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Heello guys! i just wanted to make an appearance here and leave you with a sneak peak of the previous month sketches, im currently working on the next 3 and after that i'll work on the february one's with the same rapidness and efficiency; also, i noticed that i haven't announced wich requests ill be taking this february, im deeply sorry my dumb brain didn't remember this is the shortest month of the year... in any case ill do it tomorrow and i will be taking fewer than last month in order to be able to finish everything i have left before moving out.

As for this march Sketch Requests i will open them on the 5th because i will be moving to another town to attend collegue as i said previously, starting from march, my main focus will be uploading comics here and sketches, unless it's a commission, i will try to keep away from personal detailed full pieces, since this last few month really burned me out on that department.

 thank you for reading!

TLDR: Sneak peak of January requests, will post february selected requests tomorrow and because im moving out for collegue im taking just a few, also, Patreon will began to focus on comics and sketches starting from march (fullcolor burn out/change of priorities)



Ded Otter Man

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Gori looks fabulous in your style. Can't wait to see it completed.


Oh shit its best girl Gori!