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Spent a good deal of this morning pondering over what Chloe's web alias would be, and I think I've settled on Miss Anne Dree.

1) Phonetically sounds out misandry.

2) "Miss Anne" was common harlem slang for arrogant and condescending white women / a way of commentating on imperious behavior. I only vaguely remembered this.

3) "Dree" is actually also an archaic scottish verb meaning to endure something difficult. I didn't know this--I just googled "Dree" and was pleasantly surprised.

"Miss Ann Dri" is actually already a fairly known twitter alias in real-life, so while the idea here is clever, I have definitely already been beaten to the punch(line). Should I go with something more original for the story?

It's not a big detail, but I feel like it's an important one. I grew up in the earlier days of the internet where IRC chat servers and later AIM and YIM messengers reigned, especially for otaku/geek communities. Your handle was chosen with great care and agonizing deliberation, it became your identity. I tend to get hung up on things like this, like I spent time building the not-tumblr in my head for Chapter 9; Nibbler.

It's already established in my notes for her that Chloe puts stock into taking on aliases, and I'd like to include a future subplot around that--her birth name is Christine Chloe Weschler--she's already insisting people refer to her by her middle name.


The GrandMage

While I love the wordplay here, I have to ask: Do her friends know she has that Handle? Because even if it's explained away somehow, seeing the way she acts and knowing she has that handle would strike up so many red flags I'd be worried Rebecca and Brian's guy friends were just really dumb to be falling for her manipulations. Then again, I could totally believe she would have multiple carefully crafted online personas she only allows certain portions of her friends to see as part of her manipulating personality.

Kimu Taka

I was sort of thinking the same thing. I mean, depending on the friends, they might pass it off as just "Chloe being Chloe", but at the same time that seems to me like someting a few friends over time would be like "You know Chloe, that handle used to be sort of funny, but now...it's cutting a little to close to home."


Chloe-Ravioli: An account for her circle of real-life friends and acquaintances, where she reblogs feminist articles, and acts prim and proper; never appearing in anything more scandalous than an innocent thanksgiving family group photo. Miss-Anne-Dree: An account for reblogging radical social justice articles, garnering attention and followers through instagram-style tease selfies (and then attacking anyone who dares to sexualize her) and making empowering posts (while not having the account associated to or known by any IRL friends who could call her on any of it). I'm really going for the "I want to have my cake, and eat it, too," angle with the account names thing.

The GrandMage

Yup, that sounds like her. My favorite part of this is she could even know what the individual parts of the name mean, and be trying to use it to mean putting up with the view of being an imperious woman while fighting for her rights when in actuality she's a chore to put up with. Chloe's comes across as just clever enough to understand the parts while being self-centered enough not to realize the satirical joke she's making of herself.