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   Unimplemented as of yet, but most fail state choices in the game are planned to lead a lone and miserable Brian to drive out to a bar where he gets incredibly drunk. After a scene there, the player will be presented with the options:

  • Drive back to the convention center.
  • Drive back to the hotel room.
  • Walk back to the downtown area.

   Choosing drive back to the convention center fades to black and then reopens on a scene where Brian wakes up to discover that while drunk, he drove through the entrance of the convention center totaled his car on one of the lobby pillars.


07/04/2021 Destroyed lobby. 07/28/2021 Attendees reacting to car wreck:

   Likewise, choosing drive back to the hotel room will see a fade to black and then Brian waking to discover he drove through a hotel courtyard and crashed into his hotel room.


05/30/2021 Destroyed hotel room:

   Choosing walk back to the downtown area will show the city scene, fade to black, and then reset the day back to before the player put the game into fail states, citing the fail state and trip to the bar as a bad dream.

   Don't drink and drive!

    Additional fail state scenes will likely include being kicked out of the convention center by convention staff, and being removed from the convention center by local police. These will both again railroad to Brian getting drunk at the bar, where players can either game over drunk driving, or stumble back and wake up to realize the scenarios that led into fail state were a dream and the day is restarting.

   Thus, players will be able to immediately beat the shit out of Chloe without ruining the story (or their save files) and having to completely restart their game! You're welcome.


   The game will be released incrementally, and when the player has reached the end of content for each version, the end of current content screen(s) will appear. This will display the current/next public version and current/next Patreon version release dates, as well as a link to respective chapter of the webfiction version of AnimeCon Harem, should the player wish to continue reading the story rather than wait or pledge for the next game update.

   End of current content screen(s) will feature a post-apocalyptic convention center being reclaimed by nature in successive stages of time lapse by decades, while a rock version of the Kelly theme plays. Towards the end of the time lapse, a tribe of pink-haired girls with bunny ears will appear and begin settling the area amid the convention ruins with rudimentary tents and structures made of scavenged concrete blocks.

   End credits thanking the artists and patrons will scroll upwards on one side while the end theme plays.

12/06/2020 Kelly theme rock version.

11/25/2022 Abandoned convention center, stage one:

( Sherriott Saturday & Sunday | AnimeCon Harem Eroge )



Just a technical nitpick: Strings don't actually have that decay effect that eacb and every synth always gives them. It's screaming "CASIO" over all of the otherwise very nice motifs.


On the other hand, I love the clockwork effect for Steph, at least at the beginning of the story, where she definitely is travelling through life at somewhat of an autopilot. Hopefully it can get a bit of development towards more dynamic and fluid theme as her character develops.