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   I found Yee through our AHE character artist Zaph, and hired her on to do background crowds as her art style is pretty compatible with Zaph's. In-between one of her bg illustrations I tasked her with drawing us up a RE:TT cover! She sent us three test sketches to choose from, and the middle option there won the reader poll.



Look into posting it on google play, perhaps. A lot of amater authors do that for very low price points and it gets signal boosted in recommendations.


That's the thing--I'm still unpublished, and will remain so for quite some time as I don't have any works that have been completed.

rick dienel

I know that’s a strange pair of words, but leaving a job you hate to pursue a better though uncertain future takes some guts. Humbling, because I doubt I would have the balls to make that choice, had I a similar talent.