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Hello all!

I'm exhausted right now, so I'm going to keep this one brief.

Plans for March; writing as much as possible. I'm gonna be aiming to write three stories/chapters every week, starting now. This week's three are All American Queen (up right now), A Corruption Most Divine (partly written, should be up on the Archives Monday), the first Baby Steps Bonanza story a bit later in the week and, if I can fit it in, the second chapter of Bleached Blonde. From there, I'll figure it out as I go! Probably more A Corruption Most Divine, some Tomb Raider: Raw Recruit, more Baby Steps Bonanza, etc.

I've cut back a lot on day-job hours, so I should have plenty of time to write - which feels like I'm inviting disaster by saying. I'll be continuing on with the 'upload as soon as the chapter/story is done' thing I've been doing lately, as well as making some quality of life improvements to the Patreon page and the Archives - if I have the time/energy after writing. We'll see!

Time will tell. Hopefully things won't go tits-up on me this month!

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy the smut and naughties. I'm off to bed.


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