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Wanted to bounce some ideas I've had off my readers. While a big focus of Friday and Saturday at any con is cosplay and meetups, for me Sunday is all about shopping. Would it bore you guys to tears of I had a significant portion of Sunday of the con for our characters having them shopping together? The picture here was most of my 2016 haul.

Like, maybe Stephanie sees a plush doll or a PVC mini-statue of the Lance character that Brian was cosplaying on Friday. She's never played Fantasy Wars, but it'd be a keepsake that instantly reminds her of Brian.

Kelly could spot something sexy and jokingly suggest Brian should buy it for her. Or is that too close to what we did midway through Mary: the Mastery?

What kind of souvenir would Brian look for as he's browsing the shelves?

Emily seems like she'd be into all kinds of collectibles, and seems like the type to walk away from a convention having spent every last penny.




Playing Devil's advocate, the major downside is that time at the convention is zero sum. There are so many hours in a weekend amd everything they do, or don't do, comes at the expense of something else they do.


That being said, I would totally buy AnimeCon Merch, I've just realized.


Shopping is an essential part of AnimeCon for sure. And I agree Sunday is the day to do it. I echo others comments that it could show character growth.