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    Warm, fluffy cream poured into Christine’s mouth, and her body tensed as happy thoughts and pure, unadulterated love emulsified into ardent streaks of silver magic that filled her mind with absolute brilliance. It tasted nothing like it smelled—the aroma she’d thought was so nice before was a pale shadow of how incredible this stuff actually was. Christine swallowed noisily with greedy gulps as more and more of the goopy fluid flowed, and her entire body warmed with anticipation as a certain familiar feeling began to build. The jar was huge and there was no way she could possibly drink all of this, and at the same time there just wasn’t enough of it and the decadent perfection of magic cum sliding across her tongue and then down her throat was mesmerizing her into a state of mind beyond where she could even properly appreciate it.

    Emily turned the jar even further, and Christine grabbed onto the many hands holding her in place as she orgasmed explosively without warning. The little climaxes she had experienced in her life until now were futile, insignificant things, an impatient and annoyed scratching at the glass, while this time when she came it was shattering pane after pane one after the other in a supremely satisfying way. Each mirror that gave way in obliterating orgasms revealed another that was ready to burst, and each one was more clear and perfect than the last.

    Her hips rolled as she spasmed and it felt as though her clit had unhooded itself as her pussy twitched and squirted lubricant to soak her panties—the mirrors in her mind shattered again and again but left no shards behind, simply revealing new mirrored depths where the silver sheen reflected impossibly bright colors and vivid emotions. She wasn’t just attracted to the people trying to hold her steady, she felt infatuation and appreciation solidifying into a love that stole the strength from her limbs and also empowered her, Christine was helpless and invincible and more than anything cumming her brains out.

    “Oh my geez,” Rebecca finally whispered in shock. “Uhhh, well I guess that wasn’t actually a real seizure, but—”

    “MmHmmmm—!” Stephanie seemed to collapse against the many outstretched arms pinning Christine into place and then devolve into a manic series of giggles that made way too much sense to Christine. 

    “Annnd—there,” Emily released Christine’s cheek to give the jar a healthy pat. “All gone!”

    It was empty, and Christine felt so full and perfect that she interrupted her long, languid orgasm with a short, sharp one that hit with so much pleasure that it almost stung. Hands were combing out long, silver tresses that looked otherworldly in how beautiful and strange they were—Christine’s legs were still weakly kicking, her eyelids were fluttering uncontrollably, and it was difficult to uncurl her toes.

    “Christine?” Brian sounded concerned. “How do you feel?”

    “She feels great!” Stephanie tittered out in delirium. “Shooo great. She’s great. Great great great!”

    “Well, her hair’s all silver—” Emily observed. “But, did we fuck up? She’s got the red eyes, again. Like she did when she was all proto-vampire, or whatever.”

    “I… can’t believe she drank it all,” Rebecca sounded both concerned and impressed. “That was, well. A lot. Should we um, should we burp her?!”

    “Christine?” Brian asked again. “Guys—give her some space.”

    I feel—like I’m in love, Christine couldn’t help but smile, a big, wide smile that stretched her cheeks. I’m so in love. I’ve never been this in love. I feel like I could fly right now!

     “Steph?” Kelly asked. “You can feel her for sure—she’s on the charm path or whatever all solid, right? She’s Christine?”

    “She is!” Stephanie said, grabbing at Christine and then groping across her bare arms and then her neck with a look of wonder. “She’s great. She’s so much better. I think, I think it worked! It worked out really really really well.”

    “Her eyes are red,” Rebecca remarked.

    “Christine? Hey, do you feel like—” Emily frowned. “Any of the blood path stuffs? Thirsty?”

    “N-no,” Christine shook her head. “I feel… good. New. I, I feel like all the Chloe is washed away, and everything is so… clear. Easy. Free? Hah ha…”

    “Then… it’s done,” Brian’s shoulders finally seemed to relax. “It’s all over with. Chloe is… Chloe is gone. Christine is okay. Everything’s going to be fine. We did it.”

    “Yes!” Stephanie confirmed, jumping up and down with excitement.

    “Fucking finally,” Emily snorted.

    Stephanie’s enthusiasm was contagious, and Christine looked up to see the light of the campfire revealing smiles and looks or relief. It felt like such a huge victory for them, and she wanted to shower them with thanks and hug them and prove how much this meant to her, but also the silver afterglow of the experience made her unsure she could even stand up right now. Her hands didn’t hurt when she opened and closed them, and although it was hard to see, her bare arms and legs didn’t seem frail like they had moments ago. Slender, but not sickly. 

    “I feel amazing,” Christine said in a small voice. “I—thank you. Everyone. Thank you so much.”

    “You still havta be Brian’s slave for two years,” Emily insisted with a huff. “Like we agreed.”

    “Whoa whoa whoa,” Rebecca chuckled. “It was maid, not slave, Emily.”

    “Well—whatever. Tomato, tohmahtoh.”

    “I’d love to,” Christine admitted. “I’d um, I’d love to do that for him. For all of you. Whichever you decide. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

    “I think… well, we’ll see,” Brian said, sounding exhausted. “For now, let’s… I think we should probably try to get some rest.”

    “It is three fifteen AM,” Rebecca reported. “That all went on a little late!”

    “I’m beat,” Kelly admitted. “Worth it to have a big win, though, right? C’mon.”

    “Absolutely!” Stephanie exclaimed. “It’s—Brian, it worked. It worked!”

    “Yeah,” Brian gave her an uneasy nod, looking Christine up and down. 

    “Um,” Christine blushed. “Can. Can you all tie me up tonight, just in case? I’d feel… I’d feel a lot better. There’s no sense taking any chances.”

    “That would kinda go against the point, wouldn’t it?” Rebecca frowned.

    “I’d really like it if you could,” Christine said. “I’d feel so much better. Please? I—I want to earn all of the trust back, bit by bit. Until we’re all sure.”

    “Brian?” Rebecca asked. “What do you think?”

    “I want to have sex!” Stephanie blurted out, doing another little hop. “Can we? I know it’s late, but—”

    “Steph, careful,” Kelly settled her hands on Stephanie’s shoulders. “You’re feeling a lot of feelings, right now.”

    “I am!” Stephanie agreed in a chipper voice, ducking in to plant a kiss on Kelly’s lips. “I really am. Hehehe!”

    “We can tie Christine up for tonight, yeah,” Brian answered. “Probably safe, but. Yeah, why take chances?”

    “Can she watch us?!” Stephanie asked. “I want her to watch. Can she watch us fuck? Hehehehe—!”

    “Calm down, Sunshine,” Kelly said in a gentle voice, holding Stephanie steady. “Calm, calm, calm. It’s just feelings bleeding over. It’s okay. You’re okay. Come back down, a bit.”

    “I—I know,” Stephanie stammered, struggling to contain herself. “Yeah, I know. Just—it’s a lot. It’s so much! We don’t actually have to have sex, if everyone’s tired. But, we can, if anyone wants to? It’s a—you know. It’s an option? Brian?”

    “How about we get settled in for the night, and I can finger you,” Brian proposed. “To help you get to sleep.”

    “MmmMMmm,” Stephanie danced from foot to foot. “Can Christine watch? I think she should watch. You, don’t you want to have sex? We can, we can uh, we can boink. Hehehe! Real quick. If you want to. A um, a quickie! That’s a thing, we’ve never done that before! Do you want to have sex?! And, Christine can watch!”

    “She really wants to uh, christen the Christine,” Emily said in a dry voice. “Looks like?”

    “Brought out all the alpha bitch she was hiding,” Kelly teased. “C’mon, Stephie. Calm, calm. Bring it down another notch or two. Brian probably doesn’t want his ex sitting there watching you boink.”

    “I’m okay!” Stephanie promised. “Sorry. I’m okay. I’m okay with whatever. Everything’s cool. I’m rad. Hey—I love you.”

    “Love you too, Sunshine.”

    “She seems even more worked up than Christine is?” Rebecca observed. “What does that mean?”

    “Sorry, I’m just, um, I’m so happy,” Christine admitted with a giddy smile. “I—I don’t know what else to say. I can’t even think. It might be, um, how I am, it’s maybe… affecting her.”

    “Just a bit, yeah,” Kelly said in a dry voice. “Maybe a tiny bit.”

    “Okay, um—well, wrist braces, then lots of tape!” Rebecca clapped her hands together. “We’ll sort the rest out after that. It’s super late. Brian, you’re with Stephanie in the big tent—I think Kelly and Emily are sharing the small one. After I get Christine all trussed up—are we putting her in the cabin?”

    “She can be in the big tent, with us,” Stephanie said. “Brian? What do you think?”

    “Easy Steph, easy,” Kelly patted the girl on the back. “Why don’t we give Brian some time to like, come to terms with all of this bullshit magic nonsense. Just a little bit ago, Chloe was all trying to rip his head off.”

    I… would have loved to watch, Christine thought.

    The deep descent of night brought a chill with it that made her clasp her hands around her own naked shoulders, and Christine was drawn forward upon her seat to shimmy towards the warmth of the dwindling fire. She pretended not to cast discreet glances across the campfire at Kelly and Emily as those two exchanged words in low voices, and she strained her ears to listen to the sound of car doors in the distance as the others retrieved things from the vehicles.

    They’re keeping an eye on me, Christine felt something inside herself shine with recognition every time Kelly or Emily looked over. It feels so, SO strange… unreal.

    The fleeting instances of their attention magnified the strange fluttery feeling in Christine’s chest, because now it was as if she had a crush on them both. It wasn’t just Kelly and Emily, either—Christine felt the same lovestruck infatuation with Brian and Stephanie, and she had it bad. For a brief period after becoming Christine again, she had felt numb to this wild romantic thing blossoming in her heart, or perhaps she thought she had been in shock, simply reeling from the sudden change in perspective—but now she had it bad, because she was falling in love.

    Which… makes trying to parse everything I did before so DIFFICULT, Christine quirked her lip into a sad smile, staring down at the edge of the fire pit. They’re all so lovely—how was I so blind to everything, so wretched? Broken? I didn’t see them as PEOPLE, they were just abstracts, strangely dehumanized abstracts. Enemies to me, unworthy of assigning sympathy to or trying to understand.

    Christine had a belly full of magic, and powerful feelings of longing and arousal were coursing and throbbing through her—but all the same her mood was beginning to crash. The heady heights and the rush of joy from drinking that sexual essence had also rejuvenated her inner mirror, and now bitter self-reflection and exhaustion were causing her to droop down. She knew she needed to sleep, but also she was afraid of who she might be tomorrow.

    “Christine?” Rebecca called. “I have your jammies—they’re clean.”

    “Thank you,” Christine sat up. “I… I never thanked you for… anything. Everything.”

    “We’re friends,” Rebecca said, stepping forward to pass her folded garments.

    Plaid pajama pants and a different sweatshirt—this had been one of the sets Rebecca had given her to wear before, in her time as a less-than-willing guest here. Christine had never felt thankful to Rebecca for cooking meals, for bathing her, for assisting her in going to the bathroom, for having the mental fortitude to detain her here, even when the outcome was so uncertain.

    “Do you need help?” Rebecca asked.

    She wasn’t sure why the girl asked, because Rebecca was already going through the familiar motions of helping her dress. Christine allowed her arms to be stretched out so that the sweatshirt could be pulled on, then Christine obliged the guiding hands and stood so she could step into the pajama pants, which were shimmed up into place. Rather than a strange dissonance in feeling sudden attraction to the others and not to Rebecca, it felt like a very natural outcome—it was difficult now not to see Rebecca in the light of a parenting role.

    “There we go,” Rebecca helped pull Christine’s hair free of the neck of the sweatshirt and comb it out a little with her fingers. “Are we all set? Wrist braces?”

    “Yes,” Christine pushed back her sleeves. “Please.”

    “How are your hands?” Rebecca asked. “Hurting? Good? Better?”

    “Much better,” Christine answered, feeling a little embarrassed. “I, um. I don’t think I need the braces for my hands, now—I just want them and the tape so that I can be. Secured. You know? It feels better.”

    “We can do that,” Rebecca said. “Do you feel like you need tied up? Like, that it’s necessary?”

    “Yes,” Christine said. “I mean, kind of. The uh, the more I move away from being Chloe, the less and less I trust myself? I’d feel safer if I was bound. Bound and secure, until… until we know for sure that I’m okay.”

    “Okay,” Rebecca said. 

    The familiar weight of the wrist braces were fit over her hands and strapped snug with velcro, and then Rebecca produced a thick roll of duct tape from where she had apparently tucked it beneath her arm for the walk up the hill from the car. The distinctive ripping noise of tape separating from the roll caused both Kelly and Emily to look over, and then as always Rebecca brought the tape up to tear the long pulled section off with her teeth. Christine crossed her wrists together in the most comfortable position, and watched as Rebecca wrapped around and around them with tape.

    She seems different, and also the same. I guess it’s just that I’M different.

    They had done this routine so many times in the past few weeks, but Christine had never appreciated the capable movements, or Rebecca’s meticulous attention to all of the small details. For once now she didn’t mind being put in her restraints, and even felt pangs of fear knowing that these days in captivity might be coming to an end. What was she going to do when she went back to civilization? Where was there room for her in the lives of all of these people she had hurt, who she now cared about so much?

    “I’m sorry, Christine,” Rebecca seemed to sense the melancholy she was feeling even without Stephanie’s empathic powers. “Tonight… didn’t go quite as well as I had hoped. I’m a bit dead on my feet right now, but—let’s have a good talk tomorrow morning, okay? About everything.”

    “Thank you,” Christine felt herself choking up with emotion. It seems so cruel—Rebecca cared about me all along, and I just never gave a damn. About her feelings, about her worries, her fears and concerns. She didn’t go on leave from work and spend a month out here in the boonies holding me prisoner on some whim, she didn’t even do all of this for Brian and the others. I can tell they’re not quite close in that way, yet.

    Rebecca did this for me.

    “Let’s get you set up for sleep,” Rebecca said, pulling her along towards the cabin. “Guys? I’m putting Christine to bed.”

    “Yeah, we’re about to crash too,” Kelly stood up. “Goodnight, Christine.”

    “Good… night,” Christine answered, startled that anyone would wish her goodnight.

    “‘Night,” Emily’s tone was still grudging, but the stare seemed more confused than hostile like it had been.

    She doesn’t know how to treat me, Christine thought as she was led past them to the haphazard shack structure that she’d been residing in for the past month. No one does. Brian doesn’t, the other girls don’t—only Rebecca has always been treating me the same, no matter what.

    “Wait! Wait!” Stephanie called, and though it was too dark to see they could hear the pitter patter of her quickly approaching footfalls.

    The pink-haired girl appeared in the light from the fire just as Rebecca was lifting and shouldering the cabin door open. Stephanie took Christine by the shoulders, turned her so that they were facing, and then gave her a hug so tight that it knocked the breath out of her. The sudden intimacy was shocking, and the comfort radiating from pink flame to silver mirror lit up Christine’s mind. 

    Oh. That’s… really nice, Christine felt embarrassed she wasn’t able to hug Stephanie back—but her hands were bound in an awkward way for that. Stephanie is so sweet.

    “Don’t be sad. Okay?” Stephanie asked. “Th-this is, think of this all as a fresh new start. A new beginning. Don’t worry. We’ll all figure something out, I don’t know—just, things are going to be much, much better now. Okay?”

    “I-I know,” Christine said. “I’m just sorry things, um, somehow even got to this point. I’m trying to understand how things got to here, and just…”

    “Kell? Emmie?” Brian’s voice sounded—he was trudging up the hill towards them now. “Got all your stuff.”

    “Thanks, babe,” Kelly accepted the borrowed sleeping bag from Brian.

    “I think… this all worked out for the best,” Emily said, walking over with crossed arms. “Like, this was literally the best way things could have played out. Well, not the best maybe, not until some version of us in another timeline figures out how to do all of that without getting Brian hurt. But, still. Figure we’re like, leading the pack on best outcomes.”

    “Ehhh,” Kelly chuckled. “No fucking way. I am not sending back that they should put their Chloe on the vampire thing. The way things happened here was like a series of lucky happenstance and crazy bullshit that no one could recreate on purpose. I’m not Sending shit to other timelines that leads to a fucking bloodbath, no thanks. The previous iterations were irresponsible as shit, but I don’t remember any of them throwing down straight up suicide missions. That’s not gonna be on me.”

    “Well, I mean, it worked for us,” Emily shrugged. “Mostly. We just have to figure out how they can do that without Brian getting hurt, and then that’ll be the perfect run through. Deathless AnimeCon speedrun, any percent. Uhh, tool-assisted speedrun, I guess? Kelly, you can kind of be a tool sometimes.”

    “Bold words for someone about to get fingerfucked in my tent,” Kelly leaned over to kiss the crown of Emily’s head in a surprisingly intimate gesture.

    I would have loved to watch that, too, Christine felt glum at not having the courage to say it out loud. I’m—I’m so jealous that they’re all with each other, and I’ve just been this psychotic fuckup all this time.

    “W-we were just saying goodnight to Christine?” Stephanie said to Brian, finally releasing Christine from the hug.

    Brian didn’t seem to miss the emphasis in her tone, and his eyes locked with Christine’s and his mouth opened—but he didn’t have the words. Christine flushed with shame at the conflict apparent in his expression, because she understood all too well his difficulty.

    I’ve hurt him too much, Christine felt her heart fall. Tormented him. Belittled him. Lied to him, talked down to him, I was doing everything I could to cut him into smaller pieces that I could break down into ‘the perfect boyfriend.’ When in the first place any of that manipulation isn’t treating him like a human being, and he was a GREAT guy and a perfect boyfriend from the very beginning. I just couldn’t see it. I was NEVER able to see it, because he had to be perfect on MY terms, and that was always, always a criteria that I would move past any possible pace to reach it, because he was never intended to reach it, because—

    “Christine, no,” Stephanie’s voice snapped her out of the spiral she was slipping into. “This is a new start—there will be so much time to make things up to him, to, to prove how different you are. Okay? We’re all going to be okay together.”

    I hope so. I really, really hope so…

( Previous: Condensation | After AnimeCon | Next: Messy Argument )



Thank god finally. Fresh starts for all. I wonder if rebecca will join them.


Thank you for another amazing chapter


Almost thought you were going to lean into a 'momma bird' vibe for a moment there after the whole 'we all need to be involved' bit'.


Jesus I forgot how much I like gokkun. 🍆💦