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Okay, yeah. I definitely missed this.

Stepping out of her hotel room and into the breezy night air, Jordyn couldn’t help but feel a rush of delight. Having just changed into her familiar Metrazoid Null suit, the futuristic blue body glove clung so intimately to her every well-endowed curve that wearing it around outside felt a lot like wearing nothing at all. Although she’d loved debuting her Dmitri Dhampir cosplay today, she really missed being able to turn heads in her usual incredibly sexy form-fitting cosplay.

Couldn’t NOT wear it this year—not after keepin’ up with my aerobics and everything.

Jordyn jiggled her room’s door handle to make sure it had locked properly, and then carefully unzipped the edge of a slight rectangular bulge atop her left forearm. The hotel keycard slipped in there just beneath her phone—which fit perfectly just above the wrist of her costume with only the screen visible, right where Camus’ Null suit computer display was supposed to be.

The average Null suit Camus cosplays seen around the convention were ordinary cheap lycra bodysuits—stretchy one-size-fits-most garments, with printed-on details. They rarely fit perfectly all over, the colors faded with use, and the flimsy material quickly accumulated wear and tears pillings of fabric. Rather than settle for the ordinary, Jordyn had designed her own custom-fit Null suit, sewn herself to her own incredibly exacting measurements. Dark-blue heavy-duty elastane typically used in wrestling uniforms alternated in the telltale Null suit design with light-blue elastane used for swimsuit material. Specific shaped portions along her shoulders, neck, and the outside of her thighs was treated with a glossy rubberized coating that looked like plastic, but was still flexible enough to not restrict her movement.

In short, she knew she looked amazing. Her rigorous commitment to her exercise routines had maintained her athletic—if a little bodacious—figure to perfection, and there was nothing more satisfying that realizing her best cosplay from previous years still fit her like a second skin.

Checking her long blonde Camus wig one last time in the reflection of her room’s window, she flashed a winning smile at herself and trotted over to the exterior stairs that would take her down to the hotel’s common pool area. Although like most anime and game characters from Japan Camus was supposed to have ivory pale skin, Jordyn thought her caramel complexion was just as well suited. I’m Camus with a bit of a tan. Sun-kissed Camus. Beach bunny Camus?

She held one hand to her chest as she descended the stairs, preventing her bouncing bust from straining the stitches of her outfit, and felt herself lighting up in a smile all over again as she spotted a few familiar faces on the lower level.

“Oh, hey!” Jordyn called cheerfully. “We meet again.”

The cute guy she’d run into earlier in line for the contest auditions was walking in her direction down the concrete walkway of the ground floor. He’d removed half of his Darkmask cosplay, with only his boots, lower body suit, briefs, and utility belt still on—exposing a deliciously bare chest with muscular definition that caught the walkway lights in just the right way. The breadth of his naked shoulders was wide and powerful-looking in a distractingly sexual way, and a dusting of vibrant purple seemed to crystalize within her mind at the sight. Flanking him on either side were two girls in costumes, and they were all carrying small plastic bags from the nearby Cities-mart.

“Yo, Camus,” He greeted her with a heft of his bag. “You’re looking great. Heading back to the con?”

“Yep!” Jordyn said, feeling herself flush. “You guys already done for the night?”

“Nah, Emily wants to show Steph here all the sexy after-hours stuff AnimeCon hosts,” the guy chuckled. “Think we’re just gonna stash this stuff real quick and head over.”

Turning her attention to his companions with interest, Jordyn recognized the pink-haired seamstress that’d helped her stitch Melanie’s costume back together, as well as the rowdy tomboy Latina she remembered associating with the guy’s group of cosplayers in previous years. They’d likewise stripped down partway out of their costumes, with one forgoing her tall boots and long gloves to wear only her pink-and-red sundress and the other ditching the fishnet layer of her Akane Kurokawa cosplay.

“Awesome—there’s a lot of neat eighteen and up stuff going on to see. It’s definitely a whole different AnimeCon experience,” Jordyn grinned. “Is it cool if I walk over with you guys?”

“Yeah, sure,” the guy nodded. The clean line of his jaw and the handsome slight smile he wore sent another purple tickle down Jordyn’s abdomen. “Safety in numbers, and all that.”

“It can be a little... uncomfortable wearing this downtown alone at night,” Jordyn laughed, eyeing them in amusement. “You guys look even more risque though—so, I feel better already.”

“...You have no idea,” the short-statured Akane cosplayer sported a sly smile. “Hey—I’ve seen you around at AnimeCons before, right?”

What does she mean by… Jordyn glanced from the Akane to the other girl and caught a terribly embarrassed blush. Oh whoa— are they goin’ commando under those cosplays?!

“Yeah, I’ve definitely seen you around,” Jordyn finally answered, mentally reevaluating the group as she turned and followed along with them in the direction of their room. “I go by Synn! Synn cosplay’s my page.”

“Cerulean cosplay—but you can call me Emily,” Emily said.

“You shoulda seen Synn earlier,” the guy spoke up, stopping at one of the hotel room doors and fishing a keycard out of his belt pouch. “She did a Dmitri Dhampir for the contest this year, looked totally badass. I think she won one of the big prizes, too?”

“Judge’s Choice!” Jordyn exclaimed proudly. “Got a big ol’ trophy and everything, I just dropped it off.”

“Aww, I love HellState!” Emily said. “Brian’s stupid witch of an ex used to cosplay Hera Victoria, it always drove me crazy.”

“Yeah, I remember her,” Jordyn nodded along. “You ever think about cosplaying from HellState yourself? You’d make a great Geiger.”

“Geiger, the little fascist cat-boy?” Emily snorted as if to immediately reject the idea, but then seemed to ponder on it for a moment. “...Yeah, you think so?”

“I think that’d be perfect for you,” Brian agreed. “We should all do a group HellState thing next year— but without Chloe.”

“Ohmigod, can we?” Emily seemed immediately sold on the idea. “Now I want to do that, just to piss her off. Chloe’s cancelled.”

Then Brian got the door unlocked and swung it open, and a rather particular aroma immediately wafted out into them.

Uhhhh… Jordyn blushed, trying to rigidly stifle a giddy smile. That’s, um. That’s definitely not con funk I’m detecting, here.

A distinctive scent rolled out of their room in a strong and heavy way—it was the smell of people who’d been having a lot of sex. Combining the heady fragrance with their scant attire seemed to summon some rather lurid speculations to mind, and although Jordyn politely stopped outside their door, a quick peek revealed a third girl with a surprisingly stellar body completely naked and passed out on their bed.

Goodness Gyratos! Jordyn could practically feel stalagmites and stalactites of thickening crystal forming inside of her, and it was hard to not be a little turned on at being exposed to this group’s apparent intimate situation. They all smell that, right? They’re all cool with it? Is it this dude and one of the girls, or… the dude and a couple different girls?

The girl with the fluffy pink hair sheepishly hurried forward to flip part of the comforter over the sleeping girl—in the process revealing her own rather luscious, fully rounded, and panties-free ass with the accidental sway of her dress.

Okay wow! Jordyn turned her gaze out towards the hedges around the pool in embarrassment. All that from before’s really getting to me, huh?

Amethyst shades of arousal had been ripening into a deep, majestic purple ever since witnessing Foxy go down on that Mary girl right there beneath the booth at Marino’s. She’d always heard the rumors of sexy goings-ons in hotel room parties after the convention—different couples meeting up for cosplay sex, stories about people caught fucking out on hotel room balconies, and all kinds of hooking up—but Jordyn hadn’t seen any of that sort of thing firsthand until this year.

Annnd I’m feelin’ real… RECEPTIVE to it? Jordyn fidgeted, tugging at the body glove where it clung to her thighs and trying hard not to squirm. Like, oh my God do I wanna get fucking laid tonight. S’definitely been a little while. If I can’t find the right guy to knock boots with, should I just invite Melaneko to room with me tonight? She was like, sending HINTS… wasn’t she? Maybe?

“Sorry!” Brian whispered as he stepped back out of the hotel room.

Having dropped off their convenience store purchases, Stephanie and Emily followed right behind him, and the Latina with the bright blue pixie-cut eased the door closed as quietly and carefully as possible.

“Totally cool!” Jordyn’s face was plastered with an amused smile. “Uhhh—should I ask?”

“Umm,” Emily blushed scarlet and looked at Jordyn with surprise. “I’m actually not into girls, no matter what they say. You can ask those two though if you want, I guess?”

“N-no, no! I meant—” Jordyn laughed, holding up her hands. “Uh, I meant ask about—”

“Emily’s just being a doof, ignore her,” Brian affectionately tousled Emily’s hair. “We were, uh… well, it’s been a crazy night.”

“I can see that,” Jordyn smirked. “My night’s been pretty crazy, too.”

“Nyah!!” Emily pulled down one eyelid and stuck her tongue out at Brian in exaggerated anime fashion. “S’all only gonna get crazier! We’re all gonna go watch late-night AnimeCon hentai and fool around! You wanna come with?”

“Emily,” Brian scolded playfully, shaking his head. “Don’t go makin’ things weird.”

“Well, we are, though,” Emily insisted, putting her nose up in the air in an exaggerated haughty expression and hooking her arm around Brian’s. “We’ve gotta teach Stephie all about hentai tonight.”

“I think we’ve taught her plenty already,” Brian remarked dryly.

You have, have you? Jordyn fought to keep from jerking her head back to look at him as they walked down the pathway together, heading back in the direction of the convention center. Instead, Jordyn nervously wet her lips.

“I-I know what hentai is!” Stephanie protested bashfully.

“Oh?” Emily challenged. “Got any favorite titles?”

“Not, um, particularly—”

“I’m always down with watching hentai,” Jordyn spoke up. “Can’t really call yourself an anime fan unless you’ve tried a thing or two, right?”

“Right?” Emily shared a mischievous look with her. “This girl—she gets it.”

“Too lewd!” Brian joked.

“Hey—Stephanie, right?” Jordyn slowed down a pace to fall in beside the pink-haired girl. “It was real cool what you did back in line during the contest for Melaneko. I’ve honestly never seen anyone hand-sewing that fast.”

“I-I’m so sorry!” Stephanie blurted out, bashfully hiding her face behind her hands. “My stitches were no good! As soon as she jumped up onto the stage—”

“Oh, no, no!” Jordyn chuckled. “Like, I’m pretty sure the stitches you’d just put in were the only ones that held. Her whole rest of her getup was held together with a couple safety pins and a whole lotta prayer.”

“Is she alright?” Brian asked. “We were gonna see if you guys were still hanging around after the contest... but getting Brady out of his Ogre King thing turned out to be a lot more complicated than we thought. Took four people, two chairs, and a table to undo everything and lift him up out of it without breaking anything.”

“Oh wow, I bet,” Jordyn said. “Makes you wonder how the heck he even got through the doors in that thing—it was huge. And, um. Yeah, Melaneko’s fine. Actually planning to meet up with her at the con in just a little bit!”

Might try to make out with her, Jordyn kept herself from saying out loud.

A little… exploratory kiss. OR, we’ll sit with you guys watching hentai in a dark screening room, getting ourselves horny enough to do something silly. Dance a bunch at the rave, maybe grind up on each other. Maybe even take her and check out that party Foxy invited us to—see who we can bump hips with? Hoooh boy, is this all startin’ to get to me, or what?

( Previous: The Night is Young | AnimeCon Harem | Bonus: 18 and Up, pt 4 )

/// First real post of 2020, managing to get by pretty okay. There's been a couple updates to the recent art post if you haven't seen them yet.


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