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andy may phan, alethiophile, venef, Tyler Hollifield, jmundt33a, Richard E Cruz, Synn Shadow, and of course Foxy of Fucking Loxly are our Waifu-tier patrons. I've unlocked the Waifu tier so any other interested patrons may join it at their discretion. 

Each of you are eligible to create a character to feature in the upcoming chapters! Sometimes those chapters are written quickly in moments of inspiration, sometimes not, but what I DO need is your characters so that I can try them out in different story recipes in my head and get different flavors of ideas going. 

At your convenience, please message me privately with as many details as you're willing to provide!

  • Name: The character's actual name, their "cosplay name," or perhaps a web handle people know them by.
  • Age: If your character is specifically under 18 years old, their role in the story will inexplicably avoid sexual situations.
  • Gender: Not to be confused with nebulous modern terms like gender identity. 
  • Physical Appearance: Their height, stature, weight, skin tone, eye and hair color, hair length and style, any discerning facial features or noteable attributes.
  • Costume or Attire: If in a cosplay, describe any pertinent details that come to mind. What sort of series it might be from and what it might look like. What materials they might have used to construct the costume, what shortcomings their costume might have.
  • Personality: The character's disposition, built from backstory elements or in the context of their moods and personality. Can be shaped by their emotions, struggles, hopes and goals, whatever makes them unique from others.
  • Situation: Are they just there to party, or are there for something specific at the convention, a certain panel, meet-up, item they want to purchase or person they want to meet? Are they a disgruntled staffer? An impossibly unlucky photographer? A deranged stalker secretly following a famous cosplayer? A single mother whose five-year-old son just disappeared into the crowd?

You can consider any and all of those as guidelines--whatever areas you leave blank I can fill in with ideas and details. If people submit characters with similar backstories, for instance, I may make them into friends or rivals, and I may tweak details to make them better fit the situations and themes of the bonus chapters.



Oh damn, someone sent me a really good one right off the bat. Glad I didn't write the Cosplay Contest chapter yet, that chapter just got its star.


Well shoot. Now I'm really interested. I'll try to work something up for a later date.


Doesn't always even need to be crazy in-depth or anything. Gimme a spark and I'll see if I can make a fire out of it.