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“Brian. It’s still coming out,” Emily said, gawping in disbelief down between her spread legs as she squatted over the bathtub drain with her labia carefully spread open.

“Well, whose fault is that?” Brian chuckled from where he stood beside her, scrubbing a lather of soap up and down his body.

“I have a preliminary list of possible suspects,” Emily reported in a deadpan voice, eyeing his penis—still partially erect—which was jutting out in front of her.

“I blame Kelly, personally,” Brian laughed, turning to the pink-haired girl standing behind him. “What do you think?”

“I blame Kelly!” Stephanie agreed in a chipper voice.

Through the spray of hot water and steam, Stephanie’s nude figure was both lovely and beguiling. Flushed from the heat, her pale skin was awash with rosy tones, and each glistening bead of water resting on her alluring naked curves looked delectable. He wanted to kiss and lick each one of them off, to nibble and bite and taste every inch of her blushing flesh until—

“Uh, whoa, Brian—geez!” Emily protested as his dick rose and grew fully hard, right in her face. “Didn’t you fucking cum a couple times, already?!”

“Sorry,” Brian said sheepishly, covering his length with his hand and pinning it against his body so that it wouldn’t bump into Emily’s cheek. “Yeah, I—uh, twice tonight. Actually.”

“Don’t be sorry!” Stephanie reassured him, gingerly stepping forward and slipping her hand around him. “If you want, I can... hold it for you. So that your hands are free to wash!”

“Right! You could probably do more than hold it,” Emily laughed, blinking quickly and looking away as if to break free from the hypnotic sight. “You and him haven’t done it yet, right?”

“Ummm,” Stephanie sounded torn. “Um. I really want to, I just… I’m not sure if I’m ready, tonight?”

“It’s definitely a lot to take in all at once,” Emily joked, shakily trying to clamber back up to her feet.

“Whoa, careful,” Brian quickly grabbed her shoulders. “You alright?”

“Alright?” Emily slicked her wet and now bright-blue hair back from her face. “Brian, I feel like a jelly-filled donut right now. I’m fantastic.”

“A jelly-filled donut?” Brian shook his head in dismay.

“Okay, cream-filled?” Emily licked her lips. “What do you call those?”

“An éclaire?” Stephanie helpfully supplied.

“That’s it,” Emily gave him a grave nod. “That’s me right now. Emily Éclaire.”

“Did it hurt at all?” Brian asked. “Or, are you feeling sore?”

“No, I’m…” Emily smiled up at him, her eyes filled with love. “Not sore, exactly. Tender? I’m a teeny bit tender. But, it was—it still does feel great. Brian, I feel fucked.”

“I wanted our first time to be a little more… gentle,” Brian apologized. “I can’t say it was—”

Emily interrupted him with a kiss, rising up on her tiptoes and clasping her hands on either side of his face. Their lips fit together perfectly, and when he reached down to steady her balance by cupping her pert little bottom with both hands, her back arched, and their tongues met. Behind him, Stephanie pressed in a little closer, wrapping one hand around to rest on Brian’s abdominals while the other gave his rigid dick a slow, experimental stroke.

“Unngh,” Brian helplessly moaned into Emily’s mouth. “Stephh—”

“Sorry!” Stephanie giggled. “I just— it’s, um. Do you need to, to get off? Again? It’s so…”

“I think,” Brian released Emily’s lips and struggled to retain control. “I think I would die. Whatever all we did before, I’m like, I’m dyin’. Mouth’s dry, throat’s dry— you girls are like, dehydrating me into a mummified husk.”

“I blame Kelly!” Emily laughed, pressing her naked body against his in a slippery hug and giving his butt a cheerful slap. “Switch around! Give Steph some time under the showerhead, so we can go out. Did you guys eat already, tonight?”

“Kelly and I did,” Stephanie grinned as they carefully rearranged their naked bodies within the hotel room’s bathtub so that she was at the front. “We had… oh my God, we had so much of Brian’s—”

“Pizza,” Brian cut in with a laugh. “We all shared a large pizza, over at Marino’s. I could go for a bit more, though. Feel like I just burned a bajillion calories somehow.”

“Well, fuck,” Emily pursed her lips. “That’s where I was wantin’ to go, too. Convenience store, then, that one in the other direction?”

“Hey, wherever you wanna go. My treat,” Brian promised.

“I… yeah?” Emily said. “For a second I was like, wait you better not, Chloe’ll throw a hissy fit if you’re buying shit for me again. But, like… Chloe’s cancelled. We’re really… we’re really together now, aren’t we? Right?”

“We are,” Brian agreed. “The three of us. Er, three or four of us?”

“Four of us,” Stephanie said decisively, working the slim bar of hotel soap across her fair skin.

“It’s just so… wow, you know?” Emily mumbled, her voice brimming with emotion. “I never thought that… well I mean I hoped, but…”

“I know exactly how you feel!” Stephanie smiled, looking from her to Brian and back again. “Ha, Chloe’s cancelled. Emily—I really like that one.”

“You do? Thanks!” Emily responded in a bright and chipper voice. “High five me over this lunk’s shoulder here, ‘cause it wasn’t just me—it was an awesome fuckin’ team effort. Go team harem! Chloe’s cancelled!”

“Go team!” Stephanie called.

“Oh, man,” Brian groaned as the girls enthusiastically high-fived around him in the shower. “Great. Now Emmie’s rubbing off on my pure and innocent Steph.”

“Nah, we’re both gonna rub you off,” Emily laughed, trying to grab around his body to grasp his engorged member. “Right, Stephie?”

“Emily, cut it out. Emily, hey—I’ll die, cut it out. I’ll die!”

* * *

After stepping out of the shower together, Emily and Stephanie fought to dry each other’s hair at the same time in a fight of fitful giggles and struggle with the room’s two bath towels, while Brian watched on in amusement, wiping himself dry with one of the remaining hand towels. Emily felt… accepted, more than she ever had even with Mike, Tanya, Will, Mark and the rest of their assorted geek friends. She felt safe and completely comfortable baring her naked body to Stephanie and Brian, there were no stinging remarks or jibes coming to mentally brace herself for.

It’s just… this is really cool, Emily thought as she joined Stephanie in cinching her towel to wear around her body—more out of habit than any need for modesty. I’m sharing Brian with another girl, with TWO other girls, but it’s actually just… it’s really great?

“Ah, fuck,” Emily winced as she glanced around Brian’s hotel room. “I totally forgot to grab my bag from Rebecca’s car when we came back, didn’t I? Steph! You shoulda said something!”

“I’m sorry!” Stephanie looked distraught. “I—I wasn’t even thinking, everything was so—”

“Hey, don’t go blaming Steph,” Brian said, swatting at Emily’s rear. “Looking after you’s always been my job.”

“You just spanked me,” Emily realized, flipping up the towel she’d wrapped around herself to show them her pale but nicely-shaped ass. “That’s so cool. No one’ll even get pissy or make things weird— you can just like, touch me wherever, whenever you want. Because we’re a thing, now. This is so awesome!”

“Sorry, I just kinda—”

“Don’t, stop that. Stop saying sorry for every little—”

“Ssshh!” Stephanie shushed them, putting a finger to her lips. “Kelly is still asleep!”

“Should we wake her ass up?” Emily whispered.

“Let her rest,” Brian advised, his eyes lingering on the curvature of Kelly’s admittedly spectacular ass. “We’ll bring back some snacks and stuff for her.”

“Uhh, what do I wear, though?” Emily gave them a guilty look. “Steph, do you got anything I can borrow for a bit?”

“Um,” Stephanie gave her a weak smile. “Maybe? Kind of? I’m actually all out of underwear already. I, I packed extra because just in case, but, I, um. Went through them all anyways. Somehow?”

“‘Cause you gifted me that pair, probably,” Brian remembered, rummaging into his pile of things and grabbing a neatly folded garment. “I wasn’t actually gonna wear them myself, you know. Go ahead.”

You gave him your panties? Emily was impressed. Damn, Steph.

“No, I—no,” Stephanie’s voice was resolute. “I gave those to you. They’re yours, now.”

“I know, but—”

“Commando it is!” Emily said gleefully. “Fuck it. My Akane yukata covers… plenty, most of the time. Right?”

“Emily…” Brian began in exasperation.

“No, like, listen—if I put anything on, it’d just get all cummy anyways,” Emily insisted. “Look, watch.”

The petite Latina lowered her hand between her legs and swiped a finger inside herself, then lifted it up to reveal it was glistening with fluid.

“That’s… probably just Emily nectar,” Brian protested. “You know.”

“Emily nectar, hah,” Emily brought it under her nose for an experimental sniff and then carefully tasted it with the tip of her tongue. “Well, maybe a little. But, there’s definitely some Brian in there. I can tell. Either way, basically the same thing—I’m like, gonna totally soak any panties I put on right now. Trust me.”

“That’s… actually the reason I’m out of underwear,” Stephanie admitted in a small, embarrassed voice.

“Fuck it, we can both go commando!” Emily exclaimed. “C’mon, I dare you! I’ll wear my yukata, you wear your dress! All the eighteen and up stuff’s going on at the convention right now—we can walk around the con for a bit, with nothin’ on underneath.”

“With nothing on underneath?” Stephanie’s face went red and she looked at her new friend in disbelief.

“Yeah, it’ll be hot! Y’know, exciting!” Emily exclaimed. “Please please pleaaase do this with me? I’ve always wanted to do something that’s… I don’t know, risque? And, like, I just got fucked. I want to—I don’t know. I don’t even care if someone accidentally sees anything, right now. I just wanna try this!”

“Wh-what do you think?” Stephanie turned her baffled look towards Brian.

“Uh,” Brian froze. “Hah. Damn, normally I’m like, the voice of reason reigning Emily in from this kinda stuff. But… if you both want to, I’m all for it. And, if you’re not, don’t let Emmie sway you, it’s not worth making you feeling uncomfortable. You want to wear the pair you gave me?”

“I… no, I gave those to you,” Stephanie decided, crossing the room to pick up her neatly folded pink and red gijinka dress. “I’ll… just wear this?”

“Awesome! Steph— I fucking love you,” Emily cheered. “C’mere, high-five—”

“Emmie, sshh,” Brian admonished. “Kelly’s sleeping.”

“Sorry!” Emily whispered. “Sorry. Steph—high five!”

“I... don’t want a high five,” Stephanie said quietly as Emily stepped closer. “I want a kiss.”

“Uhhh,” Emily paused midstep.

“I don’t think going around without underwear is something I’d want to do,” Stephanie explained. “Unless... you’re doing it. If we’re doing it together, then, I really do want to. Because… it’ll be something we do together. Emily—I love you.”

“You love me?” Emily repeated with a stunned look.

“I do,” Stephanie nodded and gave her a radiant smile. “I love you.”

“Steph—you just met me today,” Emily protested.

“I know,” Stephanie drew closer to her, giving the girl a helpless shrug. “But, I love you. I love Brian, and I love Kelly. I love all of you—that’s just the way I feel.”

“I, uh…” Emily was dumbfounded. “Stephanie, I don’t really know how I feel, yet. This is, um...”

“Do you… feel like kissing me?” Stephanie asked, starting to look nervous and shy. “I didn’t mean to, um—”

“Kinda, yeah?” Emily’s eyes went wide and she turned to Brian. “I— I swear I’m not gay, though. It’s just, uh—”

“Shut up and kiss her, Emily.”

“No, you shut up and—”

Stephanie interrupted by leaning in and giving Emily a quick peck on the lips. Then, after a moment of hesitance gauging Emily’s surprised reaction, she returned and they kissed slowly, suckling each others lips in an open-mouthed exchange that grew more and more heated.

Ohhh my fuck.

“...Okay,” Emily worked her lips thoughtfully when Stephanie finally released her. “That was… nice. I’m still totally not into girls, though.”

“Me either,” Stephanie confided with a slight grin. “Just you. And Kelly, obviously.”

“Obviously,” Emily laughed, casting an uneasy glance at Kelly’s prone figure, where the beautiful bright red-headed girl was still curled up silently on the hotel bed.

“Well, I’m definitely not going commando,” Brian chuckled. “Around you two, without my dancer’s belt on? Front of my Darkmask suit’d get all stretched out of shape.

“Yeah—don’t get arrested, boner bro,” Emily agreed, giving him an appreciative glance up and down. “How about… you just go shirtless? Like, just wear the pants part and the boots? You look… gawd, Brian, you’re so damn fucking sexy...”

“No, you!”

“No, you!”

“Well. I’m definitely not wearing my boots!” Stephanie said with a small laugh, pulling a worn but comfy-looking pair of thong-style sandals out of her travel bag. “I would die. After all day yesterday and today, those things were just killing me.”

“Damn, Rebecca still has my sneakers. That slut,” Emily cursed as she shrugged on her yukata and twisted it around to fasten the obi shut. The fishnet body stocking was in tatters— she wouldn’t be wearing that again. “These split-toed shinobi shoes for Akane are like, costume pieces, not actual decent footwear. They’re—hey, I found my missing pastie! You fucker, that’s where you were…”

“Ew, don’t put that on,” Brian laughed. “It was in your shoe all day, it’s all—”

“I wasn’t going to, jerk!” Emily flung it at him. “You put it on.”

“No, you!” Brian retorted, snatching it out of the air and tossing it back.

Yelping, Emily slapped it towards Stephanie.

“Hey, that’s—what, what is that?!” Stephanie quickly flailed to flick the gel petal off of her.

“Stephanie, ssshh,” Emily whispered in exasperation. “Geez, you’ll wake up sleeping beauty!”

( Previous: 8 Finale pt 5 | AnimeCon Harem | Bonus: 18 and Up pt 2 )

/// We're picking up right where the events of Part 8 left off. This one's gonna lead into the Afterparty bonus chapter, which'll be full of tension and drama. As such, 18 and Up will be a bit more relaxed, something like slice of (convention culture) life with a little bit of sexy and then a lot of bit of sexy mixed in, if that's alright.

Give these guys a break, they've had a long day.


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