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Yeah okay—definitely never ever gonna say THAT, ever, Emily failed to stop her smile before it rose up to the surface. And, if HE does... I will slap him.

The petite Latina was incredibly turned on—it was like bright blue droplets were travelling down her body, and wavery reflecting light filled her mind as those troubled waters of hers grew even more agitated with excitement. Everything about tonight seemed unreal, but the sheer sight of Brian standing in front of her in the buff like this made it impossible to focus on all of that.

It wasn’t even those rugged abdominals or that massive and somehow mouthwatering dick— he was so ineffably handsome and so Brian that the swirling and gurgling concoction within her was a lurid blend of arousal, attraction, and fierce pride. She was proud of him, proud for him, thrilled and exhilarated that this guy of hers who’d grown up with the shittiest parents and then a somehow even worse girlfriend was finally, fucking finally getting the love he always deserved. Emily just wanted to completely soak and saturate him in all of her feelings, positively drown him in love and affection.

“Yeah, so… I…” Words were coming out of her mouth, but she had no idea what she was saying. There were a thousand things she needed to express in this moment, and even more frantically sexual things she wanted to do to him, but all that came out was a nervous laugh and shy look.

“You what?” Brian teased with a daring smile.

“Um,” Emily’s mind floundered and she felt her knees grow weak, as if she was treading water and making waves but getting nowhere.

This was the grin he gave her when they were the buddy-cop tag team partner duo, when they were both messing with someone, when they were out among friends and sharing an inside joke that only they really understood. It was that look that was always able to turn her mood around and bring out her smile, really smile, light up with confidence and joy on even her worst days.

You… you really love me back. The inside of her head was a churning mess of turbid blue, waves rising and crashing into each other with chaotic splashes of surf and foam. You always did, didn’t you?

THAT’S why I felt that way, whenever you gave me that look! You and me—we were crushing on each other, and that was like, the inside joke INSIDE the inside joke, the secret little shared, um, connection, that—uh—fuck, fuck I’m so horny, Briannn if you keep giving me that look, I-I don’t know what I’m gonna do! Fuckkk!

“Brian,” Emily blurted out, taking a deep breath. “...I want to fuck.”

“Want you to use me, wanna be your little personal slut.” She had no idea what she was saying—words seemed to just be pouring out, so she just let them all overflow. “I want bruises, I want your marks on my neck. I-I always finger myself, imagining you do every filthy thing to me I can think of. It’s like, I know you’re a guy—but, I’ve probably masturbated even more than you’ve ever jacked off. It’s like, I imagine you’re actually my brother and like, bam, incest is suddenly like, mMmm.”

“Used to fantasize you were turning into a monster, and couldn’t control your tentacles. Haha, um. Quite a few where you rape me, or keep plying me with alcohol and gettin’ more and more handsy, annnd maybe even more where I’m doin’ that to you instead. I’ve… Brian, I’ve pictured us fucking every possible way there is to fuck, and some ways that absolutely aren’t even possible in real life.”

“Yeah?” Brian looked both surprised and interested, and Emily’s heartbeat sped up even further.

“Yeah,” Emily swallowed, feeling both incredibly relieved and more than a little horrified by her own admissions. Oh my God—did… did I actually just tell him all that?

“Emily, I came this close to stealing a pair of your panties, once,” Brian said, looking a little ashamed.

“...You did?” Emily perked up.

“You had this skimpy little black pair just sittin’ out on your dresser that was like, whoa, Emily wears that kinda stuff?! Was one of the times I was over there playing Grail co-op with you. You went into the kitchen or something for a sec, and I was just sitting there staring at it, caught up in this like… terrible moral quandary.”

“Those were out on purpose!” Emily laughed, hiding her face. “Intentionally left those where you would see like… yeah, quite a few different times.”

Just the moment her gushing on and on started to turn seriously fucking awkward, he’d reached out and saved her with just the right words and just that right look to completely bolster her confidence. He brought their conversation back from what felt like a sinking situation, from anxious confession back towards lighthearted banter with him—that comfortable I’m just talking with Brian that always made things feel so easy.

“Yeah, I did notice them a couple different times,” Brian sheepishly admitted. “Quite a trial to put a lonely teenage guy through, Emmie.”

“Um,” Emily hesitated. “Do you remember that AnimeCon back a few years ago, when we were walking around just kinda bullshitting ‘bout hentai stuff? You said you were kinda into those magic hentai slave mark things? Tattoo, right over the chick’s womb, that’s all like an evil-looking heart, and then the kinda tribal-looking demonic lines?”

“Wait, did you?” Brian cocked an eyebrow. “You were joking for a while that you’d gotten a tattoo in naughty place...”

“Guessss you’ll have to search me and find out for yourself?” Emily teased, almost keeping a straight face. “Kidding though. No, I didn’t. Me and tattoo needles? Pssh, c’mon. After you’d said that though... I was this close to going and getting one done right away. Made an appointment and everything. I—yeah I chickened out, but, I mean… say the word and I’ll really get one for real. I’m totally down, if you’ll be there with me for the needly bits.”

“Hah, I dunno,” Brian chuckled. “I mean, that’d be… kinda hot, yeah, but geez, I’m not gonna make you get a tattoo for me, Emmie. That’s a little extreme?”

“Extreme? Nooot even a little bit,” Emily chuckled with a guilty smile. “Fuck, Brian. For years I’ve been like, fantasizing about pledging myself to you. Used to tell myself if we ever got together, I’d try to get arrested at least once a year just... getting caught blowing you in public, or-or you just undoing my clothes somewhere out in the open, or fucking me, whatever. Wherever. Whenever you pleased. Brian, I’m an actual pervert.”

“Emily—you’re messing with me,” Brian laughed, shaking his head.

“No, I’m being—Brian, this is completely for serious. That kinda stuff, thinking about doing it with you, actually gets me… crazy, ridiculously hot. Everything with you does. It-it um, I want everyone to know that I’m yours, that I’m this plaything belonging completely to you, that one word from you and I’ll do anything for you, I want that to be my reputation—Brian, that’s who I want to be.”

“Don’t mean to doubt you, it’s just—you know how this all sounds, how it’s like… this has to be too good to be true?” Brian said. “This whole weekend’s been a little unbelievable.”

“Did you ever… stroke yourself off, thinking about me?” Emily asked, almost too embarrassed to breath. “At all?”

“Of course I have—do you even need to ask?” Brian looked at her like she was crazy. “I don’t think you’ve even said anything I haven’t, uh. Thought about, once or twice at some point, over the years.

“I mean, wow. I remember there was this photo of you from that pool party we were at, back during senior year. You were in that white bikini that was way too damn small. The way it clung to you, the way it was so close to not covering where it should’ve—Emily, you were my go-to for years and years. Fuck, Emmie, the things I fantasized about doing to you… I must’ve masturbated to that bikini picture alone like, hundreds of times.”

“M-me too!” Emily revealed, flushing all over with unstoppable excitement. It felt like those dotted despondent pools of past loneliness throughout her life were all filling in, like the resevoir was finally filling up, like it was about to start fucking flooding over.

“Hah, except, um, not the picture,” Emily beamed. “I’d be masturbating wearing the suit. I uh, I’d put it on and pretend, sit there in my room and like, have it all in disarray so that my nipples were... slipped out just this tiny bit? Think like you were noticing, that, um, this would lead to that, and I’d be, uh. Touching myself. To all that.”

“Nipslips—ah, I see you’re a connoisseur of refined tastes as well!” Brian joked, giving her a surprisingly genuine smile.

“Right?!” Emily felt surge after surge of ecstatic relief, excitement and desire roiling uncontrollably inside of her. Fuck, I love him so much, “That’s like, actually the whole reason I even picked that swimsuit. Wanted you to notice some sorta, um, happy accident. Fucking hell. Kinda pissed now that I didn’t nipslip at all.”

“Oh—you did though, there was,” Brian admitted. “Definitely caught a sneak peek—nearly fapped myself into a coma the night after that party.”

“Y-you did?” Emily fidgeted, feeling herself heat up and smiling so hard that her cheeks hurt a little. “No fucking way, really? Seriously?”

“It’s true,” he nodded gravely. “You almost killed me. Think I got off three times just in that one night, and tried for a fourth.”

“I… yeah?” Emily was almost shaking with excitement as she tugged at the hem of her yukata to expose a few more inches of skin. “You, uh, you wanna see a… little bit more?”

“Emily…” He paused, eyes wandering up and down her in such a hungry way that she could almost feel little nibbles of his attention. “Fuck. Emily, I want a lot more than that.”

“Then—what are you waiting for?” She breathed in a shaky voice, nearly swaying in place with arousal.

“I’m… a little terrified,” Brian admitted. “Not sure I’ve ever been this close to, uh, to completely just losing all control, and—and I don’t know what’ll happen. If things’ll ever be the same.”

“Yeah, me too,” Emily agreed with a nervous laugh. “Look at this, see? My hands are shaking. I can’t stop shaking. But, I-I think it’s too late for us to even stop now.”

“Yeah, it really is,” Brian said. “There’s already like, no going back. Right?”

“Definitely!” Emily chimed in. “It’s, uh. We should stop just, uh, talking about it and actually, um… you know?”

“Sorry, you seemed nervous,” Brian playfully deflected. “I wanted to let you get it all out, first.”

“Hah! Yeah, well. You’re uh, you’re not wrong, haha,” Emily felt her cheeks burn. “I like it, though. It’s— um, talking about it finally, getting it off my chest. I’m, uh, I’m actually too completely fucking scared to do anything at all right now. I’ve been tryin’ to get my hands to like, slip this cosplay off one shoulder to like, tantalize you a little bit, all seductive-like, for the past couple minutes. But, uh. I’m terrified, and my hands just won’t fucking actually do it, hah.”

“I know exactly what you mean!” Brian seemed just as relieved. “My entire being’s ready to like, jump over there and rip your clothes off, pin you down, you know?”

“Y-yeah?” Emily felt a warm line of arousal inch down her thigh like spilled honey, and she tried desperately not to squirm. “Really?”

“It’s—I don’t know, it’s hard to put into words,” Brian chuckled. “It’s like this is, uh, it’s almost like trying to say goodbye? This is the last time we’ll ever talk like this as just friends, and the moment we, uh… we get into everything, it’ll always be different, we’ll be different, to each other, our relationship. It’s all going to change forever after this.”

“I feel exactly the same way!” Emily exclaimed, hopping in place. “Geez, that’s what’s making this all scary as fuck. But, at the same time, it’s like… Brian, I can’t be just your friend anymore.”

“Yeah,” the look he gave her in return was positively smoldering. “Emily—I need all of you, now.”

“Yeah,” Emily managed out, rocking from one foot to the other. “Yeah. Better for our just friends-ship to go out with a bang, though, right?! Rather than just letting it fade away? I-I, Brian, I—I want you to fucking break me in, make me completely fucking yours.”

“Stop, stop!” Kelly interjected. “Jesus! Yeah, this is real touching and sweet and all, but if you two don’t shut the fuck up and start having some intense fucking intercourse, I will personally step up and fuck both of you!”

“Kelly, sshhh, sshhh!” Stephanie swatted at her friend with both hands, weakly hitting the bright red-haired girl’s naked back again and again. “Stop—you’re, you’re wrecking it!”

“Bend her over and fucking bonk her, dude! Come onnnn. What’s with all the words? Do the deed, copulate like animals—pump her fucking full of hot semen and then glaze those cute l’il buns! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Kelly cried out in exasperation, punctuating each of her fucks with a chopping motion of her hand. “And Emily, you, you little fucking minx, stop encouraging him—he’s bad enough as it is! I know you two’re all stupid wrecks around each other, an’ watching this is like, slow-motion car crash kinda interesting where I can’t look away—but Jesus, guys, fuckin’ do something!”

“Just let them me do their thing, this is all amazing!” Stephanie leapt to their defense, waving her hands. “I-I think you’re both doing great, don’t listen to her! Say what you need to say to each other!”

“Yikes,” Brian glanced from their two spectators back towards Emily with a wry smile. Tough crowd, eh?

“Just one last thing, I promise!” Emily giggled. “Back then, Brian, when we were crushing on each other… why didn’t you ever let on? It’s like, ‘till Alyssa, nobody even had a clue what kinda girl you were into.”

“I was… wound up pretty tight back then,” Brian sighed. “Things just... kept getting more and more tense at home, and I’d just stonewall everything I actually felt away from the world. I did slip up and say some things about being interested in you to Mike and Will once, like—sophomore year.

“Mike was real cool about it, but Will got super pissy, went on about how we all knew he’d always had a thing for you, like he’d already staked his claim, or something. It was weird ‘tween all of us for a while because of that, so... after that, I mostly just kept things to myself.”

“Will, y-you shithead!” Emily fumed. “Mike, too—both of them are shitheads! Fuck those stupid assholes! I specifically asked Mike, several times, if you’d ever mentioned me like that. I was super fucking clear and specific on it! ‘Nah, Brian doesn’t really talk about stuff like that’—I’m kickin’ his ass when we get back! Goddamn lying piece of shit…!”

“Haha, they can keep a secret between bros, at least,” Brian laughed. “There was this one time Sammie came up to me and was like, ‘uh listen, you realize Emily’ll drop her drawers for you anytime, right?’ At the time back then, I thought she was just fucking with me.”

“Samantha, you stupid slut!” Emily felt her face go red, making a mental note to high-five her awesome cousin. “She uh, yeah. She was fucking with you. I mean, I never told her that... even if it’s totally true—yeah, I definitely would have.”

“Alright!” Kelly clapped her hands together for their attention. “Fuck! You said that was your final say! We didn’t give you guys a safety word so you two could pontificate at each other all night. Emily, Brian—either of you let out fucking so much as one more squeak, we’re gagging you with a pair of panties.”

“I know, I know, sorry!” Emily laughed. “I’m—well, it uh, it helped. Thank you for letting me get all that out, like that. Not nervous at all anymore, I’m… I’m ready. I feel completely ready.

“Brian—Brian, I love you.”

* * *

“I love you, Emily,” Brian said in return. “Think I always have—I just keep loving you more and more.”

Hearing him actually say it hit her like a blasting crash of the sea smashing into the reefs of a shoreline, the kind that sent those enormous sprays of water up into the air. Her entire body seemed to perk up and she felt weightless and unburdened, swaying up unsteadily on her tiptoes as she tried to keep her eyes from misting over.

She took an uncertain step closer, then another, then she threw herself into him, burying her face in against his chest. His arms wrapped around her, and it felt like she was finally, finally where she always belonged. Brian was significantly taller than her— the top of her head only reached the height of his shoulder— and how fucking sexy that was to her was no longer a distant observation.

The Brian she’d been longing for for so long was right here, and he was hers, with no need to hide her feelings behind jokes or pretenses anymore. She nuzzled into his bare chest, reveling in the intimacy of feeling his warm and sturdy body with her nose and cheeks, feeling herself blinking away tears and pressing them into his skin. Before she could help herself she was kissing him all over, planting frantic little kisses across his pectoral muscles as though she was afraid a spot would go unclaimed.

“Brian—” She panted, “oh, Brian!” His strong hands reached down to cup her bottom and he lifted her up with startling ease, bringing her up to the level of his eyes.

He really loves me! He had always been such a guarded person, but the years of close companionship had taught her every hidden nuance in his gaze—this close, the heartfelt meaning within those mottled green irises captivated her completely. It’s real. It’s really happening—we can be together!

Emily took that lovely jawline of his in her hands and kissed him with desperate passion, clamping her legs around his body to latch on tight. Beneath her yukata, her body stocking shifted and constricted with the movement. Fishnet diamond pattern pulled taut enough to dimple pale skin, while the hemmed gap at the crotch opened wide with that spread of legs. Emily was embarrassed to discover how warm and messy with arousal she felt—with her thighs splayed, the sodden heat of her fundoshi-style loincloth was smooshed up against the firm lines of his naked stomach.

Then the satisfaction of her lips upon his washed all other thought away in a sweep of blue, the incredibly soft and wet sensation of their kiss drenching and drowning all of the embarrassment away in a sea of swirling desire. A second line of color began to drip down from the crown of her head, and then a third; vibrant blue locks of hair appeared one after another in her tousled and shaggy dark pixie-cut.

“Mm—mmhh!!” Emily squirmed in his arms as he slurped her tongue into his mouth, and she squeezed her legs tighter about him, trying to grind herself up against him.

In retaliation, that gentle grasp of his that had been supporting most of her weight began to maul and molest her buttocks. His hands sunk into her pliant flesh, compressing her cheeks and then parting them, kneading himself perfect handfuls of netting-veiled Latina ass. She broke free of their kiss with a gasp of surprise—no one had ever played with her bottom like this, and Brian doing it made it everything she’d ever wanted. And so much more!

“Briiiaannnn…” Emily moaned, twisting and cavorting in his grip beneath the assault.

Her fundoshi was already unwrapping from the force of his exploring hands, and she felt her whole body tense up as she felt him grab the tucked cloth. With a single violent tug it came undone, and she wriggled in his arms as he pulled it away, feeling her privates exposed to the cool air of the room. In a daze of fervid excitement she began to lose herself in the whirls and eddies of lust, both of her hands raking through his hair while she licked and suckled a sloppy line of kisses across his neck and shoulder. Then, she bit down.

She heard him suck in a hiss between his teeth and for a single startled moment felt a disorienting backwash of panic—why did I do that?! He’s gonna to think I’m a total pscyho— ! Then, she felt his teeth biting down in turn on her neck, and all she could do was mewl with pleasure and quiver against him. She felt the split-toes of her shinobi shoes struggle to separate as her mind was forcefully dunked deep back into that total blue, leaving her apprehensions behind in a dissipating cloud.

Oh my fuck Brian what do you do to meee— Emily released her bite to make an incomprehensible noise, her arms sliding down to cling about Brian’s neck in a struggle to simply hold on. One of his hands spanked across her reddening rear-end hard, hard enough to send a ripple of motion through her, and she let out a squeal.

Then, she was tumbling through the air to haphazardly land upon the bed on all fours with a bounce of the mattress and bedding. Emily felt disheveled and confused, so uncontrollably horny that she couldn’t concentrate, and the rush of blood and endorphins from just their brief first exchange already had her panting. There were bright blue strands of hair dropping down over her eyes that she didn’t understand, and across the room both girls were lounging in the hotel’s easy chair—one of Kelly’s hands was deep down inside the crumpled overalls of the half-naked and fiercely-blushing Stephanie sitting in her lap.

“Too rough?” Brian asked. He sounded curious rather than apologetic, his voice low and a little throaty like she’d never heard it before—somehow, that turned her on even more.

“I fuckin’ love it!” Emily managed between ragged breaths. “Keep going, just—just, don’t stop…”

She moved, situating herself on her hands and knees so that she was looking over her own shoulder past her own wiggling tush at him. The delicious desire was surging through her in throbbing pulses of blue. It was overtaking her, submerging her in thoughts of sex and nothing but sex, and she grabbed that edge of her yukata hem that was dangling down to preserve her modesty and pulled it up and out of the way, revealing herself to him.

It should have been terrifying, showing Brian her arousal-smeared pussy for the first time, but she was caught up in the moment beyond caring. The body stocking felt uncomfortably tight all over now, but she could feel that the crotch opening had left her slit bare, she could see it in the way Brian’s attention immediately zeroed in on it. She dared to taunt him again, giving her bottom another provocative little wiggle.

His massive dick twitched threateningly in response, and Emily felt her own pupils dilate as she locked onto that menacing shaft.

O-oh my God… Emily’s jaw fell open a little bit at the sight. Somewhere back during their conversation she’d been subconsciously forcing Brian’s erection out of her mind. It'd been something she did without realizing, just stubbornly pretending it wasn’t there so that they could manage to talk at all. It really HAS been the elephant in the room…

Now, of course, she couldn’t look away. She was helplessly unable to tear her eyes from adoring the shape of his cock, the sheer size and stature of the thing, even the hypnotizing way it bobbed just a little bit as Brian advanced closer, stepping right up to the edge of the bed. Emily didn’t even manage to whimper, but she felt her hips hips rise ever so slightly and tilt invitingly all on their own.

When he reached over towards her with both hands, she froze up, shivering with anticipation. His fingertips playfully picked and strummed at that hemmed edge of the fishnet that was framing her flushed labia, then carefully took hold of the lingerie on both sides.

I-is it alright? There’s nothing wrong with the way I look down there, right? Maybe he’s just realigning the webbing, sorta, so that— Before she could react, he yanked, ripping the fishnet in either direction to loudly tear a massive rend in the body stocking. In a single instant, he’d completely exposed the pale globes of her bottom, her thighs, and even her back to the room.

Ohhh fuck me fuck me fuuuuck— Completely stunned, Emily arms went weak and gave out on her, dropping her facedown into the soft folds of the bed’s comforter while her ass remained sticking out in the air right in front of Brian.

She hadn’t felt anything aside from a quick pinch of tightening stocking, but the violent force behind the wholly unexpected obliteration of the garment affected her on a deeper, primal level. Emily was now shaking with need, it felt like her entire body was demanding him immediately inside of her—she felt her already blushing labia instinctively spread open its pink petals in eager invitation. She still seemed to be steadily secreting her own lubrication, and she shamefully realized it felt almost like it was now drooling out from her, right there in Brian’s face.

“Emily… you’re being such a tease,” Brian growled, playfully swatting a hand across an all-too-willing cheek and leaving it there. The hand then slowly traced along the curve of her eagerly offered rear, drawing tantalizing lines in shapes and swirls across her skin with the barest of feathery touches. “You want it rough? Then, I can probably drive you even crazier being gentle, huh?”

“Nooo no no, please, please don’t tease me Brian, not nowww,” Emily pleaded, trying to buck away from his hand before it could send any more shivers up her back. “Can you, can you just keep—”

“No,” Brian refused, sliding both hands down her heart-shaped ass and firmly taking hold of the sides. “I’m gonna tongue you, Emmie. You show me your pretty little peach like this, all leaking out nectar for me, and it’s like… how can I not have a taste? Always dreamed about doing this to you, making you cum this way. Hah, try and resist if you want, I guess.”

“T-tongue me?” Emily echoed in alarm, feeling her thighs tremble against one another at the thought of it. “You always, wha, wanted to—you what? Brian!”

“Mmmhh,” She heard Stephanie let out a strange noise. “He’s going to…”

“Ooh yeah, this is gonna be good,” Kelly remarked. “Do you like watching after all, Steph? Emily’s really fucked, now.”

( Previous: Feeling Overwhelmed | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Losing Control )


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