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   “Okay. Hold this,” Emily instructed, shoving her phone into Kelly’s hands. “Lemme know like, the second Rebecca says anything.”

   “Yeah. Look through all your private shit, mess around with contact names, make embarrassing posts, got it,” Kelly said, giving the screen a disinterested glance before turning her attention back to Emily. “You really don’t need Brian’s keys?”

   “Nah—I can get in,” Emily made a face as she tried the handle for the driver-side door. It was locked. “It’s just… well, it’s a pain.”

   Heaving out a breath, Emily dropped down into a crouch in the row of parked vehicles of the Westerlin lot and examined the underside of Brian’s car. A spare key was kept in a little magnetic box that was—hopefully—still clamped to the undercarriage. There was less than six inches of clearance to squeeze under there, so Emily as the most petite-figured among their close circle of friends had always been elected to be the one to grab it whenever they needed something from Brian’s car but didn’t want to wait on Brian to arrive with his car keys. That access was also how she’d managed to hide the hoodie she’d stolen from him in the trunk of his own car some months ago.

   Emily retracted her hands into the sleeves of that very same hoodie now, swept her bright blue locks of hair back into the hood, and got down on all fours to crawl and shimmy her way underneath his car. The borrowed garment smelled quite a bit like campfire smoke anyways, and she’d rather dirty it than her hands for what all they were planning on doing here in a few minutes. The little key safe was attached right where she’d left it months and months ago, and with a pang of relief Emily yanked it free and began to wiggle her way back out.

   “Got it; we have a key,” Emily unlatched the little box and produced Brian’s spare key.

   “Magnetic key keeper?”  Kelly took the key and unlocked the driver’s door, then tabbed open the locks for the other doors so that she could get around to where Emily’s bag was in the back seat. “Heard those were super unreliable, like—one bumpy road or random bit of gravel kicking up and your key keeper’s gone, just like that.”

   “That’s just what people put in online reviews,” Emily flipped the hood back from her hair and began rolling up the sleeves of the hoodie again. “They want everyone to think no one uses them, so then no one’s snooping around under cars for keys.”

   “Uh-huh,” Kelly muttered, unzipping and then rummaging through Emily’s clothing for the condom she’d hidden in the shoe earlier. “Okay, Emily—here.”

   “How’d you even hide it when—Jesus it’s like a friggin’ water balloon,” Emily gawked at the size of the overfilled condom as Kelly carefully placed it in her palm. “Holy shit. Holy shit. And yeah, it’s even still warm. Like, weirdly warm. Too warm. Magic?”

   “Let’s hope so,” Kelly glanced back at the phone Emily had handed her. “Nothing from Rebecca—you want to sit here in his car and choke all that down, or do you wanna head back over?”

   “I—uhhh,” Emily balked at the swollen condom she was cradling in her hands. “You really think we should—”

   “I don’t fucking know!” Kelly swore, smacking the back of her hand against the metal of Brian’s car. “I—I just—I don’t know what to do, alright? Steph’s upset and I—I don’t know what to do with that. I mean I know what I should do, to try to help or whatever, but they’re not things I do. They’re not me. And then Brian was already right there anyways holding her and trying to calm her down and I—I—”

   “Whoa, stop stop stop,” Emily warned her. “You’re getting all pissed off again!”

   “I am fucking pissed off!” Kelly hissed. “And I can’t even just—”

   “Okay shut up and c’mere,” Emily interrupted, carefully switching the balloon-like condom from one hand to the other. “Come here.”

   “What,” Kelly demanded.

   “Don’t cuss me out or anything,” Emily stepped closer. “But, it’s like the two of us are all over the place and not really on the same page, right now. I’m upset because of Chloe, and I don’t think the Chloe shit doesn't even really faze you. You’re only upset because Stephanie’s upset. And you like, wanna be a different kind of person for her, or something. Right?”

   “Basically,” Kelly put her fingertips to her temples. “I’m just—I’m not a super sympathetic person? Really? Or, I wasn’t before. But now I went and caught feelings, and it’s, it’s like—I’m trying to be, I need to be, but what the fuck am I actually supposed to do?”

   “And you’re really not super fucking bothered by all that shit that just went down with Chloe?!” Emily tried hard to keep the accusation out of her tone but she wasn’t able to keep it out of her eyes.

   “Sure—she’s a fucking psycho and she deserved getting her face punched in,” Kelly gave a helpless shrug. “And in the heat of the moment I couldn’t have been more furious. But, I knew tons of girls like her. Hell, sometimes I went off like her and just flipped out on someone. Didn’t matter when or where, it’s just something that happens. Even when it’s personal, it’s not really personal. Yeah, it’s fucked up, but it’s just whatever, and it’s not gonna really get to me like it does for all of you. I guess.”

   “Uh, okay,” Emily struggled to batten down her own surge of anger at hearing that. “Guess you and Rebecca are both just totally… on some different wavelength than me. Like, how you can be a part of any of that that just fucking happened and not fixate specifically on Chloe—Chloe was literally the entire fucking problem! The cause and root of all this shit we’re dealing with! It’s literally all her fault!”

   “I get that!” Kelly rebutted, throwing her hands up. “But, I don’t even fucking know Chloe! I don’t have history with her bullshit. To me, she’s just some random bitch that pops up for a minute or two, makes a big scene, and immediately gets her shit wrecked. I don’t even see how she was like, plaguing you guys or whatever for so long. No fuckin’ offense.”

   “I—” Emily took a lot of offense to that, actually, and it took a conscious effort not to crush the fragile condom balloon in her hand. “I thought she was important to Brian. When they were together. It was complicated, okay? So, it was hard, for me. To sort out what was really fucking things up, from what was maybe me just being jealous and wishing Brian was mine.”

   “Why even bother?” Kelly looked bewildered at Emily’s reasoning. “If you’re jealous, be jealous. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you wanted Brian, you shoulda just gone after him anyways. Fuck Chloe.”

   “Easy for you to say,” Emily gave Kelly a bitter scowl. “And yeah, you coulda just done that probably, because you’re you. But I couldn’t, I can’t—because I’m me. Alright? I’m not tall, I don’t have tits. I’m not sexy. And when people pick me apart, yeah I bluster and joke about it and fucking whatever, but I really do just come right apart. And after a while, after so long? There just isn’t even anything fucking left to put back together.”

   “I don’t even see why, that’s so dumb,” Kelly snapped. “We went through all this last night with you—everybody who matters to you thinks you’re a little fucking hottie. That’s already settled.”

   “Easy for you to say!” Emily repeated in a heated voice. “You can just look in the mirror and see that you’re all amazing. When I look in the mirror? Hah. So I’m just supposed to take everyone’s word for it, even though it just makes me doubt even more because I can’t see myself that way. If—”

   “So yeah, you’re dumb, you’re so all hyper-focused on your own lack of self-confidence or body image or whatever that you let Brian sit in that pit of fucking suffering you all call Chloe for—how long were they together? Months? Years?”

   “What was I supposed to do?! Huh?!” Emily demanded. “If you knew what it was like—”

   “Fuck, and this isn’t fucking helping, either!” Kelly swore, smacking the roof of the car in frustration. “So, fuck it—you’re right, I don’t know what it’s like. I don’t even really care what it was like for you, right now. You win, you’re right and I’m wrong, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I even brought it up. Can we just—can we just drop it, for now? I’m angry as fuck, and I’m not even angry at you! I’m lashing out, we’re both just—we both just need to drop it, alright? Alright? Done, over with. Done. I’m sorry. Alright?”

   “Yeah, I just—” Emily made a face as guilt washed over her too. “Done. Sorry.”

   “Sorry,” Kelly said again.

   “Sorry,” Emily echoed. “But that was like, a really mean stab at me though, and I’m already just feeling raw, and—yeah. It’s hurtful, that—that you would even say that, ever. C’mon.”

   “I know, I’m sorry,” Kelly admitted. “That’s on me. I’m sorry.”

   It took almost a full minute of strained silence for the tension to drain away. The steady stream of afternoon traffic motored on by the Westerlin parking lot where they stood beside Brian’s car, avoiding each other’s eyes. It was awkward enough that Emily almost wanted to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it all, the bittersweet situation had her feeling tired and the urge to venture off alone for a while so that she could sort out and unpack her feelings was back in force.

   “Can I just say something?” Emily asked.


   “Me not rushing in to rescue Brian from his relationship with Chloe back then, it’s just like you and your thing with Stephanie right now,” Emily said. “How things are. How you feel. She’s having her panic attack, and you want to rush in and be there for her, but then someone else is already there for her—because you’re not good with that stuff yet, not used to being that person. Who can comfort her. Being that person who’s there for someone like that.”

   Kelly looked up at her, and those honey-brown eyes beneath her fringe of bright-red bangs were more than a little captivating.

   “That was me,” Emily continued. “Back then, with Brian. I wanted to just rush in and be the right girl for him. But I didn’t feel like I was that girl, and he was already with someone, and he wasn’t answering back his messages right away like he used to, so at the time it felt—it felt like we were still friends, but that we were drifting further and further apart. With the way things—”

   “Chloe was probably all up in his messages,” Kelly interrupted. “Deleting them before he could even read them.”

   “Uhhhh, I don’t think that—” Emily paused. “Fuck. Fuck. You know what? She actually probably really was. That’s just like something she would do. Fuck.”

   “Then she definitely was,” Kelly offered a small smile.

   “Yeah,” Emily said, swaying the open car door back and forth and listening to it creak. “So, uhhh. We’re still same team here, right?”

   “Same team, yeah,” Kelly let out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair in vexation. “But, um. If the plan was to get you too turned on to be angry anymore, I think I lost the mood for that, too.”

   “Well, no—this all helped some,” Emily winced. “A little. We’re not at each other’s throats anymore, at least? Uh. Anything from Rebecca?”

   Kelly glanced at the phone and then shook her head.

   “Okay, uh,” Emily pursed her lips and then looked down at the rotund condom resting in her hand.. “What do you wanna do? Should we just head back? Wait for Rebecca to tell us what’s going on over there with them? Or, are we gonna try to use this thing?”

   “Let’s…” Kelly took a moment to deliberate. “Let’s try to use the thing. At least then we’ll know if it does anything, or like if it’s still good after it’s been out of Brian for a while. Might as well see, right?”

   “Yeah, alright,” Emily agreed, bringing her knee up and sliding herself into the front seat of Brian’s car. “Here goes, I guess.”

   She cupped one hand beneath the bulging rubber and began to pick at the rubber where it had been tied off. It was difficult to finagle with her fingertips and she debated letting the thing rest in her lap so that she could work at it with both hands—but also was half-certain the overfilled thing was going to burst and make a mess. Kelly slammed the rear door she’d had open with enough force to gently rock the car, and then stepped in to stand in the open driver’s side door right in front of where Emily was sitting. Rather than hunching over to see what Emily was doing Kelly stood straight and very, very close as if to help block the view of anybody who might happen to be walking across the parking lot and spot them.

   The girl’s close proximity made Emily nervous, but not in a bad way. It was a tickly nervous, and as Emily carefully plucked at the condom to open it back up she couldn’t help but surreptitiously steal a look at the smooth way Kelly’s yoga pants clung to her thighs and hips like a second skin. Large breasts that strained against the confines of the band tee she wore when Kelly leaned herself against the car. In a lot of ways, Kelly was at the top of the list of things Emily refused to think about right now.

   Like the way she woke me up just kissing me all out of nowhere, Emily remembered. And then when we were standing in front of the mirror together, and she— uh, she has really, REALLY nice tiddies. Like, it’s not gay to just sort of appreciate them, or want to— uhhh—-

   “Oh!” Emily jolted as part of the condom tore and warm semen squirted out across the back of her thumb. “Got it! Umm.”

   Out of reflex, she hurriedly brought both hands up to her lips, slurping the cum off her thumb before it could make a mess spilling out into her hands and across the borrowed hoodie she was wearing. Her tongue welcomed the line of jizz, and before she even realized what she was doing she’d sucked a tablespoon or two of the stuff from the gap in the condom into her mouth. The flavor—and endorphins—hit her like a crash of surf. Brilliant blues washed into what she now realized had felt like a parched mind, sweeping away the tired, dry bitterness and then soaking delicious flavors of arousal all throughout her brain.

    Oookaaaayyy, thissh isss liiike DRUUUGSSS!! Emily made a small noise of appreciation and rolled the cum around mouth so that she could fully savor every gushing sensation.

   The effect rushing down her body in in rapids and pouring waterfalls wasn’t as strong as what she’d felt when she was actually with Brian, but in this instance she wasn’t already treading sexual tension like deep water, so the difference from feeling ehhh I guess we’ll try this to suddenly yess yesss yessshh PLEASE daddy more was all the more stark. Emily jerked in the seat and wriggled as the refreshing wave of sexual energy continued to spread, and she felt both of her nipples eagerly pop up in unison as if they were little bubbles fighting to break the surface tension of her waters.

   Ohh shit oh shit shit shiiiit—

   The wet blue energy flowed down her tummy and she couldn’t help but shiver as it spread and saturated throughout her lower body. When the wave reached her lap Emily rocked and twisted in her seat and then kicked out her legs, because the magical feeling immediately went from being probably-mostly-in-her-head to suddenly translating into an actual physical fluid wetness she could sense as her labia seemed to spread open in excitement.

   “Well something’s definitely happening,” Emily heard Kelly mutter, and she was distantly aware of the girl beside her leaning back at the waist so that she could peer down at what was going on.

   Before she could stop herself, Emily simultaneously squeezed the condom with both hands and sucked all of the contents into her mouth, and every last ounce of cum transferred inside of her in an instant. She’d known there was a lot of it just from the sheer swollen size of the condom, but there was a difference between hefting it in her hand and struggling to keep it all in her puffed-out cheeks.

   Ohhh fuck yes I’ve got all his sweet, succulent seed! Not minding the emptied rubber, Emily gently cupped her face in amazement as blue color swashed back and forth across every nerve in her body—it felt heavenly, like submerging in cool clear waters on the hottest summer day. Brian’s ball batter. There’s—there’s so fucking much of it. Can I even SWALLOW all of this?! It’s his love sauce. His orgasm from earlier... is in my mouth, right now. It’s like I can fucking TASTE how fucking turned on he was, how much he—he—he NEEDED to release, and the sheer satisfaction that it brought. If—

   “Hey—” Kelly interrupted, dropping down to a half-crouch beside the driver’s seat so that she could see Emily. “How’s it feel?”

   Emily was sure she looked ridiculous trying to hold all of the gooey spend in her mouth but she felt fantastic and nodded, gestured, and gave her friend a thumbs-up all at once.

   She was more than just turned on now, she was amped up, blue magic stuff was coursing through her and hyping her up for crashing waves of release. Emily was ready to fuck, and it felt like her entire body was blushing in erotic embarrassment as Kelly took the sight in with an appraising look and then raised both eyebrows.

   “Okay, um,” Kelly moved to place her hands on the legs of Emily’s pants, and Emily twitched forward so that her thighs filled Kelly’s palms. “If you haven’t swallowed all that down yet… I had a maybe kinda bright idea. Just—it’s a little kinky.”

   Clenching her throat so that the slippery load didn’t slide it’s way the rest of the way down, Emily carefully worked her pursed lips and then gave the redhead an eager nod. She was interested in every meaning of the word interest, right now she completely welcomed kinky and this was absolutely going to be the best suggestion and also she felt so overwhelmingly horny that she feared she was getting high.

   “Alright, so how ‘bout you kiss me,” Kelly proposed, giving Emily a slight squeeze along her thighs. “Right now. Kiss me, open-mouthed, snowball all that semen and spit into my mouth. Then, I pass it back to you, and like—we keep doing that back and forth over and over again while we walk back into the convention. We can maybe even save the last little bit for Steph, and that way I think we—”

   Emily surged forward, grabbing the edge of the car’s door frame so that she could pull herself up into Kelly. The bright-blue-haired Latina had to tilt her neck slightly so they could kiss properly, but the pillowy feel of Kelly’s lips parting in invitation made the awkward position more than worth it. When Emily opened her mouth the overwhelming amount of cloudy ejaculate she’d kept in her cheeks simply sluiced into the other girl’s mouth to splatter across her tongue. Kelly’s idea seemed absolutely inspired— there was more than enough of this stuff to share between them, and the actual act of sharing the mouthful of seed was so messy and obscene that Emily found her legs were shaking as if from the strain of being so turned on.

   She just—she just slurped Brian’s spunk outta my mouth, Emily realized. We’re, um, we’re still kissing, but this time it’s so SLOPPY and the way I can feel her tremble now— is she experiencing what I just went through when the sauce first hit? But in red?!

   Emboldened by how impossibly lewd the situation had suddenly become, Emily brought a clumsy hand up to paw at Kelly’s chest as they continued to make out. The scene girl moaned into her mouth, transferring a good deal of the cum back across their lip lock, and then Kelly unsteadily rocked forward, tumbling into the driver’s seat on top of Emily. The decadent plush curve of a breast bulged around Emily’s fingertips through the thin cloth of Kelly’s top, and with an ungentle grope Emily discovered the stiff nub just beneath and gave it a pinch.

   “Mmm-mmMM!!” Kelly let out a muffled noise of enthusiasm.

   Emily’s own nipples stung with how turned on she was, and she was distantly aware of an escaping dribble of warm semen escaping their kiss and sliding down her cheek and then her neck. Kelly had her pinned, and between the steering wheel and their own jumbled tangle of limbs Emily had nowhere to go as they contested back and forth over a very large mouthful of magical spunk. One of Emily’s knees managed to rise up from where it had been trapped between Kelly’s legs, and then Kelly was grinding her weight on her, shamelessly rubbing the crotch of her yoga pants against Emily in a burst of passionate heat.

   Somewhere in shifting seas of Emily’s awareness, a screaming red meteor streaked over from the horizon and skipped once, twice, three times across the blue surface, splashing up brilliant vivid blasts of color that made the petite Latina jerk and clench. Ohh my fucking fuck fuck fuck. It was only for like, a split second but it was like she was THERE, right there in that weird place where Steph and I connected and fuck just fuck just those little touches almost made me fucking cum!

   Finally, Emily felt Kelly’s probing tongue collecting all the goopy prize she could gather into her mouth, and then the girl withdrew, dropping back off of Emily and into a crouch beside the open driver’s-side door. Her lips were proudly pursed and she wavered for balance before slapping a palm against the car to steady herself.

   “That was—this is—this is so fucking hot,” Emily panted as she tried to sit back up in an amorous daze.

   Kelly could only nod, her mouth far too full to attempt to speak. Emily shuddered again as she smacked her lips, because she could taste so much of Brian, Brian with a hint of Kelly, a blend of pure lust that shot coursed through the blue in her body like an adrenaline aphrodisiac. Her hips hungrily rocked forward, desperate for something to hump, the clothing she was wearing felt oppressive and needed to be shucked off soon, and every part of her was lit up and just aching for attention.

   “Uhhh, I guess, I guess let’s go,” Emily clambered up and to her feet, dabbing inside the collar of the hoodie for that errant line of delicious nectar that had escaped. “Only, uhh, only one of us can talk at a time, huh?”

   Kelly nodded again, looking incredibly pleased with herself, and the taller girl took a moment to fix Emily’s hair and adjust the oversized forklift hoodie before putting a hand on her hip and guiding her out of the way of the door. The locks were tabbed, the key keeper and Emily’s phone alike were secured in the hoodie pocket—neither of them thought to check for a message from Rebecca—and the girls slammed the door closed and staggered out from between the parked cars.

   They hadn’t even left the parking lot yet before they decided to again swap the mouthful between them, and all of Emily’s prior misgivings, frustrations, and angers were drowned out in a torrent of sordid blue as she rose up onto her tiptoes to eagerly accept more and more of what Kelly was passing her. Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck fuckkk!

( Previous: Combat Therapy | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Dangerous Cargo )



Please take care of yourself. I also find that my body doesn’t like drastic increases/ decreases in temperature. Don’t be afraid to take some time off if you need it to gather your thoughts. Definitely enjoyed this teaser. Take your time with your art don’t push it out til you think it’s ready. Most of us are willing to be patient and wait


Would fluid under that much pressure actually only ooze out of a cut like that? Seems like that ought to make it *burst.* ... But hey, we're dealing with cum from a magic charm that *instigates* events like girls landing on a guy's face, panties-first here, so it can be rationalized away, I guess. Still kinda pulled me out of the story, though. Also: ```She was interested in every meaning of the word interest,``` - I'm pretty sure the second "interest" isn't supposed to be there. And ```a blend of pure lust that shot coursed ``` - just one. Either "shot" or "coursed."