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Brian attends an anime convention with a special charm that has a mysterious influence over the girls it comes into contact with. Written as a slow-building erotic drama, rather than a pure smut piece—we won a Reader's Choice Award on Literotica!

AnimeCon Harem Eroge, a visual novel game adaptation of AnimeCon Harem using Ren'py is in the works! VIP-tier patrons and higher can check out regular progress posts made with character and background art.

Parts 1 - 10 have been published to Amazon KU!

AnimeCon Harem: Book 1

AnimeCon Harem: Book 2

AnimeCon Harem: Book 3 PENDING

Part 1: Turning Pink and Red

  • Before the Convention, 8 pages.

  • Gijinka Capture, 19 pages.

  • Wolf, Sheep, and Shepherd, 12 pages.

  • Painting the Roses Pink, 17 pages.

  • Fighting His Past, 16 pages.

  • Flight from the Poisoned Oasis, 14 pages.

  • Gijinka Training, 12 pages.

  • Making the Call, 16 pages.

Part 2: Dangerous Games

  • Hotel Room, 8 pages.

  • Dangerous Games, 15 pages.

  • Truth or Dare, Round One, 13 pages.

  • Truth or Dare, Round Two, 13 pages.

  • Truth or Dare, Round Three, 13 pages.

  • Playing to Win, 15 pages.

  • A Taste of Pink, 12 pages.

Part 3: Best Laid Plans

  • Break's Over, 17 pages.

  • Turning Pink and Red, 17 pages.

  • Breakfast, 9 pages.

  • Ease Up, 10 pages.

  • Deal with the Devil, 16 pages.

  • Get Ready, 8 pages.

Part 4: Out of the Blue

  • Out of the Blue, 9 pages.

  • Nine Years Ago, 20 pages.

  • Seven Years Ago, 20 pages.

  • Five Years Ago, 20 pages.

  • Three Years Ago, 17 pages.

  • Better Late than Never, 13 pages.

Part 5: Opportunity Struck

  • To the Con, 17 pages.

  • Upper Level, 11 pages.

  • Argument, 12 pages.

  • Pair of Hearts, 12 pages.

  • The Sister of Sarah Star, 10 pages.

  • Opportunity Struck, 16 pages.

Part 6: Bad End

  • Fierce Maiden, 18 pages.

  • Playing Coy, 14 pages.

  • Playing Decoy, 12 pages.

  • Guardian Angel, 14 pages.

  • Girlfriend and Goodbye, 11 pages.

  • Pizza Place, 19 pages.

Part 7: Together at Last

  • Right to be Wrong, 12 pages.

  • Problematic, 17 pages.

  • Show and Tell, Round One, 16 pages.

  • Together at Last, 10 pages.

  • Sticky Situation, 16 pages.

  • Show and Tell, Round Two, 14 pages.

  • Show and Tell, Round Three, 11 pages.

  • Showdown, 10 pages.

Part 8: Then they Banged

  • Mixing Colors, 18 pages.

  • Noise Complaint, 15 pages.

  • Meteor Fall, 13 pages.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed, 20 pages.

  • Shut Up Already, 16 pages.

  • Losing Control, 16 pages.

  • Fear and Insecurity, 15 pages.

  • Drown the Slut, 8 pages.

  • Then they Banged, 14 pages.

Part 9: Never Let Go

  • Never Let Go, 10 pages.

  • Good Morning Sunshine, 14 pages.

  • We Need to Talk, 14 pages.

  • Morning Run, 20 pages.

  • Charming Girl, 18 pages.

  • Get Together, 18 pages.

Part 10: Fade to Pink

  • Brave New Girl, 16 pages.

  • Dreamscape Geography, 21 pages.

  • Show and Tell, Round Four, 11 pages.

  • Sending it Back, 11 pages.

  • Taking Stephanie, 11 pages.

  • Fade to Pink, 12 pages.

Part 11: End of AnimeCon

  • Fertile Ashes, 14 pages.

  • Life she Leaves Behind, 15 pages.

  • Doubting his Luck, 12 pages.

  • The Charm Meta, 19 pages.

  • Return to AnimeCon, 20 pages.

  • Chloe Confrontation, 19 pages.

  • The Nuclear Option, 14 pages.

Part 12: Bubblegum Panic

  • Fallout, 12 pages.

  • Rebecca to the Rescue, 17 pages.

  • Me Grandmother has a Scar, 15 pages.

  • Combat Therapy, 18 pages.

  • Snowball's Chance in Hell, 14 pages.

  • Dangerous Cargo, 14 pages.

  • Burnout, 18 pages.

Part 13: The Harem Dilemma

  • Proving a Point, 18 pages.

  • Baka Blue, 10 pages.

  • Emily's Fixation, 15 pages.

  • Stephanie's Dilemma, 13 pages.

  • The Reason, 21 pages.

  • Anime Sex Cult, 18 pages.

  • Cold Feet, 11 pages.

  • Return of the Calamity Queen, 17 pages.

  • Missile Defense, 10 pages.

Part 14: Naked Villainy

  • Persistent Boyfriend, 15 pages.

  • Girl Talk, 13 pages.

  • Exhibitionist Efforts, 16 pages.

  • Kelly Compromised, 13 pages.

  • Naked Villainy, 16 pages.

  • Bad Karma, 16 pages.

  • Blood Mirror, 15 pages.

Part 15: Hard to Say Goodbye

  • Reiteration, 18 pages.

  • Christine and Chloe, 10 pages.

  • Situation Silver, 21 pages.

  • Life of Brian, 18 pages.

  • Outside Help, 12 pages.

  • Stephanie's Goodbye, 7 pages.

  • The Masters Arrive, 14 pages.

  • Big Fucking Bluff, 22 pages.

  • Actress and Nurse 11 pages.

Part 16: Epilogue

  • Sunrise, 9 pages.

  • Back to Work, 16 pages.

  • Post Con Depression, 19 pages.

  • Bringing Brian Home, 20 pages.

  • Cabin Retreat, 18 pages.

  • Seneca Library Meeting, 22 pages.

Story then continues in Renfaire Fantasy.

Secret Chapters

Bonus 1: Panels and Purchases

Takes place during Part 5 between the To the Con chapter and the Upper Level chapter.

Bonus 2: Cosplay Contest

Takes place during Part 6 between the Girlfriend and Goodbye chapter and the Pizza Place chapter.

Bonus 3: Gamer Girls

Takes place during Part 6. OotSS and M,tN take place directly after the Fierce Maiden chapter, SSS takes place between the Guardian Angel chapter and the Girlfriend and Goodbye chapter.

Bonus 4: Eighteen and Up

Takes place directly after the events of Part 8.

Part Z: Halloween Special

Part AMA: Ask Me Anything Panel

Fan Content & Translations

Fan-written alternate takes on AnimeCon Harem! If you've created something, email it to me at Greg@Forumwar.net and I'd be proud to feature it here.


Kyo Amamoto

The Winter Rose (AnimeCon), by Miss Stephanie link just shows Miss Stephanie's page and that she isn't supporting creators atm. did she (Miss Stephanie) delete the content?

David Hoyt

Could you pin this (and the TOC links for the other books as well). It’s a bit of a pain to load-more and scroll for days and days. Well, minutes and minutes anyway.


The current pin is a series of links to the three guides that is kept up to date with most recent post information in their respective series. Pinning the three guides themselves would take up a huge amount of space.

Thomas Fogh

How canon are the bonus chapters, I'm wondering? Some of them feel a little bit dubiously canon somehow, especially the stuff at the 18+ convention. It might just be that I went back to read them later.

Dzmitry Zaitsau

The 1st book was removed from public access? Ouch. That's painful. I used to give references to the book at royalroad as examples... Well, one great book less then, 仕方がない.


Are you going to pin this to the top somehow or make it part of the overview screen?


I'm keeping the guide linked at the top of the front page, but as it got larger and more complex I didn't want the whole thing laid out there.


The blanked out name for Chapter 7 is driving me crazy. I have been trying to figure out what fits in the 8 letters, 2 letters and then 4 letters boxes. The four letter one is the most tantalizing as it seems likely to be either ‘room’, ‘orgy’ or a name of a character. The character names that I remember (excluding Chloe’s patsy Ryan) that are four letters are “Mara” or “Anne”. Anything other than a proper noun or verb would be weird as you would expect an “a” or a “the” to precede a normal noun. For Mara, I would guess a title like the “Charming of Mara” but I could only see that happening as a way for everyone to realize something was up with the Harem charm as Brian doesn’t seem attracted to Mara (and she isn’t broken like everyone in Brian’s harem including Brian). For Anne, I could see it being “Messages to Anne”, “Entrance of Anne”, or “Warnings of Anne” although Anne’s first name has only been used once since none of the characters think of her as anything other than Emily’s mother and the last one is grammatically awkward as “from” would be preferable.


Anne’s name does make sense as a plot device though since she is connected to Kelly getting help and because she would realize what happened with the charm since she was previously effected by it. Plus if you were trying to not make the name too spoilery to the reader, using a name that only appears at the end of the previous chapter makes a lot of sense in a book but not in the slow release format you are using in Patreon.


I won't reveal it for quite some time, as it's a direct spoiler of the chapter's own content, haha. Also, consider colors and thematic elements! Most readers probably think of Stephanie when they read the title "Opportunity Struck." I'm not saying it's either of those things, of course--but I've never used a character name directly in a chapter title.


Ooh, good hint. Then I would guess something like “Drowning in Blue” or “Tsunamis of Blue” since that would foretell Emily’s arrival (and joining of the harem). Pink also fits into four letters but the fact that Stephanie is involved is not much of a surprise.


Also on a different note, are these chapters the final drafts? I noticed you use either “Obelus” or “Oberon”as Brian’s instant messaging name depending on whether the chapters are here or on Literotica.


...You know, I THOUGHT they were the final drafts, but if it's still reading Obelus then I need to update. Thought I'd gone around and gotten all of them, but in hindsight I probably missed the updates that required manually formatting like here and Noveltrove, because it needs to be input via their native text editors. Thankfully, I'm spending most of December rechecking and updating things, haha.

Raymond Jeffries

Really digging the Animecon harem story Forty, keep up the great writing!


I've been reading the story on RRL so i left off at "Upper Level". Where should i pick up reading the main story?


Just replied to your message about that, haha. I tagged it in the doc and sent you the link.


Is there a spot to give a suggestion one of the draft chapters if you are not above the $2 tier? I think I see away around the transition in one of the chapters that may assist your editing process.


I'd say just message me somewhere. I've honestly been thinking about removing the ability to comment on them at all since 90% of the comments are readers accidentally hitting their keyboard and Docs keeping it as a suggestion.


I am a little confused about the timeline of late, but mostly curious- how much longer will this story continue? I noticed part 8 ended with "finale", will there be a part 9?


It was the finale OF part 8, there will be several more parts before we get into the sequel story.


Is there a way to download all of this in one shot as an EPub?


What's the best way to read the entire story in a coherent sequence?


With bonus chapters, starting on the first one and just clicking next at the bottom of each page works. FortySixtyFour has it set up to fill appropriate bonus chapters where they belong in the timeline. A few of the bonus chapters felt slightly off in the timeline, but it's pretty good. Without bonus chapters, you can just go chronologically as the chapters are laid out.