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Now for something a little different--not long after I'd finished chapter 8, I'd received mail from fan Grijalva, who'd written out a few scenes with the Anime Convention Harem characters. Reposting it here for all of you with permission.
I  certainly can't claim to be a writer, but I was inspired enough to put  together the short scene that I'm attaching here. I did my best to  capture each character's personality, while allowing for a little  evolution and some fan service. It was a fun exercise. Maybe I'll try my  hand at writing something in the future, although it does not come  naturally to me.
If  nothing else, maybe it will be fun to read and contemplate. Please feel  free to use any ideas or language if there's something you particularly  like.

   Kelly woke up disoriented. She had been having an intense, vivid dream, but the details were slipping away before she could even try to recall what had been happening. All she could remember were strong emotions, flashes of red, and... well... that she had been incredibly turned on. She still was, in fact.

   It took her a moment to realize where she was. It was too dark to make out much, but the bed beneath her and the two shapes on either side reminded her of the crazy events from just a few hours before. That must have been why she was so worked up. Well, it was nothing a little autoerotic action couldn't satisfy. She'd managed plenty of times before.

   With a gentle sigh of anticipation, Kelly snuck a hand beneath her boyshorts and started teasing herself. Not that she really needed any more teasing, she thought with a bit of pique. And wow, she was wetter than she had been in recent memory. What exactly had been going on in that dream...?

   It didn't take Kelly long to discover that something was off, this time. She was on her side, one hand clutching the covers while the other stroked in a pattern that had never failed to do the trick. The pleasure swelled, powerfully, but left her just short of a climax. Before long, her hips were rocking gently against her hand, and she was whimpering under her breath, desperate for release. She couldn't take this much longer...

   As the thought entered her head, she felt soft arms embrace her from behind, and gentle kisses along her neck. Her thoughts fuzzed, and her heart skipped a beat. A hand caressed her breast through the cropped tee she had worn to bed, and her libido went into overdrive. She could have sworn she saw pink sparks in her peripheral vision as Stephanie continued nuzzling her, doing a fairly good impression of Kelly's performance from earlier. What was going on? Where had this come from? It didn't matter, as arousal was turning her entire body molten.

   "I can't... unnnh..." she moaned softly. "I need him so bad..."

   The words surprised her, though they were obvious in retrospect. Brian was *right there*, breathing slowly in his sleep, and he was what she had been missing.

   "It's okay," she heard Stephanie whisper in her ear. "Go ahead." Stephanie took one of Kelly's hands in her own and moved it, slowly, to Brian's crotch.

     *     *     *

   Brian stirred, dazed, in a dark, unfamiliar room. He had a raging erection, which wasn't that uncommon. What was less common was that he felt a hand fishing it out from his boxer shorts, and sensed someone kneeling over him, further down the bed.

   Okay, so this is a wet dream, he thought to himself, still foggy from sleep. This kind of thing just didn't happen to him in real life. A moment later, he felt silky hair along his thigh, and the hand was joined by an exquisitely warm, wet sensation that sent a thrum through his entire body. 

   Yep, definitely a dream. Well, at least in a dream, he could enjoy a good old fashioned blowjob without feeling guilty about his role in the patriarchy.

   In the darkness of the room, Brian could just barely make out a vague feminine shape. He felt her full breasts shifting against his legs in time with the waves of pleasure that rolled over him. Well, if it was going to be this kind of dream, he might as well enjoy it. He reached down and tugged her shirt up, cupping her breasts. He enjoyed the sensation of them in his hands for a moment, before fondling them and teasing her nipples with his fingertips. With the way things were going, he wasn't going to last long. He spared one hand to guide the girl's pace as he started thrusting into her mouth...

     *     *     *

   Kelly was no stranger to blowjobs, but usually they happened on her terms. This time, it was all she could do just to hold on. When Brian's hand came to rest on the back of her head, she went along with it without so much as a whimper. Her mouth was full, after all. As his hips started moving up to meet her, she redoubled her efforts to jill off, feeling close enough to taste it. As Brian came in her mouth, she felt something unlock within her. The orgasm hit her like a freight train, and she barely held it together enough to swallow before collapsing in a trembling heap on the bed.

     *     *     *

   As Stephanie lay there, she reveled in a feeling that was almost unrecognizable to her due to its long absence: contentment. She had been the shy, awkward, introverted girl for so long that she had almost forgotten that she had ever been anything else. It was like a monochrome filter had slowly settled over her reality, and Brian and Kelly had shown her what it was like to strip it away and view the world in all its resplendent glory.

   She knew there was the possibility they didn't realize just what the past day had meant to her, but she already felt closer to both of them than she had to anyone she had known in the past several years. They were her friends, at least, if not something a bit more.

   Her reverie was broken by orgasmic sounds from elsewhere on the bed. She was pretty sure the panting lump at the foot of the bed was Kelly. It was obvious she would be out of commission for a little while, so Stephanie rolled over and tucked Brian back into his boxer shorts before spooning with him. He must have been wiped out as well, as he started to snore before long. Stephanie drifted off to sleep as well, the warmth of her emotions lingering through the last moments of her awareness.

     *     *     *

   Brian stretched, sleepily, before remembering that he wasn't alone in his bed. If he lay still, he could hear the girls breathing quietly in their sleep. He felt better than he expected, considering the lateness of the previous night. He must have slept really well, or something. And there had been that crazy dream...

   He cautiously rolled out of the bed and fished around for his running gear. When he looked over, hoping he wasn't making too much noise, he was surprised to see Stephanie spooning Kelly under the covers. Last night had been fun, awkward, embarrassing, and exhilarating, all at the same time, but in the end, Brian was glad they had found each other. 

   [Rough sketch: Brian finishes getting dressed and sneaks out for a run.

   Brian returns to the room as Kelly is just getting out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. She looks very different, in a girl-next-door type of way, without the heavy makeup and provocative attire. She yelps, surprised, and vanishes back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

   Later, as they all exit the room to head to the convention, Kelly flips her hair as she turns on her heel, and Brian and Stephanie notice a few new streaks of red.]


Michael Zieher

I really like that part - Why not integrating it for real?


It would be cool, but it advances the character development arc faster than makes sense for the story. So it is just a little too soon. Kelly a little frustrated and inducing Stephanie to play with her makes more sense on the story curve. And Brian has a ways to go to fully catch up with the girls. Although he did go farther than I suspected with Stephanie before bed, using his talented tongue on her.


This is an excellent piece and there might be some ideas that could be integrated later in the story with permission and consideration. But if this scene had occurred the previous night, there is no way that Kelly would wake up angry. It would almost be the realization of one of her inspirational flashes from earlier chapters with the power roles reversed. She might be spooked, but not angry.


Of course, that assumes she was actually angry and not just manipulating Stephanie. Speaking as the author, I'm going to say there was a little from column A and a little from column B.