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I've been putting off naming the city and convention center with generic names because it hadn't been necessary... but there's a subplot that starts in Ch 12 involving the city paper. Not sure I can avoid it anymore. Papers always seem to be city name + press/news/daily/gazette/tribune/sentinel/journal/etc. 

My first choice would be to use tongue-in-cheek references to "name" the convention center after the sites ACH is on. My "local" convention center in real life is the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh.

Laurel L. Manu Convention Center (Literotica founders)

Emsie Stauries Convention Center (Where ACH debuted)

Staurie Sanline Convention Center (This one's a stretch)

I could go ultra-bland with the city name and pick a name out of the absurdly common US names. Washington is the most common name among cities, towns, and counties. Lake is slightly better sounding but just as generic. Could also go Chinese webnovel-style and just abbreviate the city.  R City or City N or something. OnePunch-Man likewise has alphabetical city designations. Any input/opinions you guys have is very welcome.

Chapter 11's off to a shaky start on Literotica. Score's fluctuating wildly every couple hours between people 5-starring and 1-bombing. Going to finalize the version formatted for MCstories tonight... and hope I don't find any more errors or typos afterwards. Think I'm going to hold off on StoriesOnline until I have 12 finished, I like to post in larger increments there.

Hope all of you out there are doing alright.



Post, Ledger, Gazette, Times, are all excellent names for newspapers and believable because several cities model after larger or more storied counterparts.


I think your problem is solved with Sunday Harold but calling it Capital City or Steeltown or Motorcity could be an option if it comes up again.