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   Really, really wanted to keep up daily posts for you guys to help make up for my big long absence from posting, but my head isn't in the right place for writing a horny Kelly / Emily section today. Barely got three hundred words written before I started scrapping everything. Didn't want to skip ahead past this with some of the other sections I already have mostly together, either, as this specific Kelly / Emily was supposed to be a bit of a release valve between the heavy Brian / Rebecca stuff and some heavy Stephanie / Kelly stuff.

   In apology, let me show you guys some of the stuff Yee has worked on for the game adaptation this month. She's our background crowd artist, and has also been trying out as the artist for our main concept designs to replace Zaph.

   I'm gonna instead go do a grocery run and do laundry and dishes and litterboxes and try to get everything squared away so that I can hopefully have a better writing day tomorrow. Sometimes the writing isn't gonna come out right and forcing it doesn't help, so I'm gonna try to be as constructive as I can.



Take your time~! Don't be too hard on yourself, we all should know the creative process is a bitch sometimes :P

Eroyla Drago

Don’t worry about it! Take care of yourself first


Very cool! Thank you


I'm fine with what you're doing. You're the writer, so you know best about how to write this story.


My opinions in regards to Yee's work are complicated and shifting, but in honor of her heroic efforts to step in, I'll try to summarize them in as succinct and clarifying manner as possible. *clears throat* Yeeeeeeeeeeee.


I understand how that goes. Don't force the writing, it never goes well. Knowing you're ok and will be getting around to more writing eventually is more than enough.

Mundane (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-28 00:33:40 Sending some positive vibes your way 40 <3
2021-06-23 23:52:35 Sending some positive vibes your way 40 <3

Sending some positive vibes your way 40 <3