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  “Wouldn’t waste my breath,” Foxy replied. “I seem to remember you don’t drink?”

   “Oh, is that all your little parties have to offer, now?” Geneva looked disappointed in him. “What happened to all the babes, huh?”

   “...I wouldn’t worry your pretty little head about it,” Foxy rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t have heard of any of them—you’re something of a has-been nowadays, aren’t you? When can we expect that next album, huh?”

   “Hah!” Geneva laughed in his face and gave him a playful shove. “If I’m a has-been, then you’re—a what, exactly?”

   “Foxy was the judge at the cosplay contest this year,” Mary retorted from her place hanging on Foxy’s arm.

   “Oh, we’re comparing dick sizes already?” Geneva flashed a sweet smile and casually grabbed for his junk. He shifted himself back from her hand, but she followed, not stopping until she’d gotten herself a firm grasp.

   “Well, you’d better whip it out, then. I’m here for the National DS2 PvP Invitational, ‘cause I’m a ranked player, and Johnny’s got your Mana tourny on lock this year,” Geneva couldn’t help but drive it home where she knew it would hurt, grinning at Mary while she gave Foxy’s dick a friendly squeeze. “They don’t let Foxy play anymore, y’know? Something about him having poor impulse control?”

   “Christ,” Foxy carelessly smacked her hand away. “Gigi Barbatos, heathen cannibal of the icy north, is saying I have poor impulse control. That’s rich.”

   “You’re not half-bad. Really,” Geneva commented, still staring at Foxy’s crotch. “Your new little girlfriend here, she’s gonna need to use both hands.”

   “If my memory serves correctly,” Foxy gave her a smirk, “the DS2 Invitational is going on right about now, isn’t it? Shouldn’t you be in the other game room? What, was competition a little too steep for you?”

   “Fuck, I wish,” Geneva bit her lip again hard enough to draw blood again. “Servers got DDOS’d by some sorta gendergate movement bullshit.”

   “No shit?” Foxy looked genuinely sympathetic. “Sorry. On the one hand, it was dumb for DS2 to put the female unlockables behind a paywall, but on the other hand… what did anyone expect? Bungle studios is always gonna nickel and dime players for everything they can. I mean, I take it you’ve heard all about Bethsaida’s Atompunk 76 microtrans— ”

   “I don’t wanna talk about Atompunk 76!” Geneva gritted her teeth. “Such a gorram waste of—hey! Wait a minute, I’m up next!”

   Geneva bailed on the conversation with Foxy as soon as Melanie stepped down from the Rhythm Rhythm Rebellion platform.

   “Thanks, Crabby,” Gigi slapped the girl across her ass as she passed. Hey there!

   “Eep!” Melanie squeaked, bashfully covering her behind. “Hehe—no problem, Giddy!”

   Tapping the ball of her foot across the arrows of the dance cabinet’s pad, Geneva selected Paranoia Survivor Mix, one of the hardest songs she could think of. Across from her, the petite Akane Kurokawa cosplayer was just stepping up onto the opposing platform when she was yanked back by a girl in a cloak.

   “H-hey!” Emily protested.

   “I brought food!” Rebecca hugged her friend tight. “You weren’t answering your phone, you big bully!”

   “Sorry, I… got distracted,” Emily said sheepishly. 

   “Did you find Brian?”

   “No,” Emily admitted. “But. Something weird happened, like, that you’ll never—”

   “Let’s get out of everyone’s way and you can talk while you eat,” Rebecca suggested, tugging her friend out of the line of people.

   She led Emily to the nearby corner of the game room, and then unclasped her viking cloak—a large rectangle of dark green wool—and spread it neatly across the carpet like a picnic blanket. Two white paper bags had been bundled with leather cord like newspapers and attached to her waist belt, and Emily was surprised to see that they were fast food take-out bags, from McBurger.

   “Did you go all the way out into the city?” Emily blinked, trying to remember where the nearest one was.

   “No, no,” Rebecca laughed, passing Emily two wrapped sandwiches. “Corvus Cantrip was heading out for lunch and asked if anyone wanted him to pick them up something. He ended up taking orders for seventeen of us! You’re no onions, no mustard, right?”

   “I am!” Emily perked up. “You’re so good to me, Rebecca.”

   “So, what all happened?” Rebecca asked, taking up a hamburger of her own. “Still no Brian?”

   “Hey! Is that food?!” A chipper voice interrupted. The large-breasted and dark-haired girl who’d just left the Rhythm game was looking at their food intently. She was young-looking, probably still in her teens, only a tiny bit taller than Emily, and wearing nothing but a far-too-small gray top with Japanese lettering, white hot pants, and a battered pair of sneakers. “Where’d you get it?!”

   “One of my friends drove outside for it and brought it back,” Rebecca explained, giving the girl an apologetic smile. “Um… here.” She hadn’t bitten into the hamburger yet, so Rebecca carefully tore her own sandwich in two and offered a half to the girl.

   “Really?” the girl lit up, eagerly accepting the food. “Ohmigod, thanks!”

   “Rebecca!” Emily looked aghast. “You can’t just go around feeding random strays!”

   “But—she looked so hungry!” Rebecca protested.

   “What if she gets attached?!”

   “I’m Melanie!” the girl introduced herself, kneeling down to join them on the spread-out cloak and quickly taking bites out of the burger. “Bwut, muh fwiends cwall muh Meeko!”


   “Mwo, ih Meeko.”

   “Meeko, that’s such a pretty name!” Rebecca praised, patting Melanie on the head and ruffling her hair.

   To their surprise, the girl nuzzled the crown of her head against Rebecca’s hand as though eager for more. That green feeling of energy Melanie felt from before was back, and it seemed to crackle through her mind with contentment at the attention. Ohmigod that feels so nice…!

   “Melanie…?” Jordyn had her coat slung over one arm, and she was donning her flat-brimmed red Dmitri hat again. “Do you... know these girls?”

   Cheeks stuffed comically with food, Melanie looked up at Jordyn with a guilty expression and then back at the two girls whose meal she’d unceremoniously joined in on. “Mwo…”

   “It’s fine, it’s fine,” Rebecca waved off Jordyn’s concerns.

   “Uh, hey…” Jordyn glanced towards Emily and quirked her hat. “By any chance, is your name Emily?”

   “Yeah,” Emily said, giving the girl a suspicious look. “How does everyone know my name…?”

   “Oh, I just thought I recognized you, I see your group here like, every year, right?” Jordyn explained awkwardly. “I normally run around as a Null-suit Camus?”

   “Oh! Yeah! Yeah, I do remember you,” Emily said, feeling a little embarrassed. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize you right away. Here, come sit with us.”

   “Ah, thank you,” Jordyn smiled, sitting on her knees beside Melanie. “Melanie and I were actually just hearing stories about you earlier, while we were in the auditions line for the cosplay contest.”

   “Stories, about me?” Emily looked perplexed.

   “We were?” Melanie paused before her next chomp.

   “Apparently, you did a Grimoire Saint cosplay, using body paint?” Jordyn grinned. “And, when you sat down the paint on your butt rubbed off and you were, uh... going around with pink cheeks?”

   “...God damnit,” Emily cried out, hiding her face in her hands. “Who the hell was telling people about that?! That totally never—”

   “Um, hey—your thing’s hangin’ open,” Melanie pointed out. “Boobie!”

   “Gah!” Emily glanced down to see that her Akane Kurokawa yukata had slipped down one shoulder completely, exposing one of her small fishnet-clad breasts to everyone. “I don’t even know why I try, anymore!”

   “Goodness gracious,” Rebecca sighed, slipping her Nordic cloak clasp off the edge of the spread they were all sitting on. She leaned forward to pull Emily’s short kimono closed and then pinned it shut. “There we go.”

   “Thank ya, Momma,” Emily muttered in a sullen southern accent, trying to stifle a grin.

   “Yer welcome, l’il darlin’,” Rebecca played along.

   “So, who’s going around telling these outrageous and completely impossible lies about me?” Emily asked Jordyn.

   “We ran into your friend Brian, the guy in your group who normally does the Lance—”

   “You found Brian?!” Emily exclaimed, forgetting her playful charade and throwing her partially eaten hamburger down into the wrapper. “Where the hell was he?! I’ve been looking everywhere for him, he won’t answer his phone! Do you know where he is now?”

   “I think he said he was going to help the Ogre King guy take care of his costume after the contest,” Jordyn answered. “He might still be there if you need to catch him?”

   “Rebecca!” Emily swivelled to face her friend. “I’ve gotta—”

   “Go, go!” Rebecca urged her on with a thumbs-up. “Hurry up and find him!”

   “Thank you and sorry and bye!” Emily called out, already stumbling up past where Melanie and Jordyn were sitting and hurrying out through the scattered attendees milling about the game room.

   “Whoa,” Jordyn raised her eyebrows, holding onto her hat as she tracked the girl’s dash out of the room. “Is everything alright?”

   “It’s… a long story,” Rebecca chuckled, giving them all a helpless smile.

   “Isss she gonna come back and finish that?” Melanie pointed at the separated bun and meat patty Emily had left behind.

   “Help yourself, Meeko,” Rebecca said, patting the girl on the head again.

   “Meeko?” Jordyn looked confused.

   “There you are, Crabby!” A slightly winded redhead walked over from the direction of the dance cabinets.

   “...Crabby?” Jordyn gave Melanie an amused look.

   The newcomer sported a Goldimouse tee that was almost completely open at the sides, revealing a fair amount of skin and a rather sexy, expensive-looking bra, as well as shredded blue jeans that likewise showed off plenty of pale, perfect leg.

   “Giddy!” Melanie leaned up from where she sat to offer the redhead a high-five.

   “I'm totes ready to line up and dance with you or your friend here—she’s pretty good—why'd you guys both bail?!” the girl griped, reaching forward to clap her palm against Melanie’s and then looking around them. “May I?”

   “Er…” In unison, both Jordyn and Melanie turned their heads to Rebecca.

   “Of course,” Rebecca smiled sleepily, smoothing out the folds that had appeared in the cloak they were using as a blanket. “Please—make yourself at home.”

   “Cool, thanks,” Geneva said, plopping herself down to sit indian-style where Emily had been seated moments ago. “Cool outfit, bee-tee-dubya. Is it from Skygrim?”

   “Skygrim?” Rebecca gave them a quizzical look. 

   “...You haven’t played Skygrim?” Jordyn asked, surprised. “Here I thought they’d gotten to everyone already.”

   “Ah? No, I haven’t,” Rebecca explained. “These are the clothes I normally sword-fight in! I’m helping run the padded-sword fighting thingamajig here at the convention.”

   “Didja happen to see a girl named Maddi there? Dresses like a Japanese prostitute?” Geneva couldn’t help but ask.

   “I did!” Rebecca lit up. “We fought. Madison Rose? She’s quite the little monster—are you a friend of hers?”

   “I am!” Geneva said proudly. “You can call me Geneva, or Gigi. Let me guess, Maddi completely slaughtered you?”

   “Hmm,” Rebecca gave her a cryptic smile. “I’ll just say that she’s not the only monster?”

   “There you girls are,” Foxy cut in, leading Mary over to the group sitting together in the corner. He noticed Geneva and made a face. “I see you’ve met Miss Barbatos already.”

   “Here,” Mary stepped forward and planted the Judge’s Choice trophy Jordyn had won directly between everyone, in the center of the blanket they were sitting on.

   “Ooh, nice,” Rebecca crooned, looking at Mary in surprise.

   Had Emily still been here, she’d have introduced the Chinese girl as the sister of Mark, one of the friends Rebecca had heard so many stories about, but not yet met.

   “You won in the big contest?”

   “This one’s mine,” Jordyn bashfully raised a hand. “For my Dmitri Dhampir.”

   “Which is absolutely badass, I have to say,” Geneva praised. “I’m gonna havta get my picture with you at some point.”

   “Excuse me,” yet another fellow wandered over, this one looking slightly older, perhaps in his late twenties. “Does that trophy belong to one of you ladies?”

   “Guilty,” Jordyn chuckled and gave a small wave again.

   “Guilty!” Melanie dramatically pointed a finger at her friend, imitating the video game judge from the Fenris Wright Pro Attorney series.

   “I was actually wondering if I could get a little sound byte interview with you,” Lucas admitted. “I wasn’t able to cover the contest, so running into one of the winners like this is—”

   “Holy trippin’ amazeballs!” Geneva exclaimed, pointing at Lucas in surprise. “You’re that livestreamer guy. Mog, with a zero?!”

   “Guilty!” Melanie eagerly switched targets with her pointing finger.

/// One of these days I'm gonna get lynched for posting a slice of life section instead of erotica.



Maybe, but not today. You make good characters and we just love watching them bounce off each other; that's the way these things go! That said, this does feel pretty unfocused. We're too used to POV narrative from you mixed with third-person omniscient perspective, so the sudden lack of a POV focus (presumably Emily to start with) feels unbalancing when she runs off and the scene keeps going. POV perspective is a problem for a scene like this when nobody's around for the whole thing, but switching up our story viewpoint is still more jarring.

Robert E. Poole

I actually like the way this section is, it gives us the chance to just let the characters bounce off one another. I am also hoping that we are setup for Jordyn and Melanie to get a little input on Foxy from different sources.


I mean really this whole story is like that. A couple of parts ago I was overwhelmed with the number of characters introduced. But it slowed down and started working on developing them so it’s all good now.