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   Man. Those are just—those are really nice, Emily sighed in appreciation, unable to tear her eyes away. Boobs. BEWBS. Those are some really fuckin’ nice tatas.

   “Okay, okay!” Stephanie waved her hands between them to get their attention. “Th-then, let’s do that, then? Okay? But, somewhere privately!”

   “How about…” Kelly’s eyes seemed reluctant to leave Emily, and that fact was doing things to her, too. “How ‘bout over there?”

   Everyone turned to follow Kelly’s halfhearted pointing gesture and saw—nothing, no obvious hiding place. It was a less-populated area, one of the halls that branched out from the main lobby, but it wasn’t deserted or anything, and as far as Emily remembered it didn’t lead to any rooms that would be empty.

   “Um,” Stephanie asked, “where do you mean?”

   “Just—over there, behind one of the pillars, where it’ll be harder to see us,” Kelly elaborated. “No point in going way out of our way or anything and wasting time. The thrill of getting caught, that’ll just get off Emmie even faster.”

   “Kelly!” Emily rebuked with a flimsy smile, eyes going a little wider.

   “C’mon,” Kelly offered her a hand. “Come on, I’m not fucking kidding. We’ve gotta hurry up and do this without all your pussyfooting around. Alright? We’re comin’ down from our magic high and in like, a few more minutes you’re gonna be too self-conscious to even be able to try.”

   “Right, yeah,” Emily’s entire body was shimmering with blue in bubbly little tingles. “No pussyfooting. Okay. Yeah.”

   Emily reached for Kelly’s hand and was immediately tugged along in a giddy rush of anxious anticipation. Kelly wasn’t much like a little tugboat—with her longer strides and that natural sexy sway her hips did as she walked she was a sleek speedboat, while Emily felt like a water skier or something being pulled back and forth to and fro across the wake. She was excited, and Kelly was right about it feeling like their window to do this was starting to disappear.

   No pussyfooting around. Just pussy.

   “Wait, hey,” Megan called as her and Stephanie fell in behind them. “If it’s going away on it’s own, do y’all even really have to…?”

   “It’s a distraction,” Kelly gave a helpless half shrug. “Let me put it this way—it’s gotten to where it’s not all I can think about, but I’m still gonna be thinkin’ bout it, a lot, unless we take care of it. Alright?”

   “No, no!” Megan said in a fluster. “I was just, like—I’m not judging or anything. This is magic. You guys do what you gotta do!”

   Emily twisted back to afford the other girls a dizzy smile, then quirked her lower lip into an embarrassed wince. She’d already shot her I’m in danger wisecrack several times, and now it felt like she’d used it prematurely, because she didn’t even know what else to say right now. The idea of fooling around where other people might catch them was titillating. She did really want to make out with Kelly while letting her hands wander wherever she wanted. And, in another few minutes, she sensed that it was going to get a lot harder for her to be honest about that, for the swash and sway of brilliant blue desires to climb the steep embankment of her sense of modesty.

   It’s like water level—it’s like the tides, Emily jerked back to face Kelly as she let herself be pulled along. Some of my body issues and mental hangups and stuff, they don’t DISAPPEAR or anything, but they do cease to be relevant when I’m, uh, when I’m over-fucking-flooded with the intensity of this stuff. Whatever it is—feelings, magic, sex? Some fluid combination of feelings, magic, and sex?

   “It’s, um, it’s okay!” Stephanie stammered. “You—you two do what you have to, and, and Megan and I, we’ll keep watch? S-so that you can, um—”

   Normal Emily is totes straight, Emily decided. Strictly hetereo, straight like the flow of a river. But, then at times like this, when I’m fuckin’ FLOODING over the straight confines that like, define the course of flow? Yeah, different story, then. Kelly and Steph—they’re alright. They’re both in my, uh, in my FLOOD ZONE. I’m in love with Brian, but there can be some overflow. There’s, ah, this is, this is a lot of love, alright?

   Attraction to Brian was her primary and default setting, and being a tiny bit into girls was okay as a one-time exception, because they were Brian’s girls. No one else counted. Anyone else, any other guy or girl was very, very strictly excluded and unacceptable, Emily decided.

   Besides, Steph and Kelly as people are like, driving forces of love and sex that actively try to push Brian and me together, Emily rationalized. We’re all on the same team. It’s OKAY to think kissing them is hot. Brian thinks it’s hot. Hell, okay, *I* think it’s hot. They’re all part of the harem, and part of this super special connection we all have. It’s okay. I lost my virginity to Brian, but I didn’t lose my virginity to JUST Brian— all of us were there and a part of it.

   To her own surprise, as Kelly finally led her around to the other side of one of the convention center’s pillars where they were mostly hidden from view, Emily didn’t feel like it was all mental gymnastics attempting to justify something.

   It’s weird, but it genuinely feels okay to be doing this, Emily let slip another nervous giggle. I mean, LOOK at these tiddies. JUST LOOK AT THEM! Brian’s dick was even hot-doggin’ between these bad boys last night. He GLAZED them sweet hams, he blew that ginormous load of cum all over everything. Honestly, it’s not gay at all, because I don’t think I’ve even touched any part of these girls that Brian hasn’t generously, uh, ANNOINTED with his seed—

   “Hey—my eyes are up here,” Kelly teased in a sultry whisper, letting her hands slide down Emily’s body to firmly cup her bottom on either side.

   “I-I know!” Emily stammered, squirming in place as Kelly’s hands squeezed and yanked her forward until their bodies were pressing up against each other. “I just—”

   She was feeling light-headed and weak at the knees. It was difficult to look away from Kelly’s magnificent breasts, but standing this close they were just about right in her face. Emily’s hips gave an involuntary jerk that smashed her pelvis into Kelly, and she realized that although her thoughts were somewhat clearer now, all of the crazy flooding from before had done plenty of water damage. Their point-blank-proximity had her so turned on that it felt like she was melting, and Emily couldn’t help but wriggle just to feel Kelly’s splayed hands shifting against her butt.

   They kissed, and as Emily puckered and worked her lips against the softness of Kelly’s mouth she wasn’t even sure who had initiated it. She couldn’t think at all. There was a flow, the magic was moving in a different way and for a brief moment Emily could almost discern something, like this source of red light was refracting in just the right way for her to reveal something within the streaming surge of blue.

   Fuck fuck, almost HAD IT, Emily rose up on her tippytoes.

   Searching for more was a frustrating endeavor, because it felt like sudden insight was just on the tip of her tongue, her tongue that slid now against Kelly’s and drove her to distraction. The enormous soft globes of Kelly’s breasts were smothered against her and the enthusiastic way Kelly was grab-assing her immediately evoked memory of Brian manhandling her butt last night. Blue blotted across Emily’s thoughts in the cumshot spurt of a tiny little orgasm, and Emily let out a moan of surprise.

   Oh my God…

   In the controlled environment of her usual masturbation sequestered alone in her room, a tiny orgasm was cause for disappointment—here in the context of playing with others it was a stupefying splash to the face, because she’d never even seen that one coming. Cumming. Surrendering herself to the sexual aggression of Brian or Kelly changed all the dynamics Emily thought she knew about getting herself off. The tepid push of trying to climax on her own was instead a sweeping rush that shuddered into rapids of sheer pleasure, a rising torrent that roiled into crashing waves of turbulent blue until Emily felt sloppy in the head.

   Focus, Emily, FOCUS, Emily struggled to concentrate. For a split-second there it’s like I had a sense of my charm power thingie and if I can—

   “Emily, here—” Kelly broke away from her just long enough to find the hem of her own shirt and yank it upwards. “Don’t be gentle.”

   The fabric peeled upward, and creamy breasts spilled out in a mesmerizing tiddy drop that swept all of Emily’s coherent thoughts away from her and downstream in a splash of blue. Large, pillowy-soft shapes jiggled right in front of Emily’s eyes, with only the beautiful pink halos of areola adorning the otherwise smooth and porcelain-perfect skin. The boobs were pert and had a firmness about them that begged to be tested with her hands, the teardrop shapes sagging just enough to suggest their weight. Lovely swollen nipples were pointing directly at Emily’s face, and without any more hesitation the starstruck Latina lunged with eager fingers and mouth.

   “Mmm-mmmnnnhh-mmhhh!!” Kelly shivered.

   The sensation as Emily mauled across the rounded shapes was even better than she’d imagined—they were perky and pliable, fluffy, pale marshmallow flesh that deformed beneath her greedily grasping fingers and sprung back into place. She couldn’t get enough of the erotic way Kelly’s nipples were distended outwards and had to take them into her mouth, to suckle them, to take the swollen nubs and nibble them, to use her teeth to pluck at the sensitive flesh—first one and then the other—each motion sending a cascade of orgasmic shudders rippling throughout the scene girl she was molesting. Emily was in heaven.

   Oh God oh God oh God I can’t believe this is happening, I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!! Emily lost herself completely to the moment.

   Though she wasn’t sure when her fixation on breasts had first come about, Emily certainly knew who it came from. Her mother had always possessed a pair of show-stopping sweater puppies, and the actress-cum-schoolteacher had never been shy about wearing clothing that leveraged them to great effect. Growing up, Emily in turn hadn’t even been shy about how thrilled she was about her mother’s rack, often saying things like, Mom—I can’t WAIT until mine come in like yours!

   However, when cruel puberty arrived to transition young Emily into womanhood with menses and acne and hormones to suffer through, the breast fairy failed to arrive. She waited—oh, how she waited—and even throughout middle school she managed to remain patient. As high school neared, she couldn’t help but grow anxious—and in the end, to her horror and disbelief, the big-tiddy genetics she’d always been counting on completely let her down. The amazing tiddies she was owed failed to materialize, her hopes were dashed, her confidence crushed, and despite her best efforts—because she knew she had a great mother—Emily’s relationship with her mother forever after felt soured by her own envy.

   And now—here they are, Emily let out a small groan of appreciation as she renewed her assault. Right in front of me. The perfect pair. Just as I imagined them.

   I should be feeling... different than I do, about them. Right? Totally different. Jealous? Intensely jealous? Is the jealousy just kinda, FAILING TO MANIFEST like it should, because of charm bullshit? So, instead maybe my psyche tries to reinterpret things, rifles through my clusterfuck of mental shit for those long-lost ideal tiddies, and stuffs those jubblies into my sex drive instead? I’m not gay! Okay?! Kelly’s perfect plush big tiddy bra-buster mommy milkers shouldn’t even be having this effect on me! Fuck! Gotta remember to never ever call them mommy milkers out loud, they'll have a field day.

   “Oooh, Emily, you’re—” Kelly cooed. “You’re, yeah, you’re—keep going, just like that, just like that, make me cum make me cum make me—!”

   Kelly bucked once, jerking back with Emily against the large pillar, and then stiffened, shuddering against the onslaught of attention until she flinched and began creaming herself.

   I should be jealous, Emily tried to tell herself, deep in the fuck yeah zone and almost oblivious to what she was causing. Not fucking horny for these. They’re—these aren’t mine. They’re Kelly’s. Although… she is totally, like, OFFERING them to me. They’re mine to PLAY WITH. Why do I want to play with them so fucking much?! OH MY GOD THIS IS SO NICE.

   The blue inside her thrummed with power, the force of an unstoppable flow once again revealing something strange but familiar within to her. When her mind searched, the water washed through her grasp. As she focused, the streaming current flowed on around her focus. Staring inward to try to peer into the water’s depths only revealed her reflection dancing upon the surface, and trying to do anything with her watery mental manifestation only yielded frustration.

   It’s—urggh, Emily felt like she was trying to look into one of those autostereogram magic eye illusion pictures for the image hidden within. It’s THERE, I can feel it kinda, it’s THERE, but I can’t—I just can’t—I can’t—

   “Okay, time-out, time-out,” Kelly protested, gently removing Emily from her tits. “It’s—you’ve—sensitive, sensitive. Gimme a moment, wow. That was perfect, just what I needed. Gimme a minute, and I’ll do you.”

   “Uhhh,” Emily flushed with total shame as she began to snap back to her senses. Kelly’s breasts looked like they had been brutalized, smeared with saliva all over and with red marks rapidly blossoming into hickeys. “That, uh, that wasn’t me. That was the charm. The charm stuff, the magic, it made me—”

   “I don’t even fucking care,” Kelly chuckled, clapping her hands onto Emily’s ass again. “Literally don’t even care, just promise me we’ll do that again sometime. Maybe with Brian there, too. That was great. I play with them anyways when I masturbate, but I’ve gotta tell you—I don’t normally get off without also workin’ on stuff below the belt, you know?”

   “Oh—oh,” Emily said dumbly, feeling her cheeks burn.

   “So, that was special,” Kelly gave Emily’s hind end a squeeze for emphasis.

   “I get it. And, uhh, we’ll see? I guess?” Emily wasn’t sure where it was okay to look, anymore. “If Brian ever wants to—”

   “How do you want it right now?” Kelly grinned at her, and there was a new vibrancy in her eyes that made something in Emily flutter. “I mean, cool if you’re squeamish about whatever and need to set boundaries or anything. Everything’s on the table, though, so—whatever you want.”

   Kelly glanced from left to right around the pillar, making Emily freeze up as she remembered that they were still at AnimeCon, still somewhat out in the open, where anyone random Joe McWeeb strolling by could discover them. There were even people in sight, somewhat! Emily could see people way off down the distance of the halls, but regardless, all it would take is one of them scanning the far periphery and noticing what they were getting up to!

   “I think I’m okay,” Emily breathed out in a small voice, slowly swallowing. “Actually—I think maybe I’m like, way way down from that magic high already, and—”

   “Emmie—I’m getting you off,” Kelly insisted, pivoting their bodies around so that now Emily was the more hidden one with her back up against the pillar. “No one’s gonna see, and if they do—fuck it, who cares? Day here’s almost over anyways.”

   “Yeah, but—” Emily protested.

   “Emily, please,” Kelly lowered her voice for a moment. “Let me do this for you. Okay? Steph, Megan, you’re still here, right?”

   “I’m still here!” Megan called in a guilty voice, gingerly stepping forward slightly to peek around the pillar towards them.

   She offered the pair an embarrassed wave.

   “Where’s Stephanie?” Kelly frowned.

   “She’s over on the other side—over across from us,” Megan explained with a red face. “She’s okay! Just, she’s got a headache right now and she didn’t want to be, um, receiving all of this stuff that y’all are getting up to right now. Receiving vibes with her attitude antenna thing or whatever. She wanted some space.”

   “Okay,” Kelly sidestepped out for a moment so that she could peek over, and Emily hurried to reach and wrestle the girl’s band tee back down over those prodigious breasts. “Right, thanks. Megan, how ‘bout… can you c’mere for a bit?”

   “Me?!” Megan exclaimed.

   “Emmie’s starting to get shy, can you like, stand in close to us, help block the view?” Kelly asked. “Not even asking you to do anything weird or—yeah, okay. Great. Perfect, just like that.”

   Emily felt like hiding her face as Megan shuffled in next to them and then awkwardly turned the other way. To her surprise, even standing this close Megan didn’t seem to smell at all. There was no horrible sweat stink of con funk like there had been last night when visiting the girl’s hotel room. That place had reeked. The overweight girl next to them now didn’t smell bad, and Megan’s figure was broad enough that using her body to shield Emily did do wonders to help her feel less exposed.

   “Thank you!” Emily squeaked out.

   “Alright,” Kelly whispered. “Sky’s the limit, so if you’re not okay with something—tell me. Okay? Otherwise, I’ll just get… creative. You ever have a girl eat you out? You just want fingerbanged? How do you like it?”

   “Uhh,” Emily blanched. “I don’t know. Is that, is this stupid? Like, I’m still all turned on kinda, but if you ask me... I’m just gonna be all I don’t know.

   “Would you know if I was Brian?” Kelly gave Emily a half-smirk.

   “I guess?” Emily let out a nervous laugh. “I wouldn’t even really be thinking about it, if you were Brian. It wouldn’t be, ah, complicated.”

   “Are you kidding me?” Kelly’s eyebrows rose. “Getting you two chucklefucks to quit stalling and get to actually knocking boots last night took all fucking night long. Although, I admit that once we all started getting traction, things really… went places.”

   “No, like…”  Emily gave her a sheepish look. “I mean—”

   “You mean your magic jizz cocktail’s cooled down a bit,” Kelly surmised. “And you’re getting all self-conscious, now.”

   “Basically?” Emily confirmed. “Things seemed super simple and straightforward like, a minute and a half? Two minutes ago? Now it’s like... complicated. I still want to, but… I mean honestly we don’t even have to, uh, get me off. I did get off a tiny tiny bit earlier, there. I’m mostly thinking normal now anyways, right?”

   “Hey—super fucking randy Emily drives me wild,” Kelly stepped in oppressively close, and Emily shrank back against the pillar. “Swappin’ slop back and forth like we did? You getting all kinky aggressive, calling me the big tiddy bimbo? I’m into that.

   “But this? This is frustrating. Not like, I’m not getting any frustrating—you just had me seein’ stars. It’s seeing you go from hot to cold all of the sudden like this, that’s frustrating. Like you’re so blocked up with all sorts of hangups that the second you’re one tiny hair not horny enough—the brakes slam on.”

   “Yeah… sorry,” Emily grimaced.

   “I’d be…” Kelly quirked her lip as if choosing her words carefully. “A tiny bit hurt, if you’re only actually into me when you’re all sauced up on the stuff. Is that what’s up? ‘Cause if it is, and you’re gonna be all weird the second you climb back down from nymphomania…”

   “No, it’s not like that!” Emily growled. “It’s—complicated. I think… I think I might be really into some of this, Kelly. Like, it’s scary. And, I don’t know what I even—”

   “That’s all you had to say,” Kelly interrupted in a husky voice, pressing in even closer and stealing the Latina’s lips.


   Emily felt weak all over again. It seemed as though they’d been making out for the better part of the morning, but it was different now. Horny brain wasn’t in total control right now, pushing all her buttons and switching all her switches—this kiss had a vulnerable, intimate quality to it that all the other ones had lacked. Yep. I’m, uh, I’m kissin’ a girl. And I like it. Shit.

   “Alright, cool,” Kelly licked her lips. “Awesome. Now, Emily—Kitten. I’m gonna just drop down onto my knees, and we’re gonna get your pants down a bit, and I’m gonna tonguefuck you to—”

   “Just fingering is fine!” Emily panted out in a small voice. “Just fingering. Please—I mean, if that’s okay?! I uh, I don’t think I’m ready for the whole—”

   “It’s okay,” Kelly assured her, caressing Emily’s cheek for a moment. “You want me to pull my shirt back up?”

   “Your shirt,” Emily struggled to speak. “Your shirt, is, uh, fine. If you’re fine like that. You don’t have to. It’s fine just like that.”

   “I’m gonna pull my shirt back up,” Kelly gave her a knowing look.

   The taller girl crossed her arms in front of her to take hold of the hem of her own shirt, and when she drew her top back up again they were in such close proximity that her massive mammaries bobbed back down right into Emily’s face, prompting Emily to let out a small whimper.

   “Definitely know you like these. You can go to town on ‘em while I get you off, if you want to,” Kelly offered. “I can still reach. Hell, might get me off again. Might help keep you from making too much noise—I didn’t even think about how much noise I was making?”

   “It wasn’t bad!” Megan stammered. “I mean, I could hear some things, but it wasn’t that loud! You were fine!”

   Emily paled, because despite their present circumstances she’d completely forgotten Megan was standing next to them until reminded right then. I’m sooo fucked.

   “Okay,” Kelly said. “Listen—you don’t have anything to be ashamed of. This is magic and stuff, remember? Magic. Feel the magic again, I know it’s still in there. It’s still in there… and I know just how to get all of it out. Alright?”

   “Okay,” Emily nodded quickly, feeling her shaggy pixie-cut shake. “Yeah. Cool. Cool.”

   Kelly slightly adjusted the oversized hoodie that was hanging down over Emily’s pants out of the way, and then Emily felt Kelly’s hand inside her pants. She froze in place, tensing up, and scrunched her eyes closed, completely unwilling to look at the girl.

   “Hey—Emily,” Kelly said. “Look at me.”

   Emily reluctantly peeked one eye open.

   “You’re making it weird?” Kelly said with a small smile. “Kiss me, stupid. Or kiss my tits. Relax a bit, just sorta slowly kiss me and think about whatever version of dreamscape thing you get, if that helps. You had me seeing red flashes with a dash of blue, delicious little impacts. That whole thing there was like a… a meteor shower or something, for me. I’m the meteor—you’re the shower? I don’t know, it was great.”

   “It was?” Emily felt relief flood through her, but wasn’t even completely sure why. “Mine’s like this river. This rivery sort of thing, and I can get kinda swept away in it.”

   “That sounds…” Kelly slowly leaned in and gave Emily another small kiss. “Nice. Is it nice?”

   “Yeah, it’s—it’s kinda nice,” Emily blushed. “Really nice.”

   She didn’t resist as Kelly drew in close once again and kissed her this time. They were gentle, soft kisses, less passionate and more affectionate, and despite herself Emily really did start to feel deep bands of blue sliding down her body at the intimate sensation. When Kelly’s hand once again started working into the front of Emily’s pants, she wasn’t able to muster any resistance, simply letting out a soft mMmmm into their joined lips. Inside the scant little free room there was in Emily’s panties, Kelly’s probing fingers quickly discovered that Emily was very, very wet.

   “Oh my God,” Emily gasped, squeezing her eyes shut again.

   Her panties were soaked, her pussy so absolutely slick that it immediately cover Kelly’s exploring digits with warm arousal. Those fingers knew exactly where they were going, and without preamble they slid directly across the line of Emily’s flushed labia. To her shame and horror, Emily couldn’t help but flex down there, and it was as if her desperate-for-attention pussy was closing its lips around Kelly’s fingers, trying to entrap them. Emily needed fingers inside of her, the roar of thundering blue water filled her head and desire dunked her completely under again.

   “Mmmm—MmhPHh?!” Emily tried to moan as Kelly slipped inside with a single finger, but to her surprise supple titflesh muffled the noise before it could escape.

   Just as she was reflexively beginning to resist, another trickle of deep blue drenched down across her thoughts and she latched on, welcoming a very stiff nipple into her mouth. Kelly’s finger pushed in a little deeper, and then slowly drew back out of the tight twat. Instinct took over, and just like when she was masturbating, Emily clenched and unclenched and clenched again in quick succession, performing the kegel exercises that always made her tiny little bullet vibe do that maddening little dance in and out of her.

   “Holy shit, Emily,” Kelly mouthed in surprise. “Are you—”

   This is it, Emily thought to herself with a delirious giggle. My final form. I’ve become a finger puppet. Hehehehe! Damn, that’s a good one! Good. GREAT. Gotta remember that sometime for Brian, he’ll—hehehe’ll love it! LOVE IT! It’s kind of—ooh. Ooohhh my God. Ooh, that’s actually—yeah, this feels pretty pretty. Pretty fuckin’ NICE?! She can really—yeah, hmm. MmMMmhhMm...

( Previous: Baka Blue | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Stephanie's Dilemma )


Don Lubsen

Wow. That was really good. Just wow.

White Neko Knight

I hope we get to see Emily get off. And while I might be reading into things, but I think Kelly is starting to figure out how to handle panic Emily.