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I don't need money--I have a job. But I can't write, because my job takes up all the damned hours of the day and sucks the life out of me. I need time and energy, but those aren't things people can send to me.

Quitting my job and devoting myself completely to writing would require more monetary generosity than I'm willing to accept for my writing right now... But there has to be some way to transition between the two. The job that pays the bills is grinding me into the dirt, and I need to write.


lance lesue

So don't feel like a thief. Keep on giving us your best. I'm happy to subscribe. Trailer Trash was a very pleasant surprise & harem a surprise but also very engaging. You've got talent. Good luck with the transition.


Yeah, I didn't really expect that. Should I have made more warning posts? Or a separate place to blog from Patreon? It seemed like I was killing two birds with one stone at the time, planning ahead to when my writing'd actually be worth pledging to, but as it is I'm just feeling like a thief here.


No, no matter how many warning posts you made would have stopped everyone. I liked that you started on Patreon because I already had the app installed and then I don't need to check out Lit everyday to see if you have posted anything. I now get updates pushed to my phone. (I'm starting to sound lazy.) People can support if they want, or just lurk in the darkness. I like being able to interact.