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I've mercilessly sequestered the in-progress chapters and the bonus content behind a cold, hard paywall. I feel like I've been warning people I was going to do this for most of a year, and when I polled the patrons, they seemed to agree with me. Wait, do they count as being biased?

In any case, I've spent my New Years dredging through the old teasers and fixing the errant ??? entries and sorting them into the chain of their relative chapter entry. That happened to be all of the Out of the Blue teasers, heck they weren't even written in order at all. Not even a little bit. Also going to go through all the entries and removing my personal notes from them, it's not too savvy to leave a paper trail of everything going on in my life out there on the web for too long. Probably.

Also removed the bonus chapter promotion pages that were up on Royal Road, they weren't intended to be free to read there after things are patron-only here.

Not sure what teaser I'm posting for the first of the year, yet. I have two decent-sized parts of the next RE:TT installment I'd written up over the last of December, but the first one reads a little too clinical/impersonal as it's a Tabitha observation/planning monologue, and the second might be overly dramatic/emotional as we look deeper into the Tabby/Mrs. Moore problem.

I'll give another stab at rewriting one or the other tomorrow, and if it doesn't seem like it's really clicking, I think I'm going to bore you guys with another lame Kelly/Steph section. 

Holding off on introducing Geneva to Gamer Girls while I reread Miss Stephanie's notes, she keeps updating what she has written, lol.


Miss Stephanie

Sorry!! Haha, I get too excited. She's 5'7, B-cup, doesn't cosplay--there, done with notes! XD Good luck organizing everything, I'll be quiet for now. Plenty of school papers to catch up on anyway lol.. ;)


The next step would be to have RE:TT be one or two issues ahead on here, so all the people over at RR subscribe to your Patreon. You are top 10 trending on there for a while now. I hope you capitalize on it. :)


As hard up as I am for money, I don't know if I want to try to monetize RE:TT for a good while yet. Maybe not until there's three or four finished chapters of it out, it feels kinda unscrupulous to make it patron-only 'till there's something substantial there.