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   I reviewed the first part of Taking the Class here.

   I.Ronical is a longtime AnimeCon Harem reader and one of our regular Discord personalities. After first encouraging him to try his hand at writing, I'm gonna do my best to keep supporting him, because he's good.

   Taking the Class, Pt. 2, by I.Ronical.

   The year is 20XX in a world where people possess supernatural abilities. Will White, the vice president of a certain high school's student council, is a people person. He's most known for acing his classes despite sleeping through most of them, skipping student council meetings to teach underclassmen girls about post-date etiquette, and being the son of a senior partner at an esteemed law firm. But when the president of the student council puts her foot down, Will may have to make some changes.

   Readers are once again immersed in a world where classes, skills and traits have become a matter of course. Taking up where we left off in our previous excursion where Alaina Bishop has been saddled with an unexpected and horrifying class, this time we instead follow the cause of her predicament⁠—Will White⁠—as their stories become further entangled.

   Each of Will's rich miscreant friends are written in surprisingly enjoyable banter, and their daily routine leads us into the further legendary exploits of Will White. But, something is off. Why can't he stop thinking about Alaina? Was it really that amazing? Relenting to her demands to meet up again for answers further complicates everything when Alaina instead blunders her way into his own personal problems.

   Just what secret does the wildly embellished legend of Will White hide, anyways?

   Her vengeful intrusion reveals a darker side to what she thought she knew, and whether Will likes it or not... she's getting involved. Without spoiling any specifics, this sequel culminates into some of the most satisfying cathartic payoff I've ever read—while also throwing the scope wide and laying the groundwork for much more story yet to come. I don't think I can recommend this story enough, and I urge any readers who enjoyed AnimeCon Harem to try Taking the Class. Especially you, KingofClubs8129.



Right, to start off I'm a fairly new patron so hi to the folks who don't have discord. Moving on to way more important things, (can I swear here?) holy shit... HOLY SHIT. This is a good one folks. The compliment I see get thrown around a lot is " It's not porn with plot, it's plot with porn." That does not do this story, and make no mistake, it is a STORY first and foremost, Justice. On that I would say that it is a story with tasteful smut. That being said it does have a confusing time-line and sometimes it's difficult to tell what characters are specifically doing, that being said, it's just an edit and a quality check away from basically being worthy of being sent to a professional publishing company (don't do that please, much as I would give money to read it, the company would demand a share). Anyway give it a read peeps, it'll be worth it.


Thank you so much for both encouraging the creation of this and highlighting here. It was *amazing*