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Hello hello, i want to make this brief post to tell you all that im working on comms, these are some heavy duty ones but once i come to upload them here im sure you'll love them!!

They're very complex ones too, so that's why i've been gone lately, im sorry for that; On another note, Im doing some college diagnostic exams but ill get them done in a day probably, just waiting for dates and stuff.

In the matter of the WIP's and other projects, expect some heavy posting of those on february, i wanted to give this month for the comms and my comic projects, and speaking of the last, i hope i can start posting comic pages again over her, im sorry i haven't, but it's a very hard work and takes time, BUT, i've been cooking real good... so you will love what's next to come!!

Thank you a lot for reading and stay tunned! <3


Ded Otter Man

Take all the time you need.