can you cook? What might you be willing to learn to cook?


How do members feel about the non-sexual aspects of their polycule?

Duncan McGregor

Megan: you seem to be the only person who knows about this magic but is not being directly affected by it. How do you feel about that?

Chris Myers

Emily: Now that you've become the member of a magical harem, how will that affect your diet and exercise habits? Will you be avoiding or patronizing certain fast-food places? Is a health club membership in your future?

Chris Myers

I'm thinking generic places, like MacDoogle's, Burger Duke's, and maybe the 48 Half-Hour Health Club.