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He’s masturbating in there, for sure, Kelly decided with a smirk. No matter how aloof and unconcerned he wants to pretend to be, he had Steph cumming all over that handsome face of his last night. He's beating off while daydreaming ‘bout burying his face in that little pink twat of hers again. Or fantasizing about fucking her. Maybe fucking both of us? Either way, those tile walls are gonna be plastered with cum. What a shame… but there’s no lock on the door, maybe we could just—

“Kelly? Can we talk again?” Stephanie asked timidly, setting aside her breakfast carton and staring down at her fidgeting feet. “About that, um, is that… the deal still up for…? I don’t think we can, um, that it will be as easy to… plan things, now that his friends will be staying here tonight. What, um, what should we do?”

“The deal was; you help alleviate my frustration,” Kelly said. “And in return I stick around, and help... arrange things, so that he can't hold back his feelings anymore. Right?” And then we all fuck.

“Is that all, um, is it even still possible?” Stephanie asked.

“Of course it is,” Kelly answered easily, tapping her lip, and her thoughtful expression slowly sharpened into a stunning smile. Piece of cake.

“But, while I have ‘til his friends arrive today to make magic happen, you’ve only got ‘til he gets outta the shower to prove yourself... to show me that you're really willin’ to help me, to put in a little bit of effort on your own.”

“B-but, we, um, we… that kiss, I thought that it…” Stephanie protested weakly.

“That was my kiss, how the hell would that count as you putting in effort?” Kelly exclaimed indignantly.

“That’s, uh… okay, that’s fair. But, the um, the deal. Wh-what will you, I mean, um, how will you, uh, do the making the magic happen… part, now?” Stephanie asked cautiously.

“By being a world-class sneaky bitch. I'll coach you in what you've gotta do, and I'll lead the conversations around and set you up for them. Get him all riled up, reckless, and y’know, aggressive… and maybe I'll play a little dirty, if I have to,” Kelly laughed. “But all of that's my problem. All you need to worry about is helpin’ satisfy me before Brian finishes up in there. Don’t know if you’re up for it? Guys don't take real long showers, ya know?”

“Umm…” Stephanie wavered, furrowing her brows. “I’ll try? I can try? What can—what can I do?"

“I guess that depends,” Kelly remarked, taking a seat beside Stephanie on the bed. I like this. Maybe this is what Steph really needed here, a little sense of URGENCY to really kick her ass into gear. “Just how far are you willing to go? You wanna try fingering me?”

“I—I’m, that’s, uh, that’s not fair,” Stephanie protested weakly, avoiding eye contact and shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other. “This is, this is hard for me. It really is.”

“Oh, I know,” Kelly said, slipping her arms around the other girl and pulling her into an awkward hug. That's what makes it so much fun. “But, y’know, you’re our brave little cuppycake who’ll keep impressing us, aren’t you?

“Do you want to just be this brief memory Brian had while he was at the con?” Kelly asked, dropping her voice to a provocative whisper. The girl leaned in so closely that her every word, the every movement of her lips traced lightly against Stephanie’s neck. “A name and a face, a little moment that... came and went in his life before he moved on with things and got into his next relationship?

“Or… do you wanna make a lasting impression on him? Do you want to be on his mind all the time, do you want him to be keeping in touch with you, texting you when he just needs to talk, calling you when he can’t stand to not hear your voice? Maybe needing to meet up, to hang out, maybe more...? Maybe things he has to express to you, feelings he doesn’t have words for, things that he can only show you with your bodies? You’ve gotta take these chances—no, these opportunities, whenever you can, right?”

“You’re—you’re really scary sometimes,” Stephanie breathed, shivering and giving Kelly a hesitant look as she straightened her glasses.

“What the hell?” Kelly sighed in exasperation, giving the pink-haired girl a playful swat. “You and Brian can both be so rude sometimes. I’m clearly just trying to help you guys out.”

“I know, it’s just, you’re doing it again, I—I feel like y-you want something more, and you’re, I don’t know… leading me into this, somehow?” Stephanie said, taking a deep breath. “I don’t mean to come off as, um, ungrateful, or sus-suspicious, it’s just—”

“Well, you're not wrong,” Kelly admitted, and she bounced up off the bed to stand right in front of the shy girl. She unbuttoned her own jeans with a wicked smile and slowly tugged the short zipper down to reveal nothing behind it but a triangle of smooth, pale skin. “So, tell you what. I'm gonna start masturbating, right now. Not even gonna expect you to do all the, um, heavy lifting."

“Y-you're, you're what?” Still perched on the end of the bed, Stephanie watched dumbly as Kelly tugged her jeans down further to reveal her naked sex.

“All you really have to do is give me a li'l affection,” Kelly suggested, pulling her pants the rest of the way down her legs and standing boldly in front of Stephanie. The startled girl blinked for a moment at the bare muff right in front of her before quickly looking away.

“Don't be shy,” Kelly insisted, grinning. “You don’t even need to do much. Like I said before, I can get myself close to the edge… when I’m real close, just gimme a little push, y'know, help send me off to heaven.”

Kelly sat beside her again on the end of the bed, bottom half completely naked, and slowly spread her legs. The motion felt fluid, she could feel the sensation of her snatch already oozing with wetness before even letting a finger delve within. Fucking finally, a tiny bit of relief...

“Well? Say something. Being super generous with my terms, here,” Kelly remarked with an air of indifference. “Not askin' for you to go all lesbian love-slave on me, I just want you to try things out a little, see if you might like it. And if you can't do it after all, hey, no hard feelings.

“We’ll just forget the deal, then, and I'll keep fingering myself like this here 'till Brian gets out of that shower. Maybe he'll find it in himself to... assist me instead. It'd be a shame if you got left outta the loop while me and Brian go at it like animals in heat, but you can always just watch like you did last night—might be all kinds of educational."

“You're doing that evil thing you do again,” Stephanie mumbled nervously. “It's... well, j-just start doing what you're going to do."

That evil thing I do, huh? I like that, Kelly thought. She was starting to see this cute little geek as more than just someone she loved toying with, to see her as an actual friend. Well, don't blame me if you choke up and get sidelined when I pull this guy right out from under you.

Kelly exhaled sharply as she began, diddling her fingertips playfully across her slippery lips. It felt fantastic, and she hadn’t even slid inside for real yet. She tickled at her entrance much in the way she’d play a random, meaningless ditty across the keys of the band’s keyboard back in the day—just to hear the noise it made. She was certainly making some noise now, even if only to tease Stephanie, a series of clearly audible sounds that testified to just how sopping wet she was down there.

“Whoa, god,” Kelly breathed, raising her hand in disbelief for long enough to catch a glimpse of sticky strands clinging to her fingers. When have I ever been this wet before? Red began to filter into the dark sky inside her mind. She jammed her hand back down, pushing her middle and ring finger inside herself all the way to the knuckle. Her mouth fell open, her eyes went vacant, and her head swayed as though caught in a breeze. “Hh—whoaah, fuck.”

Why does this feel so good, though? Is this what it’s like when you let yourself get good and frustrated first? Kelly wondered as she started frigging herself into a daze. Is this one o’ those ‘hunger is the best spice’ things I never bought into, ‘cause I’ve never had enough patience? Because fuck-k-k! Red light slowly filled the horizon within her head like the inevitable approach of a sunrise, and she squirmed beneath her own hammering hand, two fingers squelching in and out of her as fast as she could manage. She started jerking her hips into the motion as well, trembling with need.

“C’mon, Steph,” Kelly called in a harsh whisper, glaring towards Stephanie.

“Y-you said that when you get close, then I—” Stephanie stammered out as quietly as she could, frozen in place at the sight of Kelly’s furious masturbation and blushing furiously.

“Fuck what I said, touch me,” Kelly demanded, pausing to take an unsteady breath, biting down on her lip and then pumping her fingers once again in a steady rhythm. The noises were almost loud enough to overtake the steady sound of the shower running on the other side of the bathroom door.

“Wh-where do you—”

“Just fucking touch me,” Kelly insisted, squeezing her eyes shut and letting her head fall back as she concentrated on fingering herself into a constant state of frenzy. It seemed like she’d barely gotten started, but somehow she was already—Oh fuck, I’m already this close?

For a moment she blithely wondered whether spending all night frustrated and horny out of her mind had her body primed somehow. No, that doesn’t make any sense, that’s not... The red tinge seeping across her consciousness was spreading with each second she finger-fucked herself. Brightening, even, as if at any moment that blinding sliver of sun would appear—when she felt a pair of hands gently cupping her breasts through the thin fabric of her top.

“Hh-harder,” Kelly encouraged, eyes fluttering open but not quite seeing the pink-haired girl. “Fucking harder. Pull me, squeeze me, or s-somethin’. Fuh-fuckin’—hh-harder. Hit me.” The last vestiges of chilly bitterness she’d accumulated overnight towards Brian and Stephanie evaporated as color and light filled the skies within her head.

Red sky at night, s-sailor’s delight, Kelly thought to herself in a daze of delirium. Reh—red sky in morning, sailors take warning—?! An old rhyme had incomprehensibly popped into her head, and she had no time to care why. Stephanie had taken the stark shapes of Kelly’s nipples, which were already practically popping out through her tank top, and pinched—hard.

“Hhholy fuck,” Kelly mewled in surprise, writhing and shuddering.

“S-sorry! I’m so so sorry! I just thought—” Stephanie apologized, withdrawing quickly.

“Don’t you—hahh, well don’t fuckin’ stop-p-p,” Kelly cried, almost too tired to ram her fingers anymore and instead starting to trace them up back and forth her slippery slit towards her clitoral hood. She felt Stephanie upon her shaking tits again, clumsily grabbing, groping and squeezing the prodigious shapes of her pair of melons. It felt great, and each shivering sensation seemed to light her up inside, to inch those rays of morning light closer towards dawn... but Kelly’s patience had run out and her frustration had reached its peak; she needed more than hesitant fumblings right now. I know you're tryin', Steph, but that's just not gonna cut it—

Then she felt Stephanie's incredibly soft lips on the side of her neck, a tongue sliding saliva along as the shy girl puckered and nibbled a wet swath up the slope of pale skin towards her ear.

Oh, shit, Kelly thought in alarm, and her misgivings twinkled out in an instant, like distant stars disappearing from sight at the onset of daybreak. She really WAS paying attention to what I showed her last night, that feels f-fuckin' heavenly...! The delicate hands that had been mauling her chest now drew across them with purpose, turning their attention back to the vulnerable protrusions jutting out for attention.

“Keep—keep going,” Kelly urged. “H-harder.” Everything felt too slick, and there was no time to be careful or deliberate with her actions now; she sought out the tiny nub of her clit and then squashed down upon it hard, rolled it beneath her middle fingertip frantically. She tensed, trembled, and caught a single glimmer of the rising... pink? Sun, before the impossibly bright light liquefied all of the thoughts in her head in a flashing red haze of radiation.

“Hh-ahh-hhhahh—haaAAaahh,” Kelly panted out, and fell back in a sprawl on the bed, nearly insensate to the room and everything around her. Several long moments passed, the dark-haired girl’s chest rising and falling with difficulty, before she realized she’d pulled Stephanie down on top of her.

“...Are you okay?” Stephanie squeaked out, her entire face flushed. “That, uh, was that, is that all… um, a normal...? Do you always, uh, are you always so… rough?”

“Hmmm… hm hmm hm hah ha ha, am I okay, she asks.” Kelly responded, rolling her eyes. “Fuck, I wish that was normal. S’never that easy. No. No, that was fuckin’ amazing, is what it was. I think I started, like, hallucinating colors and shit. How's my hair?"

“Your...hair?” Stephanie echoed in confusion, taking a glance. “Your hair’s fine?”

“I mean, the color, the red,” Kelly clarified, letting a satisfied laugh slip out. “Did the red bits, like, grow out more or... spread or anythin’?”

“Ah, right. Um, no, they’re, they look the same as they did, to me,” Stephanie observed, gingerly running her fingers through the girl’s hair. “It's the same."

“Well, that’s that. Guess it’s gotta be Brian’s magic touch then, right?”

“M-maybe?” Stephanie said, slipping off the bed and straightening her clothes self-consciously. “Um, if it’s okay to ask, did you, uhh… was it...strange? Like... you know, good strange? Like when we kiss Brian?”

“Yeah, definitely,” Kelly nodded. “Like, so good that it's fuckin’ dangerous. Was I noisy?”

“You were kinda… a little loud,” Stephanie bashfully informed her. “But, was it… was it enough? To, uh, to count for our… deal? Will you stay with us? Please?”

“Oh, I dunno,” Kelly grinned, slipping her fingers back down between her legs. “I’m just so hard to satisfy. The more ya give me, the more I’ll want, ya know? How 'bout you ditch those pajamas and we try out a few more things?”

As if on cue, the sound of the shower running within the bathroom fell silent, and Kelly arched an eyebrow at her suggestively, displaying a wolfish smile.

“Kelly,” Stephanie hissed out in a whisper. “I, ah, I d-did the best I could? We—we’ve got to get you dressed, he could be out any minute. Wh-what are you going to do? Is our deal...?”

“You didn’t do that much,” Kelly pouted playfully. “Just, c’mon... touch me a little bit, down there. Please? Then I’ll get dressed and be a good li’l girl today. I promise.”

“Touch you… down there?” Stephanie repeated numbly, staring. Kelly traced a hand along her thigh again, opening her legs to reveal her labia, still flushed red from the attention it had received and smeared slick with her arousal.

“Just a little, it’s not gonna hurt anything, or make things weird, I swear,” Kelly pleaded teasingly. “You can—Ahh!” She broke off in surprise as she suddenly felt Stephanie’s fingertips at her slippery folds, inhaling sharply and quivering gently as red-hot sparks seemed to fizzle across her brain for a moment. Fuck me, she really...

“That’s it, jussst like that,” Kelly cooed, shuddering. “Ooh, I’m still all sensitive from… that’s, that’s nice.”

“It’s… not so bad,” Stephanie said in a stiff voice.

“Not so bad? Jeez, you don’t have to make it sound—ooahhh,” Kelly’s husky voice was cut off as the other girl’s fingers tightened down with a wet sound and one of those delicate fingertips slid slowly up along those rosy lips.

“I… can’t believe I just did that,” Stephanie said in a tiny voice, quickly withdrawing her hand and staring distantly at her fingers. “Th-that any of that even happened, really. Uh, I can’t believe that I actually... helped you with your, your—um, helped you—your frustration. Everything’s gotten so... weird.”

“Well, good weird, or... bad weird?” Kelly asked cautiously, cupping herself down there and struggling to sit up straight again.

“Just… weird. I don’t know,” Stephanie answered honestly, shaking her head and letting out a helpless laugh.

“Do you wanna make out?” Kelly asked, looking at the girl with dusky eyes. “Not, you know, for the deal or anything, but just… if you want to?”

“Um,” Stephanie uttered, staring back at her for a long moment. “Okay. But, you—you have to get dressed first.”

“D’you mind popping into the bathroom real quick to get a hand-towel from Brian for me?” Kelly teased. “The door doesn’t lock… just go right in. Look, I just want to wipe up a bit.”

“D-don’t you ever get, ah, embarrassed, when it’s with these kind of… things?” Stephanie asked, perplexed. “Be serious.”

“You're such a lame dork,” Kelly groaned, poking the girl's cheek. “What, walking in on him gettin’ dressed doesn’t interest you at all? Afraid of seeing his schlong, or are you afraid something might happen? Isn’t that what you want?”

“N-no,” Stephanie shook her head stubbornly. “T-tonight, o-or-or, um, or later today, m-maybe. Doing that, doing, ah, things, with th-the three of us is... well, maybe if I even, if I even actually can do that, it needs to be, um… I don't want to miss anything, any of this convention with him, even if it's, uh, I know it's not like it’s a date, or anything, but…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Kelly sighed, heaving up off the bed and digging through her purse for a sanitary wipe. “Gimme the box, then.” Well, I did get more out of her than I thought I would. Maybe she really thought I’d’ve actually bailed on them? Playing up the whole FRUSTRATION thing was brilliant. Makin’ her watch, hell, MAKING HER HELP, turned out to be way fuckin’ hotter than when I played with myself in the shower last night. Wonder what I can coax her into doing next?

Shuffling back over, Stephanie presented Kelly with the packing box that contained the Calamity Queen gothic lolita set, all while studiously avoiding any accidental glimpse of Kelly’s half-nude figure.

“Okay, uh… well, huh,” Kelly muttered, pulling piece after piece of the gothic lolita outfit out of the box and laying them out upon the bed. “There’s like, a buncha extra bits in here. Has a dress, and then a skirt, and then these goofy little shorts, too.”

“Ah, no, that’s a petticoat, and those are bloomers,” Stephanie chimed, making her way over. Stephanie couldn’t help but pick up the dress off the bed and look at it in admiration.“You wear them both beneath the dress, and they, um, give the dress more volume, bring it out away from your body in a… kind of a bell shape.”

“Nice, huh?” Kelly prompted.

“It’s beautiful,” Stephanie breathed. “I thought it might be, um, cheaply made, but this lace is expensive,” Stephanie said. “Cotton thread, and there’s no real base netting… and the floral arrangement is gorgeous. H-how much did this outfit cost?”

“Okay, whatever. Where are we starting? Kelly laughed. “Seriously, though, how do I put all of this on?"

“N-normal clothes off,” Stephanie instructed. “Your tank top, I mean. Ex-except, underwear, please. Put on some real underwear. It’s Brian’s costume, so you can’t—”

“Che,” Kelly tsked. “Fine, fine.” Crossing over to her purse, she withdrew the pair of g-string panties and began untangling them.

“Do you, um,” Stephanie began, seemingly mesmerized by that tiny bit of string, “did you even bring a bra to the convention?”

“No way,” Kelly denied, turning her bottom provocatively towards Stephanie as she squirmed and wiggled the panties up to their tightest fit—intent on teaching the girl just why the G-string was so often thought of as floss. “Last time I took a bra out for a weekend excursion like this, I never found it again afterwards. And those fuckers are expensive. Why, you got anything I can borrow in a C-cup?”

“I’m, um, I’m—uh, no. I don’t,” Stephanie answered, turning away bashfully as Kelly pulled her tank top up and off.

“Wouldja quit pretending to be shy? Your hands were like, all over these puppies a few minutes ago. Just looking’s not gonna make you any gayer than you already are,” Kelly laughed, hefting those full, round shapes for emphasis before letting them fall freely on naked display.

“I’m-I’m not gay,” Stephanie protested.

“Your call,” Kelly shrugged, stepping over to the bathroom door.

“Brian? You alright, or do I need to send Steph in there to check on you?” Kelly called, rapping her knuckles against the bathroom door. The sound of running water had stopped some time ago, but still Brian had yet to emerge. Leaning in closer, she could faintly discern rustling sounds from within.

“Out in a minute,” a muffled voice responded. “Gettin’ my costume on… these belt snaps aren’t lining up at all like I remember they were supposed to. Maybe something got twisted…?”

“Uh... ‘kay,” Kelly acknowledged, and sent a curious glance towards his small pile of things beside the bed. Getting his costume on? Isn’t his Lance jacket and everything over there still?

“Wh-what if he’d come out right then?!” Stephanie asked in a hushed whisper, glaring at the girl’s exposed breasts for emphasis.

“I know, it was worth a shot, right?” Kelly winked, neatly catching the pair of gothic lolita bloomers Stephanie tossed at her.

“Ugh, I really have to wear this thing, too?” As Kelly held that black pair of bloomers in her hands, she couldn’t help but give Stephanie a dubious look. She sighed and shook her head, stepping into them and pulling them up her legs.

Well, at least they’re comfy. Unable to resist, she immediately bounced over towards the mirror to see how she looked in them.

“Ah, hold on, it’s not—they’re not done,” Stephanie admonished lightly, pointing towards the dangling ribbons. The pink-haired cutie knelt down beside her and pulled these drawstrings tight, cinching the brief bloomer legs snug about her thighs and giving the undergarments their distinctive bubbled shape.

Strange. Kelly had been sure this thing would look ridiculous on her, but... weren’t these actually pretty cute? There was an exaggerated fluffy puffiness to them—her silhouette would probably look as though she was wearing a pumpkin over her hips—but rather than simply seeming silly, they gave her a sense of charming femininity. They were adorable; while the underwear wasn’t revealing in the slightest, these bows and ruffles were clearly meant to be appreciated, which somehow made them feel coy rather than prudish. As Stephanie tied her ribbons off into neat little bows, Kelly felt like she’d become a present to be unwrapped. Maybe in a couple hours?

“Now the petticoat,” Stephanie instructed, holding up the garment that looked like a skirt.

“Christ, what the hell kinda sewing sorcery is this?”

“It is very nice,” Stephanie admitted. “These two bottom tiers are pleated, but th-there’s pintucks—ah, you see, they’re these tiny little bands of folded fabric—all across each of the pleats. And, ah, between each of the folds up here at the bands, the bows they made, they’re sewn shut b-but not simply separate pieces sewn on, ribbon actually was laced through. For something that uh, that won’t even be seen when it’s worn, this is all very excess—um, extravagant.”

“What do you mean, it won’t be seen?” Kelly raised an eyebrow.

“It’s like I said, the, the petticoat goes on over the bloomers, and then the dress will go on over the petticoat,” Stephanie explained patiently.

Maybe the designers just expected someone to be there to appreciate each little state of undress? Kelly wondered as she stepped into the petticoat, a grin tugging at the corner of her lip. Taking a step back from the mirror so that she could see more of herself, Kelly was impressed, fluffing the petticoat’s folds gently with her hands. “Wow. Definitely a lot more volume than I’m used to.”

Then, the masterpiece came on—the dress. Okay, no, THIS thing is the piece of sewing sorcery. It was a stygian shade of black, and the love and care that had been put into the design of the bloomers and petticoat... here on the dress itself reached a level of obsession. The garment was the perfect wedding of funeral dress and bridal gown; a marriage of somber severity and elegant exuberance, intertwined not seamlessly, but rather with every seam lovingly tailored to draw out and complement these details. The hem was a stunning flowery composition of eyelet lace, making it difficult to tell where the fabric ended and that embroidered lace began.

The accessories were equally impressive—that same intricate bouquet pattern evident in the lace of the dress wrapped about the black stockings Stephanie slipped up her legs, and had also been hand-tooled into the supple leather of the corset. Despite feeling her breaths fall shorter at the tightness as Stephanie carefully laced her into the bodice, Kelly couldn’t help but admire the phenomenal shape it gave her. How much DID Brian actually spend on this? Sliding her lace-stocking fitted feet into the rather simple pair of glossy black mary janes, Stephanie buckled the footwear for her and the outfit was complete.

“Kelly... Kelly, oh my god,” Stephanie exclaimed, adjusting her glasses before stepping further back for a better look. “You look amazing."

Kelly couldn’t help but agree. She’d been mocking the costumes and outfits yesterday at the convention, but this Noblesse Oblique gothic lolita outfit wasn't anything even she could poke fun at. It was gorgeous, and it exuded a macabre gracefulness that seemed to magnify Kelly's own unique charm. There was a strange, powerful thrill at seeing herself dolled up in it, a sense of significance, an air of gravitas that left a startling impression.

There had been times yesterday when she'd felt a little like a goddess striding among the various geeks at the convention; now she felt a whole lot more like one, by several orders of magnitude. She felt like she'd be able to stop passersby in their tracks with a mere look, like she could make someone break into a cold sweat with her casual glance.

Horrifyingly beautiful... with just a touch of malicious magnificence, she thought, and unleashed a haunting, evil smile.

“Oh my god,” Stephanie repeated, a silly expression on her face. “Kelly, that looks so good on you. I, I really mean it. You look incredible."

“...Thank you,” Kelly said seriously, exhaling and finally pulling her gaze away from her reflection to face Stephanie. “Now pull the chair up here to the mirror. I'm gonna do our makeup, we're gonna look like fuckin' goddesses, and we're gonna go fuckin' rock this convention."

( Previous: Ease Up | AnimeCon Harem | Next: Get Ready )


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