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   “Brian. It’s still coming out,” Emily said, gawping in disbelief down between her spread legs as she squatted over the bathtub drain with her labia carefully spread open.

   “Well, whose fault is that?” Brian chuckled from where he stood beside her, scrubbing a lather of soap up and down his body.

   “I have a preliminary list of possible suspects,” Emily reported in a deadpan voice, eyeing his penis—still partially erect—which was jutting out in front of her.

   “I blame Kelly, personally,” Brian laughed, turning to the pink-haired girl standing behind him. “What do you think?”

   “I blame Kelly!” Stephanie agreed in a chipper voice.

   Through the spray of hot water and steam, Stephanie’s nude figure was both lovely and beguiling. Flushed from the heat, her pale skin was awash with rosy tones, and each glistening bead of water resting on her alluring naked curves looked delectable. He wanted to kiss and lick each one of them off, to nibble and bite and taste every inch of her blushing flesh until— 

   “Uh, whoa, Brian—geez!” Emily protested as his dick rose and grew fully hard, right in her face. “Didn’t you fucking cum a couple times, already?!”

   “Sorry,” Brian said sheepishly, covering his length with his hand and pinning it against his body so that it wouldn’t bump into Emily’s cheek. “Yeah, I—uh, twice tonight. Actually.”

   “Don’t be sorry!” Stephanie reassured him, gingerly stepping forward and slipping her hand around him. “If you want, I can... hold it for you. So that your hands are free to wash!”

   “Right! You could probably do more than hold it,” Emily laughed, blinking quickly and looking away as if to break free from the hypnotic sight. “You and him haven’t done it yet, right?”

   “Ummm,” Stephanie sounded torn. “Um. I really want to, I just… I’m not sure if I’m ready, tonight?”

   “It’s definitely a lot to take in all at once,” Emily joked, shakily trying to clamber back up to her feet.

   “Whoa, careful,” Brian quickly grabbed her shoulders. “You alright?”

   “Alright?” Emily slicked her wet and now bright-blue hair back from her face. “Brian, I feel like a jelly-filled donut right now. I’m fantastic.”

   “A jelly-filled donut?” Brian shook his head in dismay.

   “Okay, cream-filled?” Emily licked her lips. “What do you call those?”

   “An éclaire?” Stephanie helpfully supplied.

   “That’s it,” Emily gave him a grave nod. “That’s me right now. Emily Éclaire.”

   “Did it hurt at all?” Brian asked. “Or, are you feeling sore?”

   “No, I’m…” Emily smiled up at him, her eyes filled with love. “Not sore, exactly. Tender? I’m a teeny bit tender. But, it was—it still does feel great. Brian, I feel fucked.”

   “I wanted our first time to be a little more… gentle,” Brian apologized. “I can’t say it was—”

   Emily interrupted him with a kiss, rising up on her tiptoes and clasping her hands on either side of his face. Their lips fit together perfectly, and when he reached down to steady her balance by cupping her pert little bottom with both hands, her back arched, and their tongues met. Behind him, Stephanie pressed in a little closer, wrapping one hand around to rest on Brian’s abdominals while the other gave his rigid dick a slow, experimental stroke.

   “Unngh,” Brian helplessly moaned into Emily’s mouth. “Stephh—”

   “Sorry!” Stephanie giggled. “I just— it’s, um. Do you need to, to get off? Again? It’s so…”

   “I think,” Brian released Emily’s lips and struggled to retain control. “I think I would die. Whatever all we did before, I’m like, I’m dyin’. Mouth’s dry, throat’s dry— you girls are like, dehydrating me into a mummified husk.”

   “I blame Kelly!” Emily laughed, pressing her naked body against his in a slippery hug and giving his butt a cheerful slap. “Switch around! Give Steph some time under the showerhead, so we can go out. Did you guys eat already, tonight?”

   “Kelly and I did,” Stephanie grinned as they carefully rearranged their naked bodies within the hotel room’s bathtub so that she was at the front. “We had… oh my God, we had so much of Brian’s—”

   “Pizza,” Brian cut in with a laugh. “We all shared a large pizza, over at Marino’s. I could go for a bit more, though. Feel like I just burned a bajillion calories somehow.”

   “Well, fuck,” Emily pursed her lips. “That’s where I was wantin’ to go, too. Convenience store, then, that one in the other direction?”

   “Hey, wherever you wanna go. My treat,” Brian promised.

   “I… yeah?” Emily said. “For a second I was like, wait you better not, Chloe’ll throw a hissy fit if you’re buying shit for me again. But, like… Chloe’s cancelled. We’re really… we’re really together now, aren’t we? Right?”

   “We are,” Brian agreed. “The three of us. Er, three or four of us?”

   “Four of us,” Stephanie said decisively, working the slim bar of hotel soap across her fair skin.

   “It’s just so… wow, you know?” Emily mumbled, her voice brimming with emotion. “I never thought that… well I mean I hoped, but…”

   “I know exactly how you feel!” Stephanie smiled, looking from her to Brian and back again. “Ha, Chloe’s cancelled. Emily—I really like that one.”

   “You do? Thanks!” Emily responded in a bright and chipper voice. “High five me over this lunk’s shoulder here, ‘cause it wasn’t just me—it was an awesome fuckin’ team effort. Go team harem! Chloe’s cancelled!”

   “Go team!” Stephanie called.

   “Oh, man,” Brian groaned as the girls enthusiastically high-fived around him in the shower. “Great. Now Emmie’s rubbing off on my pure and innocent Steph.”

   “Nah, we’re both gonna rub you off,” Emily laughed, trying to grab around his body to grasp his engorged member. “Right, Stephie?”

   “Emily, cut it out. Emily, hey—I’ll die, cut it out. I’ll die!”

*     *     *

   After stepping out of the shower together, Emily and Stephanie fought to dry each other’s hair at the same time in a fight of fitful giggles and struggle with the room’s two bath towels, while Brian watched on in amusement, wiping himself dry with one of the remaining hand towels. Emily felt… accepted, more than she ever had even with Mike, Tanya, Will, Mark and the rest of their assorted geek friends. She felt safe and completely comfortable baring her naked body to Stephanie and Brian, there were no stinging remarks or jibes coming to mentally brace herself for.

   It’s just… this is really cool, Emily thought as she joined Stephanie in cinching her towel to wear around her body—more out of habit than any need for modesty. I’m sharing Brian with another girl, with TWO other girls, but it’s actually just… it’s really great?

   “Ah, fuck,” Emily winced as she glanced around Brian’s hotel room. “I totally forgot to grab my bag from Rebecca’s car when we came back, didn’t I? Steph! You shoulda said something!”

   “I’m sorry!” Stephanie looked distraught. “I—I wasn’t even thinking, everything was so—”

   “Hey, don’t go blaming Steph,” Brian said, swatting at Emily’s rear. “Looking after you’s always been my job.”

   “You just spanked me,” Emily realized, flipping up the towel she’d wrapped around herself to show them her pale but nicely-shaped ass. “That’s so cool. No one’ll even get pissy or make things weird— you can just like, touch me wherever, whenever you want. Because we’re a thing, now. This is so awesome!”

   “Sorry, I just kinda—”

   “Don’t, stop that. Stop saying sorry for every little—”

   “Ssshh!” Stephanie shushed them, putting a finger to her lips. “Kelly is still asleep!”

   “Should we wake her ass up?” Emily whispered.

   “Let her rest,” Brian advised, his eyes lingering on the curvature of Kelly’s admittedly spectacular ass. “We’ll bring back some snacks and stuff for her.”

   “Uhh, what do I wear, though?” Emily gave them a guilty look. “Steph, do you got anything I can borrow for a bit?”

   “Um,” Stephanie gave her a weak smile. “Maybe? Kind of? I’m actually all out of underwear already. I, I packed extra because just in case, but, I, um. Went through them all anyways. Somehow?”

   “‘Cause you gifted me that pair, probably,” Brian remembered, rummaging into his pile of things and grabbing a neatly garment. “I wasn’t actually gonna wear them myself, you know. Go ahead.”

   You gave him your panties? Emily was impressed. Damn, Steph.

   “No, I—no,” Stephanie’s voice was resolute. “I gave those to you. They’re yours, now.”

   “I know, but—”

   “Commando it is!” Emily said gleefully. “Fuck it. My Akane yukata covers… plenty, most of the time. Right?”

   “Emily…” Brian began in exasperation.

   “No, like, listen—if I put anything on, it’d just get all cummy anyways,” Emily insisted. “Look, watch.”

   The petite Latina lowered her hand between her legs and swiped a finger inside herself, then lifted it up to reveal it was glistening with fluid.

   “That’s… probably just Emily nectar,” Brian protested. “You know.”

   “Emily nectar, hah,” Emily brought it under her nose for an experimental sniff and then carefully tasted it with the tip of her tongue. “Well, maybe a little. But, there’s definitely some Brian in there. I can tell. Either way, basically the same thing—I’m like, gonna totally soak any panties I put on right now. Trust me.”

   “That’s… actually the reason I’m out of underwear,” Stephanie admitted in a small, embarrassed voice.

   “Fuck it, we can both go commando!” Emily exclaimed. “C’mon, I dare you! I’ll wear my yukata, you wear your dress! All the eighteen and up stuff’s going on at the convention right now—we can walk around the con for a bit, with nothin’ on underneath.”

   “With nothing on underneath?” Stephanie’s face went red and she looked at her new friend in disbelief. 

   “Yeah, it’ll be hot! Y’know, exciting!” Emily exclaimed. “Please please pleaaase do this with me? I’ve always wanted to do something that’s… I don’t know, risque? And, like, I just got fucked. I want to—I don’t know. I don’t even care if someone accidentally sees anything, right now. I just wanna try this!”

   “Wh-what do you think?” Stephanie turned her baffled look towards Brian.

   “Uh,” Brian froze. “Hah. Damn, normally I’m like, the voice of reason reigning Emily in from this kinda stuff. But… if you both want to, I’m all for it. And, if you’re not, don’t let Emmie sway you, it’s not worth making you feeling uncomfortable. You want to wear the pair you gave me?”

   “I… no, I gave those to you,” Stephanie decided, crossing the room to pick up her neatly folded pink and red gijinka dress. “I’ll… just wear this?”

   “Awesome! Steph— I fucking love you,” Emily cheered. “C’mere, high-five—”

   “Emmie, sshh,” Brian admonished. “Kelly’s sleeping.”

   “Sorry!” Emily whispered. “Sorry. Steph—high five!”

   “I... don’t want a high five,” Stephanie said quietly as Emily stepped closer. “I want a kiss.”

   “Uhhh,” Emily paused midstep.

   “I don’t think going around without underwear is something I’d want to do,” Stephanie explained. “Unless... you’re doing it. If we’re doing it together, then, I really do want to. Because… it’ll be something we do together. Emily—I love you.”

   “You love me?” Emily repeated with a stunned look.

   “I do,” Stephanie nodded and gave her a radiant smile. “I love you.”

   “Steph—you just met me today,” Emily protested.

   “I know,” Stephanie drew closer to her, giving the girl a helpless shrug. “But, I love you. I love Brian, and I love Kelly. I love all of you—that’s just the way I feel.”

   “I, uh…” Emily was dumbfounded. “Stephanie, I don’t really know how I feel, yet. This is, um...”

   “Do you… feel like kissing me?” Stephanie asked, starting to look nervous and shy. “I didn’t mean to, um—”

   “Kinda, yeah?” Emily’s eyes went wide and she turned to Brian. “I— I swear I’m not gay, though. It’s just, uh—”

   “Shut up and kiss her, Emily.”

   “No, you shut up and—”

   Stephanie interrupted by leaning in and giving Emily a quick peck on the lips. Then, after a moment of hesitance gauging Emily’s surprised reaction, she returned and they kissed slowly, suckling each others lips in an open-mouthed exchange that grew more and more heated.

   Ohhh my fuck.

   “...Okay,” Emily worked her lips thoughtfully when Stephanie finally released her. “That was… nice. I’m still totally not into girls, though.”

   “Me either,” Stephanie confided with a slight grin. “Just you. And Kelly, obviously.”

   “Obviously,” Emily laughed, casting an uneasy glance at Kelly’s prone figure, where the beautiful bright red-headed girl was still curled up silently on the hotel bed.

   “Well, I’m definitely not going commando,” Brian chuckled. “Around you two, without my dancer’s belt on? Front of my Darkmask suit’d get all stretched out of shape.

   “Yeah—don’t get arrested, boner bro,” Emily agreed, giving him an appreciative glance up and down. “How about… you just go shirtless? Like, just wear the pants part and the boots? You look… gawd, Brian, you’re so damn fucking sexy...”

   “No, you!”

   “No, you!”

   “Well. I’m definitely not wearing my boots!” Stephanie said with a small laugh, pulling a worn but comfy-looking pair of thong-style sandals out of her travel bag. “I would die. After all day yesterday and today, those things were just killing me.”

   “Damn, Rebecca still has my sneakers. That slut,” Emily cursed as she shrugged on her yukata and twisted it around to fasten the obi shut. The fishnet body stocking was in tatters— she wouldn’t be wearing that again. “These split-toed shinobi shoes for Akane are like, costume pieces, not actual decent footwear. They’re—hey, I found my missing pastie! You fucker, that’s where you were…”

   “Ew, don’t put that on,” Brian laughed. “It was in your shoe all day, it’s all—”

   “I wasn’t going to, jerk!” Emily flung it at him. “You put it on.”

   “No, you!” Brian retorted, snatching it out of the air and tossing it back.

   Yelping, Emily slapped it towards Stephanie.

   “Hey, that’s—what, what is that?!” Stephanie quickly flailed to flick the gel petal off of her.

   “Stephanie, ssshh,” Emily whispered in exasperation. “Geez, you’ll wake up sleeping beauty!”

*     *     *

   The night air was chilly enough to be uncomfortable with as little clothing as Stephanie was wearing, but with how risqué this was, it was hard for her to even notice. She was holding hands with Emily as they marched down the city sidewalk towards a small downtown convenience store just two blocks away, and while the area wasn’t quite deserted, other pedestrian traffic seemed to be few and far between this late. Giddy and giggling, both girls occasionally stole glances over at Brian as they all got to know each other better.

   “—He wouldn’t tell me!” Stephanie laughed. “Said I had to try him, to find out!”

   “Ohmigod, and you run a speed-build Flamituff?!” Emily snorted. “Steph—you would’ve been like, completely fucked!”

   “Completely? Well, what does he play?!” Stephanie asked. “If it’s—”

   “Oaknaut, with maxed out defense,” Emily blurted out with a grin. “And yeah, before you go thinking, ‘oh, but tree-types have this total disadvantage against flame-types,’—three outta his four moves buff up all his resistances. Yeah, and they stack. If you don’t trash him before he uses all of ‘em once or twice, you’re gonna be doing fifteen percent of your normal damage to him, at best.”

   “That, that’s—!” Stephanie cast a cute, exaggerated pout back towards Brian.

   “Hah, hey now—it’s a legitimate strategy!” Brian chuckled, holding up his hands. “Emmie didn’t even tell you the best part, yet.”

   “Yeah, his Oaknaut’s fourth move is Terrible Storm,” Emily revealed. “Damage is pretty low and it hits both players—not that that’ll matter much to a damned Oaknaut—but, oh yeah! It counts as a weather area affect, so a Flamituff literally wouldn’t be able to dodge damage no matter how high her speed was!”

   “That’s—that’s so cheap, though!” Stephanie exclaimed with an incredulous smile. “I, I can’t believe that—”

   “Trained it up specifically to counter this speed-build Windwulf Emily was using at the time,” Brian said with no small amount of pride.

   “This fucker,” Emily grumbled. Stephanie saw that while the girl was shaking her head in dismay, she also had a loving look of adoration in her eyes. “Hey, what nickname do they even call speed-build Flamituffs, anyways? Flamifasts? Flamitempos?”

   “I, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else use Flamituff like I do,” Stephanie admitted. “She’s not considered competitive with her stat allocation base being in the mid-tier— I… I honestly just always really loved Flamituff...”

   “That’s how it should be!” Emily crowed in approval, pumping her fist up into the night. “Right? You gotta stick with the monster you love—they’re not just fuckin’ stat blocks with movesets!”

   “Yeah,” Brian nodded. “In fact, there’s this certain Flamituff that’s really grown on me over the weekend.”

   “Sh-she has?” There was an extra excited bounce in her step when Stephanie felt Brian’s hand come to rest on her bottom, and once again she was reminded that she wasn’t wearing panties beneath that swish and sway of the already short cosplay dress.

   “Definitely,” Brian gave her a smoldering look with those mottled green eyes of his that once again set off small pink explosions in Stephanie.

   “I don’t get it,” Emily laughed, giving them a skeptical look for a moment before her eyes finally lit up. “Wait a minute… Stephie are you supposed to be a Flamituff?! Like, with your outfit?”

   “I, um, well I was a Flamituff…” Stephanie admitted in embarrassment. “But…”

   “S’hard to tell now, but she was real easy to recognize earlier today,” Brian explained. “She had this big pair of awesome Flamituff ears.”

   “There was this little girl—she was five, maybe six?” Stephanie excitedly launched into telling the story. “She was dressed up as the cutest little Embrin you’ve ever seen, at the convention with her mother. But, but—the little Embrin was crying her little heart out, because her little headband with the ears on it had broken. I had to give her mine. She was—oh my gosh, she was so cute!”

    “Awwww,” Emily gushed, putting her free hand on Stephanie’s forearm. “Steph, that’s so sweet of you! Wish I coulda been there to see—did you guys get any pictures?”

   “We didn’t, but the Sunday Gazette did,” Brian remembered. “Pretty good odds that Steph’s gonna be on the front page tomorrow.”

   “Th-there is not,” Stephanie denied in a fluster. “There’s, um, there’s so many other incredible—”

   “...Trust me,” Brian said with a slight smirk, and he gave her butt a squeeze.

   She let out a breathy noise, flushed and heating up despite how brisk it was out here.

   This has been... such a day! A weekend! Stephanie thought to herself, feeling incredibly pleased. It was exciting and airy going around in public without wearing panties, and being free of the uncomfortable thigh-high boots and those confining gloves felt even more amazing. Somehow she felt exhausted but also eager—she wanted them all to go back to the room and sleepily cuddle together in a big tangled pile of love but at the same time she was also wanting to twirl and dance endlessly with Emily and Brian out beneath these streetlights.

   “This is all so fuckin’ awesome,” Emily laughed, teasing the short yukata hem that was barely covering her thighs up with her free hand. “Brian, I— I really can’t believe we just fucked. Lost my virginity. V-card; given to Brian. We just fucked. Hell—I’m ready for round two.”

   “Pssh, yeah right,” Brian gave her a playful scoff. “You got your ass beat in round one, you were like, one hundred percent K.-O.’d.”

   “N-nuh-uh!” Emily whirled, releasing Stephanie’s hand and hopping a few steps ahead so that she could walk backwards while facing them. “There’s no way I lost! I’m not saying you lost either, exactly, but there’s no fuckin’ way that I did.”

   “Let’s ask our impartial judge?” Brian turned to Steph for her decision.

   “Ummm,” Stephanie laughed. “Impartial, hah. Everyone was a winner? Although, I did see him gave your butt a pretty good smack, so he’s not... technically wrong…?”

   “What? No way!” Emily grinned, bringing up both fists and shadow-boxing them through the air. “I totally came out on top! Get it? Get it? Because I was on top, and also I came—”

   “Yeah, yeah, we get it,” Brian chuckled, rolling his eyes.

   “Besides!” Emily exclaimed. “That whole everything was like, super unfair! I got friggin’ tag-teamed!”

   “Oh, and I didn’t?” Brian laughed. While you and Steph were making out, Kelly had her boobs in my face and was whispering like, the dirtiest things to me. ‘Cum inside her, cum inside her, cum inside her right now!’”

   “Hoooly fuck, she said that?” Emily made an embarrassed face. “And, Steph and I, w-we weren’t making out, gawd. Brian—listen, I’m not gay.”

   “We weren’t making out?” Stephanie asked, feeling more amused than slighted.

   “We definitely were not,” Emily insisted loudly. “We were, y’know, having a private discussion between ladies!”

   “Sounds legit,” Brian said with a straight face. “Communication’s super important in relationships, right?”

   “Oh, shut up,” Emily retorted. “You don’t get to talk. You dated Chloe.”

   “Whoa, ouch,” Brian protested. “Hah, low blow, Emmie.”

   “That…” Emily suddenly looked crestfallen. “Okay, yeah. Sorry. That... actually kinda was a low blow. I didn’t really mean it like that. I’m sorry.”

   “S’alright,” Brian reassured her, reaching forward and patting Emily on the head. “No worries.”

   “It’s just—it’s just, it was so fucking frustrating!” Emily growled in aggravation. “Seeing you with her. You have no idea. Every day, it was like, seriously? Seriously? Do you remember the time she—”

   “Emily,” Stephanie cut in. “Chloe’s cancelled. Everything’s okay now!”

   “Chloe’s cancelled,” Emily affirmed with a solemn face. “Right. Thanks, Steph—I think I needed that.”

   “No problem!” Stephanie said with enthusiasm.

   Stephanie loved that her adorable blue-haired friend seemed to be having just as much of an amazing night as she was, perhaps even moreso—Emily was sharing more of it with Stephanie than she knew. This wasn’t just Emily having an admittedly infectious attitude; Stephanie could feel her new friend’s good mood in a way she could only attribute to that mysterious charm effect.

   It was a bizarre, somehow psychosomatic thing and difficult to put into words. The effect was stranger than anything, yet she found it incredibly compelling identifying each of the vibrant emotions as they poured out of the little Latina. Stephanie could discern familiar flavors of feeling and relate them to her own emotional experiences, but everything was also Emily-tinged, had these nuances completely specific to the girl and the totally different frame of mind her feelings came from.

   Maybe Emily was right, earlier, Stephanie thought. Maybe... the harem charm effect IS becoming something a lot like powers?

   What Stephanie found most interesting was that basking in what Emily felt didn’t seem to replace or obscure her own emotions—she got to experience them both at the same time. Happiness and contentment blazed in a pure pink fire right alongside a babbling blue brook while the girls held hands and merrily skipped next to Brian down through the sparsely populated city area.

   “Speaking of low blow, though…” Emily gave a sneaky look around them and then stopped stepping backwards and abruptly dropped into a squat so that Brian almost walked into her. “Kinda wanna give you the other kind of low blow.”

   “Geez, Emily—” Brian lurched to a stop as she hugged her arms around him and buried her face in his crotch. “Cut it out, there’s still cars coming and going.”

   “Nahahaha!” Emily nuzzled first one cheek and then the other against him. “I don’t even care! Like, let ‘em fucking see. Brian—I really, really wanna blow you.”

   “Emily, quit it,” Brian laughed, pulling the Latina back up to her feet. “You’re gonna make Steph blush.”

   Stephanie did feel the blood rushing to her face, and it was because Emily’s rather skimpy summer yukata didn’t seem to cover the girl’s private parts at all when the girl hunkered down like that.

   “Can I, though?” Emily pleaded. “Can I blow you tonight?”

   “Are you seriously asking that? Pretty sure I’m never gonna say no, Emmie.”

   “You kinda just did, though,” Emily teased. “I wanna blow you out here somewhere. Somewhere public, where we could get caught. Like, anywhere where we’re not supposed to. Maybe at the convention? Please please please pretty-please?”

   “Uhhh,” Brian said, looking to Stephanie for help. “I’m gonna let Steph decide.”

   “What?” Emily gave a playful pout while she clung to him. “Why?”

   “Because…” Brian looked like he was struggling. “Because I don’t know if I can trust myself to do the right thing, tonight.”

   “Yeah?” Emily’s pout transformed into a beautiful smile. “Yeah? Really?”

   “Yeah,” Brian admitted, tousling her blue hair. “So, I’m gonna trust Steph to be our moral compass.”

   “Steph!” Emily shoved away from Brian and grabbed Stephanie’s hand. “C’mon—let’s go on ahead a bit. It’s time for some girl talk.”

   “Girl talk, huh?” Brian interjected. “Wait, I don’t get to watch you make out?”

   “Sh-shush up, you!” Emily called back.

   Bewildered, exhilarated, and delighted, Stephanie dashed on the rest of the way to the bright light pouring out from the convenience store at the end of the block, letting Emily pull her on. Being involved like this with friends was the best, and the bare feeling around her privates as she ran was exciting, too. The skirt of her dress bobbed and swayed with the gait of their run, and she knew she was occasionally flashing quite a bit of her naked bottom.

   The automatic doors dutifully slid open to admit the pair of girls inside, and she found the little Cities-Mart store featured the familiar layout Stephanie was long since accustomed to. Magazine racks along the windows, several aisles of pre-packaged snack foods, a rear wall occupied by drink display coolers, and then a service counter cluttered with the logos of cigarette brands and lottery tickets they carried. Besides the clerk there, a line of three customers were waiting, and a guy and a girl were standing together on the far side of the shop perusing the selection of drinks.

   “Okay. Okay,” Emily began in a whisper as she ducked down one of the aisles with Stephanie in tow. “Brian says things are up to you.”

   “H-he did,” Stephanie felt herself giving Emily a nervous grin.

   “Well, uhh, Steph you know what I want,” Emily reached up and carefully pulled a few errant pink tresses out of the neckline of Stephanie’s dress and smoothed them out at her shoulder. “And like, I totally get it. I do! I don’t mean for you to get the short end of the stick— I feel like Kelly and I’ve just kinda been hogging all the Brian tonight, you know?”

   “Umm,” Stephanie blushed. “I…”

   “What is it?” Emily whispered. “Talk to me, tell me what’s goin’ on in there.”

   “It’s not that, Stephanie admitted with a bashful smile. “I just, I really want to kiss you right now.”

“Steph!” Emily chided.

   It seemed to take a moment of the girl with the shaggy blue pixie-cut looking up into her eyes for Emily to realize that Stephanie wasn’t kidding around. The atmosphere between them changed in a subtle way, with her teasing expression softening and her lovely brown eyes unconsciously flicking to Stephanie’s lips. If she were to strain her heart listening, Stephanie thought she could almost make out the trickling splashes of the other girl’s steadily flowing blue stream of emotions.

   “Uhhh,” Emily wet her lips with a look of indecision. “I don’t, uh, I don’t not like kissin’ you, but…”

   “How about just a kiss,” Stephanie proposed, feeling butterflies of pink flame fluttering in her tummy. “No, um, no charm power. Just a normal kiss?”

   “Okay,” Emily agreed after a short moment of hesitation. “If I kiss you, you’ll… um, help me out with convincin’ Brian? Just this little teensy bit?”

   “No! No,” Stephanie almost burst into exasperated laughter at the absurdity of it. Am I actually turning into Kelly?! “I’ll help no matter what! A kiss, um, I meant a kiss just if you want to kiss me. If you… feel something, right now?”

   “Just... if I want to kiss you?” Emily repeated cautiously, as if she were trying on the words for size.

   “I’m going to help you with Brian because I love you, both of you,” Stephanie assured her. “I love this— being with you, with him, us all being together. It— it’s thrilling, and it’s a little… it’s kind of naughty? I’m wearing this, and I have no panties on, we have no panties on, and it’s making me wet, and—and, I want to kiss you. Please?”

   “Um,” Emily mumbled, awkwardly closing the distance between them. “No funny business this time though. You promise?”

   “Do you… even want to kiss me, though?” Stephanie asked.

   “Steph—I, uh,” Emily glanced nervously down each end of the aisle. “Brian’s gonna catch up in a second. I’m, um, I’m not good at things, alright? Saying how I feel. Sorting shit out. Stuff like that. This has all been… weird? Not all like, bad weird, but everything’s just so…”

   “I understand!” Stephanie said quickly. “I do. It’s just… this is all exactly the weird I want. I really, really want. It’s driving me a little crazy?”

   “Yeah, me too,” Emily gave her a weak smile. “Um.”

   She placed her hands on Stephanie’s hips and tilted her head upwards for a kiss. Their soft lips met and a rush of joyful endorphins and satisfaction were pumping through her to the tune of her racing heartbeat. True to her word, Stephanie didn’t try to do the thing and connect their emotions, but the sheer intimate proximity of them in their moment was causing things to bleed through all the same.

   “Mmmmmhh—” A tiny moan escaped, and Stephanie wasn’t very clear on which one of them it came from. Attraction rolled off of the slightly agitated surface of Emily’s blue stream like vapor at the heat of Stephanie’s passionate pink, and within her own mind she everything was going bright as a misty cloud of fog swirled in the air around the brightness of her flame.

   When they heard the dull electronic chime of the sliding doors opening for Brian across the convenience store, Emily gave a start as if she would disengage— but Stephanie slid her own hands around Emily’s back and made sure their open-mouthed kiss continued. It had taken an entire day, but she finally, completely understood the hunger for more from the kiss Kelly had shared with her this morning. Emily’s mouth was sweet, it was exciting, soft and a little moist in a way Stephanie found herself drawn into, compelled to explore.

   Pink haze was clouding out all other thoughts except one—that Stephanie wanted Brian to find them like this. As she suckled on Emily’s lips and gently teased them apart with her tongue, a slippery strand of warm fluid was beginning to slide down the inside of her naked thigh, and the tantalizing butterflies she felt in her stomach grew ever more frantic. One of Emily’s hands crept up to clutch at her side, but it was not to push her away and separate them.

   Can’t believe that anyone would think that I have any sort of control over all of these things I’m feeling, Stephanie blissfully thought to herself. Even KELLY couldn’t do it.

   Someone was approaching them, and Stephanie peeked one eye open to see that Brian had caught up before closing it again and losing herself back in the kiss. She felt so safe in such a public display of affection with him here. The presence of both him and Emily made her feel completely secure and comfortable doing things that would have seemed ridiculous and impossible just a day or two ago.

   “God damn you’re both so fucking amazing,” Brian swore helplessly. “Look at you two.”

   Feeling extraordinarily pleased with herself, Stephanie let Emily escape with one last parting smooch. Both of the girls turned towards him, shifting awkwardly on their feet and breathing unevenly. Although Stephanie knew she’d definitely orgasmed at least once back in the hotel room, none of the pink heat permeating throughout her body ever seemed to die down. If anything, the fire just continued to spread across her mind lighting up different things one by one in a growing conflagration of burning lust.

   “Br-Brian,” Emily whimpered out in a quiet voice. “Brian, she— um. She did it to me. Again. I’m, I’m so fucking turned on I can’t stand it! There’s, like, I’m wet, I’m so fucking wet and it’s starting to creep down my leg!”

   With a wry smile, Brian glanced over the top shelves of the aisle towards the counter, and then dropped down to kneel in front of Emily. He didn’t even have to lift up her yukata— Brian simply leaned in and tilted his head, apparently lapping a slow line up to collect the spilling arousal that had been running down Emily’s legs.

   Oh-oh my God, Stephanie squirmed at the sight, trying to hold her breath. We, ah, we really shouldn’t have left the hotel room like this. We’re, um, we’re all way too… 

( Previous: Then they Banged | AnimeCon Harem | Bonus: Jordyn and Melanie )



Also, I haven’t been able to reach for Ivan_ronical, so if you can pass up a message... His writing is as good as yours. I really enjoy his taking the class story. And thanks a lot to you to let us know about it. I hope part 4 is coming soon :-) you are really my 2 favorites web writer :-)


Possible correction : what is "grabbing a neatly garment" supposed to be?


Also: "she" in "and within her own mind she everything was going bright" looks wrong?