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   Kelly couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the obvious look of heartache that crossed Stephanie’s features at the reminder, but Brian had been on the lookout for it and managed to slightly appease her with a tender kiss. Stephanie managed to muster a warm smile, but Kelly could see how difficult it was for her knowing that everyone she’d just fallen so far and so hard in love for was about to be out of arm’s reach for a good long while.

   There weren’t any ‘buck up, kiddo,’ aphorisms Kelly had for her, either. She found herself warring with an anxious mixture of feelings—bittersweetness at the con weekend ending, trepidation at stepping into a new life living with Brian, and... she knew she was going to miss Stephanie, too. A lot.

   Distracted as they were by the sheer melancholy of soon parting, both girls turned to watch Brian get up, with him clutching carefully between his legs to hold the—

   “What the fuck,” Kelly blurted out, staring at the bulbous extension that was ponderously swinging back and forth down by Brian’s thigh.

   “Hey, don’t laugh,” Brian pleaded, sounding a little incredulous himself. “Tryin’ to not make a mess, here.”

   “What the fuck!” Stephanie exclaimed, clapping a hand over her mouth.

   “There it is again Steph, you’re swearing,” Brian called over his shoulder as he awkwardly tried to amble over towards the hotel room’s small bathroom. “I heard it.”

   “I didn’t swear!” Stephanie protested, gathering a handful of the sheets to pull against herself as if to protect her from the shock of what she was seeing. “I don’t swear. Is that—is that the fucking condom?!”

   “What the fuck,” Kelly repeated. “Brian, Brian stop—turn around, let me see that.”

   “I swear you’re swearing,” Brian chuckled, continuing to take cautious steps toward the bathroom.

   “I’m not swearing!” Stephanie insisted.

   “Brian either that’s the fucking condom, or you had time to start making fucking balloon animals in bed there with us,” Kelly said, climbing up off the bed and hurrying over to grab his shoulders and spin him around to face them.

   “Steph’s picking up all this bad language from you, I hope you know,” Brian said.

   “Is that the condom?!” Stephanie called over with a giggle.

   “Okay, okay I know it looks like a lot, but it’s really not that much,” Brian tried to rationalize. “I mean, between you teasing me along forever and Stephanie being Stephanie, and it’d also been a while since I—”

   “Hours, Brian,” Kelly refuted him. “Hours. This is a lot of fucking cum for you to shoot out after what we saw last night.”

   Upon closer inspection, the milky transparent latex was stretched out to what must have been its absolute limit. The condom was absolutely swollen with spend, bloated out in an obscene rounded shape that Brian was struggling to cup from beneath while pinching the top of it tight against the base of his dick. Kelly dropped into a crouch so that the ridiculous sight was right in front of her eyes and she could still barely believe what she was seeing.

   “I mean… probably a good thing we remembered it in time at least, right?” Brian said with a nervous chuckle. “If we hadn’t, I can only imagine what—hey hey whoa careful!”

   “I’m being so careful,” Kelly chided in a playful voice. “Don’t let go of it from the bottom. Yeah, just kinda cradle it. Let me just…”

   Kelly had actually never removed a rubber from a guy before, but she imagined this would be a new experience to just about anyone. With as much concentration and focus as she could bring to bear—the smell of raw, animalistic sex was right in her face now, and it was potent—she took over squeezing the mouth of the condom shut against him while ever so slowly sliding it down and off of him. That took longer than she expected, inch after inch of glistening cock being revealed as it was drawn out of the veritable balloon of still-warm ejaculuate—it was so distracting that she couldn’t even think up a crass joke to articulate.

   “Jeeeesus, Brian,” Kelly finally mouthed in awe. “Brian.”

   She could feel how dangerously bubble-thin the heavy purse of latex was stretched, and she did her best to ignore the soft groan Brian let out as she eased it down across the flaring crown of his cockhead. With deft precision that impressed even herself, she ensured the end stayed closed between her thumb and forefinger while beginning to stretch that ring even further so that she could attempt to twist it around and tie it.

   “Whoa, whoa—it’s gonna pop,” Brian warned.

   “It’s not gonna pop!” Kelly whispered back in a harsh voice.

   If it did pop—and it definitely felt like it was about to—Kelly would get a face full of magical semen, so she leaned in even closer and stared at her trembling fingers with the intensity of an explosives expert defusing a bomb. She was determined to try to do this, and if it popped and splattered her face with his cum… Well, yeah I’m okay with that, too. Obviously.

   “I think… I almost… hah!” Kelly grinned in triumph. “I got it. Now, sorta tilt your hand and very carefully just kinda settle the weight of it in my hand.”

   “You don’t have to wave it around,” Brian laughed. “C’mon, just get it over the waste basket, before it breaks and spills everywhere or something.”

   “We’re not throwing this out!” Kelly said, shooting him an aghast look for as long as she could hold it before she felt her cheeks naturally curling into a wicked smile. “We haven’t even shown Emily, yet.”

   “Oh, God,” Brian made a face. “Don’t you dare hand that to Emily. She’ll completely, one hundred fifty thousand percent absolutely be unable to stop herself from throwing it at something.”

   “Stephanie,” Kelly called. “Steph, you’ve gotta come see this. Come and see this before we give it to Emily.”

   “You can’t,” Brian protested. “You can’t give it to Emily. C’mon, you know she’ll throw it at something. Or someone.”

   That does seem… expressly dangerous, Kelly thought to herself as Stephanie clambered off the bed and joined them on her knees. With what basically amounts to a water balloon full of magic transformation cum? We should maybe keep this handy?

   “That’s incredible,” Stephanie remarked, smiling with pride at the distended condom Kelly had managed to tie off. “Brian—you’re amazing.”

   Kelly was about to say more, but after following Stephanie’s gaze she discovered that the girl had already lost interest in the ridiculously overfilled condom—in favor of an adoring look at Brian’s dick. Though no longer standing up at attention, the girls would be hard-pressed to describe it as flaccid. The delightful vulgar instrument was still fairly flushed with arousal, it gleamed with slick splendor after the removal of the condom, and appeared so incredibly mouth-watering that Kelly found herself subconsciously leaning in towards it.

   Stephanie licked her lips and made a tiny whimpering noise.

   “Yeah, this is, uh,” Kelly fumbled for words as she turned her head away and rose to her feet, carefully hefting the condom in hand. “Impressive.”

   “Okay, but seriously don’t show that to Emily,” Brian laughed, taking the slightly dazzled Stephanie by the hand and guiding her up to her feet before she could start licking and slurping his penis back into a full erection. “I’m gonna wash up a tiny bit and get dressed— we should probably get going soon.”

   “What if I chuck it at Emily?” Kelly suggested, gently squeezing the condom inflated with cum in her hand to feel its shape distort. “Like, here, Emmie—catch!”

   “That’s… uh,” Brian smile began to fall. “Please don’t, not even as a joke. She has a kinda bad history with people playing mean pranks on her from high school. Accidentally spilling drinks on her, her finding spit on the back of her bag after going down a crowded hall—that sort of thing. Don’t want to upset her with anything like that.”

   “Oh,” Kelly said, forcibly letting her hand relax.

   A flash of anger had spiked through her even at merely hearing that Emily had been bullied in the past, which surprised her. In any other situation Kelly would have delighted in sharing some of her own high school stories about how shocking and cruel teens can be at that particular turn of conversation. Most of them weren’t from the perspective of one of one of the victims, either. Now, instead she felt... a little bit pissed, a tiny bit overprotective, and a whole lot of sympathy emerging out of nowhere for Emily, which wasn’t a combination of emotions Kelly was used to.

   Okay, THAT’S a charm thing, probably, Kelly thought. It didn’t bother her as much as it probably should have. It’s uncharacteristic, doesn’t fit the pattern of how I’d normally react at all. And whatever happened to her was way back in high school, anyways. Nothing recent, nothing super RELEVANT. Right?

   Unlike their situation now with Chloe, which was both recent and relevant, and it took Kelly a conscious effort not to clench her hand and crush the fragile condom. It maybe wasn’t fair of her to immediately associate bullying with Chloe, but there was no other decent outlet for actively venting her outrage this weekend.

   Should pelt that cunt in the fucking face with this thing. Giving Chloe a smack and a tiny shove, getting her own mustard all over her whatever-it-was cosplay—it wasn’t enough. Blowing Brian right in front of her and seeing her totally pop her gasket, that was fantastic… but STILL not enough. Nowhere even close.

   Don’t know how I’m gonna manage it without getting us all in trouble, but I am personally going to beat the shit the living shit out of her for everything she’s done to Stephanie. The way she treated Brian. For EVERYTHING she’s done. I just want to RUIN her.

   “Hey, Steph do you want to keep this?” Brian asked. He turned, lifting up the liner from the ice bucket out of the sink. “We can fill it with more ice from the machine, if you think you still need it.”

   “I’d… actually forgotten all about that,” Stephanie blushed, bringing a hand up and inspecting her face in the mirror. “It doesn’t... look bad? I don’t really feel anything anymore.”

   Kelly stared at that plastic bag—it was tied shut, but the ice inside had long since melted away overnight, leaving Brian with a lopsided baggie filled with water in his hand to parallel the tied-off condom of cum Kelly held in hers. Except... that ice last night probably did fuck-all for her swelling or bruising or whatever. Pretty sure the REAL solution to that is over here in my hand.

   She pursed her lips. Her natural first thought at the mention of someone throwing a condom full of cum at someone was naturally to find a chance to hurl it at Chloe. Randomly getting someone’s cum flung onto you was WAY more grotesque and humiliating than a mere condiment like mustard—and it would have also represented their personal victory over her in a very intimate way.

   But then, on the other hand… wouldn’t that be literally throwing pearls before swine? Kelly glanced at herself in the mirror, then turned her eyes to Stephanie, marveling again at how outstanding they looked today. Why waste our magic health and beauty elixir on HER, of all people? We don’t even know for sure exactly what all this stuff can do.

   After a quick bit of washing up, the trio managed to dress themselves with only minor distractions necking and touching each other, and then they surveyed the hotel room for the very last time. A lot had happened in here over the weekend, and as silly and sentimental as it was—Kelly found herself sad to leave it behind.

   There was the pretty kickass truth or dare game we played Friday night under the pretense of GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER, goading them on ‘til Stephanie actually dared Brian to go down on her. Pulling Steph into a kiss the next morning, and then... yeah a teensy bit more than a kiss. Tryin’ on the Calamity Queen dress thing and kinda seeing for myself what Sarah feels when she does all her ridiculous elaborate outfits for conventions. Blowing Brian right in front of his ex, getting that epic load blasted all over my tits—his stuff’s gotta be magic, because it tastes INCREDIBLE. Gettin’ fucked ‘till I saw stars. Then all that crazy drown the slut stuff with Emily… Jesus, I get turned on just thinking about it.

   “Can’t believe we’re leaving,” Stephanie murmured in a small voice.

   “Just until next year. We’ll use this hotel again next time,” Brian promised, putting his arms around her shoulders. “This AnimeCon’s still goin’ on, so don’t you go getting yourself depressed just yet.”

   “Yeah,” Stephanie looked up at him with a sad smile.

   “There’s plenty of other stuff, too,” Kelly proposed. “Excuses for us to all meet up and get together now and then. Concerts, football games. Parties. Doesn’t just have to be this geeky garba—”

   “Yeah! Think there’s a big renaissance fair coming up this fall,” Brian remembered with a lopsided grin. “With live action roleplaying and everything, we can ask Rebecca about it. Another excuse for us to all dress up and—”

   “You guys are hopeless,” Kelly rolled her eyes. “Next thing I know, you’ll be suggesting we get into that stupid dice-and-dungeon All-Quest stuff.”

   “Well, I do know a guy who runs a table,” Brian mused with a smile. “Could try giving him a call, he’d be thrilled to have some new blood at the—”

   “Ooh,” Stephanie beamed up at him. “I’ve heard about All-Quest, but I never had a group of people to try playing with...”

   “Hah ha, very funny, dorks,” Kelly said with a strained smile. Shit. I can’t even tell if they’re kidding anymore.

   “I can regale you tales of that time I played Björn, my homebrew Fistmancy Bloodzerker,” Brian teased. “Great guy, huge mustache. Never met a problem he couldn’t solve with proper application of violence. Magic punches, mind you, and at ninth tier my damage output was insane—”

   “I can shut you up with kisses,” Kelly growled. “Is that what you want, my tongue down your throat every time you relapse into more weeb bullshit?”

   “Relapse?!” Brian let out an indignant scoff. “And ack-shully, I’ll have you know All-Quest games are a western discipline, so you construing it as—”

   Kelly pressed in close, gripping the front of his shirt and silencing him with the softness of her lips. They kissed for a long moment, Kelly only releasing him to regard him with a stern look.

   “Uh,” Brian continued in his stuffy imitation of a nerd. “You see, referring to it as weeb is just factually incorr—”

   She leaned in again, this time slipping her tongue into his mouth and playing it against his for an exceptionally heated kiss that somehow stretched on for a lot longer than intended before she finally let him free again.

   “I…” Brian worked his lips. “Huh. Forgot what I was saying.”

   “Good,” Kelly grunted, turning to see Stephanie’s blushing face. “And what are you lookin’ at, huh? Do you want kisses? ‘Cause that’s how you get kisses.”

   “I always want kisses,” Stephanie sighed with a soft smile, and something about the cutesy delivery and the sparkle in the girl’s blue eyes had Kelly’s heart racing all over again. “Kisses and kisses and kisses.”

   “Alright, that’s it,” Kelly huffed in exasperation. “Everybody, clothes off. Looks like we’re in for round two.”

   “Really wish we could,” Brian lamented. “We’ve gotta get moving, though.”

   He left the room keys on the dresser, they each took one last glance around, and then they all filed out of the room and out into the sunlight. Megan and Emily were still out in the pool courtyard waiting for them with the small pile of bags, costume pieces, and the Noblesse Oblique shipping box on one of the chaise loungers lined up beside the clear blue water. Several of the breakfast platter cartons were open nearby and Emily was gesticulating to Megan with an animated expression as she typed something into her phone, but Rebecca was nowhere to be found.

   “Hey, Emmie,” Brian greeted in a somewhat sheepish voice as they walked over to join them. “Sorry—were you all waiting on us out here?”

   “Oh hey!” Emily beamed up at him, then shot an expectant look at Stephanie. “Uhhh, how was it? How’d… everything go?”

   Blushing furiously, Stephanie covered her face and hid against Brian, unable to reply.

   “It was… great,” Brian said.

   “Everything was fine,” Kelly assured Emily. “I barely had to help them at all.”

   “You actually helped out quite a bit,” Brian chuckled. “Did Rebecca go on ahead to the convention?”

   “Think she was looking for a restroom,” Megan said.

   “Welll, next time you guys, are, um, wrestlin’ around and stuff do you think I could help out a bit?” Emily pleaded, batting her eyelashes. “If you want? Pretty-please?”

   “Do you really want to wrestle around and stuff with me?” Kelly asked Emily, pursing her lips into a cute pout. “We can—”

   An unexpected but all-too-familiar sound interrupted, and Kelly stared down at her purse in surprise for a moment before registering what it was; her phone was going off. That was sure to be Chelsea calling—Kelly lived with her, along with Chelsea’s boyfriend Devan and their one-year-old brat Skyler. This was probably the wake up call, finally arriving to jar her out of the impossible dream that was this weekend and back to cruel reality.

   “Shit,” Kelly swore, opening up her purse and pulling out her phone. “Sorry, one sec, guys.”

   Not wanting to leave them but needing a bit of privacy, Kelly took a small stroll away from her new friends around towards the other end of the pool. It was hard not to think of how distant and empty past Kelly felt to her now, and trying to put her back in that different mindset to address the vestiges of that life now had her shoulders tensing all over again. Figuring out how to stitch together the disparity between the Kelly from before and who she felt like she was now was going to take some work, and she took a deep breath before accepting the call and bringing the phone up to her face.

   “Chelsea,” Kelly greeted in a neutral tone. “Hey.”

   “Hey, girl,” Chelsea’s soft sigh sounded out. “Is it okay if I pick you up a little earlier today? Like, in about an hour? I told my mom she could have the car at two o’clock for her doctor’s appointment thing. How’d things go with your sister?”

   “Um,” Kelly’s mind went blank for a moment at simply hearing Chelsea again. “It—well, it went. Long story...”

   The sound of Chelsea’s voice reminded Kelly of her little space on the couch in their porch room that reeked of smoke and stale beer. Kicking off her work shoes and wadding up that greasy-feeling McBurger apron, or the stuffy Dollarydoos collared shirt, and letting herself fall heavily onto the couch cushions. Sliding tapes into the VCR  slot of the old TV out there so that the pictures could play out silently—the set’s speakers had blown out long ago—while she wearily messed around on her phone. The feeling of exhaustion and the maddening frustration that all of her efforts were just running her ragged but getting her nowhere, every single fucking day.

   “Did she not take it well?” Chelsea asked in her subdued voice. “I hope she didn’t— Skyler, drop that. You drop that right now. That’s not for you to play with. You—give me that. Not for you to play with, honey. Er, sorry. I hope your sister didn’t, like, flip out on you?”

   It was easy for her to picture Skyler’s grabby little hands, because Kelly seemed to be babysitting him whenever she wasn’t working one of her shitty grueling jobs. The tyke was cute, but his need for constant supervision was demanding when she already felt strained and stretched thin after her shifts. One-year-olds have no real concept of personal space—her shoes, the scattered VHS tapes, Kelly’s plastic ashtray, lighter, and her cigarette packs were all toys to him. She was using the box from Skyler’s Toddler Table as her hamper, and more often than not she’d discover it tipped over and her clothing strewn around the tiny borrowed living area when she got home, simply because Skyler wanted to play with the box.

   If I didn’t keep all my good cosmetics here in my purse, can’t even imagine the mess I’d come home to. Well, not HOME exactly, I guess…

   It had never been a home, just a familiar place where Kelly existed while feeling miserable for herself. Somewhere to wile away the hours until her next work shift or the next time she could drink herself to sleep. Remembering her situation there evoked a mild sense of steadily deepening dread, recalling that maybe this is it, that maybe this is as good as it’s gonna get, a life slipping into the cracks and just disappearing into obscurity after having fallen so hard and so far from what she thought she—

   “No, she—um,” Kelly clapped a hand to her forehead, realizing she’d fallen silent for a moment too long. “Listen, Chel—how much money do I owe you guys?”

   “How much money?” Chelsea asked. “Umm. Maybe something like… sixty dollars? I think?”

   “No, I mean like, not just what I borrowed. Rent and my part of the bills and everything,” Kelly clarified with some difficulty. “I haven’t been real great about paying you guys every month, and I know that.”

   “I think... I’d have to check with Devan,” Chelsea’s quiet voice sounded concerned. “You’re… it sounds like you’re not coming back. Kelly… are you in trouble?”

   “I... don’t think I’m coming back,” Kelly confirmed. “But it’s the opposite of trouble, I guess. I think I’m—it’s like I’m getting a lot of things figured out? Definitely want to square things off with you and Devan, though. You’ve been way too good to me to burn you guys like that.”

   “I’ll talk to him,” Chelsea said, and then paused for a long moment. “Am I... not picking you up from the anime convention, then?”

   “Could you actually… throw all my stuff in a bag or something and bring it by?” Kelly asked with a wince. “And, I can pay you guys whatever I owe you in cash.”

   “In cash?” Chelsea repeated. “Umm, Kelly you didn’t…?”

   “Prostitute myself out to geeks at an anime convention?” Kelly supplied with a faint smile.

   “Hey—Kelly, your words, not mine!” Chelsea let out an uneasy laugh. “I just, um, I didn’t think that…”

   “Yeah, charged a nickel a go, and you wouldn’t believe how much I earned,” Kelly joked in a dry tone. “Had a big line of guys all weekend, I’ve just been bent over letting them go at it while I count and roll all the coins, you know? Can I just give you loose change, is that cool? Don’t want the other pimps making fun of you when you take your cut over to the Coinster machine at the Shop-n-Serve.”

   “Hah, Kelly…” Chelsea’s laugh was only slightly strained. “You… didn’t for real, though, right? The money, I mean. I thought that Kingsley Productions guy was just, um. Video, like filming stuff for the internet or whatever. Not like, escorting and stuff...”

   “I…” Kelly’s heart leapt into her throat and she felt a little choked up in realizing just how close she’d come to making a lot of really terrible decisions. “Chel, I’m not escorting. I’m not gonna do the porno thing after all, either. I… don’t know how to explain it and you’d never believe all the crazy shit going on, but things have like, completely turned around. I’m going to be okay now.”

   “What happened?!” Chelsea sounded thrilled. “Did your sister talk you into—”

   “I found some good people,” Kelly tried to figure out how she was going to explain this. “And, they’re gonna take care of me. I’m gonna take care of them.”

   “Good... people?” Chelsea repeated in disbelief. “People, like, as in a church community, or something?”

   “People as in, like a boyfriend and a girlfriend,” Kelly admitted. “Kinda.”

   “So... you’re moving in with another couple?” Chelsea sounded perplexed. “Um. Is it… like…?”

   “Yeah, we’re all—I’m, uh, involved,” Kelly admitted. “It’s complicated.”

   “Jesus. Kelly…” Chelsea groaned. “Are you… sure about this?”

   “I am,” Kelly answered with growing confidence. “I really am. This is it. I think I’ve found where I’m meant to be.”

( Previous: Fertile Ashes | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Doubting his Luck )



Well it seems they do and they don’t live in the same city. His magic was a city if I remember correctly. Still wonder if the lady of the woods is going to get some wood lol.


Love this bit, it adds so much to Kelly. It build great towards her decision to join Brian and Steph. Reminds the me of the path that she was on before meeting them. At the end it feels like she is finally really making the decision for this new life.