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    I don't like how this one turned out, going to recommission after we have some of the entrance feature and broad lower level / upper level illustrations for him to work off of so that things fit together better aesthetic-wise. Although all the references I sent him were of convention center amphitheaters, this still just gives off an ordinary basketball court vibe.

    Having him add in the girders helped, but... ehh. Think I'm going to have him reduce the amount of seats and have them in a horseshoe orientation facing a glass feature overlook that looks out across either the lobby or a convention hallway below (since this is supposed to be on the upper level) or something... 

   Green seats, maybe? Change the wall color and aesthetics to match that tannish color with the pillars, swap out the wood floor for tacky greenish convention carpet. But, like I said. Gonna wait on us to get another convention hallway and a glass entrance feature illustrated before redoing this one so that he has more to go off of.  Â¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Consider this one a placeholder we'll use in game until we commission one better suited. Maybe we can add in a medieval tent or some LARP foam castle wall facades to help this set up Order of the Sovereign Swords a little better as well.

( Convention Event Room background | AnimeCon Harem Eroge | Convention Lobby 2 background )



I think there were supposed to be several fighting rings? Part of the basketball court aesthetic I think is the emptiness.