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   “Are you…?” Jordyn’s eyes went wide in surprise, and she glanced around to make sure no one else was looking.

   “Relax, it’s fine,” Foxy assured them. “No one can see.”

   It was true—only those seated in the booths across from them were situated at a low enough vantage point to see anything that went on beneath their booth’s tabletop, and line of sight was blocked by the people congesting the aisles. That didn’t make it any less embarrassing for Mary, however, and she spent several frustrating moments straining to shimmy her way out of her pants before realizing there was a problem.

   “Uh, I can’t even really get them off anyways,” She huffed, feeling her face go warm. “Not sitting—not when I’m crammed in here in the booth. They’re zeroes—they’re too tight.”

   “Oh, now you’re not bragging ‘bout fittin’ into size zeroes,” Jordyn joked, taking an enormous bite out of a pizza slice.

   “Shut up!” Mary scowled.

   “I think I can help,” Foxy declared, turning to give Melanie a serious look. “Cover me... I’m goin’ in.”

   “Aye-aye, Captain!” Melanie cheered, watching with gleeful fascination as Foxy bent down on his side and then began squeezing himself under the table.

   “Ohmigod what are you doing!” Mary hissed out in a hushed whisper, frantically scrambling to yank and tug her tea-soaked pants back into proper position. “What are you doing?!”

   “I’m a helper,” the voice beneath the table replied. “Lift up your butt a bit.”

   “Never a dull moment with you guys around!” Jordyn leaned forward, tried to hide her smile behind her hand. She glanced away in amusement across the dozens of people packed in the surroundings around their booth.

   “Cut it out, hey—cut it out!” Mary mouthed as quietly as she could, jerking in her seat. “You just touched me!”

   “Quit kicking, or I’ll bite,” Foxy replied playfully. “Lift up your butt, I’ve got this.”

   “I’m not gonna—oh you know what, fine!” Mary relented in a fluster, planting her hands on either side of her and raising her weight off the seat. “Just, hurry up and—”

    Before she could have second thoughts, he was already working them down past her butt, turning the damp material of the too-tight pants inside-out as he pulled and peeled them down her thighs. It went much more smoothly with his help, although she would be mortified to ever admit that. I can’t believe this is even happening...

   “Hey, while you’re down there…” Melanie giggled, toying her straw across her lips. “Maybe you could, you know—”

   “Are you finished?” Mary felt the cold and crumpled garment trapping her ankle, and she impatiently tried to kick her way free.

   “Finished?!” She heard Foxy protest from beneath the table. “I don’t even have my pants off yet.”

   “That’s not fucking funny!” Mary flailed her other leg at him, finally pulling her shoe free from the last pant leg. Jordyn and Melanie found the ridiculous situation hilarious, however, and both her erstwhile companions doubled over as they burst into a fit of laughter.

Both of you can go die, Mary glowered. Aside from her sleeveless blouse, she was realizing she now sat upon the booth in just her underwear. In the middle of a jam-packed city restaurant. Legs completely bare, feeling practically naked and way more vulnerable than she’d thought she would be here.

   “Wow, you have the most amazing legs…” Foxy whispered in admiration.

   “Would you—will you get out from under there!” Mary blushed furiously. “Give me your coat!”

   “No way,” Foxy refused with a laugh. “Do you have any idea how expensive my coat is? You’re still all like, doused in soda, I can see—”

   “C-close your eyes!” Mary demanded, knocking her knees together and trying to twist to the side in her seat to preserve her modesty. “And, it was iced tea, not fucking soda!”

   “Melaneko, babe,” Foxy’s hand appeared above the table opposite her, gesturing for attention. “Gimme the rest of the napkins, would ya?”

   “Sure!” Melanie answered in a chipper voice, grabbing the remaining stack and passing them over.

   “Wait—don’t give them to him!” Mary stared at the airheaded girl in disbelief. “I’m not letting anyone—”

   The unexpected touch of napkins dabbing at her thigh had her jerking back in her seat with a surprised yelp, and she slapped her hands onto the table in indignation and bent sideways in the booth so that she could see what the hell Foxy thought he was getting up to.

   “Cut that out!” She hissed. “Stop playing around! You’re embarrassing me! I can fucking clean up myself, thanks.” 

   “Who says I’m playing around?” He countered with a cocky grin. With all four of them occupying the booth, there was little space under the table, and he was crouched at an awkward angle just to keep from having to crane his neck. “Here.”

   Mary mutely accepted the wad of napkins from him and gave him a look of confusion. What the hell is THAT supposed to mean—

   His first kiss was placed just on the inside of her knee, and Mary stiffened, her dark eyes going wide with shock and incredulity. That roguish smile never left his lips as he kissed again along her inner thigh, slow, moist kisses that had golden tingles traveling up her leg and dazzling her with light. Nooo way. This isn’t happening. He’s not actually—oh, oh he is. Ohhh.

I’m supposed to scream... right? Mary thought, trying to divorce her mind from the impossible reality she found herself in. She snapped upright in surprise, fighting to keep a composed expression as she turned to look at Jordyn and then Melanie. Or… or, something? What’s the normal reaction to this?

   On the other hand, Foxy was displaying natural talent with his lips and tongue, working sumptuous, decadent-feeling nibbles and suckling kisses along the pale of her thigh. It felt literally breathtaking—Mary opened her mouth to protest, but nothing came out except a shaky exhalation. He was making out with her down there, and if it kept up she didn’t know what she was going to do. Is this... even allowed?

   “Whoa, Mary,” Melanie’s eyes went wide in surprise.

   “You’re—” Mary quickly bent back over to peek under the table again. “You’re going to get in trouble! You’re going to get me in trouble!”

   “So what?” He murmured into her skin, puckering and playing his lips continuously across her thigh—his head was almost the whole way into her lap already. “We get caught, they kick us out. Big whoop, who cares? Lift up yourself up again, we’ve gotta get you out of those panties. They’re soaked through.”

   “Y-yeah, with iced tea!” She sputtered, reeling from his blatant disregard for propriety.

   “That’s what I meant,” Foxy assured her, pinching her thigh between his teeth. “Can’t have you wearing wet clothes around, can we?”

Fooling around beneath the table of a Marino’s Pizza is fucking crazy, though, She blinked at him, completely bewildered. There’s tons of people in here—there’s these two other girls sitting right here with us!

   The concept had a certain adrenal allure to it simply because it was so absurd, though, and a beautiful sliver of lustrous metallic shine shimmered up and down her thoughts. She didn’t ever do exciting things. This is too weird, right?

   The golden opportunity in this sudden turn of fortune, seemed to glitter in her head—she was planning on losing her virginity with him anyways. Playing by her parent’s rules and following along her contemptible wretch of a brother to this convention grated. Even worse, everyone had the gall to think of her as this uptight little brat. Now, something super adventurous had fallen right into her lap. Literally.

   Biting her lip, she ignored the strange looks of the two girls sharing their table, lifted herself up slightly, and shoved her panties down, right into Foxy’s face. The strange sensation of her bare bottom touching the cold vinyl of the booth filling her with alarm at her own actions. Helping hands had her underwear out of the way and gone when the enormity of what she was doing really hit her.

   “Jus-just hurry up!” Mary growled under her breath, wiggling forward on her seat. His hands were on her again, and she could feel his breath upon her as he took her legs and splayed her thighs out wide. “G-gimme your coat!”

   “Uh, whoa,” Jordyn covered her mouth again in surprise as she caught a glimpse of Mary’s naked lap. “I, um, I don’t know if you’re allowed to do that in here?”

   “Do what, do what?!” Melanie hopped in her seat, trying to see what Mary was up to. “Is she—are they…?”

   “This is a pizza place,” Jordyn said, trying to muffle her laughter. “Foxy—you can’t just sneak and have Chinese, instead!”

   “Ohmigod—is Foxy eating Chinese?!” Melanie giggled, standing up to get a better look.

   Before Mary could voice her indignation, Foxy’s mouth was on her, wet kisses making intimate contact with her vulva, and Mary’s mouth fell open to form a perfect pink circle of surprise. Ohhhh okay wow.

   Her occasional self-therapy sessions in the past amounted to laying rigid, face-down on her bed and fingering herself to the thoughts of cute Korean drama stars doing filthy things to her. It wasn’t good enough to bother doing more than maybe once a month, just a way of wicking off that additional stress whenever it occurred to her.

   It was nothing like this.

Ohhhh my God. Holy my fuck.

   There was a primal physicality to what he was doing to her down there, and the little kisses along her thighs from moments ago were completely forgotten, worthless chump change. This? This was pure payday; the triumphant, blissful sensation of big numbers rolling long overdue into an empty account.

J-just what he owes me, Mary told herself, and she shuddered, drawn up against the edge of the table. Paying a l-little interest, on, on his interest in me. Fuuuck me, that feels… so fucking amazing!

   She’d been a technical virgin, and all this time thought of herself as possessing some small wealth of experience—but, the unbelievable sensations now made Mary feel absolutely beggared. She’d been ignorant of this, and now she was unbelievably starved for these desires, this pleasure.

   Scowling, she reached beneath the table and gripped a thick handful of Foxy’s hair, pressing him even closer, grinding insatiable teenage pussy into his face. He enthusiastically lapped up all the abuse, lavishing her snatch with the rigorous attention she’d never known she needed and sending sparkles of gold coursing through her body. Why the hell was I fucking saving myself? For what, an Ivy-league husband? This—ohhh fuck—

   Her upbringing was a half-baked and heterogeneous amalgamation of Catholicism and Taoist beliefs. Virginity was priceless in both, her value and viability as a wife in one and to her purity, her vital yin essence in the other. It was a precious part of herself that defined who she was—and she couldn’t fucking wait to finally be rid of it.

So fucking stupid, Mary stared through half-lidded eyes towards her unseen lover beneath the tabletop. She quivered, oozing even more arousal all over Foxy’s frantically sawing tongue. Ohhhh my fuck. Oh Jesus—I think I’m gonna turn into just the biggest fucking whore…

   It was all she could do to keep from moaning out loud right there in the dining area of Marino’s Pizza. The whole sex thing was a mental barrier she would always subconsciously shy away from—now, it was like admission was finally paid and she was eager to explore everything on the other side. Trembling at Foxy’s ministrations, she realized she could do anything she wanted now.

Y-you just love this hot fucking pussy, in your face huh? Mary gasped to herself, planting both hands on the table for balance as he rocked her body.

   When they got to his party tonight, she could get plastered and blow him, right in front of everyone. Choking on his cock with tears in her eyes and makeup running everywhere, until she was finally coughing out semen back across his dick. It would turn her on so much if he slapped her around a bit, manhandled her clothes off of her.

   She wanted violent sex, wanted mauled, to feel the crushing squeeze of his fingers roam wherever they goddamn pleased, to feel the sting of his bite that left angry marks, hickies she would struggle to hide afterwards. She wanted brutally fucked until she squealed with wanton pleasure, wanted ass-fucked, wanted—  

I can’t get enough, Mary’s eyelashes fluttered. You’re gonna fuck me, make me do dirty, degenerate things. I’m gonna give it all up and this FIRST TIME, this little piece of who I am’ll be all yours, forever. OhhHohhh—you can fucking have it. Just make me all yours, bought and paid for. Do it, become my new Daddy. You—ohHhh—you want that, don’t you?

A-almost there, j-just a little bit more c’mon, C’MON— Small whimpers were escaping as that potent golden light continued to accumulate, weighing more and more heavily on her brain as she started sinking helplessly towards inevitable climax. There was some terrible cost to letting go of her control, but it just felt too damned good for her to stop.

Do it, do ittt—make me fuckin’ CUM—!!! A nearby hand clamp tightly over her mouth, and she wasn’t even sure if it was Jordyn’s or her own.

   “Ohhhhhhh—” Golden bells rang all throughout her head in a heavenly clamor as she creamed herself, clenching and twitching her sopping sex against Foxy’s lips and tongue  just as a shock of lustrous golden-blonde appeared, a brilliant streak through the black hair pulled up into her ponytail. Mary sagged back in her seat, her naked lap glistening with saliva and arousal.

   “Mary! Um, hah, my God, Mary!” Jordyn fanned the dazed girl with her hand, throwing the nearest thing she had on hand—the Dmitri Dhampir cosplay duster—over the girl’s lap to cover her up. “Are you, um… okay? Oh my God, you guys are fucking crazy!”

( Previous: Marino's Pizza | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Right to be Wrong )



I can’t wait for Brian to notice the gold in her hair - possibly also find out about the other two at the same time... (even if there’s never any relationship happening, having friends who are In The Know about it is good!)


Meh. It would be a strange rwist of fate if the harem leader were Melanie and foxy didnt get any.... benifits.... like brian did. Death by snu snu for foxy.