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   Ohhh my goodness, Stephanie grinned, watching with interest as Brian pressed Emily against the wall with his kiss.

   She was so turned on that she couldn’t help but dance from foot to foot, feeling the sexy slick sensation as the lips of her vulva slid against one another. It was as if the second-hand-smoke pouring off from Emily’s rather fervid orgasm was clouding their immediate area with psychic blue steam. Her charm power was both sensing emotions more easily and getting harder to control, and the way it was affecting her was driving her to distraction in a terrible way.

   Should I… stop them? Stephanie wondered. Speak up about it? Somehow? I-I really hope he was kidding earlier about counting on ME to reign them in. I’m, um, I’m feeling less and less RESPONSIBLE, and more and more—

   “Brian you just made me cum,” Emily announced in breathless wonder. “By kissing me. Just by kissing me. I came like you were fucking me.”

   “Hah, you’re messing with me,” Brian gave her a wry smile, sweeping back the blue of her bangs so that he could plant a kiss on her forehead. “Pretty sure girls don’t get off that easy.”

   “Uhhh, maybe normally you’d be right?” Emily admitted. “But, uh. Brian. This isn’t normal, like, at all. You just rocked my box. Completely serious.”

   “She’s telling the truth,” Stephanie voiced her support. “She, um. She did get off. I was watching.”

   “No way,” Brian chuckled with a doubtful smile. “There’s no way just kissing would—”

   “Yes way,” Emily insisted, lightly hitting him with her fists in a series of playful punches. “What part of sexed up on a sixteen outta ten scale do you not understand? Uhhh, I mean, Brian I’m pretty sure you could probably make me cum right now just by talking dirty to me.”

   “Oh, yeah?” Brian challenged, arching an eyebrow at her.

   “Yeah— I mean, um. Yes, Daddy,” Emily purred.

   “Sounds to me like we need to find that Chrissy-Cat girl, maybe get a collar and leash for you to wear,” Brian chuckled, pulling Emily into a hug.

   “Chrissy-Cat?” Emily asked, jumping up to wrap both her arms and legs around him. “Who’s that?”

   “Someone we ran into earlier,” Brian said, dropping his hands down to support Emily’s weight. “She had a table in the vendor’s room, she sells all sorts of kinky BDSM stuff.”

   “Awww, what the heck?” Emily gave him a cheeky pout. “You shoulda bought somethin’.”

   “Uhhh,” Brian let out an uneasy laugh.

   “He did buy some things there,” Stephanie revealed with a smile, staring with open appreciation at the way Brian’s palms were cradling Emily’s naked butt. “A pair of ball-gags— Kelly convinced him to get them.”

   “What?! Ohmigod,” Emily squealed. “You guys’ve been holding out on me? Where are they? Can I try one on?”

   “Hmm,” Brian frowned. “Think I tucked them into that Komari-mart bag I was carrying around. Handed that off to Kelly partway through today, though—no clue where it is now. I’ll have to ask her what—”

   “Wait, your Komari-mart bag? For your Darkmask outfit?” Emily blurted out. “I found it out in the parking garage.”

   “Parking garage?” Brian asked.

   “Yeah,” Emily nodded. “Guess you really missed out on the Hero Hero photoshoot, huh? They met up in that parking garage across the block from the con, they had a couple heroes and like, a whole bunch of Darkmasks there. None of them were as good as yours, though, o’course!”

   “Huh,” Brian looked thoughtful for a moment, and he hefted Emily in his arms a bit to get a better hold of her. “You know, I was preparing for that meetup for months and months, but then I miss it completely, and it’s not even on my mind at all, hah ha.”

   “Where were you, anyways?” Emily jabbed a finger into his chest. “I was looking for you!”

   They strode together out of the hall and back to the wide open space of the convention lobby with Brian still carrying a stubborn Emily in his arms. Stephanie followed behind them in a daze, growing love-drunk on the emotions that filled the air, until with a crackle of pink flame she stopped in place, turning to blink in surprise back at the mostly-deserted hallway.

   That’s right where Kelly and I sat and talked, Stephanie realized. It was only yesterday. ONLY YESTERDAY. So much has— no, EVERYTHING has changed, since then. If we hadn’t happened to meet like that…

   “Well… um,” Brian laughed. “Kelly told me to bail, so I bailed. She can be pretty convincing, you know? Steph and I ended up hiding out in Vic Magnolia’s voice-acting panel upstairs.”

   “Ugh, lame,” Emily made a face. “Vic Magnolia’s a total creep. You know there’s all sorts of rumors about him like, taking advantage of his little fangirl group and molesting girls?”

   “The Magnolia Militia?” Brian rolled his eyes. “Never bought into the rumors, honestly. Seems like the kinda gossip they’d get off on, but I’m like, damn near a hundred percent sure Vic’s actually gay.”

   “Huh,” Emily quirked her lip. “I do kinda get that vibe from him, yeah—I see what you mean. Why sit through his panel though? What, is Stephie a Cedric Edifice fan or something?”

   “W-we were just hiding out,” Stephanie sputtered, quickly catching up to the pair. “Kelly wanted to make sure that the Himari— that Chloe wouldn’t find us. She had this crazy plan— um, she called it a shell game, but with Darkmask helmets instead of shells? Chloe was watching them, but Kelly switched Brian out for one of the other Darkmasks when Chloe was distracted by someone asking for a picture. I-I actually can’t believe it worked…”

   “Kelly’s scary as fuck,” Emily murmured. “So, how was the panel? What’s new with Vic, then?”

   “Um,” Brian grinned. “I honestly have no idea.”

   “We weren’t paying attention,” Stephanie added with a blush. “There weren’t enough seats, there was only one empty chair, so… Brian had me sit in his lap—”

   “—Steph was like, rubbing up on me you wouldn’t believe what a tease she can be when she—”

   “—I held his Darkmask helmet in my lap, and... he fingerfucked me! Right there in the crowded room sitting next to everybody!” Stephanie finished.

   “Wh-wh-what the fuck?!” Emily slapped at Brian’s chest in indignation. “Lead with that story, next time! Geez, how did you not tell me about that right away!”

   “Hah, that’s not even getting into the game of truth or dare we played last night,” Brian mused.

   “You played what?!” Emily squealed. “Without me?!”

   “It-it was amazing,” Stephanie sighed, wetting her lips at a certain memory.

   “I can’t believe you guys actually— hey wait, wait!” Emily squirmed in Brian’s arms. “Not this way, go that way, we’ve gotta head upstairs for a sec.”

   “Upstairs?” Brian asked. “The big rave’s downstairs, just past— d”

   “Yeah, I know, but you then you said you bought ball-gags!” Emily said in exasperation. “I told ya, I grabbed your Komari-mart bag— I left it upstairs in the atrium where the LARP people were.”

   “And you left it there?” Brian griped in a teasing voice.

   “You left it laying on the ground in a random parking garage!” Emily countered. “Besides—”

   “I did not!” Brian protested. “Kelly was the one who—”

   “Besides, Rebecca said it was safe to leave stuff up there,” Emily explained. “She has some of her LARP people watching all the stuff in the atrium overnight.”

   “Alright, alright, whatever,” Brian relented. “But, I ain’t carrying you up the stairs like this— they already shut down the escalators for the night.”

   “Puh-leeeease carry me up?” Emily batted her eyelashes at him. “Can you carry me up piggy-back style? Please?! I’ll give you a whole dollar!”

   “I guess I can piggy-back you up the stairs,” Brian said, carefully easing Emily back to the ground so that they could rearrange themselves. “But, you’ll owe me one.”

   “Uh, yeah, I just promised you a whole dollar—”

   “Huh. I was thinking more like, I push you down into a mating press later and make you squeal like a little piggy,” Brian said with a nonchalant expression, turning away from her and crouching down with his hands ready so she could climb up onto his back.

   “Br-Brian!” Emily’s mouth fell open. “Lead with that next time, geez! I keep like— well, not forgetting, but like, it’s— wow. We can actually do that kinda stuff now! It’s like, it’s not just joking around anymore…”

   “I was kidding, Emmie,” Brian flapped his waiting hands at her, urging her to clamber up. “It’s just a piggy-back up some stairs, I’m not actually gonna expect you to—”

   “Nope! You promised, and a deal’s a deal!” Emily giggled, eagerly mounting him. “Mating press. Make me squeal like a little piggy. Pet-play. Fuck yes!”

   “That’s not pet-play,” Brian said, slowly standing and lifting Emily up into the air on his back. “People don’t normally keep piglets as pets.”

   “Uhh, some people do!” Emily argued. “It totally still counts.”

   “I’d see piglet-play as more of a human cattle sorta thing,” Brian reasoned, throwing Stephanie a wry smile as he turned and started carrying Emily towards the stairs. “You know, like in hentai where they have the rows of girls penned up like livestock, and—wow, Emily I can feel you, you are really wet—”

   “Ohmigod, yes please?!” Emily squeaked. “Ohmigod, you have like, an actual harem, of multiple girls. We could actually play that out sometime, sorta. The human livestock thing, where we’re all lined up and restrained for you. I bet Steph and Kelly’d totally be down! Can we? Can we?”

   “Um,” Stephanie finally spoke up in a slight stammer, feeling her entire face flushed. “Emily… your costume doesn’t cover you at all when you’re riding on Brian like that…”

   “Oh shit, you’re right,” Emily realized. “Is it—uhh, am I… like, super obvious?”

   “Umm…” Stephanie stared.

   When Emily’s legs were wrapped around Brian like this, the hem of her yukata was pulled taut and did nothing to conceal the pale curvature of Emily’s cheeks. The shapely globes were… oddly enticing now, to Stephanie, which was surprising to her. She’d never let her eyes linger on buttocks like this and hadn’t ever thought of them as something to be attracted to until now. The longer she stared, the more desire the sight seemed to evoke from deep within her.

   Seeing Emily’s naked rear from this close-up brought about a surprising flash of pink heat in the ever-present flames burning through her. She could clearly see the cute little nook of Emily’s anus—the first one Stephanie had ever seen, and it resembled a belly-button to her. Just below it, Emily’s vagina was flushed red with arousal, lips spreading open like flower petals and visibly oozing a slippery strand of girl-glue down the delicious musculature of Brian’s back.

   “Can you just like, yank my outfit down a bit, or something?” Emily asked. As if aware of the mesmerized way Stephanie was watching her, Emily’s labia quivered and flexed slightly, and she twisted awkwardly, trying to tug the edge of her yutaka down over herself.

   “It’s, um. It’s fine,” Stephanie lied, feeling blood rush to her face. “Y-you can barely tell, really. I’ll climb up right behind you guys so that no one can see. Just in case!”

   “Thanks, Steph,” Emily called back. “Actually. Sorry I’m just like, talking nonstop tonight— you must feel like you can barely get a word in. Totally don’t mean to like, exclude you or anything. It’s just, I’m all…”

   “No, no!” Stephanie said, sticking close behind Brian as he ascended the stairs. With the difference in elevation as they climbed, Emily’s pussy was practically in her face, and the musky scent of her arousal was wafting right down into her. “I love hearing you two talk, actually. I love just listening.”

   They didn’t realize yet, but Stephanie was listening to a lot more than just their spoken exchanges. The feelings of love slung back and forth through the air were heady, each tinged through and through with a unique flavor of trust that Stephanie couldn’t get enough of. Emily and Brian were comfortable with each other on an intimate level that was growing deeper and deeper. They were each rather guarded individuals, but when put together and interacting they seemed to draw deep, potent feelings out from within each other that would’ve otherwise never been revealed.

   The lubrication of excitement leaking down out of Emily and drawing a glistening line down Brian’s back was pretty distracting, too.

   “Geez, Emily—” Brian remarked, trying to adjust Emily on his back as he carried her up step after step. She kept slipping down slightly, and it was more and more obvious why. “You’re gonna slide right off of me—there’s no way you’re this turned on.”

   “Ummm,” Emily let slip an embarrassed giggle. “Totally not even my fault!”

   “Wait, wait,” Stephanie called in a weak voice, nervously glancing around. There were a few scattered people throughout the lobby, but none seemed to be paying them much attention. “Um, stop— let me fix it real quick.”

   “Am I like, flashing gash again?” Emily chuckled nervously. “Can you just—”

   Stephanie stopped behind them on the steps and gently put her hands on Emily’s spread thighs. Heady blue desire was practically flooding down the stairway into her as a torrential waterfall of emotions, and it seemed inevitable that Stephanie would succumb to some of it.

   At least, that’s what she told herself as she leaned in and hungrily traced her tongue up Brian’s spine, lapping up the tiny trail of nectar.

   “Whoa, Jesus,” Brian jolted. “Steph—”

   Stephanie couldn’t stop, licking and kissing her way up Brian’s skin. The taste of Emily’s desire was in her mouth and in her head now, and she noisily smooched and slurped and sucked upwards closer and closer to the source.

   “What?” Emily tried to lean back far enough from where she clung to Brian’s shoulders to see what was going on. “What’s she—oh my God!”

   Stephanie transitioned from drawing a line up Brian’s back with her tongue to planting her lips directly on Emily’s soft, warm, and very wet pussy. She wasn’t surprised at her own actions, despite having been gun-shy about even touching another girl down there with her fingers only this morning. Her heart had weathered through trials and tribulations over the course of the Saturday, and she felt like a new Stephanie.

   Thought I’d lost Brian forever, and felt just completely broken, Stephanie remembered as she nuzzled in and gingerly sampled Emily’s syrupy-slick desire. Then I was in so much danger—if Emily and Rebecca hadn’t heard my cry for help, who knows what would have happened to me! Kelly reunited me with my Brian, and… I actually had the courage to ask him to be mine, to be my boyfriend. Everyone GAVE ME that courage! Hearing about what Kelly’s been through made my heart ACHE for her, and then exploring all of this sexuality with her and Brian just felt so… so RIGHT!

   She slurped and suckled and kissed Emily’s quivering sex, ignorant to the tiny whimpers the girl was making as she struggled to cling to Brian’s back. Lust, confusion, shame, and most of all, pleasure poured down off of the girl, drenching Stephanie in feelings until she felt completely soaked in them herself. Squeezing her grip on Emily’s spread thighs, Stephanie couldn’t help but press her tongue in deeper for more.

   Some things, things like this—they just don’t need any second-guessing, Stephanie decided as she cleaned her friend free of sensuous secretions with her mouth. Confronting Chloe like I did, I couldn’t have done it alone. Emily being there, saving me again… she’s this, this deeply intertwined part of Brian, and her being a part of it all makes me love them both EVEN MORE. I love them. I love them. I love this.

   “St-Steph Steph Steepphh stooop!” Emily begged, weakly attempting to wriggle a little further up Brian and instead sliding down even more heavily upon Stephanie’s eager kiss. “Ste-Steph, ohmigod, stop, stop—you’re gonna make me—!”

   “Sorry,” Stephanie pulled away with an embarrassed smile, bashfully wiping her face with the back of her hand. “Uh. I just, um, you were… leaking, so...”

   “I-I can’t believe you just did that!” Emily exclaimed. “Brian, she—she just—!”

   “I’m a little surprised myself,” Brian admitted, readjusting his grip on Emily and partially turning so that he could share a smile with Stephanie. “Like, whoa, Steph. What brought that on?”

   “Um,” Stephanie blushed. “Is it too… weird?”

   “No, no, just… you know,” Brian said. “Unexpected?”

   “I’m… also very, very turned on,” Stephanie admitted in a shy voice. “Attracted to you, and, um. I’m attracted to Emily too, and seeing her attraction for you, um, seeing her wet and so wet it was going down your back, it, uhh, it…”

   “Let’s get the rest of the way upstairs and… somewhere where less people can see us,” Brian proposed, starting up the steps again.

   “Yes! Yeah, let’s… um. That,” Stephanie smiled, feeling her cheeks burn.

   “You’re, you’re really attracted to me?” Emily asked in disbelief. “Like, uhh, like, that kind of attracted?”

   “Sorry,” Stephanie said in a sheepish voice. “I should have asked, or, um— it’s just, you were in that way and, ah, you were right in my face, so, I…”

   “No, no, it’s just— uh,” Emily sounded embarrassed herself. “Weird. To wrap my mind around, I guess. I wanted to be like, completely devoted, pledge myself only to Brian. And, I’ve got that in this one-track mindset, and you uh, you just keep blindsiding me, hah ha.”

   “Bad blindsiding, or good blindsiding?” Brian asked.

   “I dunno!” Emily laughed. “I really don’t know. This is all so crazy. Like— is it even okay?”

   “Is it okay if my amazing girlfriends are hot for each other?” Brian asked, sounding incredulous at both her question and the apparent impossibility of the situation itself. “Gee, Emmie— what do you think?”

   “No, um,” Emily said with difficulty. “It’s not just that, not just a sex thing. Like, is it okay to be this way… emotionally? With both of you at once? How the fuck is this relationship actually gonna work?”

   “No idea,” Brian shrugged slowly, careful not to displace Emily. “But, I think it will work. Because I feel the same way about both of you. Kelly, too.”

   “I know this will work out,” Stephanie said with conviction. “Because— I love you guys!”

   “What if, like—jealousy and stuff, though?” Emily pointed out. “There’s only one Brian, and only so much of him to go around.”

   “I’m not sure which one of you I’d even feel jealous of, exactly,” Stephanie admitted with a smile. “I’d just want to, um, to join in myself. With things.”

   They reached the top of stairs and stepped out from between the dormant and still escalators on either side and onto the upper level veranda. There was even less foot-traffic up here; the anime rave, the hentai screening room, and most of the remaining AnimeCon late-night activities were all downstairs. When Brian let Emily down, she nearly toppled off her own shaky feet, so Stephanie took her opposite side and they walked together hand-in-hand over towards the Atrium with the wobbly Latina between them.

   “Is it—is it weird that I’m not totally against Stephanie?” Emily asked.

   “Totally against Stephanie?” Brian chuckled. “What would that even mean?”

   “I don’t know!” Emily squeaked. “It’s weird!”

   The blue of Emily’s emotions was in turmoil, flows of water twisting back on themselves in whirls and eddies. Stephanie couldn’t help but think that the stream of blue was just too apt at representing Emily’s feelings— the girl’s emotions were always moving, and so she craved a straightforward direction for them to advance towards. Emily wasn’t the sort to let her thoughts linger in introspection upon how she felt for very long, and when the currents had nowhere to go she would become a locked up and stagnant pool.

   “Emily…” Stephanie said softly. “Do you need some time to think about how you feel?”

   “What?! No,” Emily snorted. “I don’t really do that.”

   “Yeah, that’s not really an Emily thing,” Brian agreed. “What was that one anime quote? ‘Thinking won’t get us anywhere!’”

   “Exactly!” Emily laughed. “‘Thinking won’t get us anywhere!’”

   “So instead, I’ll just tell you what’s what,” Brian joked. “And then you go with it.”

   “Uhhh,” Emily froze mid-step, jerking both Brian and Stephanie to a halt. “Can you?”

   “Can I tell you what to do?” Brian asked. “Of course not, you’re your own person. I’m not gonna—”

   “No, please?” Emily asked. “Can you? Like, this whole relationship thing’s got everything super… muddled and ambiguous. Why don’t you just tell me what to do, and then everything’s like, completely simple.”

   “I was just kidding, Emmie,” Brian frowned. “I’m not gonna actually tell you what to do, that’s—”

   “Brian?” Stephanie interrupted him, feeling a rise of excitement and understanding in her own pink flames. “Tell Emily to kiss me.”

   “I can’t just—”

   “Order her to kiss me,” Stephanie insisted. “Tell her. Tell her she has to kiss me, kiss me, an-and touch me. Make her, make her surrender herself to this. She doesn’t want to have to worry about the situation.”

   If the dazed look in Emily’s eyes or the way she began to nibble on her own lip wasn’t enough of an indication, Stephanie felt that swirl of confused emotion race forward into pure blue clarity again, as if a mental dam had been broken. It was more than confirmation, it was a connection, it was Emily recognizing that Stephanie could intuit her innermost troubles, and accepting the illumination Stephanie provided.

   Also, the idea of Brian commanding Emily to do intimate things with Stephanie turned out to be an incredible turn-on for all three of them. What began as an awkward moment and nervous glances between one another was rapidly escalating to mutual understanding, and it felt to Stephanie like the the temperature in the convention center had increased several degrees. The pink blaze within herself was a roaring inferno, the blue stream beside her was frenziedly rushing rapids, and Brian— 

   “Do it, Emily,” Brian told her. “Kiss her—touch her.” 

   *     *     *

   Night had fallen, and Foxy and Mary were enjoying a romantic-seeming walk together through the large plaza in front of the convention center. They were a little late getting back, Foxy realized—the anime rave had already started without them. That was okay to him, though, there’d been a reason they were taking their sweet time in returning to the con. Mary’s previous closed-off body language and scowling demeanor was now nowhere to be found, and the beautiful Chinese girl was actually treating the situation like they were a couple, now. She’d even attempted to hold hands with him like a couple, which almost made him laugh—Foxy didn’t hold hands if he could help it—what are we, CHILDREN? She relented with a cute pout when he instead put a possessive hand around her waist for their stroll.

   “Is this new?” Foxy frowned, cupping Mary’s cheek and running a thumb through the vibrant gold streaking through her otherwise dark hair.

   “Is what new?” Mary smirked up at him.

   Foxy stared for a moment, examining the locks she had pulled up into a ponytail, and then carefully undid her hair tie and combed his fingers through her hair. It had been bugging him for the past hour, but ultimately he decided that Mary spontaneously getting highlights in her hair was pretty silly. Obviously, the color’d just been hidden by the way her tresses of silky black hair were pulled up before. Something or other had shifted or loosened at some point, and now the highlights were visible. Makes sense.

   “Nevermind,” he chuckled, gently teasing her hair down and arranging it as they walked.

   “That feels good,” Mary smiled, tilting her head to encourage more of his caresses and sidling in closer. “Keep doing that.”

   Chicks loved when he made pointless little intimate gestures like this. Actually, not only did she appear less uptight with her hair down, she looked quite a bit more cute. Her lovely Oriental features seemed almost radiant now that she wasn’t wearing that pissed-off resting-bitch-face look, so maybe he’d actually tongued her to an orgasm beneath the table in Marino’s. Fawkes Loxly; hero of AnimeCon—selfless dedication and a silver tongue turned another total cunt into a smiling and well-adjusted young woman.

   Going down on her beneath the booth at a restaurant was one of the more risque things he’d ever done. His only regret was that he’d done it with a group of new friends— Jordyn and Melanie—rather than some of his handpicked and carefully cultivated convention friends. If Nick had been there with them when it happened, or had Ace, Tetsu, Krieg and the boys had stuck around—the story of what his exploits would already be making its way around the convention groups. Another feather in the cap of Foxy’s legendary shenanigans.

   Oh, well, Foxy grinned, letting his hands casually run down Mary’s back until he could cup firm handfuls of her pert butt. Really DID seem to open her up. So, fair odds she’s gonna, at minimum, blow me tonight in reciprocation. Maybe if I drop some hints, she’ll spill the rest, accidentally tell people what I did all on her own? She’s probably not that stupid, but who knows what she’s like when she’s had a few drinks...

   “Hey, watch it,” Mary said, jerking back from his squeezing grasp with a mixture of indignation and amusement at his hand on her ass. 

   “Just checking,” Foxy gave her a charming smile. “Gotta make sure the new leggings fit okay, you know?”

   He’d hustled her over to a friend’s hotel room to borrow something to wear from an old acquaintance of his, because Mary’d been naked from the waist down beneath his borrowed trenchcoat. Now, she was wearing a skin-tone and somewhat sheer pair of leggings—she seemed perfectly comfortable strutting around in them, despite the fact that she was only technically clothed—and still looked just as indecent as before. Growing bored with their sojourn down the city sidewalks and having accomplished his goal of having her butt in his firm grasp he guided her over towards one of the AnimeCon lobby’s double-doors so they could head inside.

   “Well?” Mary smirked again, her unreadable dark eyes searching his. “Do they fit?”

   “Hmmm…” Foxy murmured thoughtfully, letting his hand explore her plush curves up and down. “They feel great… but I’d better really take a look.”

   Tongue-fucking her in public must have really flipped her switch, because the walled-off cold-shoulder Mary of earlier today was nowhere to be found. This new Mary was flippant, flirty, and seemed to be throwing caution to the wind as she turned and perked her rear out for his inspection. She seductively slid her hands up the backs of her own thighs until they reached her buttocks and then teased her fingertips across the curvature, giving herself a little jiggle.

   Damn, girl.

   “Well?” Mary sounded almost smug.

   “Looks pretty slutty,” Foxy grinned in approval, reaching out and grabbing her bottom again.

   “Hey!” Mary jumped, swatting his hands away and giving him a cute pout over her shoulder. “Are you calling me a slut?”

   “I’m just saying they look slutty,” Foxy shrugged, appraising her with cocky indifference. “I like that. What, is that a problem?”

   “I dunno, maybe?” Mary challenged, frowning up at him with an unsure look. “I’m not a slut.”

   “Touchy, touchy,” Foxy took her by the waist and pulled her back into him. “Does that mean you’re not interested in dancing tonight? You know, they actually do play K-pop for the anime rave every now and then.”

   It was probably untrue—he’d never cared to listen too closely to the garbage they played. He didn’t care, because it was enough to get Mary smiling again. She giggled, squirming against him but not actually protesting. His hard-on was straining against his pants and eager for attention, and feeling her thinly-covered thighs pressing up against him felt heavenly. 

   “Whatever,” Mary tried to sound indifferent, but her body language told Foxy everything he wanted to know. “Let’s see the dance then, I guess.” 

( Previous: Perverts at AnimeCon | AnimeCon Harem | Bonus: Silencing the Girls )



Continuity error? Each harem responds to the leader, not the token. E.g. Actress does not have colored hair despite her version of Brian having had the same charm, her harem had ring like tattoos on their fingers. If Foxy is capable of unlocking harem powers like a masters, his thing would not be colored hair. If Mary is unlocked but dependent on the charm not the leader, she should have no hair changes but maybe feel a significant issue with any male who isn't Brian, a sense of wrongness or becomes like mind shattered Chloe if she goes with someone else.


The rings from the broken staff have been imbued with a fraction of the charm's current power but are themselves an incomplete Focus that came about from a magical mishap.

I. Ronical

Shades of Kaz