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(pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4)

“Like last night’s truth or dare?” Brian chuckled, interested but also more than a little cautious. “Sure, I guess we can—so long as we make sure to set some… y’know, some boundaries, this time.”

“Boundaries?” Stephanie blinked, turning to look at Kelly, who was pursing her lips into a pout.

“...Why don’t you hear us out, first, Brian?” Kelly suggested, taking Stephanie by the hand. The girls didn’t cross that short distance to where Brian sat on the edge of the bed, they instead remained standing opposite him. To him it seemed like a rather pointed show of solidarity, almost as if the girls were united against him on this issue.

“I’m listening,” Brian said, eyes flicking from Kelly to Stephanie in amusement.

“I’ve been—well, we’ve been thinking,” Kelly began, “about you and your problem.”

“My problem?” Brian arched an eyebrow, remembering the argument they’d had back at the convention overlook. “What, that what I need is to hook up with someone this weekend?”

“No, no,” Kelly waved her hand dismissively. “I mean—well yeah, I still think that, but that’s not what this is about, this time.”

“Okay. Go on.”

“Last night, you told us about your ex-girlfriend, Chloe. Because of the all the issues and whatever dealing with the breakup—because of her, really—you don’t feel ready to jump into certain things right now. Right?”

“That’s right.”

“Well, the big issue you brought up last night during truth or dare, the reason you two didn’t work out and broke up, was that there wasn’t real trust between you two. Then, just now you’ve mentioned you realized she wasn’t challenging you—not in the way you first thought she was. That instead, she just always needed to be right. Is that correct?”

“Yeah,” Brian admitted, looking at Kelly with trepidation. He had a sense of where she was going with this.

“Okay, so—before you go and immediately decide on totally arbitrary limitations for yourself tonight… I want you to consider us.” Kelly said innocently, swinging Stephanie’s hand between them for emphasis. “Steph and I, we both really want to help challenge you. To push you outside of your boundaries, past them, in certain ways tonight. We really want to help get you past all of this. More than that even, we want you to trust us, trust that we’re doing this for your sake, y’know, for your own good. What do you think?”

“That’s…” Brian found himself speechless. “Kelly, you should be a lawyer, or an attorney or something with the way you twist semantics around. Do you ever hear yourself talk?”

“Sooo, you’ll play a little game with us?” Kelly asked hopefully, flashing him her most stellar smile. “One without any rules?”

“I… appreciate what you’re trying to do, but it doesn’t quite work out the way you’re making it out to be,” Brian shook his head with a wry smile. “Trust issues don’t just... sort themselves out by blindly trusting someone else—even if it’s you two. Because of the way things went between me and Chloe, it’s been a lot harder than ever for me to trust. You know?”

“I know,” Kelly regarded him with a serious look, before nibbling on her lip uneasily. “I didn’t say it would be easy. But, c’mon, we’re—you know. We’re prepared to encourage and... amply reward you each step of the way. How’s that sound?”

“That…” Brian felt his mouth go dry, “doesn’t sound real fair to you guys, to be honest.”

“We’re just doing what we want to,” Stephanie chimed in, bouncing on her feet. “Will you please let us? Please?” There was something strange about her expression. He couldn’t tell if she was being earnest or eager, and there were traces of both urgency and excitement.

“Let me put it this way, then,” Kelly said softly, taking a deep breath as she changed tacts. “I’m deciding to trust you, Brian. About... my future. I’m willing to admit that, yeah, maybe I’m wrong. About not havin’ any other options with my life, about being at the end of my rope like I thought I was. Because of you. Because I’m trusting you, that you can help me, if I just put myself in your hands and let you.

“I know it’s not easy—it’s scary as fuck, dude,” Kelly admitted in a quiet voice, glancing awkwardly down at the carpet. “But... yeah. I’m gonna do it.”

“Yeah?” Brian couldn’t help but reevaluate the beautiful girl standing in front of them. This wasn’t the endlessly confident and even teasing Kelly that he thought he knew, anymore. She was putting aside her own prideful persona, baring her depths and opening up to them in a way not too different than Stephanie shyly revealing herself to them like she had last night.

“Yeah,” Kelly answered seriously, looking up at him. As their eyes met, it was as if all the barriers, the pretenses and assumptions between them had fallen away and left behind a simple connection. It was a fragile and delicate thing that trembled in the air between them like an invisible line, but it was so shockingly real and intimate that he felt he was seeing this girl’s real beauty like no one ever had before.

He rose up off the bed and approached her, regarding her with a look of with growing curiosity and interest, that intangible line between them seemed to strengthen with mutual understanding as he saw Kelly smile with relief. Something about their relationship and the way they subconsciously saw each other had irrevocably changed, and as his hands slipped around her hips and she looked up into eyes, it was as though he could completely read her.

Are—are you feeling this too? She seemed to say as she searched his expression, brandy-brown eyes full of wonder. Her lips parted wordlessly, as though unsure of how to articulate anything she wished to say, this connection she wanted to explore—and then she hugged him fiercely, melting into his arms. It was a moment Brian would never forget.

“Okay, I’m in. What are we playing?”

It’s not like I can say no after that, Brian realized, rewarding Kelly with a smile as he realized that the girls had completely won him over. I don’t know if getting us into all this is the right call to make or not… for me, or for them. But, it’s the one we’re all making, and it feels amazing.

“Ohhh, you guys!” Stephanie exclaimed, hopping forward to put her arms around her two friends.

Kelly’s actually shaking a little bit, Brian realized in surprise. She smelled amazing, and there was something incredibly comforting about allowing himself to hold her like this. He even caught himself stroking his fingertips through her silky black hair. They couldn’t physically be any closer, and the soft expanse of her breasts constrained within that black Rolling Phones shirt were squashed up against his chest, while Stephanie was squeezing around them both even tighter. It wasn’t easy to maintain his self-control in the crush of bodies after letting go of the stubborn reluctance he’d held onto after all this time, so he simply hugged Kelly extra tight for a moment before freeing himself.

“Okay! I, uh… yeah. I’m gonna call this game ‘show and tell,’” Kelly breathed, revealed a flushed, beaming smile. Both she and Stephanie took positions sitting on the edge of the bedspread, while Brian sat on the armrest of the room’s easy chair.

“I got to thinkin’ ‘bout, uh, things we could do late last night,” Kelly explained. “When I couldn’t fall asleep. And, I came up with this game.”

“How do we play?” Stephanie asked.

“It’s kinda like truth or dare, ‘cept each round involves all three players,” Kelly said. “Basically, player one tells player two to show somethin’ about player three. Make sense? So, like, I could say—Brian, I want you to show and tell me all about Stephanie’s hind end. And then, you would; you’d bend Steph over, flip up her dress, use your hands to show me everythin’ about it. You’d describe to me how it feels, what you like about it, what you might want to do… that kinda thing.”

“I-is that just an example?” Stephanie took a deep breath, giving Brian a once-over that was a look of pure unadulterated sex. “Or, or is that going to be our first round?”

“So, the first player decides what the second player does to the third player?” Brian asked, clearing his throat and trying to resist the urge to press Stephanie down onto the mattress. “And... uh, then we rotate somehow?”

“Yep!” Kelly nodded, wetting her lips with her tongue. “Player one’s only allowed to decide—they can’t speak up for player two, or help them out or anything. Once they’ve picked, all they can do is watch. Player two’s gotta do whatever they’re told to player three—and, naturally, Player three can only obediently comply. They’re not allowed to talk, or protest, or anything like that. But, we’ll say they get to be the player A of the next round, to make things fair. Sound good?”

“That… sounds like things could get out of control really fast,” Brian hesitated. “Is player one going to keep the turns in check?”

“Maybe, maybe not?” Kelly gave him an innocent shrug. “You’ll be as much a part of it as we will. I like it ‘cause it’s a little bit of truth and dare both at the same time, and it involves all of us, so no one’s sitting out waiting during a turn.”

“Okay,” Brian slowly nodded, feeling excited and nervous but anticipating the game all the same. “Who’ll start us off?”

“I think we should start slow, and… also I owe her a whole bunch, so… Steph, can you ask first?”

Stephanie answered with a blushing, flustered smile, and her eyes excitedly danced up and down Brian, and to his surprise, then gave Kelly a thoughtful examination as well, as if she was considering all of her options. I did catch them making out this morning—I really need to ask what’s been going on between them.

“Kelly,” Stephanie finally decided, “I’d like you to show and tell… Brian. Take off his top. If that’s okay.”

“Ooh, I like,” Kelly said approvingly, stepping forward towards Brian’s chair. “Kinda like last night—wasn’t it one of Steph’s dares that got your shirt off last night?”

“I think so,” Brian remembered, pulling the upper portion of his Darkmask costume free of his belt. “She dared me to—”

“Hey, stop that,” Kelly admonished, slapping at his hands. “I get to unwrap the present!”

Right, he remembered, giving them a sheepish smile and holding up his hands.

Kelly stood to one side of him so that she wouldn’t obstruct Stephanie’s view, running her fingers along the seam of exposed skin between his cosplay top and the utility belt he wore. Then, she slowly started to peel it up. He’d never let someone else undress him before, and it felt strangely passive to have them trying to do perform some sort of impromptu stripshow using him. As Kelly pulled his top up to reveal his abs, he struggled to focus on who he would ask next and what— because he was pretty sure this meant it would be his turn to ask, next.

The hasty plan he was forming disappeared when he saw the way Stephanie was looking at him.

The girl—no, Steph’s my GIRLFRIEND, now—was watching Kelly undress him with rapt attention, her face red with heat and her eyes flicking back and forth from his musculature appearing from beneath the stylized Darkmask bone top up to his eyes and back again. She looked uncomfortable, antsy, working her teeth against her lower lip and fidgeting her bottom on the bedspread of the bed.

Just as he lifted his arms to allow Kelly to tug and yank the garment up over his head, he caught an unbelievable last glimpse of the pink-haired cutie that was sitting across from him. Stephanie showed him a nervous, slightly dazed smile, and slowly lifted the dress skirt covering her lap. In that shocking split second, she revealed she was not only completely naked beneath—but glistening and flushed pink with arousal. Then, she eased a hand down between her legs, never taking her eyes off of him.

Oh, fuck me.

(pt 6)

/// Parts I like and parts I don't. Might try rewriting portions from different POV. The actual winter temperatures just hit here, and hard enough to sting. About to brave the colds to hit up the grocery and restock the pantry and fridge. The update for the 13th should be Rhythm rhythm Rebellion!


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