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“Can I… can I ask a HUGE favor?” Stephanie had whispered to Kelly. In an instant, she’d seemed to have her friend’s full attention, and the gorgeous girl with the brilliant red hair had leaned in a little closer. “We’re, um, we’re running out of time with the room… And, uh. I want to... I want to be with Brian.”

“Are you sure?” Kelly had asked in a hushed tone.

Stephanie had taken a deep breath and given a decisive nod, and then all of the sudden everyone was spurred into a whirlwind of motion as Kelly took charge to usher everyone out of the room. With Megan’s help, Emily scrambled to snatch up the many various scattered belongings, both of them grabbing everything in sight and shoving it all towards Rebecca carrying the big cardboard box left over from the Calamity Queen dress.

For her part, Rebecca held the box to one hip, slung the lanyard with the charm on it around her neck, and then looped her free arm through the strap of Emily’s bag so that she could shrug it up and carry it behind one shoulder. Kelly haphazardly swept all of her makeup things from the vanity into her purse and unplugged several phones and the phone charger from the outlet with a quick yank. In less than a minute and a half, the girls worked together to strip the room bare, moving in an exaggerated frenzy as if police sirens were closing in while they attempted to loot the place of everything they could steal.

All at once the four girls were all then out the door and gone, leaving Stephanie alone with Brian in what felt like sudden deafening silence. She slowly swallowed, almost shaking with anticipation for what was to come, and gave his hand another small squeeze.

“So… what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Brian asked.

Stephanie didn’t answer right away, instead stepping in close and bringing her hands up to his chest. Unable to look him in the eyes, she blushed, toying her fingers along the seam of his shirt between shoulder and collar. They were both damp with perspiration from running together, but she wasn’t able to feel self-conscious about it at all.

Something’s very off with our body chemistry right now… Stephanie thought, trying to suppress the giddy compulsion to nuzzle her face into his body. We don’t smell bad. Or, we do SMELL, but not like body odor? It’s… almost as if our sweat isn’t breaking down into acids like it’s supposed to. It’s like… it’s like…

It was like she was getting a face full of his pheromones. After a few moments that tested her resolve, Stephanie finally pressed her face into Brian. She succumbed to the urgent need to feel the tactile sensation of him upon her brow, her cheeks and lips and chin, to feel the warmth of his body that bled through his jogging attire. She breathed in deeply through her nose, starved for more and more of his unique scent, and the sheer masculine musk of him lit up every receptor in her brain in startling bright pinks.

“Steph?” Brian murmured again.

His arm slipped around her, igniting more and more conflagrations of rippling fire within her as Brian’s hand traced down the small of her back to rest in a comfortable position upon her bottom. The firm grasp on her rear felt assertive, possessive, this casual motion communicated his desire for her with so much heady context that Stephanie found herself instinctively reacting to his touch.

She embraced him fully, relishing how amazing and different the sensation of full intimate contact was from the platonic simplicity of a mere hug. Her small breasts, still held tight within the confines of her compression top, were now quashed up against him. Stephanie could feel her tummy touching his rugged abdominal contours, it felt right, and she even found herself canting her hips so that the curve of her butt more completely filled Brian’s palm.

Stephanie’s breath continued to quicken, her sense of awareness hyper-focused in the moment of reading the minutiae of Brian’s body language—every fibre of her being was trembling with burning eagerness to obey any implied instruction he offered. Every delicious detail was committed to memory as an experience to savor forever and ever.

“Brian… I’m ready,” Stephanie breathed, finally turning her timid expression up to meet his gaze.

The vivid, beautiful green in his searching eyes captivated her, eliciting bursting gouts of pink flame from deep within her. Blinding bright embers seemed to dance through her body, hot pink sparks leapt to and fro, and her inner temperatures began to rise dangerously again. Stephanie couldn’t help but think that she could stare into his eyes endlessly and never grow bored—something about the way he looked at her, something he saw in her held her spellbound with excitement and glee. She watched and waited, love-drunk on looking up into his eyes while Brian visibly wrestled with how to respond to her.

“Steph…” Brian managed out. “We should maybe talk about this.”

“Hmm…” Stephanie’s smile grew wide and she shifted her weight from one leg to the other and back again, sensuously sashaying her hips back and forth. Molten heat was spreading. “No.”

“...No?” Brian blinked, showing her an incredulous grin. “Steph, you can’t just say—”

“No, nuh-uh,” Stephanie beamed, shaking her head in curt refusal as she clutched her body against his. “Nope! Nothing to talk about, don’t want to talk.”

“Steph, believe me, I’m feeling just as totally, overwhelmingly turned on as you are,” Brian wet his lips. “Just… I mean, for your first time, things should be special—I want everything to be perfect for you.”

“Hmm-hmm…” Stephanie rose on her feet slightly so that she could plant her lips on Brian’s skin right at the base of his neck. She kissed him, slowly, sowing a soft row of kisses up the line of his throat. “It is perfect!”

“I—you know what I mean,” Brian protested. Seemingly against his will, his traitorous other hand found its way to where it belonged grabbing Stephanie’s other buttock, and she squirmed and wriggled in encouragement. “For your first time—I want everything to be perfect, to have this perfect night for you. When we have hours to spend just—mMmm—just really getting into it, exploring every, uh—”

“That sounds... amazing,” Stephanie agreed with a smile, and the precise little kisses she was placing on him growing a little sloppier with each unsteady breath until she was slurping and nibbling and lapping at him with her lips and teeth and tongue. “Let’s definitely do that—someday. But, today, today... Brian I need you. I need you right now.”

“You’re… sure?” Brian couldn’t help but squeeze the handfuls of Stephanie’s plush ass.

“I’m—” Stephanie let out a small, startled gasp as Brian fondled her. “I’m so sure. Brian— I love you. I love you!”

“I love y—” Brian was cut off as Stephanie surged up on the balls of her feet to capture her boyfriend in a passionate kiss.

She needed him. She needed this—as her mouth mashed hungrily against his and her tongue darted into his mouth to slide across his, her entire mind was an inferno blazing out of control. Brian was criminal right now—he was an arsonist, and everything about him kept lighting up entire new fires throughout her body. Stephanie’s fumbling fingers pulled upon the fabric of his tee as they made out, and Brian’s grip on her bottom was crushing her pelvis against him in such a tantalizing way that she was driven to distraction.

Best of all, Stephanie really did find that she was totally sure about this. It was a satisfying and somehow fulfilling complete turnaround from the fears and uncertainties that had strangled her sexuality prior to this weekend. Brian made her feel safe and secure like she’d never dared to imagine. Kelly inspired in her a surprising sense of adventure—in a lot of unexpected ways. Emily’s attitude encouraged her to embrace her feelings, and Rebecca seemed to arrive in timely rescue the moment anything ever went astray. Each of her new companions made Stephanie feel loved.

But more than anyone else, it was Chloe that made Stephanie feel so completely sure about this. The time she’d been tricked and separated from Brian showed Stephanie what she had to lose—it drove her to confess her feelings to Brian and ask him out. Each encounter with Chloe after that had reaffirmed Stephanie’s decision in many ways— because just as she needed Brian, she now knew Brian also needed her.

It made all the difference. Stephanie moaned into Brian’s mouth as she yanked and tugged his shirt upwards. His hands were likewise pulling up her top, and for a brief moment they were forced to stop their kiss so that they could hurriedly struggle the rest of the way out of their shirts. Roiling with lust and feeling the heat of the moment with brilliant pink intensity, Stephanie then yanked up the sports bra she wore, allowing her naked breasts to spill free as she tore the bra off and flung it away from herself.

Both of them paused, slightly panting for breath, as they drank in the sight of each other.

The weight of his sudden attention on her bare chest felt good, in a peculiar sort of way she felt unprepared for. Stephanie had never considered her boobs to be very impressive, but through her burgeoning charm sense she could feel Brian’s arousal amp up at the mere sight of them, and they all but perked up with a strange feeling of newfound pride. Brian fucking loved them, was mesmerized by them, in his greedy glances she could feel just how much he wanted to adore and appreciate them—it was so overwhelming that she actually grabbed at them herself in surprise.

O-oh my God! Stephanie’s face flushed red. Is this—is this what he did to Emily?!

Stephanie hefted her little tits slightly and ran her fingers across the soft shapes while regarding Brian with a shocked smile, feeling the slightly puffy numbs of nipples catch on her digits as they brushed by. It seemed utterly impossible for her to be nervous right now in this moment. She was tapped into his emotions, and the raw, overpowering attraction for her was like a flamethrower dousing her with a compressed stream of liquid fuel.

They collided again in a rush of lips and tongue and enthusiastically groping hands before Stephanie even had proper time to appreciate Brian’s oh-so-lovely half-naked body, and she vied to make up for it by feeling them directly instead. The fires within her were stoked and felt like they were roaring hundreds of feet high, she felt ready to explode. She relished the way Brian cupped her breasts with a shudder of desire, and she felt her hips reflexively jerk and hump against him while he impatiently clawed at the waistband of the spats she’d worn for running in. Though she’d never had sex, her pussy seemed to have a mind of its own and positively ached for something substantial to grind upon.

This is— this is really it! Stephanie thought, growing more and more aroused. It’s happening!

The Stephanie of several days ago would be absolutely stiff with terror at what they were about to do. Panicking, at the thought of this unknown and uncharted territory they were blundering into way out here, far, far off the edge of the map. Right now, however—Stephanie knew exactly where she was going and what she wanted. This AnimeCon weekend had been more than an adventure for her, it was a treasure map that led to riches beyond anything and everything she’d dared to dream for.

Disengaging again, Stephanie was quick to peel down the black garment of her spats herself. The spats were a rather brief pair of very form-fitting shorts—a cautious, wary-of-cosplaying Stephanie had packed them in her convention bag just in case she became too uncomfortable or self-conscious wearing just underwear beneath her gijinka dress around in public. As she rolled them down her pale legs and awkwardly kicked her way out of them, they became just another reminder of how far she’d come over the course of the weekend. It felt incredible feeling fresh air down there because she was now sticky with excitement, it was thrilling exposing herself fully to Brian, and—

The desire pouring off Brian this time was overpowering, and Stephanie swooned into his arms with a squeak as she was swept away in an endless sea of dazzling pink blaze. She bit her lip and clung to his sturdy shoulders as he carried her over to the bed, struggling to retain faculty of her senses. Unable to reign herself in, Stephanie pulled him down atop her when he attempted to place her gently down upon the covers. Their lips locked again and they shared a fierce kiss as her hands scrambled to shuck down the gym shorts he was wearing and remove them.


( Previous: 9 pt 9 | AnimeCon Harem | Next: To be Continued... )

/// Originally wanted this one to end with Brian still insisting they talk this through instead, but it seemed like pretty good odds a reader would actually find and murder me. Can only hope you guys'd prefer this small cliff to that.

This post actually stalled for several frustrating days, it just isn't something I can write without being in the right mindset for it. RE:TT post next (hopefully tomorrow) and then after that a Brian POV post that'll probably carry a mild NSFW warning.


James Shurtleff

I keep on checking for an update that isn't there. Then I think "Maybe I could just read it from the beginning for a third time?" So far, I haven't but I think I will soon.