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   This place doesn’t have to be trashy, Tabitha thought as she knelt on the edge of the street, picking pieces  of garbage out of the weeds and tucking them into the plastic bag by her  knees.

   Wearing a pair of jeans over her flannel pajamas and bundled up again  in her father’s oversized sweatshirt, Tabitha’s efforts began just  outside the steps of her trailer in their sparse yard, where she filled a  little grocery bag up with weeds as she painstakingly tugged them up  one by one. It hadn’t been easy—each stubborn thing had to be pried from  the cold, hard ground and often simply trying to pull them up with her  fingers rewarded her with only a fistful of ripped out plant matter,  while the actual root of the weed remained firmly planted and  unyielding. Tabitha didn’t have a spade yet, but she did discover a forgotten and somewhat rusty flathead screwdriver in the  shed when she was pulling out bricks to examine. Stabbing and scraping  into the frigid November soil saw many of the weeds destroyed, and the  ones that weren’t were certain to have a terrible winter.

   Nothing was really growing this late in the year, but Mr. Moore had  been remiss in keeping up with the yardwork throughout fall and then  apparently content to leave things be through the winter. The sentiment  was reflected throughout the entire neighborhood of the lower park,  which made it difficult to fault her father for it. Any casual glance at  the lots just on either side of them or across the street showed the  same trifecta of scraggly undergrowth, littered garbage and random ugly  bald patches of bare earth that stood out. The Moores didn’t have a bad yard, in her opinion—it was simply neglected. Neglect characterized the  state of the entire trailer park, and to an extent the people who made  their homes here. The relationship between a person’s state of mind and  their immediate environment was interlinked in a lot of ways. Cleaning  out the inside of their trailer those months ago had done wonders for  her.

   I don’t have to be trailer trash! This  can just be a… you know, a community of manufactured homes. It doesn’t  HAVE to be trashy. I don’t know how things even got this bad around  here, but like with me… with just a little bit of work, things can be  better.

   Tabitha gritted her teeth as she fished out a piece of trash—a soiled  bit of cloth from something or other—and gingerly dropped it into her  bag. She wasn’t sure if it had been someone’s discarded shirt left out  by the side of the road for who knows how long or what, and in truth  didn’t find herself keen on investigating further.

   I don’t think I can clean up the entire park, though, Tabitha couldn’t help but grimace at the prospect. Probably?  Or, maybe I can, just yard by yard? Yep, that’s me, community service  volunteer groundskeeping and maintenance for Sunset Estates! I’m gonna  go stir-crazy cooped up inside and I want to DO something—it might as  well be something productive. Right?

   Unfortunately, as she’d expected in recovering from an operation  Tabitha found her energy quickly flagged. She had the drive and she had  the motivation to do things, but there just wasn’t enough in her tank right now; she was  coasting on fumes. Before she’d even finished weeding around to the  other side of the trailer, she found herself feeling listless and more  often than not simply crouched in the cold, staring across their small  and somewhat ugly plot of grass.

   Ughhh, or maybe not, I guess? Tabitha wanted to take it upon herself to make a difference, but her  enthusiasm was at a deadlock with her exhaustion. With a long, slow sigh  that became visible vapor in the air before her, she resumed her  thankless task, this time moving slowly and with more deliberation to  each of her movements.

   For the next half hour she hunkered down at the edge of their side of  the little road in front of each of her neighbor’s mobile homes, slowly  filling up a second little shopping bag with trash. Tabitha’s broken  hand remained tucked into the front pocket of her father’s sweatshirt,  but her free glove found cigarette butts—so many cigarette butts—along  with unidentifiable scraps of mushy paper that may have once been fast  food cardboard of some kind. A few smelly discarded beer cans had been  crumpled and forgotten, and twisted bits of wire that looked to have  been the frame of one of those campaign signs people plant in front of  their house—the sign itself was long gone.

   Creeping along the length of yards beside the street she retrieved  pebble-sized chunks of broken glass, pages of junk mail advertisements  that had been left out in the weather, and dozens of tiny bits of blue  plastic she couldn’t quite place. Until she discovered a blue action  figure leg, the rest of the toy having been apparently abandoned to be  run over by cars, smashed and forgotten.

   There were small pieces of metal. Splintered chunks of wood that must  have broken off of someone’s porch steps, with a scrap of outdoor  carpeting still tacked to them. A mashed and rotting styrofoam takeout  container, leaking bright orange fluid she hypothesized might have been  hot sauce from someone’s order of wings. A broken disposable medical  syringe that Tabitha refused to touch, instead gingerly scraping it into  the mouth of her collection bag with one of the moldering pieces of  discarded mail. Another beer can. Two more beer cans. More cigarette butts, so many cigarette butts, the soggy stubs of mushy  paper were so ever-present throughout the wild crabgrass that one could  be led to believe the things grew from the unwelcome vegetation.

   Progress was slow, but less because the task was difficult, and more simply because Tabitha was taking her time and pacing herself  in a methodical manner. Cleaning up the area wasn’t fun or pleasant, but  it was rewarding in a certain sense—she felt like she was accomplishing  something. She’d craved that in her time spent recovering in the hospital ward, and finally she could do something and feel productive again.

   There was something inherently satisfying in the weight of the plastic  bag as she crept her way along and filled it with plant matter, garbage,  and the miscellaneous trailer park curiosities that painted low income  Americana in colorful strokes. The weight of her bag represented her  determination, and glancing back across the stretch of street to compare  their little yard against the neighbors, it did look a lot better.

   Not by much, but you CAN tell if you’re looking, Tabitha decided with a faint smile. Every little bit helps! Every little bit contributes. In some small way.

   When her ears were stinging from the cold, Tabitha  finally—carefully—stood back up, stretching her back and releasing a  huff of contentment, her breath still visible in the air. She hadn’t  finished the area—not quite—but a good deal of the lots on their side of  the street were tidied up, and her second bag was almost full to the  brim. She’d balked before at being told she was only allowed to take  baths instead of showers, but now after even just some forty or so  minutes here out in the chill, taking a nice warm soak right now sounded  positively decadent.

   Tabitha trudged the short distance back home, weary and feeling hollow  but at the very least not discouraged. She’d made visible progress at  something, and now when she rested for the rest of the day it would feel  earned. I think that’s what I really needed.

   “Momma?” Tabitha called out immediately upon returning to the heat  inside the trailer. “I’m gonna take a bath in a bit to warm up—would you  take a quick little look with me outside, first? I did a bit of weeding  and tidying up. I want to show you.”

   “Is that what you were up to out here?!” Mrs. Moore asked. “Peeked out to check  on you earlier and couldn’t figure out what on God’s green earth you  were up to. Tabitha, you can’t clean up the entire neighborhood.”

   “If I don’t, then who will?” Tabitha chuckled.

   “Tabitha…” her mother warned. “I know you mean well, but what if our neighbors don’t appreciate you poking around their private property?”

   “I’m sure some of them won’t,” Tabitha said with a wry smile, before dropping her voice down into a low, gravelly range. “This is MY pile of garbage, asshole. Back off!”

   “You watch your mouth,” Mrs. Moore said, but she was rolling her eyes and wore an exasperated smile.

   They had resumed practice sessions where Tabitha attempted to act, and  although she didn’t have much natural talent for expressing mannerisms  or controlling her facial expressions, Tabitha did have a knack for  creating natural-seeming personas and staying in character.

   She was cheating, somewhat, in that she had sixty years of experience  to draw from and therefore quite a range of memorable personalities from  future films, shows, podcasts, and even memes to draw from. For the  most part Tabitha would either attempt to portray an impersonation or  spin her own little distinctive character up on the fly, and her mother  would critique her performance and teach her specific ways to improve.

   I  just need to be careful to never ever do it around Alicia, because  she’ll probably be able to catch me quoting something familiar, Tabitha thought. Or, wait—maybe that’s even more of a reason to do it?

   “Tabitha—I know you’ve been bored these past few days, but I’d much  rather you were here inside writing your book thingamajig while you  recover. You’re liable to catch a cold out there!”

   “It’s just in our little area,” Tabitha said with a faint smile. “I  didn’t go far, and I paced myself and stopped as soon as I felt like it  was time to stop. I really just… want everything to be a little nicer.  And, I have the time. I have nothing but time, right now.”

   With some motherly consternation that Tabitha found surprisingly  pleasant in comparison to their bitter quarreling earlier in the year,  Mrs. Moore fussed over her daughter’s winter attire for a few moments  before consenting to allow Tabitha back outside. The woman’s efforts  still seemed silly to Tabitha after having been out there and left to  her own devices for so long, but it was honestly a good kind of silly.

   In the early morning today, she’d begged for permission to spend some  time out getting fresh air without being under strict supervision. Only  her exemplary behavior in the days following her return home had given  cause for her mother to finally relent. Tabitha had been forced to  promise not to push herself too hard or do anything outrageous like stroll around on her normal exercise loop around the neighborhood.  In hindsight, Tabitha thought she could have probably snuck away to  enjoy a long peaceful walk instead of how she’d spent her morning. Weeding was probably even more strenuous!

   But—I didn’t go on a light jog, or even a power walk for some exercise, Tabitha mused to herself as Mrs. Moore finally found a scarf for her to wear. Before, I would have. With the way things were between Mom and me.

   “Tabitha Anne Moore, just you look at this—your cheeks are completely red, you’re practically frozen!”

   “That’s just the honey glow in my cheeks!” Tabitha grinned.

   “Oh, you think you’re so funny,” Mrs. Moore tightened the scarf around  her daughter with a good-natured grumble. “You’re a real comedian.”

   I wasn’t REBELLIOUS or striking out against her authority or  anything—just, I didn’t care to obey. Her words didn’t use to mean  anything, we didn’t have this, this... trust. Now, it’s like just  because I know she cares, it MEANS something. It meant I wouldn’t just  go on my exercise loop anyways, even if I really, really want to be  getting back into things.

   Shannon Moore donned a shabby old winter blazer herself and then made  sure to hold Tabitha’s hand as they opened the door and went down the  steps. Being bundled up at this point seemed like a quintessential too little, too late gesture, but it was a gesture all the same and Tabitha was rapidly  discovering that ever since the evening of trick-or-treating—or maybe  even a little before that—she absolutely loved any  indication of appreciation or heartfelt care her parents had in them to  express. It felt childish and embarrassing to have gone from her fierce  push for stoic independence back in May to now desperately craving any  attention her parents had to spare, but Tabitha couldn’t help it.

   This is just the way my feelings are, now, Tabitha told herself as she eagerly guided her mother to the middle of  the street so that she could see all that she’d gotten done. It’s not mental regression, it’s… emotional growth. Right? Whatever, I’m thirteen for now—I’m allowed to act like it!

   “Well, it does look very nice,” Mrs. Moore sighed as she surveyed the  now slightly cleaner trailer park and clucked her tongue. “And, I’m  proud of you. But, I didn’t think you’d be getting up to all this out  here for so long—it’s always something with you—and I don’t want you out here toiling away in the cold, or thinking any of this is your responsibility. Your only responsibility is getting your rest and recovering.”

   “Kneeling down and picking things up isn’t exactly toiling,” Tabitha smiled. “I think it’s just about all I can do with how woozy I feel still.”

   “Tabitha—if you’re feeling woozy, then we’re getting you inside and  right into the tub!” Mrs. Moore frowned. “Look at you, you’re  practically turning blue!”

   “Mom. It’s forty-three degrees,” Tabitha rolled her eyes like the teenage girl she currently was. It was  even more fun than she expected. “In Canada, they still wear shorts and  tee shirts in this kind of weather.”

   “Well, this isn’t Canada, it’s America!” Mrs. Moore fumed, giving Tabitha a gentle swat. “You get your butt right back inside this instant!”

   “Yes, Momma.”

   Her long soak in the bath was every bit as decadent as she imagined,  and Tabitha nearly dozed off as she reclined back in the tub. The warmth  of the water stung at first, but after a few minutes the heat permeated  through her skin and seemed to soften up the chill from her muscles  until she was positively basking in the steaming bathwater. Adding a  folded water-soaked towel to help cushion her back against the less  forgiving angle of their mobile home tub helped her relax, and she kept  her left hand up resting on the lip of the basin, the plastic bag from a  delivered newspaper affixed over her cast with a rubber band.

   In the entirety of her past life, Tabitha had only taken a handful of  actual baths, instead preferring the expediency of standing up for a  shower to wash her hair and scrub herself. As someone who’d been ashamed  and disgusted of her own body for most of her life, she’d always tried  to see as little of it as possible. That had changed in a big way with  her dramatic weight loss here, and Tabitha enjoyed seeing herself naked  more than she wanted to admit.

   Never quite got to getting a COMPLETELY trim stomach with visible abs, or anything, Tabitha thought as she inspected her tummy. But,  I was definitely getting there. Before the big setback. My arms are  still looking great, my legs look pretty amazing. I never really  appreciated toned and athletic legs, until I got myself a pair. I’ve  already tried shaving them a few times, it’s not so bad. Just kind of  tedious. Maybe this Spring I’ll start experimenting with showing them  off a bit? Shorts, maybe. I’m not ready for skirts, no way.

   Her boobs? They were still there. Existing. She didn’t know what to do with them.

   Sometimes she would stare at them in the mirror—they were a curiosity,  and Tabitha was never completely sure how she felt about them, or how  they looked. Sometimes, their shape looked surprisingly nice, sometimes  they just seemed completely foreign and weird, and there were also many  times she just wished she simply didn’t have them or have to deal with  fitting them into bras. They were probably around the same size as they  had been in her first life, maybe even a little smaller, but with the  majority of her body fat sloughed off of her frame to drastically change  her figure, these oddities now seemed proportionately much, much larger than she was used to.

   For  as much as I hated being the invisible fat girl last time through,  going to high school this time, as a slender teenage girl—one with  BREASTS? Absolutely mortifying, at times. Too many times. Whew boy, was I  not ready for that. At all. Freshman boys weren’t careful about where  their eyes went, and that level of even accidental, um. SCRUTINY. Wasn’t  something I was prepared for. Honestly I’d always thought the ‘hey, my  eyes are up here’ thing was a joke, or a flex, or something. IT’S NOT.

   I  wouldn’t mind being thought of as attractive! The PRETTY girl. That’d  be kinda nice. Or, so I thought. Actually getting THAT level of  attention right off the bat from the first day wasn’t something I knew  how to deal with, at all. That definitely impacted my initial plans to  socialize and be normal... and instead had me hiding away in the library  for that first few weeks. Maybe something I should talk about with  Elena?

   To date she’d had little conversation about her breasts in this life,  so far really only with Grandma Laurie when they were trying out  different dresses to turn into blouses for her. Well, even calling them  conversations might be a stretch, as they’d consisted entirely of an  embarrassed Tabitha just shaking her head and looking completely  mortified each time a too-revealing design was offered. Much to her grandmother’s amusement.

   Tabitha wore a wistful smile at the memory, idly plunking a fingertip  down across the surface of the water in repetition just to hear the  noise it made. There were so many strange moments like that that she was  growing to appreciate more and more. After she was all grown up those  situations just didn’t really happen. She’d been worrying for the past  few weeks over mental regression, or even brain damage, and whether or not her mind was actually reverting back to that of a  pubescent teenage girl, but if she really was—so what? The added  perspective of a lonely and miserable adult life seemed to only serve to  make all the experiences of growing up this time more and more  intoxicating to her. These happy times with everyone probably weren’t  going to last forever, and she needed to make the most of them.

   After relaxing in the bath until her fingertips were pruny and the  water became only lukewarm, Tabitha finally decided it was time to get  out. She toweled herself off, then brushed her hair with care—leaning in  towards the mirror to examine the stitches along the side of her head  as she did so. A little time was spent checking herself out naked in the  mirror, turning this way and that. In her own admittedly biased  opinion, she simultaneously looked lovely and gross. Her features were  pleasing, and her body had a form that was pretty nice to look at, but  what had previously just been pale was now a ghastly white. She could  see her veins in too many places, there were all sorts of bruises and  weird marks, and parting her hair in the different way to make sure it  covered the shaved part of her head made her look a little weird.

   But, still. Mom’s right—a lot of beauty isn’t really in any of those things, Tabitha tried to turn her hesitant smile into a beaming one in the mirror. So far, it was still awkward.

   It’s  in the eyes, it’s in the way I need to carry myself. My body language  and my posture and the amount of attention I put into my expressions.  I’d heard of having ‘resting bitch-face,’ but what I’ve had until now  was honestly ‘resting BLANK-FACE.’ Now Mom has me learning to let myself  emote more, and that sort of confidence won’t come naturally, not at  first. You have to grow into that. I’m growing into it for the first  time, and she’s learning how to come back to it. And we’re doing it  together, which is even more important.

   Tabitha stepped out of the bathroom and padded down the short trailer  hallway into her room. She dressed in new pajamas, climbed into bed  where she could protect that glow of warmth from her bath under winter  blankets, and hugged her pillow against herself so that she was  completely cozy.

   She’d earned this nap.

   *     *     *

   “Honey… I have something important I want to talk about with you,” Mrs.  Moore said with a nervous expression, letting her spoon clink against  the porcelain of her teacup.

   “I have something important, too!” Tabitha revealed, easing her own  teacup and saucer back so that she could slide her notebook in from  where it had been off to the side.

   It was now late evening, and the mother and daughter were finishing off  the remaining ice cream together at the dining room table. At Tabitha’s  insistence, they only enjoyed dessert from these tiny teacups normally  buried in the back of a box in the closet, both because it kept their  portion size down to very small increments, and because Grandma Laurie’s  old tea set was dainty and cute.

   “Well, in that case—you go on,” her mother insisted. “You go first.”

   “Okay,” Tabitha tried not to give her mother a wary look. “I think I’ve  more or less finalized what I want my story to be, and—I want you to  read it. My goblin story that I’ve been working on all this time.”

   She pushed the notebook across the table towards her mother.

   “Are you sure?” Mrs. Moore accepted the binder and then hefted it up  gingerly in her hands. “I know when you got this back from that woman  from the school board, you mentioned that this was very… personal.”

   “It is,” Tabitha nodded. “I’ve been wanting to share it with you because of that. For months. Just, it never all quite felt ready until now. I’m really dying to know  what you think of it—in how it pertains to me and my life, and just as a  story on its own. Right now, this is like how your blue album is for  you, but for me.”

   “Thank you,” Mrs. Moore said. “I have been very... curious.”

   “Just, please promise me you’ll let me know what you think,” Tabitha  pleaded. “Like, don’t even wait until you’re through the whole thing,  give me all the feedback you have, whenever it pops into your mind.  About any of it. Anything.”

   “Okay, okay,” Mrs. Moore chuckled. “I will.”

   “Okay,” Tabitha let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding  in. “Thank you. Now, it’s your turn—what did you want to say?”

   “Tabitha, I’ve… I’ve been meaning to have a big talk with you,” Mrs.  Moore said after a long moment of hesitation. The plump woman fidgeted,  taking the stem of her spoon pointing up out of her teacup and fiddling  with it.

   “Now that you’re home, and things are… getting back to normal.  Somewhat. For our family. We’d been waiting to tell you some big news,  and… and your father’s been a big baby about it, since he doesn’t know  how to talk to you about this, and I don’t either so I’m just going to  come out and say it. Because I want you to know.”

   “Okay...” Tabitha said, giving her mother a curious look and feeling  herself fill with tension all over again. “I’m listening. What is it?”

   “Tabitha—” Mrs. Moore paused. “You’re... going to be a big sister.”

   Tabitha froze, staring across the table at her mother in disbelief.

   “I’m going to be… a big sister?”

   “Yes, honey.”

   “I’m... going to be a big sister,” Tabitha repeated with a blank look. “You’re—what, you’re having a baby? You’re having a baby?!”

   “Yes, honey.”

   Shock didn’t quite begin to describe what she was feeling—her mother  having another child was impossible, it had never happened before and  could in no way conceivably happen now. Her parents couldn’t have sex. It was a series of concepts that didn’t fit together in any way, shape, or form. Suspension of disbelief was broken forever. What the fuck. What the fuck.

   “You’re… having a baby?” Tabitha said again. “Are you sure?”

   “Yes, I’m very sure,” Mrs. Moore let out a nervous chuckle. “I was just as surprised as you are!”

   Somehow… I doubt that, Tabitha took a deep breath and raised her good hand to her forehead as she frantically tried to think. This is… this came about from my actions, somehow. Somehow. Changes have consequences. Jesuuus do they ever have consequences.

   Mom’s  lost weight. No, not even just the weight—her mentality has changed. A  lot. I guess I didn’t even realize how much until Halloween. Last  lifetime, she was just totally swollen up with self-loathing and  bitchiness and petty spite and she’s been gradually… deflating from  that. Her and Dad are a lot more, um. They’re...

   I mean, I knew Mom and Dad weren’t really usually, uh, TRADITIONALLY  INTIMATE, not for a long time I guess, so I just assumed they were  always going to stay that way. Big psychological blind spot, and—yeah I  don’t even want to think about it now, either. Ever. Ew. EW EW EW. But.  She’s having a baby. A BABY. I’M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER. Not just a  cool older cousin, A BIG SISTER. That’s—it’s—this is completely  different. Who’d have ever even thought? I mean, sure yeah she was super  young when she had me, but isn’t a thirteen year difference in siblings  pretty—

   “Tabitha?” Mrs. Moore sounded worried.

   “Sorry, um,” Tabitha floundered for words. “This is just… you’re really sure?”

   “I’m really sure,” Mrs. Moore nodded.

   “Okay. Okay,” Tabitha breathed, taking the initiative to reach across the table and  clasp her mother’s hand before the nervous parent could grow any more  uneasy. “This… this changes everything. What are we going to do? Are we  moving to a bigger place? What are we going to do?!”

   “Whatever you want to do,” Mrs. Moore said, squeezing Tabitha’s hand.  “We have settlement money coming in—the Seelbaughs helped with that.  Everyone did. But, that’s, it’s your money, for your future. Your father wanted to set up a college fund for you, but—”

   “I’m not going to college,” Tabitha shook her head as she disengaged. “I have—well I had—other plans. Not college.”

   “Okay,” Mrs. Moore agreed. “Whatever you want. The money—it’s a lot of  money, Tabby Honey. If you want us to move, we’ll move. If you want to  go to school in a different district, we’ll do that. Whatever you want  to do, we’ll make it happen. I was just—we were just, we don’t want to  pressure you, or make you think you need to make any big decisions  when—”

   “We’re staying here,” Tabitha decided immediately. “I want a few  thousand dollars for immediate expenses, and the rest kept available for  me to invest in stocks in the next several years.”

   “That’s fine,” Mrs. Moore assured her. “Investing is smart! If that’s what you want to do, that’s—”

   “Can Dad take some time off from work?” Tabitha asked. “There’s so much  for us to do. I’ll pay to get Uncle Danny’s Oldsmobile hauled to the  junkyard, we don’t have space for it. I’d like you to call the  management of Sunset Estates and get them to approve some changes to the  property, and I’ll need someone to take me to Springton town hall so we  can file for a construction permit. For just a few thousand dollars, we  can get a simple deck add-on built and covered and turned into an  extension of the trailer. The Jamesons down the street did it, super  cheap way of adding an extra room, and we need—”

   “The Jamesons added a room onto their trailer?” Mrs. Moore looked up in  surprise, leaning forward at the table slightly to cast a look out the  window and down the darkened street. “When?”

   “Err—no,” Tabitha carefully winced, clamping her mouth closed for a second. “They, uh, they will, though, they were talking about getting it done. I think maybe they’ve  done it before, somewhere else? They sounded very, um, it’s a pretty  certain thing. Just trust me.”

   “When have you spoken to the Jamesons?” Mrs. Moore asked, giving her daughter a doubtful look. “You were in the hospital for—”

   “Before that! I talked to people, sometimes, back when I did my morning  runs,” Tabitha said quickly. “I know Mike and his family, kind of. And  others. Some people were, um, up and about early in the mornings back  when I did my morning routine. Basically.”


   “Anyways, we need permits first, and we need them fast, before it gets any  colder. I think I’d like to get a little fence around our lot as well—if  memory serves Sunshine Estates used to let the Upper Park homes have  fences. We can get it installed, and then if we plant some thuja green  or leyland cypress now, we’ll have several feet of privacy shrub coming  up by the time the baby’s here. If we need the roof sealed, any flooring  or windows or electrical replaced, I want you and Dad to tell me now so  we can get it done sooner rather than later. We’ll have our hands full  when he—or she—is born, and I don’t want us putting anything off.”

   “Tabitha honey—do you think it’s wise sinkin’ more money into the  trailer instead of us just up and finding a better place to live?”

   “Yes, and no,” Tabitha frowned. “I’ll do some more research for a more  thorough cost-benefit analysis, but the key to take away from this, is  that settlement money is just a one-time windfall. Our actual flow of  income isn’t changing, so when you consider—”

   “Okay, okay!” Mrs. Moore chuckled, holding up her free hand in defeat.  “It’s your money right now, anyways. Whatever you want to do with it is  fine. Just, please sit down and have a talk with us about everything  first, some of these things—well, like taking your uncle Danny’s car to  the junkyard. We wouldn’t have to pay for that. The junkyard would pay us for however much in parts it’s worth. If you want it gone, we can get it gone, we won’t waste any of your money on it.”

   “Right. Right,” Tabitha laughed to herself. “Guess I forgot what—uh, what kind of times  we live in here. Of course they’d pay us—they can still use the scrap.  In these times.”

   “...Yes?” Mrs. Moore said with an unsure laugh. “Of course they can?”

   “I was just thinking, in the long view, where the automotive salvage industry will someday have to deal with—no, you know what? It doesn’t matter. You’re having a baby. I’m going to be a big sister! There’s so many more important things to think about, right now!”

   “So, you’re excited?” Mrs. Moore asked.

   “Of course I am!” Tabitha gave her mother a quizzical smile. “Why would you think I wouldn’t be?”

   “Just, with the, um. Timing, of everything that’s happened,” Mrs. Moore  said with a difficult expression. “We weren’t sure how you’d feel about  it, or if you’d feel that we were trying to replace you, or—”

   “Wouldn’t even blame you if that was the case, and I know it’s not,”  Tabitha squeezed her mother’s hand again in a show of support.  “Honestly, this might be the best news I’ve gotten in a long, long long  long time. Thank you. I needed this right now.”

   “Well, that’s a relief, then,” Mrs. Moore smiled.

   “Also, I’ll need both of you parents really distracted with something  for a couple years,” Tabitha laughed. “My late teenage years are going  to be super suspicious. So, this is perfect!”

   “I… don’t even know how to respond to that,” Tabitha’s mother laughed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

   Mom, I’m actually Tabitha from the future, Tabitha thought with a small smile. I came back in time.

   I’m just gonna keep layin’ down this breadcrumb trail of not-so-subtle  slips and misspoken words until you can get to wondering, and HOPEFULLY  maybe more receptive to the truth, someday. This is what I should have  done with Alicia and Elena. It’s just—frustrating. And, I’m still a  terrible actress. Maybe that’ll make it stand out even more to you?

   “You know, you haven’t even asked how big the settlements were,” Mrs. Moore chuckled.

   “I haven’t,” Tabitha said. “I’ve just been really focused on, you know,  enjoying the fact that I’m still alive. Which is great just by itself!  Why, how much was the settlement?”

   “Settlements,” Mrs. Moore corrected her with a smile. “Plural! Don’t  forget about that Thompson boy and what he did! And, in light of the  near medical diagnosis mishap and some people being thrown under the proverbial bus, the fees for  your surgical procedure and hospital stay have become... very agreeable.  The law offices of Seelbaugh and Straub—your friend Elena’s father,  he’s apparently a very scary man. Having the police and the school board  behind you here in town is support that runs deeper than you know.  Things have been… surprising.”

   “I’ve been very lucky, and very unlucky,” Tabitha said, taking a deep  breath. “I think that’s just how things are going to be, from now on.  With little in-between. How much do the settlements come out to in the  end?”

   Mrs. Moore told her the number, and Tabitha felt her eyes go wide as  the teacups full of melting ice cream, the table, her mother across from  her and their quaintly furnished mobile home around her all suddenly  felt distant and unreal.

   Uhhh. Okay, wow. My conservative guesstimation was off by an entire zero. Wow, just… wow. Holy fucking shit. THAT much, in 1998?

( 32, Returning to where she belongs. | RE: Trailer Trash | 34, The music just right for Elena. )


Eroyla Drago

She’s changing the timeline!

Charles Sheaff

I continue to be blown away by a very high caliber of writing. You really need to publish this when you finish.

prentice barry

i've really been enjoying this story, i think it speaks to everyone that looks back on their early years being teenagers and wanting to be able to go back and have a do over, i know i certainly do, so this story lets me have a bit of a "living vicariously" experience while reading it :)


Finally out of the hospital! Great. A very nice chapter !!!


Great chapter!!¡

Brian Czisny

This and a chapter of AH? My day has been made


Yeah, I'm never cancelling my Patreon. Give up Tabitha putting her life together and possible big sister shenanigans? Never. But only if you name the baby Chris(tine).


Tab is so cute when she going through this immensely complex process, showing (educating) her mother, understanding the time line, looking at how her self is reacting to everything, adding a new baby to the story, and the long to do list.


This is what I'm here for. Pleasure for the mind.


Love this story