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   Emily didn’t need to be told twice. The petite-figured Latina in the skimpy remains of her Akane Kurokawa outfit closed in on Stephanie right away, and without further ado the two girls were necking, letting out tiny cute Mmph noises amid the wet smacking of lips and unsteady breathing. Brian’s Darkmask bodysuit pants grew increasingly uncomfortable at the sight, but he found he couldn’t look away from the intertwined pair as their hands started to roam across each other’s bodies.

   What have I unleashed? Brian wondered with a weak grin. 

   It was increasingly hard to tell who the actual bad influence was, and Brian was forced to reflect on some of the previous encounters he’d found Stephanie entangled in and wonder if Kelly had really been the one to blame. Maybe the shy and innocent image Stephanie had in their minds really just enabled the pink-haired girl to get away with more than they thought.

   Well… it’s not as if Emily isn’t EAGER for it, though, Brian thought, taking a step closer so that he could rest a hand on each of the girl’s bottoms.

   Emily had risen up onto her tip-toes to match Stephanie’s slight height advantage and was gripping either side of the other girl’s face as they french kissed, mouths open to greedily explore each others affection and glistening tongues tangling between them. One of the girls—it might have been Stephanie—moaned into the other’s mouth, and Emily’s hands strained to reach around and grab up and fondle as much of Steph’s voluptuous ass as she could hold. Likewise uncaring of where her groping hand was delving, Stephanie’s fingers were inside Emily’s yukata, sliding it down off of the girl’s shoulders and beginning to undress her.

   “—Nice!” One of a pair of guys crossing the upper level in the distance called over, giving them an enthusiastic thumbs up.

   “Alright, alright, let go of my girlfriend,” Brian grumbled with an uneasy laugh as he gently separated the two girls. He wasn’t exactly sure which of them his comment was directed at, and Stephanie and Emily seemed too dazed to even register his words.

   “Uhhh,” Emily wet her lips. “That…”

   “Yes!” Stephanie nodded, seeming to agree to Emily’s half-spoken sentiment. “It was! It’s definitely… you know.”

   “Yeah,” Emily said in a breathless voice, beginning to readjust her costume. “It… uh. Yeah.”

   “You guys are driving me crazy,” Brian shook his head in amusement. “C’mon, let’s see if we can find the Komari mart bag—should have those two things we bought from Crissy in it.”

   “Right. Right!” Emily nodded quickly, setting off ahead of them. “C’mon, let’s go!”

   “Emily…” Brian barely kept from laughing. “The atrium’s that way.”

   “Yeah—totally knew that,” Emily blustered, spinning on her heel and changing directions. “Duh. I was just messin’ with you—atrium’s this way, guys.”

   Sharing a smile with Stephanie, Brian offered her his hand. Together, they followed after Emily’s footsteps as the girl trotted somewhat unsteadily across the upper concourse. The Order of the Sovereign Swords had set up shop in one of the larger venues, an enormous open-air auditorium with a several-stories-tall ceiling feature of intricate glass and steel. The room’s lights had been dimmed and the skylights had long since fallen dark, but with the light pollution of the cityscape all around the convention center the stars weren’t going to be visible.

   Two older men were seated inside, apparent guardians watching over the room to prevent the Order’s collection of LARP weapons and props from wandering off after hours.

   The first one had rich dark skin looked to be somewhere in his forties—bald, but sporting a full beard—and dressed in a saffron shirt with a plaid-patterned green-and-brown greatkilt. In contrast, the other man wore the sinister black trappings of a plague doctor, complete with wide-brimmed leather hat and distinctive beaked mask. Between them, there was a fake campfire—a fire ring of foam stones and logs built around a light and a fan that blew upwards to shake ‘flames’ that were scraps of red and orange cloth. It looked surprisingly real, and Brian would have done a double-take at first glance at an open flame indoors if not the telltale extension cord crossing the floor to power it.

   “Who goes there?” The black gentleman in the greatkilt rose to his feet with the aid of a knotty blackthorn walking stick.

   “Hi, I’m Emily?” Emily called. “I’m a friend of Rebecca’s, and I left a bag in here. Is it cool if I grab it real quick?”

   “Hold,” The man warned. “What’s the password?”

   “Um,” Emily paused. “If Rebecca set the password, it’s ‘Prince Charming.’”

   “As you say...” the man exchanged a glance with his companion’s unreadable glass-eyed plague doctor mask. “What’s the full password?”

   “Princely Paws Char Baby Butterstuff Ming Dynasty,” Emily recited. “Uh, either that, or that but with fluffy-pants added in somewhere after ‘butterstuff.’ Or, fluffy-lumpkin, fluffy-tummy, fluffy-pantaloons, fluffy-butt, fluffy-belly, fluffy-britches… one of those variations, depending on her mood?”

   “Aye, that’ll do,” the black man nodded, settling heavily back into his chair. “It was pantaloons, this time. You’re a friend of Rebecca’s, are you?”

   “I am!” Emily answered. “I mean… I hope I still am. We came to the con together—she drove me here and everything, but then we had this disagreement over this… mutual friend of ours? Well, not a mutual friend anymore, not after she—uh. I think right now Rebecca’s disappointed with me, and I’m frustrated with her, and… it’s all complicated now.”

   “Hoh boy,” the man grunted. “Said you left your purse here? Mogrith and I moved all the personal items off to the side when we cleaned up for the night.”

   “Not a purse, it’s like… a grocery bag?” Emily explained. “Err, like a plastic shopping bag, but with a special stencil on it? Full of a bunch of random junk.”

   “Think I know just the one you mean,” Mogrith said. A graying beard was visible beneath his mask, and the sense of age gave his historical outfit a sense of gravitas. “Way back against the wall over there, beneath that empty table with the tablecloth.”

   “Thanks, guys!” Emily hurried over towards the indicated table.

   “Any message you want us to pass on to Rebecca, or are you gonna sort things out with her for yourself?” The man in the greatkilt called over as he gazed into the ‘fire.’

   “Uhhh, no,” Emily shook her head. “Definitely gonna sort things out. Probably tomorrow. I mean, I was angry and probably a little stupid, but I totally stand by everything I said to her. Rebecca’s just so damned stubborn about people...”

   “Well, o’course she’s stubborn—she’s one of my nieces, you know.”

   “Really?” Emily perked up with interest. “Are you dumb civil war Uncle, or lousy mechanic Uncle?”

   “Hah!” Laughter barked out from beneath Mogrith’s mask.

   “Dumb historical reenactor Uncle,” the first man corrected in an amused drawl. “Tiberias Aloysius Murphy of the Seventh Texas infantry, at your service. She’s damned right ‘bout Phil being a lousy mechanic. Rebecca doesn’t have many friends... so, that probably makes you the girl who can’t climb trees?”

   “Okay—first of all, I didn’t fall out of that tree, I jumped!” Emily angrily turned, narrowing her eyes. “I climbed up the damn thing just fine! If everyone hadn’t been—”

   “Yep. She’s the one,” the man turned to his friend, who gave a grave nod of his leather-beaked mask. “Had that look about her.”

   “Geez, so you’re a civil war veteran?” Emily griped, flipping back the cloth from the tabletop and grabbing the Komari-mart bag beneath as soon as she spotted it. “How damned old even are you, old man?” 

   “Funny girl,” the man grunted. “Say, wasn’t there a great many stories Rebecca had about her feisty little friend? Got switched around one night, let herself into a stranger’s tent the next campsite over?”

   “That—that didn’t ever happen,” Emily replied in a flat, deadpan voice. “Bye, dumb civil war Uncle. Bye, Mogrith.”

   “Wait—Emily? That’s it, you must be Emily?” the first man snapped his fingers. “Fought a bramble bush and lost, twice—Rebecca had to lift you out? You’re the girl who dropped breakfast for twenty people right down into a fire pit? Thought stinging nettles were called singing nettles?”

   “What? No,” Emily retorted. “I’m not Emily. I’m a different friend. My name’s… uh… it’s Kelly.”

   “...Kelly?” Stephanie giggled.

   “Were you able to find the bag… Kelly?” Brian asked with an amused look.

   “Yes,” Emily bit out, making a face at him. “I found it,”

   “Awesome, thanks, Kelly,” Brian accepted the bag from the glowering girl.

   “Thank you both for your help!” Stephanie gave the two men a wave.

   “Mmhmm,” Rebecca’s swarthy uncle grumbled.

   “Have yourselves a nice night,” Mogrith called back.

   “Hey—Kelly, what’s the rush?” Brian chuckled, watching as Emily made a beeline for the exit. “Don’t you wanna—”

   “‘Kay-thanks-bye!” Emily yelled back, trotting quickly out of the atrium.

   “Take care, Emily and friends,” the black man dismissed them with a wave.

   Brian gave the two older men a last thoughtful glance before following Emily out. Although Emily and Rebecca both had invited him to LARP practices and outings in the past, because of Chloe he’d never made time for them. Now that he was no longer accommodating her, he felt interested in trying everything out. Glancing beside him at the shy grin Stephanie was offering, it was as if she was having the exact same thoughts, and he couldn’t help but raise their held hands up so that he could kiss the back of her hand.

   “Br-Brian…” Stephanie blushed.

   “Kissing your hand does something for you?” Brian gave her a wry smile. “Even after what you and Emmie just—”

   “It does!” Stephanie insisted, hopping up to give him a peck on the lips. “It really does. They both do. I, I love you guys...”

   Looking extraordinarily pleased, she gave him another quick kiss, and then she stayed close and gave him a long, lingering one. Her lips were sweet and eager, and as they opened for a taste of him he could feel her uncontrollable smile. As if to prove they were sharing the same frame of mind and were on the same wavelength, they withdrew simultaneously, and likewise then leaned in for another parting kiss. Then another. And another.

   “Hey, these are really cool—” They overheard Emily observe as the girl dug through the Komari-mart bag. “You got color-coded gag-bits for your harem? Pink and red; Stephanie and Kelly?”

   “She had blue ones for sale too, you know…” Brian teased. “I don’t have a harem, though.”

   “Really?” Emily perked up. “A blue one? How much were they?”

   “You want me to buy you one tomorrow?” Brian asked.

   “Uhh… yeah,” Emily blinked. “If—well, uh, would you make me wear it?”

   “I could just make you wear one of these ones here,” Brian pointed out.

   “No way!” Emily shook her head. “These are Stephanie’s and Kelly’s—Brian, I couldn’t.”

   “What do you think, Steph?” Brian gave Stephanie’s hand an encouraging squeeze.

   “You can wear mine, Emily—please,” Stephanie said. “If you want to. I haven’t tried it on yet or anything, so it’s perfectly clean.”

   “Like that even matters at this point,” Emily rolled her eyes. “Uh. Are you really cool with it, though?”

   “Of course!” Stephanie assured her. “I’ll wear Kelly’s.”

   “You’ll wear Kelly’s?” Emily asked. “You mean, you’re gonna wear one with me?”

   “I am!” Stephanie decided. “We’re both going around without underwear together, aren’t we? Kelly won’t mind if I wear hers—I think she’d want me to.”

   “She—yeah, she would,” Emily agreed with a grin. “This is like, fuck, this is hot, though. We can wear these into the rave—we can be Brian’s slaves. His pets!”

   “You’re not slaves, or pets,” Brian sighed. “We’re all, uh—we’re equals. Even with this… unconventional relationship. Okay? I don’t want to ever treat you like you’re anything less than—”

   “Fuck outta here with that Chloe shit,” Emily scoffed, pulling the pink ball-gag the whole way out of the box and holding it up for a better look. “I’m gonna put this on, and—no, wait, you’re going to put this on me. Then, I stop being Emily you argue with about this and I become Emily your fuck-toy slut, alright?

   “If my costume slips down a bit and my tits come free—I’m not gonna fix it. If my fuckin’ saliva just runs down my face from the gag, down my chest, I’m not gonna do anything about it. You want me to go somewhere, or do something, or stop doing something? Don’t use your words, ‘cause I’m not gonna listen. Use your hands. Your hands, on my body. I want to just be completely in your hands tonight, Brian.”

   “I’m… not totally against that kind of play,” Brian admitted with a reluctant smile. “Actually. But, do you really want to jump right into this so soon in our relationship? It seems kinda…”

   “I know, yeah,” Emily conceded with a grin. “It’s all… this is all a lot. I know. But like, where else can we do stuff like this? Brian… I’m not waiting ‘till the whole next damn AnimeCon.”

   “Same!” Stephanie chimed in with a furious blush. “I’m the same. I want to do this too, to do this tonight. I want to… to be your fuck-toy slut.”

   “Just listen to you,” Brian remarked, trying to stifle a surprising surge of arousal at hearing filthy words coming out of the normally shy pink-haired girl with the adorably cute face. “I’ve gotta get you away from Emily and Kelly, they’ve been a terrible influence.”

   “I’ve been a terrible influence?!” Emily smacked his shoulder. “Seriously? Seriously?! My lips were innocent! Innocent!”

   “Yeah? Well, now they’re not,” Brian said, regarding Emily with an even look and stepping closer. “Right?”

   “Uh, yeah,” Emily fidgeted with her bangs and looked up at him with a nervous smile. “I guess they’re not, anymore?”

   Looking over his longtime friend, Brian reached up and traced a hand down her cheek, letting his fingertips gently slide down her throat. Emily hesitated, opening her mouth as if to say something, to joke, to make some witty retort, or simply to hear the sound of her own comforting banter— and then closed it, instead wetting her lips with her tongue. She rocked towards Brian slightly so that her neck filled his hand, her soft skin pressing into his palm, and gazed up at him with an anxious look of excitement.

   Oh fuck, Brian thought, feeling his heart race again.

   He knew he’d been repressing his dominant tendencies so hard and for so long that they’d nearly become warped, inverted. Expressing his desires in any fashion had been terrifying for a while, but these girls right now seemed more than adept at drawing them out from him. The mild frustration of their typical back-and-forth exchanges, the playful arguments him and Emily always had— he wasn’t feeling them present in the air between them right now.

   Swallowing back a bit of tension, Brian realized that what he was feeling was turned on. Emily was more than willing, she was eager, she wanted to be submissive and obedient to him, was dying for it, was impatiently waiting for him to take control. Stephanie also seemed excited to have some raunchy fun, but with Emily this was something deeper, some extremely sexual aspect of their relationship she’d been desperately craving to explore.

   “Kiss me,” Brian commanded, steeling his nerves. “And then... I’ll lay out our ground rules.”

   The surge of anticipation and excitement thrummed through him as Emily leapt to obey, because she was pouncing forward with an exuberant smile of joy and satisfaction. It really did feel like she just absolutely loved kissing him, and being told to seemed to delight her even more. The three had been making out with each other all night, but nothing about it was getting old. Would it ever get old? Her approach lit him up with a giddy rush as though they were about to kiss for the first time all over again—it was a violent shock of pure this is so fucking incredible to his system he hoped he never ever adjusted to.

   Still can’t believe this is all happening, Brian thought as Emily eagerly placed her hands on his shoulders. She pulled herself up to latch onto him with her legs wrapping around his body, and when their mouths met, Brian could taste how pleased she was, he could feel the contours of her smile with his lips. This is Emily—MY EMILY—and she’s finally mine. Um, well. We’re TOGETHER. Her and I.

   “Hmm-Hmm-Mmmph,” She purred an inarticulate noise of enthusiasm into him.

   Brian had never imagined before this weekend that there were so many varied ways two people could kiss, so many myriad expressions hidden within the intimate gesture. Each one was a different adventure, and this time Emily lapped at him with little affectionate movements of her tongue, mewling with excitement until she was forced to withdraw to pant for breath.

   She exerted the last of her strength to climb up his body a little better, inching herself up in a way that had the warm wetness of her slit rubbing her slick arousal across the musculature of his unclothed abs. There was something animalistic about this that was lighting up undiscovered primal parts of his brain—Emily was smearing her sexual scent all across his bare skin. He could still even feel it across the small of his back from carrying her earlier, the moisture she left behind now cool to the air. Feeling his partner so horny that they were lubricating for him had always been a huge turn-on for him, but now he wanted her desire all over him. Across his face as he plunged his tongue into her blushing peach for a taste, all down his body as they slid against one another, he wanted this pheromone-packed fluid Emily nectar everywhere, now. It was driving him to distraction.

   At some unnoticed point her grip upon his shoulders transitioned to his neck and the back of his head, where her fingernails traced ungentle lines through the downy soft of his hair—which ALSO felt amazing—and Emily gazed at him with glassy eyes as she let out breath after ragged breath.

   We… yeah, we probably should’ve never left the hotel room, huh? Brian thought with a hapless smile. This is… we’re both…

   Their bodies were responding to each other with that inescapably intense sort of total physical infatuation, and it didn’t seem like the automatic and overwhelming urges would be letting up anytime soon. Her naked lust for him only multiplied the passion he was already prisoner to—they were spurring each other on further and further in a feedback loop of attraction that seemed sure to inevitably see them disregarding everything else and fucking each other right here on the upper concourse.

   Wait, there’s Stephanie here, too! Brian remembered as he fought to retain some semblance of composure. Stephanie can help keep us from crossing the line, she—

   Before he could even finish his thought, Stephanie was dropping to her knees in front of them and ducking her head in beneath Emily. The once-shy girl lashed across his abdominal lines with her tongue, greedily scooping Emily’s every sensual secretion into her mouth, licking and suckling his skin clean once again. His hips involuntarily jerked towards her—almost losing his grip on Emily and dropping her directly on top of the pink-haired girl crouched below—and then Steph continued attacking his navel with hungry kisses. Emily herself examined Brian’s expression with a wicked smile as he rocked and shuddered at the sensations. He nearly lost his balance, but Stephanie steadied him in place by settling her hands firmly in place upon the back of his thighs—there was no escape.

   Oh, yeah, Brian remembered in a daze. Right. Of course—Steph’s even worse off than we are. It’s like I kept thinking of her as this angel of conscience on one shoulder balancing out Kelly’s misdeeds... but really, they were ALL little devils all along, weren’t they? All THREE of them. Fuck me…

   His neglected erection was fighting up to free itself from the dancer’s belt and bodysuit pants, and it was hard to keep from relinquishing the handful of Emily’s ass he was fondling— Err, not fondling, HOLDING UP, yeah—with one hand and just tug down his waistband and release it. Things were getting really hard for Brian in more ways than one, and he sheepishly glanced around the upper level to belatedly make sure they hadn’t drawn attention to themselves. There were a few late-night con-goers over in the distance, but fortunately they weren’t facing towards them just yet.

   “Alright, alright,” Brian chuckled, unsteadily staggering back from Stephanie so that he could safely slip Emily back to the ground.

   “Uhh, ground rules, yeah. We...” He licked his lips and then swallowed, fighting off the urge to slap his own cheeks to clear his head as both Stephanie and Emily virtually eye-fucked him with expectant looks.

   “Um. Safety, most importantly,” Brian began. “More important than having fun tonight. When we go into the AnimeCon rave, we stick together. Stay close together, and close to me. If anyone else touches you, bothers you, frightens you—if you feel unsafe or even just uncomfortable in there, for any reason, reach over and tap me quickly a few times and we’ll all bail immediately. Okay?”

   “Yes, Sir,” Emily smiled, letting her eyes wander up and down him.

   “Of course…” Stephanie added her agreement, blushing furiously and wiping her chin with the back of her hand. “Yes… Sir.”

   “Let’s see… uh,” Brian mulled over possible situations. “No getting naked. Obviously. Let’s all keep our hands above the belt while we’re in there. If either of you need—”

   “Whoa hold up—objection!” Emily interjected with a cute pout. “The harem motions to overturn the above the belt rule!”

   “You’re not a harem, and—” Brian started.

   “I’m sorry, Brian,” Stephanie’s giggle interrupted. “As the, um, as the neutral third party, I’m afraid I have to overrule you.”

   “What?!” Emily objected. “You’re absolutely not any third fucking party, you’re—”

   “Girls, girls,” Brian held up his hands. “If we’re gonna do this, both of you need to let me set the rules. Okay?”

   “Well—okay,” Emily gave him a suggestive smile. “But then... you need to tell us what happens to bad girls, bad girls who try soooo hard to be good, but end up breaking the rules, just this little tiny bit? Like, do bad girls get punished?”

   Stephanie’s eyes danced with heat at hearing that idea, and the way the pink-haired girl bit her lip made Brian realize that he needed to shut Emily up sooner rather than later. To shut up both of them, with both of the ball gags, or maybe even with—no, no, gotta focus. Damn. Holy fuck. It also now felt like he needed to discreetly adjust himself beneath the dancer’s belt he wore.

   “No further questions from the harem,” Brian said, rummaging through the Komari-mart bag for a second to pop open the small white box containing the pink ball-gag collar.

   “Oh, yeah?!” Emily rebuked with glee. “I thought you just said we weren’t a hare—glmmphff!!”

   Rather than indignant at the fact that Brian had suddenly shoved the flexible silicone ball of the gag into her mouth before she could finish her sentence, Emily looked surprisingly... smug. How extraordinarily pleased with herself she managed to appear at that moment was frustrating Brian in a strange, unfamiliar way. He wasn’t quite actually aggravated at her—not exactly—but he definitely found himself entertaining fantasies of pulling the squirming Latina over his lap and disciplining her bottom. Sharp, fleshy smacks of his palm, spanking her until she lets out little squeals, mauling and ravaging and playing with those tender cheeks of hers until she—

   Okay, no, focus, FOCUS, Brian admonished himself, carefully pulling Emily’s shaggy blue pixie-cut up out of the black leather strap of the gag running across her cheeks so that he could buckle it behind her head. I’ve gotta, uh. Not let them… get to me.

   “Glpphh!” Emily tried to work her mouth around the pink ball that held her jaw open. “Glllpph—gllk?”

   “Gimme a tap now if you need it back off,” Brian said, searching her blushing expression for signs of discomfort.

   Emily shook her head in the negative with a bob of her blue bangs, quickly hiding her hands behind her back in imitation of a naughty child attempting to feign innocence. There was even more color to her cheeks now, and a glistening line of saliva appeared between her stretched-wide lips and the pink silicone ball crammed into her mouth. The gag bit sported evenly-spaced holes throughout it something like a wiffle ball, and Emily was making a breathy but enticingly wet sound as she learned to breathe while wearing the collar.

   “You’re alright?” Brian questioned. “Does it fit okay? Nod if you’re okay, tap me with your hand if you’re not.”

   She silently nodded to confirm that she was okay, squeezing the gag with her mouth again and unconsciously reaching up to wipe away the bit of drool that was beginning to escape. Brian swatted her hand away and gave her a sly smile. Then, he turned to Stephanie.

   “Last chance to back out, Steph,” Brian reminded her with a lopsided grin, drawing the red gag collar they’d originally bought for Kelly out of the second white box and then dangling it in the air. “Do you want to wear one of these with her? Or... do you wanna spend the rest of tonight just teasing, taunting, and bullying Emily with me?”

   “Glllph-ph-ph?!?!!” Emily tried to sputter in alarm, turning to face Stephanie with wide, pleading eyes.

   “I want…” Stephanie paused to give her friend a thoughtful look. “...Both? Hehe. I can, I can do both! I want to wear a collar, Brian—put it on me. Please. Please?”

   “If you’re sure,” Brian shrugged. “Come here.”

   Stephanie helped by gathering up her shoulder-length tufts of pink hair while he brought the ball-gag up to her cute face, but she couldn’t help but give his thumb a tiny kiss before he pushed the red ball between her lips. Her eyelashes seemed to flutter in surprise from behind her glasses for a moment as she adjusted to the strange obstruction, but otherwise her eyes remained on him in a steady gaze of pure adoration.

   It only took Brian an awkward moment fiddling the black leather strap through the ring of the buckle behind her head—he had to stop to smack Emily’s hand down from her own chin again—and then Stephanie’s ball-gag was secure. She released her pink tresses to hang back down, obscuring over the straps the collar situated across her cheeks. Then she blushed just as furiously as Emily was, very visibly trying not to fidget.

   “Well?” Brian asked, a little weirded out by the fact that conversation on their part was now effectively over. “What do you girls think?”

   “Glphglphhh,” Emily tried to tell him, gesturing excitedly with her hands and making a twirling motion with one finger.

   He knew Emily better than anybody, but he had no idea what that was supposed to mean.

   “You... want the collar off?” Brian offered. “Tap me if it’s getting uncomfortable or anything.”

   Emily made an involuntarily gllk noise and hid both hands behind her back again, so Brian smiled and turned his attention to Stephanie. She on the other hand, had a distant, thoughtful look in her eyes as she worked and adjusted her mouth around the ball-gag, and the red ball seemed to pulse for a moment as if she was testing it with her tongue. Finally seeming to realize Brian was watching her, she flushed a deeper shade and gave him a shy thumbs-up.

   “Alright… cool,” Brian nodded. “Let’s just... walk around downstairs a bit, before we go into the rave. Give you both a little time to get used to wearing them.”

   He took a girl in each hand, and then they were all off, walking back over towards that stairway positioned between the deactivated escalators connecting the different levels. It was strange and exciting, leading around two girls with ball-gags in their mouths. Walking with two beauties was one thing, and going around with two girls who also happened to be wearing scandalous and revealing outfits like this late at night was another. Leading two obedient, submissive girls around, while they were furiously blushing and very obviously wearing fetish ball-gags… there didn’t seem to be anything remotely ambiguous about that.

   No one was more shocked by how things had developed than Brian. He couldn’t help but keep glancing left and then right, checking on each of the girls as well as just… checking them out. Everything about each of them was a delicious sight, alluring bodies scarcely concealed by the remaining portions of their cosplays. The vibrant color of their respective hair, and then the dash of color their ball-gags provided for an incredibly sexy contrast. Their expressions right now were even more of a turn-on—they looked mortally embarrassed, dizzy with excitement, and squirming with arousal all at once.

   “So… how’s your weekend been going, ladies?” Brian asked them in a conversational voice. “Mine’s been pretty unbelievable—you really wouldn’t believe some of the things that’ve happened.”

   The girls exchanged amused, exasperated looks with him and then each other, unable to otherwise respond. Emily by now was walking with her head tilted back in attempt to keep from making a drooling mess of herself... but Stephanie had a generous line of spittle leaking out from her ball-gag. The saliva ran down her lower lip and was already beginning to dangle off her chin.

   Grinning to himself, Brian brought both girls to a stop when they reached the stairs leading down to the enormous lobby floor. Stephanie was staring at his naked chest with a somewhat vacant expression, glazed eyes wandering up and down him as the drool began to dip down towards her gijinka dress. He leaned in and caught it with his mouth—it was cooler than he expected from exposure to the air—and then followed it to where Stephanie’s lips were stretched around the red ball-gag, slurping her warmer slobber up just as Stephanie had done for Emily earlier.

   In response Stephanie wriggled, managing out a choked moan through the ball gag as her breathing speed picked up to a needy pant. One of her hands gripped tightly at the bottom hem of her gijinka dress, while the other wandered up across Brian’s chest. Both unable to kiss him back, and incapable of stopping the shameful flow of her own saliva as it leaked out past the ball gag and down her face, Stephanie couldn’t do anything but tremble with lust and quiver. She let out something like a helpless whimper, and then she let her hand slip up inside the skirt of her own costume.

   Or… wait, Brian thought as he allowed his hands to slide down Stephanie’s body. Maybe I’M really the bad influence, here? 

( Previous: Stairway to Heaven | AnimeCon Harem | Bonus: Anime Rave (Pink) )



Signed up for Anime. I'm seeing a lot more trailer posts. Is the storyline failing?


RE:TT is getting special extra attention for April 1st, AH is getting special extra attention for Halloween this year.

Anon User

Some issue with navigation? Never Let Go has 18 And Up pt 9 as "Previous", but pt 9 has pt 10 as "Next"? And nothing leads to Never Let Go?