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If we have TerinCat's illustration as a cover for Chapter 1: Turning Pink and Red, then what would you readers like to see as a cover for Chapter 2: Dangerous Games? It encompasses everything from Brian, Stephanie and Kelly's first arrival at the hotel room on Friday night, all the way through their game of truth or dare.

What (SFW) suggestions do you guys have? My only decent idea is to have TerinCat draw the moment where Steph dares Brian's shirt off (but he keeps the shoulder holster on) and takes his picture. It'll show Brian, it'll show their cheap hotel room, and it'll show the girls gawking at him maybe. I think I turned that picture into a small plot point in Mary: the Mastery.

We're doing write-ins only because it gets us better answers (even if there's less responses overall), so either comment your idea or reply whose idea you're supporting. On May 15th, I'm gonna tally up the responses and we'll probably go with that Unless TerinCat's free for another commission earlier than that, I might expedite things, then.


Robert E. Poole

I like Fararden's suggestion. Perhaps, Brian holding the door open for the girls looking towards the perspective point while the scene shows the hotel room.


Going into the room builds some anticipation but shirtless with a gun holster is so iconic. So that would be a vote for shirtless with a gun holster.