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Anime Convention Harem chapter 8 just won last year's December Reader's Choice Award, which blew me away. This had been a difficult week (aren't they all, lately?) so seeing that really made my day. $150 Cash prize, and the chapter's votes were swept! 

A vote sweep is something Literotica does (mostly just for contests) to track and remove malicious batches of 1-star votes coming from identical IP addresses. This comes about because some... over-competitive Lit Authors make sets of dummy accounts for the sole purpose of 1-starring stories that've climbed ahead of theirs in a toplist. 

I hadn't ever thought I'd be a victim of that, but all of the sudden my vote count dropped by several dozen and my chapter 8 score jumped from 4.90 to 4.93! I'm happy to be in the overall site's top ten ranking now rather than the hundred-twenty-somethings, but at the same time it's dismaying. Feels like someone was out to get me, and now I'll have an even bigger target painted on my back.

Going to be setting aside the prize money along with the Patreon money--in a slush fund for publishing someday. 

So finally... thank you, all of you. I wouldn't have been able to keep writing and working on this project if not for all of the support, generosity, and feedback from all of you. Special thanks in particular to Jmundt29 on MCstories, as it was only with his help that I was able to pull the last bits of my messy chapter 8 drafts together in time for December.

I'm very proud to have won a monthly contest, proud of having so many readers and fellow writers as friends, and most of all excited to keep exploring the story on into the future--Brian and the girls haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet.


Kimu Taka

Most impressive! Grats on the award, Chapter 8 was indeed masterclass and you deserve the win. However, as Timton said, don't worry about every chapter going forward being rated as highly or anything like that. Just focus on making the story you want and try to enjoy yourself.


Thanks. Chapter 9'll be lucky to rate over a 4.3, and I'm predicting average scores through the next chapter 'till I reach the Saturday climax, which of course I hope'll be at least a 4.5. The story's intended to have ups and downs--I could've had Steph pleasuring herself at the end of Ch 6, but instead I persevered and set things up for Ch 8. I feel like it worked out better that way in the big picture, even if readers were frustrated in Ch 6.


TehCorinthian on Lit just let me know that Chapter 8's also nominated for Literotica Awards: Best Mind Control Story 2016, which is awesome. Tristan's Tale Ch 6 deserves the win on this one, but there's a voting thread on the Lit forums if you're interested. Very cool being nominated, but a bit overwhelming with them catching up on so many contests/awards all at the same time, haha.