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“Can I… can I ask a HUGE favor?” Stephanie had whispered to Kelly. In an instant, she’d seemed to have her friend’s full attention, and the gorgeous girl with the brilliant red hair had leaned in a little closer. “We’re, um, we’re running out of time with the room… And, uh. I want to... I want to be with Brian.”

“Are you sure?” Kelly had asked in a hushed tone.

Stephanie had taken a deep breath and given a decisive nod, and then all of the sudden everyone was spurred into a whirlwind of motion as Kelly took charge to usher everyone out of the room. With Megan’s help, Emily scrambled to snatch up the many various scattered belongings, both of them grabbing everything in sight and shoving it all towards Rebecca carrying the big cardboard box left over from the Calamity Queen dress.

For her part, Rebecca held the box to one hip, slung the lanyard with the charm on it around her neck, and then looped her free arm through the strap of Emily’s bag so that she could shrug it up and carry it behind one shoulder. Kelly haphazardly swept all of her makeup things from the vanity into her purse and unplugged several phones and the phone charger from the outlet with a quick yank. In less than a minute and a half, the girls worked together to strip the room bare, moving in an exaggerated frenzy as if police sirens were closing in while they attempted to loot the place of everything they could steal.

All at once the four girls were all then out the door and gone, leaving Stephanie alone with Brian in what felt like sudden deafening silence. She slowly swallowed, almost shaking with anticipation for what was to come, and gave his hand another small squeeze.

“So… what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Brian asked.

Stephanie didn’t answer right away, instead stepping in close and bringing her hands up to his chest. Unable to look him in the eyes, she blushed, toying her fingers along the seam of his shirt between shoulder and collar. They were both damp with perspiration from running together, but she wasn’t able to feel self-conscious about it at all.

Something’s very off with our body chemistry right now… Stephanie thought, trying to suppress the giddy compulsion to nuzzle her face into his body. We don’t smell bad. Or, we do SMELL, but not like body odor? It’s… almost as if our sweat isn’t breaking down into acids like it’s supposed to. It’s like… it’s like…

It was like she was getting a face full of his pheromones. After a few moments that tested her resolve, Stephanie finally pressed her face into Brian. She succumbed to the urgent need to feel the tactile sensation of him upon her brow, her cheeks and lips and chin, to feel the warmth of his body that bled through his jogging attire. She breathed in deeply through her nose, starved for more and more of his unique scent, and the sheer masculine musk of him lit up every receptor in her brain in startling bright pinks.

“Steph?” Brian murmured again.

His arm slipped around her, igniting more and more conflagrations of rippling fire within her as Brian’s hand traced down the small of her back to rest in a comfortable position upon her bottom. The firm grasp on her rear felt assertive, possessive, this casual motion communicated his desire for her with so much heady context that Stephanie found herself instinctively reacting to his touch.

She embraced him fully, relishing how amazing and different the sensation of full intimate contact was from the platonic simplicity of a mere hug. Her small breasts, still held tight within the confines of her compression top, were now quashed up against him. Stephanie could feel her tummy touching his rugged abdominal contours, it felt right, and she even found herself canting her hips so that the curve of her butt more completely filled Brian’s palm.

Stephanie’s breath continued to quicken, her sense of awareness hyper-focused in the moment of reading the minutiae of Brian’s body language—every fibre of her being was trembling with burning eagerness to obey any implied instruction he offered. Every delicious detail was committed to memory as an experience to savor forever and ever.

“Brian… I’m ready,” Stephanie breathed, finally turning her timid expression up to meet his gaze.

The vivid, beautiful green in his searching eyes captivated her, eliciting bursting gouts of pink flame from deep within her. Blinding bright embers seemed to dance through her body, hot pink sparks leapt to and fro, and her inner temperatures began to rise dangerously again. Stephanie couldn’t help but think that she could stare into his eyes endlessly and never grow bored—something about the way he looked at her, something he saw in her held her spellbound with excitement and glee. She watched and waited, love-drunk on looking up into his eyes while Brian visibly wrestled with how to respond to her.

“Steph…” Brian managed out. “We should maybe talk about this.”

“Hmm…” Stephanie’s smile grew wide and she shifted her weight from one leg to the other and back again, sensuously sashaying her hips back and forth. Molten heat was spreading. “No.”

“...No?” Brian blinked, showing her an incredulous grin. “Steph, you can’t just say—”

“No, nuh-uh,” Stephanie beamed, shaking her head in curt refusal as she clutched her body against his. “Nope! Nothing to talk about, don’t want to talk.”

“Steph, believe me, I’m feeling just as totally, overwhelmingly turned on as you are,” Brian wet his lips. “Just… I mean, for your first time, things should be special—I want everything to be perfect for you.”

“Hmm-hmm…” Stephanie rose on her feet slightly so that she could plant her lips on Brian’s skin right at the base of his neck. She kissed him, slowly, sowing a soft row of kisses up the line of his throat. “It is perfect!”

“I—you know what I mean,” Brian protested. Seemingly against his will, his traitorous other hand found its way to where it belonged grabbing Stephanie’s other buttock, and she squirmed and wriggled in encouragement. “For your first time—I want everything to be perfect, to have this perfect night for you. When we have hours to spend just—mMmm—just really getting into it, exploring every, uh—”

“That sounds... amazing,” Stephanie agreed with a smile, and the precise little kisses she was placing on him growing a little sloppier with each unsteady breath until she was slurping and nibbling and lapping at him with her lips and teeth and tongue. “Let’s definitely do that—someday. But, today, today... Brian I need you. I need you right now.”

“You’re… sure?” Brian couldn’t help but squeeze the handfuls of Stephanie’s plush ass.

“I’m—” Stephanie let out a small, startled gasp as Brian fondled her. “I’m so sure. Brian— I love you. I love you!”

“I love y—” Brian was cut off as Stephanie surged up on the balls of her feet to capture her boyfriend in a passionate kiss.

She needed him. She needed this—as her mouth mashed hungrily against his and her tongue darted into his mouth to slide across his, her entire mind was an inferno blazing out of control. Brian was criminal right now—he was an arsonist, and everything about him kept lighting up entire new fires throughout her body. Stephanie’s fumbling fingers pulled upon the fabric of his tee as they made out, and Brian’s grip on her bottom was crushing her pelvis against him in such a tantalizing way that she was driven to distraction.

Best of all, Stephanie really did find that she was totally sure about this. It was a satisfying and somehow fulfilling complete turnaround from the fears and uncertainties that had strangled her sexuality prior to this weekend. Brian made her feel safe and secure like she’d never dared to imagine. Kelly inspired in her a surprising sense of adventure—in a lot of unexpected ways. Emily’s attitude encouraged her to embrace her feelings, and Rebecca seemed to arrive in timely rescue the moment anything ever went astray. Each of her new companions made Stephanie feel loved.

But more than anyone else, it was Chloe that made Stephanie feel so completely sure about this. The time she’d been tricked and separated from Brian showed Stephanie what she had to lose—it drove her to confess her feelings to Brian and ask him out. Each encounter with Chloe after that had reaffirmed Stephanie’s decision in many ways— because just as she needed Brian, she now knew Brian also needed her.

It made all the difference. Stephanie moaned into Brian’s mouth as she yanked and tugged his shirt upwards. His hands were likewise pulling up her top, and for a brief moment they were forced to stop their kiss so that they could hurriedly struggle the rest of the way out of their shirts. Roiling with lust and feeling the heat of the moment with brilliant pink intensity, Stephanie then yanked up the sports bra she wore, allowing her naked breasts to spill free as she tore the bra off and flung it away from herself.

Both of them paused, slightly panting for breath, as they drank in the sight of each other.

The weight of his sudden attention on her bare chest felt good, in a peculiar sort of way she felt unprepared for. Stephanie had never considered her boobs to be very impressive, but through her burgeoning charm sense she could feel Brian’s arousal amp up at the mere sight of them, and they all but perked up with a strange feeling of newfound pride. Brian fucking loved them, was mesmerized by them, in his greedy glances she could feel just how much he wanted to adore and appreciate them—it was so overwhelming that she actually grabbed at them herself in surprise.

O-oh my God! Stephanie’s face flushed red. Is this—is this what he did to Emily?!

Stephanie hefted her little tits slightly and ran her fingers across the soft shapes while regarding Brian with a shocked smile, feeling the slightly puffy numbs of nipples catch on her digits as they brushed by. It seemed utterly impossible for her to be nervous right now in this moment. She was tapped into his emotions, and the raw, overpowering attraction for her was like a flamethrower dousing her with a compressed stream of liquid fuel.

They collided again in a rush of lips and tongue and enthusiastically groping hands before Stephanie even had proper time to appreciate Brian’s oh-so-lovely half-naked body, and she vied to make up for it by feeling them directly instead. The fires within her were stoked and felt like they were roaring hundreds of feet high, she felt ready to explode. She relished the way Brian cupped her breasts with a shudder of desire, and she felt her hips reflexively jerk and hump against him while he impatiently clawed at the waistband of the spats she’d worn for running in. Though she’d never had sex, her pussy seemed to have a mind of its own and positively ached for something substantial to grind upon.

This is— this is really it! Stephanie thought, growing more and more aroused. It’s happening!

The Stephanie of several days ago would be absolutely stiff with terror at what they were about to do. Panicking, at the thought of this unknown and uncharted territory they were blundering into way out here, far, far off the edge of the map. Right now, however—Stephanie knew exactly where she was going and what she wanted. This AnimeCon weekend had been more than an adventure for her, it was a treasure map that led to riches beyond anything and everything she’d dared to dream for.

Disengaging again, Stephanie was quick to peel down the black garment of her spats herself. The spats were a rather brief pair of very form-fitting shorts—a cautious, wary-of-cosplaying Stephanie had packed them in her convention bag just in case she became too uncomfortable or self-conscious wearing just underwear beneath her gijinka dress around in public. As she rolled them down her pale legs and awkwardly kicked her way out of them, they became just another reminder of how far she’d come over the course of the weekend. It felt incredible feeling fresh air down there because she was now sticky with excitement, it was thrilling exposing herself fully to Brian, and—

The desire pouring off Brian this time was overpowering, and Stephanie swooned into his arms with a squeak as she was swept away in an endless sea of dazzling pink blaze. She bit her lip and clung to his sturdy shoulders as he carried her over to the bed, struggling to retain faculty of her senses. Unable to reign herself in, Stephanie pulled him down atop her when he attempted to place her gently down upon the covers. Their lips locked again and they shared a fierce kiss as her hands scrambled to shuck down the gym shorts he was wearing and remove them.


As soon as she clawed the elastic band of his shorts and underwear down, Brian’s manhood sprung free and its weight slapped down across her thigh. Startled by the sheer size and presence of it when the meaty pillar was released from its confines, Stephanie withdrew from their kiss to glance down.

She paused to draw in an unsteady breath.

Her view down between their bodies was endlessly fascinating to her; this intimate moment where their naked anatomies exposed completely to one another. A special scene, a personal one that framed above by the sturdy masculine contours chiseled in the alluring lines of musculature of Brian’s arms and shoulders and chest as he held himself above her, then contrasted below by soft feminine swells of her own naked body, her pale skin and flushing with desire beneath him.

Between them was Brian’s dick.

The reality of that frightened and captivated her in ways that were difficult for her to express, and Stephanie sought out Brian’s lips again and began to kiss him with renewed urgency. The sight of penis aroused feelings of both terror and titillation—its shape still remained strange and a little alien to her, but somewhere deep down she was also drawn to it, an unknown and instinctive desire took hold of her whenever she looked at it.

She felt that it should have appeared vulgar or ugly, because after all it was just an organ, a bodily thing, a protrusion. A swollen shaft, capped by a knobby head vaguely reminiscent of a mushroom. Instead, there was somehow a compelling beauty to its form. The thing wasn’t ugly, it was desire made flesh, and it appeared to bulge with delicious tumescent thickness! The crowning flare of its cockhead was majestic, it evoked feelings of desperate wanton need from within her, and as Stephanie’s tongue slid against Brian’s she couldn’t help but reach down there and grasp with careful fingers.

It’s so… it’s so big! Stephanie’s thoughts fluttered pink as the flames within her were fanned higher and higher.

Last night, when Brian’s penis was first revealed, she’d been mesmerized by the sight of it. She’d watched it disappear into Kelly’s mouth, and then later followed its magnificent profile with her wide eyes as Kelly pressed it between her breasts. It was just so interesting! Everything about Brian was lovely to look at, but when his private parts were revealed they seemed to completely steal Stephanie’s attention.

Increasingly distracted from the passion of their kiss by her exploring fingertips, Stephanie tilted her head back down again to steal another guilty glance down there. The tip of his erection had leaked out droplets of pre-seminal fluid—Stephanie felt just sure Kelly would soon teach her some raunchy term for it to replace such a clinical descriptor—and her thumb and forefinger were slick with the stuff as they worked over the bulbous, beefy cockhead.

Brian continued to lay sensuous kisses down upon her cheek, the side of her face, and then her neck as Stephanie played with his dick, and even his patient attentiveness just kept fueling that inferno of rising wildfire within her. She had by no means sated her curiosity, however, and she flashed him a giddy smile and continued to examine her object of interest. When she stretched down further to grasp it by the root, warm cockmeat completely filled her hand, and there was something strangely satisfying about that.

It had heft, but there was also some squeeze to it, and Brian let out an unsteady breath in her ear while Stephanie slowly familiarized herself with taking his fullness in her grip and slowly pumping it up and down. The raw, carnal sexuality of that action made it her favorite, but taking the peculiar shape of his crown between her fingertips and gently pinching until they slipped up off of his tip was her favorite, too. When Brian involuntarily thrust his hips forward, pressing the dick past her fingers to fill her hand again, that became her new favorite, and Stephanie discovered quickly thereafter that forming a ring with her thumb and index finger for Brian to fuck was also her favorite.

It’s... so amazing! Stephanie decided, lunging up again to shower appreciative kisses across Brian’s chin and cheek.

The entire experience filled her with wonder—there were so many exciting possibilities to explore, and she couldn’t imagine ever growing bored with any of them! Now that she had Brian’s dick in her hand to play with like this, she simply never ever wanted to let go of him. Stephanie wanted to stay right here on the hotel bed, fondling her boyfriend for as long as she could get away with it. Absolutely nothing was going to distract her from—

Brian traced a middle finger along the slippery arousal of her aching pussy lips and then pushed it inside, and Stephanie promptly forgot what she’d been doing. Blinding pink light suffused her every thought and she squirmed with delight, kicking her legs and feeling herself clamp down on the inserted digit. He was pinning her to the bed, pressing his palm down upon her pubic mound with the perfect amount of tantalizing pressure. All the while, his finger flicked in and out of her wetness, extending at just the right moment and curling ever-so-slightly as he withdrew to reach a spot inside of her she’d never known about.

Brian knew exactly what he was doing, and Stephanie wanted to give him a playful pout to express her frustrations—her own first fumblings couldn’t measure up to this,—but all that escaped were mewling gasps of pleasure. Stephanie found herself shuddering, trying to jerk and gyrate her hips up for more, awestruck as Brian revealed the beginnings of a mysterious crestline within her mind for her to follow—one that led to inevitable orgasm. Following it higher and higher, Stephanie squealed and wriggled with confused anticipation.

“Think maybe you’re ready,” Brian teased in a murmur, pulling his finger out of her and then pressing down on the panic pleasure button of her clit.

I’m going to—I’m going to—I’m going to—!! Something was so terribly right about this that she didn’t question her own disorienting change in perspective as her mind wheeled and whirled. Stephanie wasn’t being mentally consumed by pink flames anymore—she’d transitioned instead to become the pink fire, burning bright and alive and voracious, insatiable. She let out a moan as she hurried to chase after that final ridge of sensation, to race after this incredible feeling he was guiding her towards, to—

“Bri-Briaaan!” Stephanie grabbed at his shoulders and bucked as hard as she could. Her movement mashed her clitoral hood up against him from one direction and then the next, back and forth so that her sensitive nub rolled beneath the pressing pad of his fingertip. She came hard, and in an altogether different way than she had before—a smaller, somehow slapping climax that rushed through her without warning all at once. Rather than building up with inexorable momentum like an unstoppable forest fire like when Brian had gone down on her, or the sordid tsunami she’d ridden out while tapping her senses into Emily’s big moment last night, this new one had arrived as suddenly and surprising as stepping on a landmine.

Or, or jumping off a cliff? Stephanie thought to herself in euphoric delirium. Racing up over a ridge and jumping off. Then. Landing on a landmine.

Rather than the awe-inspiring fireworks finale orgasm, this was simply an explosive prelude, a quick cum from fingering to fully whet her appetite for what was to come. It felt good. It felt great, and Stephanie loved it. She loved everything about this—how mind-blowingly amazing it felt, that she was sharing this with Brian, how deliciously dirty it made her feel, she loved that there was so much to experience still yet to come—she loved everything about it.

“Mmmm!!! Mm-Mmmm—Mmmnnn!!!” Stephanie squeaked out, relishing every tingly little shudder and quake that traveled down her legs in pleasure pangs. “Brian, I… I...”

I love you I love you I NEED you I love this I want this I NEED this please show me more give me more I want more of you I want you INSIDE OF ME!

Unable to properly form what she felt into words, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rewarded him with sloppy, languid kisses, stopping only to grin at him and giggle before returning to suckle his lip and taste his tongue and groan with inarticulate contentment.

“Brian, I—” Stephanie licked her lips, “I want it. Want you. I want it inside of me. Please…”

“Yeah?” Brian’s voice was husky and low, and Stephanie’s charm sense hurried to inform her of the urgency of his growing desire.

Oh—Oh, right! Stephanie remembered Brian’s penis trapped between them with a sheepish startled jerk of surprise.

Releasing the fistfuls of comforter she didn’t even remember latching onto, both of her hands scrambled to regain her hold on his handsome dick. It was still there—of course it was—and Stephanie looked up into Brian’s eyes with a giddy, embarrassed, excited smile as she cradled the massive thing in both of her hands. With her left she gripped the base of his shaft, still more meaty dick filled her right, he was warm and so thick as she enthusiastically pumped it up and down, somewhat clumsily beating Brian off between them.

“Am I—I’m—I’m not doing this right, am I?” Stephanie stammered out with a nervous laugh.

“What?” Brian asked in a distracted tone, pushing himself up to lift his body higher up off of her and give her more room.

More pangs of intense attraction traveled through her as she watched the musculature of his arms and shoulders, and Stephanie gnawed on her lip. She was messy with sweat and arousal and now she felt more than a little embarrassed as she continued trying to jerk off her boyfriend for the first time. Only her anchoring sense of Brian’s emotions steadied her and kept her from becoming uneasy. Perplexingly, his massive well of desire was still there, neither continuing to grow nor beginning to abate.

“Am I not doing it right?” Stephanie asked again.

“It feels good,” Brian gave her a reassuring kiss. “There’s no right or wrong.”

“Yeah, but—you know,” Stephanie gave him an unsure grin, studying his eyes. “I want it to be really good.”

“It does feel really good,” Brian promised, kissing her again.

He wasn’t lying—and that made her feel all the more puzzled as she returned his kiss with all the attention she could muster. She wanted him to feel… more than good, and more than really good, but she wasn’t sure how to express that, or how much would even ever be enough. I want him to… cum. Want to make him cum. I think?

The idea of stroking him off until he spurted out sticky warm strands of semen all over her was so salacious and exhilarating that Stephanie’s hands began to move faster and faster. Remembering the way he’d came yesterday—came and came and came, shooting pearly-white ejaculate out seemingly endlessly—imagining him doing that but now and all over her, painting her body with his cum… It became an inspiring impetus that worked her mind into a fervid frenzy, and Stephanie’s hands jacked him off in a blur of motion.

It’s working—IT’S WORKING! Stephanie realized, flashing an amazed smile up at him. Even without her awareness of his emotions she could tell that it was working in the way his eyes grew hazy, the way his breath accelerated, and the growing tension in the posture of his body that hovered over hers.

“Wait wait, one sec—” Brain murmured, taking her by the wrist and stopping her.

Then, he reached down past her hands to cup her glistening sex once again.

What? No, no, no fair—! Stephanie thought in frustration, unable to keep from bucking her hips and grinding herself against his palm.

To her surprise, that was all he did, and she blinked in confusion as he then ran that hand along the length of his penis and then pressed himself back into her hands.

Oh. OH! Stephanie felt her entire body flushing with heat as she realized what he’d done.

His magnificent cock was lubricated now, because he’d slathered the shaft with the syrupy wetness of her own desire. It should have been weird, or maybe mortifying, but instead Stephanie found herself fascinated by how much better it was coaxing her hands up and down him now. It made a huge difference! Her sense of Brian’s arousal grew heavily-laden with formless pressure, he let out a soft groan that tickled her fancy and ways she’d never imagined, and he even jerked his hips, rocking himself back and forth in her hands even as she stroked him.

Oh my God! Stephanie grinned in amazement. He’s fucking me. Well. My hands. Not FUCKING me fucking me. Yet. Just yet. But, this is what it will be like, this is THE MOTION of it, and, and—!

The power of him thrusting forward startled her, and Stephanie abandoned her attempts to jack him off and simply held them in place. Brian slid in and out of them, pressed up past them until warm, slippery cockhead was nuzzling insistently against her bare tummy in a tantalizing way. Feeling his ball sack swaying to slap against the outside of her one hand, experiencing his primal, frenzied need both in her head and in her hands, Stephanie felt overcome by the moment. She spread her thighs open even wider beneath him, and carefully pressed him down a little lower, guiding the swollen tip of his manhood downward towards her slick entrance. Towards where she knew it could fill that desperate, aching emptiness inside her and join their bodies together in perfect pleasure.

“Uhh,” Brian froze, attempting to shake himself out of a growing stupor. “Fuck, wait. Condom, Steph.”

“Condom,” Stephanie agreed, but she felt absolutely delirious with frantic lust and somehow wasn’t able to stop herself from orienting his cock lower and lower. Condom. Right. That’s… that’s something that we need to use. Even Kelly said so. Common sense to use a condom. Condom sense?

“Condom,” Brian repeated, actually having to flinch back from her as Stephanie managed to tease the enormity of his rigid protrusion across the eager secretions wetting her pussy lips. “Wait, wait wait Steph—we need a condom!”

( Previous: Get Together | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Dreamscape Geography )


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