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Stephanie decided to insist on fitting the condom onto him, and she took in the sight of his glistening dick with rapt attention. She felt more comfortable staring at the thing now, more familiar with it after having experienced it in some small amount. It represented his gender, it was the most intimate part of him, and being made to fit perfectly into her most intimate places seemed to deserve some reverence.

It does seem less alien to me now, Stephanie thought as she broke the condom wrapper and took the strange rubbery latex ring out. I feel like I recognize it more, understand it in better ways. It’s not that it’s looking more handsome to me—I’m just understanding it more. But... it also just looks more and more handsome.

After a short moment of determining the correct orientation of the condom, she put it to Brian’s crown and carefully started to slip and roll the protective covering down his length. Pink flames of agitated excitement licked up through her as she got it on the whole way, and the notion that now they could fuck without any restraint at all appeared, despite the obvious fact that forgetting the prophylactic earlier already hadn’t stopped them from acting with total disregard.

“I-it’s on,” Stephanie wet her lips. “I think?”

“Yeah,” Brian confirmed. “We’re good.”

“How do you want to…?” Stephanie’s eyes slowly climbed up his naked body to meet his gaze as distracting towers of fire rose up within her again.

He answered with lips and tongue and Stephanie swooned into him because that was always the right answer. Her mouth seemed to melt into his and it felt like she was venting brilliant pink plumes of excess lust out into him. At the same time, Brian’s desire continued to feed into her, explosively flammable feelings tinged with the excited inclinations of what he wanted to do to her, flavors of lust and aching need that lit her up inside with continuous little reactive bursts of emotion.

They tumbled down onto the bed like the collapse of a burning edifice— Brian atop her— and glowing embers danced up into the air on swirls of pink smoke. Hands found her breasts and grabbed them possessively, his every ungentle touch a backdraft rush of fresh air to her hungry fire, and Stephanie mewled and quivered into their kiss as he plucked at her nipples. She was fighting to get at least one of her legs out of the way so that she could open herself up to him, her hands were clawing at his back, and the pinch of his fingertips twining about the sensitive swollen nubs felt so good that it hurt and all she could think was that she wanted him squeeze them even harder, to tweak them, pull them, lavish them with the tactile attention they desperately craved.

Finally she managed to free herself enough to spread her thighs wide for him, and her hands scrabbled down to reach between them. They needed to be joined in every way, she absolutely needed him inside of her for this moment to be right, and as their kiss finally broke so that they could both gasp for breath, Stephanie managed to line up the rigid extension of him. Brian pushed inside her without hesitation and it was magic. She shuddered and her vaginal walls clamped down around him in response but still gave way as he inexorably slid deeper and deeper inside of her until she was completely molded around his shape.

“Auhhhh—!” Stephanie let out a sound as she let her tangle of pink hair flop back against the bed, and she rewarded Brian with a brilliant smile.

“Stephhh,” Brian let out a husky murmur that was the new most beautiful thing she’d ever heard.

They both paused for a moment to simply enjoy the feeling of being connected to one another, and then Brian reared back slightly, taking care to arrange Stephanie’s raised thigh in front of him while her other was trapped down beneath him. Their new position was sexier, more thrilling somehow, because facing Brian she could see what he was doing to her—and what she was doing to him—so she became both captive audience and total prisoner to their act of consummation.

Brian drew back with a tilt of his hips, pulling partway out of her, and then shoved himself back inside of her with a thrusting jerk that slapped across Stephanie’s senses like a blast wave of pleasure and satisfaction. She’d just made up her mind to speak up and tell him how amazing that felt because it was incredibly important that he knew how effective this particular angle and position and motion were—when Brian hauled back and drove himself home into her in another massive thrust that rocked both of their bodies. And again. And again.

Stephanie’s mouth fell open and she could only regard him with what must have been a stupefied look as he slammed into her over and over and over. It felt too good, it was too much all at once every single time, and the act was continuous. The blazing conflagration within her was stirring up into a maelstrom of flame that wreathed all of her senses, he was fucking her harder and harder, his body clapping against hers with the sheer force of it, and Brian wasn’t stopping.

The physical piledriving piston motion of him pounding into her forced her to spread both arms out across the bed for balance, it had her small breasts bouncing and her pink tresses swaying back and forth and it was pressing little gasps of pleasure out of her. The wildfire of color inside of her was growing more intense, was graduating into a roiling inferno of heat and hunger and Stephanie wasn’t sure she would ever be the same again after this.

“Bri— Bri——Bri—aaaaann——!———!————!”

Pink light guttered and danced within the depths of her pupils as Stephanie panted with delight. They were doing it. She knew that they had been doing it before, but now they were really, really doing it. Having sex. Fucking. Their frantic coupling was already intense enough to shake both of their bodies and rock the hotel bed, but tapping into Brian’s emotions was stirring Stephanie up even more.

“Brian, that—that feels so good—!” Stephanie exclaimed as he fucked her with all the strength he could bring to bear. “Briaaannn—!”

It was bright now inside her head—so bright that the empathic connection that linked them seemed to reveal more and more of him to her. Desire streamed into her so thick it was almost physically palpable, and flavors of yearning, possessiveness, scarcely-suppressed masculine dominance exploded in brilliant firework displays. More than anything, attraction, appreciation, and an enormous feeling that could only be described as love poured into Stephanie like jet fuel, accelerants feeding into her until her flames were nearly apocalyptic.

So pretty…! Stephanie thought in a well-fucked haze. Is all of this…?

When she really focused, the flowing currents of each of his emotions followed distinct pathways, and when she thought to take it all in at once for perspective and witnessing him in his entirety... Stephanie could almost make something out. A larger picture, a meaningful… something. Rational structures that seemingly shaped the twists and turns or each individual emotion she felt him express.

She couldn’t understand what he was thinking—that didn’t seem to be her gift—but as she traced the sweeping drafts of his feelings, a framework pattern of some sort was roughly discerned. Her sense of Brian was now sprawled out like a labyrinth, it was wondrous and intricate but also baffling to her, completely unlike the more natural representations of Emily and Rebecca and Kelly. There was a fascinating beauty to the broad complexity of his mind, packed full of convoluted interworkings she had no way of understanding.

He’s so… contained, Stephanie thought, bewildered and interested and not at all sure what it meant seeing him in this fashion. All she knew was that she wanted to see more and more.

Or, maybe constrained? It’s like… like when you read between these emotions to see their overall placement, the parts of him I can’t see are made up of boxes and angles and lines and there’s some kind of GEOMETRY to it! It’s like there’s a hidden construct that I can’t quite grasp, I can only feel out its shape by the drafts of airflow that feed into me. But, even then it’s this weird mazelike… SOMETHING, and some of his emotion just has nowhere to go and goes into these cold, inert little dead-ends. It’s so… PECULIAR.

Brain’s thrusting into her was satisfying to extremes she would have considered exaggeration before having experienced this for herself, and something about this grand moment had stoked the pink fire within her up to new heights where she could see Brian’s inner self laid bare. This glimpse deeper into him was mesmerizing, and the immediate conclusion to draw was... that Brian wasn’t elemental in nature. Not in the dreamscape, at least. It was difficult to tell at first, but he definitely couldn’t be summed up by fire or water or even earth or stone or mountains or a concept like area or territory.

No, Brian is... he’s a city!

The revelation took Stephanie’s breath away, and her mind whirled and flared, burning to decipher what every nuance of this meant.

Brian is like... the abstract concept of a city, untethered from ideas like population or permanence. I think, Stephanie thought to herself in a semi-delirious daze. He’s like... he’s like a place. A place that becomes MORE than just a place, in the same way that a HOME is more than simply a house. He has these avenues, avenues that bring many disparate things to come together and become something greater, a place for them to belong. For us to belong. Belong not in the sense that we are owned, but in the sense that this is the place to call our own.

That’s what Brian is—a someone to call my own. He completes me. Us, Stephanie let out a small whine of pleasure as he drove in particularly deep, pressing down into her with the weight of his entire body. W-we complete each other. All of us— Kelly, Emily, even Rebecca!

Stephanie felt overcome with emotion at the thought and wanted to wrap everyone up in the heat of her love endlessly. I could maybe burn upon many different things out in the unknown wilds—but Brian gives me MEANING, makes me MORE. I want to light up and explore every corner of his city, I want him to become our home forever and ever. Right here, just like this. Here with him, I can be the fire that forges raw starmetal into something TRANSCENDENTAL. I can help boil the waters pure for him so that she can complement everyone’s particular unique design in her own ways. And with this just ENDLESS supply of timber that we’ve—uh——that we’ve————!

“Ohh fuck oh fuck right there don’t stop don’t stop please, please right there—” Stephanie found herself crying out, and she completely lost track of the beautiful series of metaphors she just begun to grown so enamored with. “Right there, right—HARDER, HARDER—OHH FUCK-K! FUCK ME FUCK ME fuckmefuckme oh yesss FUCK-K—KK!!!”

Her lover obliged and became even more generous, slamming into her so violently hard that when she began to cum it was just pink flashes and terrible, delicious heat. Stephanie moaned and shuddered and rocked out the onslaught with an inarticulate scream, clutching onto his gorgeous shoulders for dear life as he delivered a few last pounding strokes of finality. She clenched and quivered as he joined her in orgasm, relishing the feel of the shaft embedded within her as it flexed and pulsed.

“Hnnng—oh my God,” Brian breathed out as he shuddered into her. “Steph—!”

“MMmmhh,” Stephanie barely managed a noise of agreement. “Brian—Brian, I—!”

With a small groan he wavered back and forth like his balance was out of alignment with the tilt of the Earth, and finally fell onto the bed beside her. Then they simply naked in each other’s arms, chests rising and falling with exertion as they each reached out for one another. She couldn’t see anything amiss or out of the ordinary, but felt just sure that heatlines must be rippling off of their bodies and into the air. The moments just after sharing this climax with Brian were both serene and surreal in the beautiful clarity of everything.

They were together; this was happiness.

“That was… incredible,” Brian struggled out his words.

“Incredible,” Stephanie huffed in agreement, touching her cheeks to realize that she was smiling so hard that her cheeks felt strained. “Amazing. Incredible.”

“Yeah, just… yeah,” Brian murmured, combing fingers through her bangs to gather her now very unkempt pink tresses up and out of her eyes. His apparent inability to articulate well in this moment somehow made him even more endearing to her. “Whew. Incredible. I was already close, but Jesus when you started swearing... I think I just lost it.”

“Swearing?” Stephanie blushed, blinking at him in amusement. “I wasn’t swearing!”

“You weren’t?” Brian only managed to give her a muddled look. “No, you definitely were. You said—what did you say?”

“I have no idea!” Stephanie giggled, leaning in to give him a rather sloppy kiss. “It was too incredible.”

“Yeah, definitely,” Brian smiled at her, tracing a hand down her cheek. “Was it okay for you?”

“Was it okay?!” Stephanie blew a raspberry and kissed and licked at his lips, finding herself still too out of breath to lock into the deep sort of kiss she felt he deserved. “It was a lot more than okay!”

“I meant—you know, did it hurt at all?” Brian’s concern was evident on his brow, and she hurried to kiss that away, too.

“It felt too good to hurt,” Stephanie promised.

To her own surprise, she really meant it. It had hurt a little, at first, but then it had also felt so amazing that the hurt was absolutely so smothered beneath pleasure that she wasn’t sure she’d have been able to find it again even if she set her mind to look for it.

“You’re—you’re amazing.”

“I love you,” Brian said, pulling her even closer until she was crushed up against his bare chest.

It was exactly where she wanted to be, and snuggled herself in even closer, burying her face into his neck. Stephanie felt overwhelmed, because she wasn’t sure exactly what all it was that she felt, only that it was too much to just be called love.

It was mania, it was obsession. It was the veil of heartache she’d been carrying for so many years lifting, and the belief that it would never have to weigh her down or dampen her flame again. The pink light she’d resolved to share with him forever burned so bright that there wasn’t any room for darkness or doubt. Everything was just so straightforward and clearly illuminated—Stephanie could feel the way he loved her, and the sheer conviction of it became a foundation so impossibly broad that she couldn’t fathom ever questioning this. She felt that just now they’d opened up to each other in new ways again and again and that each time they found that they fit together like they’d always been meant for one another.

A city, Stephanie mused, turning the discoveries over in her thoughts and finding them more and more to her liking. I can’t wait to tell the others! A city and a fire. A river and a forest. A star, stolen down to earth. I don’t know what any of it means, except that it all means so much to me that I could cry. All of you do. I love you.

( Previous: Taking Stephanie | AnimeCon Harem | Next: To be Announced )



City is a good metaphor for something representing ‘Nexus’! Especially one that’s complex. Though, with all the girls being represented by Natural things, he might be put better as a Nature Preserve - with paths going through it and hidden depths. On the other hand, a city becomes more complex with each aspect added...


I like the idea of him being an enclosed habitat, safe but empty. As the girls mesh with him (his soulscape, mind, whatever this represents) they will add their own elements and characteristics making it a true habitat. That will give them a home and a place to grow and learn more about their powers and themselves.


City is an interesting metaphor. I like the possibilities with it. The questions I would have is where in the dreamscape is it. Also, how is Stephanie able to think in metaphors while getting railed?


Try to think of it as more of a psychedelic spirit animal journey then her thinking and deliberating these things, lol.


Okay, it was a strange disconnect when the mind is all ... "High Concepts, Metaphors, Perfect Descriptors" and the body is all "D*ck More d*ck, Harder d*ck, MORE HARDER NOW D*CK". The chapter is an excellent part finale. And you jest about not leaving things on a cliffhanger, a revelation is almost worse because a cliffhanger will be immediately resolved when the next chapter starts. Who knows when we will get to deal with the ramifications of a revelation?

Trey McKnight

When did Kelly leave ?


464 has admitted to the continuity error and he’ll fix it when he gets a chance. Or, if you prefer, she’s using charm magic to be in two places at once.


Or more likely she recovered and they were so deep in Fuck that they never noticed her getting dressed and exiting. Kelly probably figured Brian wanted to be alone with Steph


Amazing story.... followed since the beginning


Need an appropriate verb here in place of "naked": "Then they simply *naked* in each other’s arms"


I LOVE your story and your writing. The conversations are perfect! I can absolutely hear each of them as I read: scatterbrained irrepressible Emily, resolute no nonsense Rebecca, hesitant but growing into effusive Steph, etc. Also, your use of metaphor is fantastic and adds so much to the depth of this story - enhances the description like great poetry. Thank you for your devotion to this work of art!


what makes you think Kelly left? She's passed out on the bed beside them, right?


```the parts of him I can’t see are made up of boxes and angles and lines and there’s some kind of GEOMETRY to it!``` Kinda reminds me of a "Men's Brains vs Women's Brains" clip where the metaphor is that men compartmentalize every thing into its own box, and decompress by "going to their 'nothing box.'" Though, rather than thinking about nothing, it seems Brian needs to use his runs to try to sort things out into their proper boxes.... But I guess either he wasn't sorting properly, or he should've been throwing things out. Oh, hey! I don't suppose that had anything to do with choosing "Brian" for our protagonist's name? That "Brian" is an anagram of "Brain?"