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   The October illustration (Emily giving Brian the harem charm) hasn't even been started yet, I postponed so that we could first squeeze in any and all last-minute changes and tweaks to both the Brian and Emily character designs. Zaph is almost done with both! I'm shuffling things around a bit so that the November illustration is in line immediately after the October one, followed by Secret illustration #3, so that only after we're caught up on illustrations will we return to regular work on character sheets.

  • May environment poll.
  • June environment poll.
  • July environment poll.
  • August environment poll.
  • September illustration poll.
  • October illustration poll.
  • November illustration poll.

   In the spirit of Christmas, the theme for this December poll is Gift Giving. The January theme will be Undressing, and the February theme will be First Kisses.

12/29/20 Winning illustration completed:

( November 2020 poll | AnimeCon Harem Eroge | January 2021 poll )



You wrote "I can find a way to show you the images through messages if you'd like". Yes, please. I am 70 years old, I have never been a video-gamer and never will be. I simply do not have the eye-hand coordination for it, and I never will. I will not be playing your game (although it sounds awesome) nor any other game, for that matter. For that reason, these illustrations *will* be a secret for me, unless you can "find a way". I hope you that you will be able to do so, and I doubt that I'm your only patron that would appreciate this. Thank you for your consideration, and please keep writing.


Thank you sir! Yes, the links worked fine, thanks again.